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Plus-size lady who petitioned for free-extra plane seats now calls on hotels to enlarge hallways

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posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:00 AM
a reply to: Muldar

The person of this story is quite young, only 26 years old, and she seems to be in good health without any medical issues (yet).

Oh, she seems to be in good health?

Chaney was born to teenage parents and was in and out of homeless shelters while growing up. But she worked for her high school diploma, which she got at 17, and then enrolled at Washington State University Tri-Cities. It had taken a lot to reach this point and now she was being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.

Pulmonary hypertension is a lung disorder that can cause shortness of breath, dizziness and chest pressure. There is no cure.

During those 25 hospital visits, Chaney remembered doctors and health care professionals tried to dismiss the symptoms as just side effects of her weight. But after years of dealing with racism and size discrimination, she wasn’t about to allow medical discrimination to keep her bedridden.

I'm willing to bet my left kidney she's also diabetic.

“I refused to give up my passion for travel,” she said. “I researched how to travel safely and comfortably with my condition, and I reached out to plus-size travelers and chronic illness advocates for support.⁣”

Traveling is not accessible to everyone, especially those who are plus-size, have a chronic illness or have mobility issues. Airplane seat belts, for example, tend to range between 31 inches and 51 inches, which requires some travelers to have to ask for an extender. Within the past 15 years, airline seats have gotten smaller and legroom has shrunk too. -travelers-not-the-other-way-around/

She's saying that obesity is a disability and businesses need to accommodate obese people too. I agree with her, that, If businesses are going to sell seats/rooms/amenities to obese people, or big and tall people, then they need to accommodate them.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Muldar

maybe if she wasn't as big as all four of the butt sisters she could,
get on a elevator and the motor not bogg down and trip the e brake.
waddle down the halls without the whole building shaking.
take a dump like normal people with out cracking the bowl wide open and not have to stand up.
fit in the bath tub to wash her fat a@@ with complementary tiny dove soap,or fit into courtesy robes.
wouldn't need to have pool furniture or hand rails made out of steel girders.

maybe she should stop having five buckets of fried chicken for morning snacks, and a side of beef and ten gallons of ice cream for lunch and derserts.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:12 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Muldar

The person of this story is quite young, only 26 years old, and she seems to be in good health without any medical issues (yet).

Oh, she seems to be in good health?

Chaney was born to teenage parents and was in and out of homeless shelters while growing up. But she worked for her high school diploma, which she got at 17, and then enrolled at Washington State University Tri-Cities. It had taken a lot to reach this point and now she was being diagnosed with pulmonary hypertension.

Pulmonary hypertension is a lung disorder that can cause shortness of breath, dizziness and chest pressure. There is no cure.

During those 25 hospital visits, Chaney remembered doctors and health care professionals tried to dismiss the symptoms as just side effects of her weight. But after years of dealing with racism and size discrimination, she wasn’t about to allow medical discrimination to keep her bedridden.

I'm willing to bet my left kidney she's also diabetic.

“I refused to give up my passion for travel,” she said. “I researched how to travel safely and comfortably with my condition, and I reached out to plus-size travelers and chronic illness advocates for support.⁣”

Traveling is not accessible to everyone, especially those who are plus-size, have a chronic illness or have mobility issues. Airplane seat belts, for example, tend to range between 31 inches and 51 inches, which requires some travelers to have to ask for an extender. Within the past 15 years, airline seats have gotten smaller and legroom has shrunk too. -travelers-not-the-other-way-around/

She's saying that obesity is a disability and businesses need to accommodate obese people too. I agree with her, that, If businesses are going to sell seats/rooms/amenities to obese people, or big and tall people, then they need to accommodate them.

According to the article and what I saw in her Instagram account it didn't say anything about chronic illnesses. That's why I said she doesn't seem to have any illnesses yet.

But this is one more reason why her weight must be reduced dramatically as she is clearly obese and that cause a range of issues.

So stop trying to make an impression please

edit on 2-10-2023 by Muldar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:19 AM
a reply to: Muldar

According to the article and what I saw in her Instagram account it didn't say anything about chronic illnesses.

