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Half a million people march in London for Palestine

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posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:35 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

Are you from the UK?

You know I'm from the UK, why ask?

If so then take a look at what your compatriots say about the war.

Muslims and entitled, self-loathing liberal elites and trustafarians.
Normal, everyday British people are sickened by the atrocities carried out on the Israeli people.
Unfortunately their voice and opinion is very rarely sought or considered on anything by the agenda driven MSM.

You consistently ignore what numerous British people have stated here on ATS and continuously push the lie that you know better than us what is happening in this country.

It looks like the majority want a ceasefire and peace.

The majority do want a stop to all the killing, but they are realistic enough to know that its impossible as long as Hamas are allowed to continue in any way shape or form.

Do you think they are unrealistic or having idyllic dreams?

The fond memories of an idealistic youth.

If you really want a lasting peace you'd be questioning why Hamas have refused all overtures from Israel, refuse to give up the armed struggle and point blank refuse to consider living peacefully side by side in accordance with a two state solution.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:37 PM
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 7th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?
edit on 31-10-2023 by SourGrapes because: Changed 8 to 7

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:42 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:45 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

October 7th. My finger hit the wrong key. Was it Israel that attacked Hamas? Was it a Hamas music festival?

Israel was attacked it has every right to destroy those that attack

Just to be clear: Hamas went into Israel and ATTACKED civilians. Not a military base, a musical festival

Hamas deserves to be destroyed. They shouldn't be allowed to reload. Do you agree?
edit on 31-10-2023 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:55 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

October 7th. My finger hit the wrong key. Was it Israel that attacked Hamas? Was it a Hamas music festival?

Israel was attacked it has every right to destroy those that attack

Just to be clear: Hamas went into Israel and ATTACKED civilians. Not a military base, a musical festival

Hamas deserves to be destroyed. They shouldn't be allowed to reload. Do you agree?

Do civilians by their thousands deserve death?

Im not stupid and neither are you .. two war crimes doesn't make anyone innocent.
Have a think how the other side might feel, bring it home put yourself in their shoes.

Settlers constantly stealing land and murdering Palestinians , if they fight back the Israeli army shows up.

Its a cluster # and neither side is righteous or innocent .. so don't stand there and lecture how right Israel is .
They have a lot of blood on their hands as well.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 07:12 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

Not really. They’ve been attacking since the 7th but it hasn’t stopped.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:01 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

They want ceasefire AND peace.

Any actual evidence to support that.
And how would that 'peace' work when Hamas refuses to accept both the two state solution and a commitment to lay down arms and the armed 'struggle'?

Ceasefire is a prerequisite to peace.

All it will do is give Hamas time to rearm and build new tunnels and bases underneath the reconstructed Gaza.

Please show us where Hamas and any significantly influential Palestinian organisation has shown a commitment to peaceful co-existence?

Evidence for what? Ceasefire and peace?! What person who is sane and rational doesn't want ceasefire and peace?? I was talking about the people of London and the people of UK.

I haven't made any claims in relation to Hamas. You're confusing me with someone else or you're making strawman arguments.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:02 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

October 7th. My finger hit the wrong key. Was it Israel that attacked Hamas? Was it a Hamas music festival?

Israel was attacked it has every right to destroy those that attack

Just to be clear: Hamas went into Israel and ATTACKED civilians. Not a military base, a musical festival

Hamas deserves to be destroyed. They shouldn't be allowed to reload. Do you agree?

It doesn't justify the war crimes committed by Israel through.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:03 PM

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: FlyersFan
anti-Semitic useful idiots for Hamas.

Careful ... its not antisemitic to criticise Israel.
It also very misleading to suggest such a thing.

It is not supporting Hamas to call out the bombing of civilians 1000's dead
Nothing can excuse what Hamas did ... Nothing

Nothing can excuse what Israel is now doing to Gaza
Its the worlds biggest concentration camp.. there i said it.

Your post in my opinion is not reality and at worst highly bigoted.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:06 PM
There are no civilians in Gaza.

There are Hamas who are actively shooting.

