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The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

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posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 06:21 PM

originally posted by: AnrkEE
a reply to: psychotrail

If one has zero guilt , justice is pointless.
Everyone believes they are justified , so justice is taken as a punishment rather than guilt .
If werewolves stalk from cornfields , do we charge the farmer who planted the field ?
There are many courts in this world

Of course they have justification, we all do, but maybe a clear picture of the entire story, which is irrefutable and will be exposed will change things?. Maybe the court of public opinion will decide if shame, riducule, and if acceptance of any justification is true enough to excuse the crime? Then they don't need to feel guilty to be monster's all the same. Probably why they don't feel guilt, they are monster's in the first place. It no longer matter's, we may still find them guilty, and then the punishment is no longer pointless. Punishment will be sharpened. We don't need their consent to impose the payment exacted. Public outrage will foster a punishment that is just, I know Salem witchtrial #. Well lucky those people weren't faced with the same standard today, they no longer have the supernatural and vindictive hysteria to lean on.

So they will say AI is to blame for those horrible picture's and claim to be innocent. That tactic will only be used against some, or as vindication for other's, but we won't know the difference because it muddies the water, look to who you can and cannot critisize. The writing is on the wall there, and we can read it loud and clear. Which is to say it will be completely unclear. Kangaroo court's are to protect any enemy of the truly guilty, so they can have peace in their hearts and sleep at night. Also to railroad those hated by the community, a good reaso not to be a jerk. They must not forget that they too will find themselve's in front of that court, I hope they were measured in temperment, because if Eye for an eye justice and you both go blind should carry weight it should matter there. Mob justice isn't something to be taken lighty, but it sure is scarier than the protective custody of the court. Would you rather face a jury, or be thrown to family and friends of the victim's? Some actually would rather and likely because forgiveness is possible, but safety is not a gaurantee either, but maybe we punish just enough. The real big monster's want away from the mob, so make them list their crime's and they will be released back into the cornfield instead. Let them into the cornfield.

That cornfield harbour all kinds of wolve's, feral and the Supernatural alike. Sorry to the farmer, but we burn that field to the ground.

The world court, impotent and staged doesnt hold real jurisdiction, by my estimation though it sounds like alot of realestate. The irony.

People's court? We could put it on t.v
America is chocked full of theocratic evangelicals who would gladly issue in Salem style trials for many groups of people they hate .
Not to mention the Muslim theocratic ideas in pockets of American ie. Dearborn MI .

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

Let Logic reign supreme instead of ignorance.

Question for ya. In regards to the four officers who died by suicide
shortly after Jan 6. Would you say it was logical or ignorance to find suspicion
with such a fact?

Good thread by the way.
edit on 8-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 10:12 PM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

Let Logic reign supreme instead of ignorance.

Question for ya. In regards to the four officers who died by suicide
shortly after Jan 6. Would you say it was logical or ignorance to find suspicion
with such a fact?

Good thread by the way.
Im not familiar with those events. I watch little news on television or online.
I graze on news periodically from a wide field of views .
I will research it & get back to you .
Send links if yah can .
Im glad you enjoy the thread.
Debating is crucial to our Country & Freedom.
I don’t want my ideals reigned supreme over anyone & hope you feel the same . Peace

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 10:53 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

K, nothing like your own research but a clue for your search.
Of the four that died look for how they committed suicide.

All I've been able to find for cause of death is suicide.
Nothing about the means on any of them. Maybe you can
find something. No self inflicted gun shots no hangings no
asphyxiations nothing.

And when relatives were contacted no comments were offered.
edit on 8-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 11:11 PM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

K, nothing like your own research but a clue for your search.
Of the four that died look for how they committed suicide.

All I've been able to find for cause of death is suicide.
Nothing about the means on any of them. Maybe you can
find something. No self inflicted gun shots no hangings no
asphyxiations nothing.

And when relatives were contacted no comments were offered.
I gave a look & there a defiantly 4 suicide deaths . Now as odd that is , police & military present higher in suicide than the average public. Also that police department & those officers have been doxed , harassed online & threatened by radical nuts for their defense of the Capital.
Anything is possible , but very unlikely imo that these 4 officers were taken out for secret evil reasons.
What’s your theory ?

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 11:33 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

I find it extremely hard to believe that for instance the fourth
officer to die Gunther Hashida dedicated officer at 43 yo.
With a wife three children set for life just offed himself taking
away so much future from himself and worse his wife and children.
After constantly taking pride in protecting himself and others.