Christ man! You can see her illness all over her body! You judge her based on her appearance, and you judge you're looking at healthy woman who just like Bon Bons too much?

Get real!

But this is one more reason why her weight must be reduced dramatically as she is clearly obese and that cause a range of issues.

Thanks Dr Obvious! Where can I get a medical degree like yours?

So stop trying to make an impression please

Look in the mirror!

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:24 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Even if she is diabetic, that, or her other illness, is not an excuse to live your life obese.

There are plenty of things one can do to lose weight with such ailments, IE gastric bypass, weight loss pills, diet without exercise, weight loss shots. There are a number of things she can do, but chooses to make it everyone else problem.

There is also a distinct difference between big and tall, and morbid obesity.
edit on 2-10-2023 by PorkChop96 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:28 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: Muldar

According to the article and what I saw in her Instagram account it didn't say anything about chronic illnesses.

Christ man! You can see her illness all over her body! You judge her based on her appearance, and you judge you're looking at healthy woman who just like Bon Bons too much?

Get real!

But this is one more reason why her weight must be reduced dramatically as she is clearly obese and that cause a range of issues.

Thanks Dr Obvious! Where can I get a medical degree like yours?

So stop trying to make an impression please

Look in the mirror!

No you can't see her illnesses all over her body. Nowhere it says in her body she has an illness and you didn't know that either until you looked online, something that wasn't mentioned in my source or in her Instagram account.

There are young obese people who have yet not developed any problems. But they're very likely to develop in the future.

Her condition may or may not be associated with obesity. So you don't know this and you have assumed it's caused by it because she is obese, or not?

In regards to your view that she must be accommodated wherever she goes you will find that everyone here more or less disagrees with you.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: Muldar

Maybe she can vacaction at a zoo Elephants enclosure next time? Seriously, why do these people think that everyone and everything should cater to them ? It will cause prices to go up and things to dissapear for sure. What a ridiculous list of demands from this tw*t.
But she shouldn't worry , as her demand for 'inclusive' holidays (sounds DEI influenced) will not be possible by 2030-2040 as the WEF plans to kill of travel , even domestic, in it's entirity.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

Even if she is diabetic, that, or her other illness, is not an excuse to live your life obese.

What? Maybe she should just drop dead instead of trying to live her life as an obese young woman who is also a social influencer who like to travel!

There are plenty of things one can do to lose weight with such ailments, IE gastric bypass, weight loss pills, diet without exercise, weight loss shots. There are plenty of things she can do, but chooses to make it everyone else problem.

WOW! If only she had a doctor who knew as much as you do about what she should be doing about her health, instead of trying to influence socially!

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:31 AM
I’m a large person at 6’4” 250.

Three kids and a desk job later, I’m going for the somewhat out of shape linebacker look at this phase.

Being this size - some of which I have zero control over - does make a lot of things in the world slightly less comfortable for me (and not because of weight). For instance, I have to duck my head when walking down the isle of a plane. I have to turn into a pretzel to fit into a non-premium+ seat. There are cars I’d like to have but I just simply don’t fit in. Finding shirts with the appropriate sleeve length is a job. Etc.

Do I expect anyone to change anything on account of my well above average size?


I have learned to adapt.

Now, this “influencer” does not appear to have a height problem, but rather a lifestyle choice problem. There should be zero accommodation of her poor choices.

That said, free country. If someone is bigger, so be it. Weight ebbs and flows for millions of us. Hell, at my size I have to gain 20 lbs before you even notice. But I definitely have gained it and lost it a few times. My point is, this isn’t a shaming comment on people’s weight, it’s to say that being materially overweight is problematic for people’s health, puts a burden on the system, and has all kinds of knock-on impacts. I choose to try and stay healthier on that basis.

But, if someone wants to eat like me at half my size and gain 40 lbs, that’s up to them - and the consequences that come with it. One can’t argue (aside from legitimate medical conditions) that there isn’t a remedy for obesity.

That remedy is diet and exercise. It’s real simple, but, you have to decide you want to do it.