Then there are Palistinians who are reloading.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:10 PM

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

October 7th. My finger hit the wrong key. Was it Israel that attacked Hamas? Was it a Hamas music festival?

Israel was attacked it has every right to destroy those that attack

Just to be clear: Hamas went into Israel and ATTACKED civilians. Not a military base, a musical festival

Hamas deserves to be destroyed. They shouldn't be allowed to reload. Do you agree?

It doesn't justify the war crimes committed by Israel through.

You absolutely can't believe Israel is innocent here, can you? You won't believe it.

You can't and you won't ever believe Israel is innocent. Your mind won't allow it.

That 👆 is concerning
edit on 31-10-2023 by SourGrapes because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:11 PM

originally posted by: Freeborn
a reply to: Leviathan4

Are you from the UK?

You know I'm from the UK, why ask?

If so then take a look at what your compatriots say about the war.

Muslims and entitled, self-loathing liberal elites and trustafarians.
Normal, everyday British people are sickened by the atrocities carried out on the Israeli people.
Unfortunately their voice and opinion is very rarely sought or considered on anything by the agenda driven MSM.

You consistently ignore what numerous British people have stated here on ATS and continuously push the lie that you know better than us what is happening in this country.

It looks like the majority want a ceasefire and peace.

The majority do want a stop to all the killing, but they are realistic enough to know that its impossible as long as Hamas are allowed to continue in any way shape or form.

Do you think they are unrealistic or having idyllic dreams?

The fond memories of an idealistic youth.

If you really want a lasting peace you'd be questioning why Hamas have refused all overtures from Israel, refuse to give up the armed struggle and point blank refuse to consider living peacefully side by side in accordance with a two state solution.

Take a look at what your compatriots say about the war. It looks like the majority want a ceasefire and peace. Do you think they are unrealistic or having idyllic dreams?

People all over the world are not shocked with the right of Israel to defend it self but with the level of brutality and the war crimes committed by both sides.

I don't constantly ignore others. They tend to constantly ignore the evidence and the realities. Why do I have to take the word of only a few accounts here much more seriously than Hundreds of thousands or even millions in the UK who are against the war.

There is no evidence whatsoever that the UK is in favour of what Israel is doing at the moment. Israel has been heavily criticised in most European Countries if not all. The Spanish Government has accused Israel ,through some of its members, for...war crimes! What else?!

A small poll but equally important

76 percent of UK citizens want ceasefire in Gaza: Poll

The poll had 2,685 respondents, 58 percent of whom said they are in support of an immediate ceasefire

When UK citizens were asked whether there should be an immediate ceasefire in the Gaza Strip, 58 percent of the poll respondents said that they "definitely should," while 18 percent said they "probably should." Eight percent of respondents objected to the notion of a ceasefire, with only 16 percent claiming that they were not sure

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: Leviathan4

originally posted by: SourGrapes

originally posted by: rigel4

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: rigel4

So you excuse Hamas attacking Israel on the 8th?

What would you do, if attacked? Would you lay down your weapons?

Read my post again I excused no one and you have the dates wrong

October 7th. My finger hit the wrong key. Was it Israel that attacked Hamas? Was it a Hamas music festival?

Israel was attacked it has every right to destroy those that attack

Just to be clear: Hamas went into Israel and ATTACKED civilians. Not a military base, a musical festival

Hamas deserves to be destroyed. They shouldn't be allowed to reload. Do you agree?

It doesn't justify the war crimes committed by Israel through.

You absolutely can't believe Israel is innocent here, can you? You won't believe it.

You can't and you won't ever believe Israel is innocent. Your mind won't allow it.

That 👆 is concerning

The UN, Amnesty International, Human Rights Lawyers and several countries are arguing that Israel has committed war crimes. They don't obviously believe Israel is innocent.

Why should I? Given that I have seen and that the entire world has seen.

What is concerning are the attempts by online strangers to downplay or even deny all these crimes... But this is what the Israeli Government is also actively doing.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:18 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

What war crimes did Israel commit?