(post by Sookiechacha removed for a manners violation)

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:35 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

You have made an argument there is a causal link between her condition of pulmonary hypertension and obesity. Can you show this?

If you want to play with words then

When blood vessels in the lungs become thickened, narrowed, blocked or destroyed, it's harder for blood to flow through the lungs. As a result, blood pressure increases in the lungs. This condition is called pulmonary hypertension,condition %20is%20called%20pulmonary%20hypertension.

edit on 2-10-2023 by Muldar because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:36 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

What a trailblazer she is......everyone should just be more like her. Let's all gain a couple hundred pounds, then demand that everyone and every place we ever want to go bend thy knee to every whim we have. Because we can't be bothered to care enough about our weight that we need to be accommodated everywhere we go.

Do you hear how idiotic you sound?

Never once did I say she needs to "drop dead", extreme much?

Simply stating facts that another obese person has dealt with is not that extreme of an idea.

Maybe if her doctor actually cared about her health, instead of letting her be a beacon to all fat people in the world, she could travel and not have to worry about being inconvenienced by normal size society.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:39 AM
a reply to: Muldar


Bad habits and lifestyle contribute towards severe health problems. This is a medical fact. She may not have these problems now but is at a much higher risk later in life.

Personally I smoke a lot, this does serious damage to your heart & lungs (and everything else really). Do I have lung cancer right now? No. But chances are it’ll be what gets me in the end. Same sort of thing.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Muldar

I recall a tall basketball player complaining that public seating/toilet height was an issue for him outside his home, which he had to fix the height of everything to accommodate himself. I think he also complained as to the height of doorways, being too low where he had to always duck his head. Should I even mention the problems the disabled and short people have always had to deal with before their protests were heard and acted upon?

If the facts are true, that being 69% of Americans are considered overweight, obese or extremely obese then is that not a reason to accommodate heavier and wider people at least for seating and other issues which may have an easy fix? They may be the majority of your customer base, so why not?

Obesity may be the largest health epidemic to ever sweep the nation. More than two-thirds (69%) of Americans are classified as either overweight or obese, where obesity is defined as a BMI in excess of 30 and overweight is defined as a BMI that exceeds 25. People with BMIs in excess of 40 are classified as extremely obese, putting them at the greatest risk of a host of health issues. is%20not,number%20of%20mental%20health%20issues.

As for widening hallways, I don't see how that could be accomplished without extensive and major renovation.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: PorkChop96

You're assuming, judging by her body, that she chooses to be this obese, plagued with illness and publicly crucified because of her love of junk food and laziness.

Do you hear how ignorant you sound?

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: Muldar

You have made an argument there is a causal link between her condition of pulmonary hypertension and obesity.

You made the argument in the OP that she was healthy.

The person of this story is quite young, only 26 years old, and she seems to be in good health without any medical issues

Can you prove this?

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:45 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

Someone with a troubled lung is normally told by their doctors to slim down, when they are obsese. Because being that obese put's a strain on the whole body.

None of the medical issues you listed are of the kind where you can not loose weight. Quiet contrary, if she has Diabetes, she needs to slim down. Every doctor will tell her that.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:47 AM
a reply to: Sookiechacha

That is exactly what she is saying, she would rather everyone accommodate her than take the initiative to be smaller.

If you have read any of my other comments in this thread, I am also a large fellow. How can I be ignorant on a subject I know all too well?

And as previously mentioned, the "illness" she has does not prohibit one from losing weight. Attitude and mentality do all of that for her

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:47 AM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha
a reply to: PorkChop96

You're assuming, judging by her body, that she chooses to be this obese, plagued with illness and publicly crucified because of her love of junk food and laziness.

Do you hear how ignorant you sound?

Can you show that her condition i.e pulmonary hypertension is related to her being obese? Because you have assumed it.

If she has type2 diabetes this most likely relates to obesity. But I don't know whether she is diabetic or not.

But if you take a look around there are not many who find her demands realistic.

posted on Oct, 2 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: Muldar

Fatty Patty needs to eat a salad.

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