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:29 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
As a UK citizen I will ask you a very important question:- Just how many of the purported half a million people are actually British? Of that you don't know, but my guess would be a very very small minority.

Very good point. Another way of saying this is that half a million people -- from who knows where -- were in London apparently supporting Palestine. 8.3 million known London citizens were not. They were staying the hell out of the way, glad their government knows which way is up, and hoping that The Force can keep things from going cray cray.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:34 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

Buddy, there's no point in convincing them...these guys still believe Ahmaud Arbery's murderers didn't do anything and should have national monuments dedicated to them. If these posters could use more violent and racist language they would. Truly these could be extremist posting from prison.

They have to use childish wordplay to justify talking about genocide by calling all Palestinians Hamas terrorists for example.

Semitic includes Arabs there's that too...

ATS has always had the good guy with a gun fantasy, left vs right civil war, and now fight terror cells fantasy...and that's all they want to out fantasies in their hateful imagination. None of these posters are writing a cease fire thread, at all, they love the ethnic cleansing. All they post is gas lighting. It's more entertaining to read than engage honestly....but go ahead if you want to change their mind, but I know it ain't changing.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:35 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

I was talking about the people of London and the people of UK.

How can you possibly talk about a ceasefire and peace without taking into consideration what the Palestinians and Hamas think and do?

You're confusing me with someone else or you're making strawman arguments.

Oh, I don't think so.
As usual you are casually brushing aside anything that goes against your pre-conceived opinion and refusing to give straight forward answers.

You seem to be bouncing about all over the place going from one thing to another in several threads repeating the same old political soundbites whilst refusing to consider and think about what other members have posted.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:35 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: Leviathan4

What war crimes did Israel commit?

Everything the UN and Amnesty International have argued so far together with Human Rights Lawyers.
You have asked me several times the same question and I have given you the list of all the war crimes. The Spanish and Turkish Government are thinking of making a case to the ICC for war crimes committed by Israel.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:43 PM
a reply to: Leviathan4

Take a look at what your compatriots say about the war.

I don't have to, I talk to them every, single day.
Real, bona fide Brits from across a broad spectrum of backgrounds.
The vast majority are sick to death of the killing and slaughter carried out by followers of the religion of peace.

Of course they don't want to see all the death and destruction....but they understand why Israel has to root out and eliminate these vermin.

And that poll?
An incredibly small sample size.
Any idea of the demographics of those polled, where they are from, their social backgrounds and political leaning.
All of those create a bias and have to be considered if we are to believe its representative.

Unless you do its utterly irrelevant.

How many times are you going to regurgitate this bollocks?

edit on 31/10/23 by Freeborn because: typo

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 08:58 PM

originally posted by: sendhelp
a reply to: Leviathan4

Buddy, there's no point in convincing them...these guys still believe Ahmaud Arbery's murderers didn't do anything and should have national monuments dedicated to them. If these posters could use more violent and racist language they would. Truly these could be extremist posting from prison.

They have to use childish wordplay to justify talking about genocide by calling all Palestinians Hamas terrorists for example.

Semitic includes Arabs there's that too...

ATS has always had the good guy with a gun fantasy, left vs right civil war, and now fight terror cells fantasy...and that's all they want to out fantasies in their hateful imagination. None of these posters are writing a cease fire thread, at all, they love the ethnic cleansing. All they post is gas lighting. It's more entertaining to read than engage honestly....but go ahead if you want to change their mind, but I know it ain't changing.

Very good post and I agree pretty much with what you said.

I don't try to convince specific individuals but to argue my points. When hundreds of thousands of Londoners and millions across the country say no to the war then that's a very powerful and clear message.

Yes you're right on this. Nobody is making threads other than myself and major attempts are made to argue in favour of war, ethnic cleansing, providing justifications for war crimes and so on. But who cares what some members think. They're the ones who follow around trying to desperately make a point.

The major point was made by the many people who matched in London.

If you haven't noticed any support for peace and ceasefire is now branded as support for Hamas and terrorism or its called Nazi sympathy.

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