All this over supposedly being harrassed? Harrassed by who and how?
Police officers residence and phone numbers aren't exactly advertized.

Sounds like more BS from the masters of BS that love to BS us to me.

Do you really think the guy was such a wuss?
edit on 8-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 04:38 AM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

I find it extremely hard to believe that for instance the fourth
officer to die Gunther Hashida dedicated officer at 43 yo.
With a wife three children set for life just offed himself taking
away so much future from himself and worse his wife and children.
After constantly taking pride in protecting himself and others.

All this over supposedly being harrassed? Harrassed by who and how?
Police officers residence and phone numbers aren't exactly advertized.

Sounds like more BS from the masters of BS that love to BS us to me.

Do you really think the guy was such a wuss?
When I ponder events I start from the end & go backwards.
Why would 4 cops be killed by secret federal assassins for working a riot ?
Why do normal appearing family members commit horrible acts ?
Mental health issues are real in this county.

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 08:14 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Why would 4 cops be killed by secret federal assassins for working a riot ?

Look at what you're assuming? I've said nothing about "Federal assassins".
What I have said is there is no mention of how any of them committed
suicide anywhere at all. And there are no comments from family members.
I only went further to say considering the media we have today I find the story
of four police officer suicides all connected to one incident, highly suspect.

So where are we now? Well you seem to easily believe the media (that
constantly lies to us all) concerning an already highly suspicious
event at the capitol. Frankly I can't understand how you can believe
anything the media says. They've completely gone off the rails with
fabrications and straight out lies. And they still have your trust. I find
that completely irrational. But this is the case for half the country
that labels me a "Conspiracy theorist". Only because we've all been
lied to beyond belief. And I can't possibly trust what I'm being told
even if I wanted to.

I swear half the country is like a guy in love with a total slut. She
can lie stand him up, be seen with a thousand other guys and
even get caught in bed with someone else. And by dumb struck
love the poor sap will never see what she's doing. And just like
a slut the media is using you. You and half the country and my

The effort to tear this country apart will succeed because you
and half the country will never stop chasing after the lying slut.
And the lying slut is gonna take us all down with only half the
country. All because of what is it? What did I touch on earlier?
Oh you don't remember? No?

Your hate. Your hate is absolutely the fuel being poured on the
fire that is burning us all alive. Burning our country down, burning
our flag and our childrens future. And I know none of you are going
to stop. Believe me I know it, that's not what I'm trying to do. I just
wanted you to read it, so you rememberwhen the fire touches you.

edit on 9-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail

Why would 4 cops be killed by secret federal assassins for working a riot ?

Look at what you're assuming? I've said nothing about "Federal assassins".
What I have said is there is no mention of how any of them committed
suicide anywhere at all. And there are no comments from family members.
I only went further to say considering the media we have today I find the story
of four police officer suicides all connected to one incident, highly suspect.

So where are we now? Well you seem to easily believe the media (that
constantly lies to us all) concerning an already highly suspicious
event at the capitol. Frankly I can't understand how you can believe
anything the media says. They've completely gone off the rails with
fabrications and straight out lies. And they still have your trust. I find
that completely irrational. But this is the case for half the country
that labels me a "Conspiracy theorist". Only because we've all been
lied to beyond belief. And I can't possibly trust what I'm being told
even if I wanted to.

I swear half the country is like a guy in love with a total slut. She
can lie stand him up, be seen with a thousand other guys and
even get caught in bed with someone else. And by dumb struck
love the poor sap will never see what she's doing. And just like
a slut the media is using you. You and half the country and my

The effort to tear this country apart will succeed because you
and half the country will never stop chasing after the lying slut.
And the lying slut is gonna take us all down with only half the
country. All because of what is it? What did I touch on earlier?
Oh you don't remember? No?

Your hate. Your hate is absolutely the fuel being poured on the
fire that is burning us all alive. Burning our country down, burning
our flag and our childrens future. And I know none of you are going
to stop. Believe me I know it, that's not what I'm trying to do. I just
wanted you to read it, so you rememberwhen the fire touches you.

If you are calling these suicides
“suspect “ there is only one other reason & that is murder !
So in the context of this thread , it is beyond plausible to assume the vast majority of ATS members involved in this thread believe that they were offed to hide some nefarious agenda of the Democrats to frame the J6 terrorist.
What , do you think aliens killed them ?
You know exactly what you meant by using the term
“ suspect “ You believe they were killed by Pelosi led plumbers or some such nonsense.

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: psychotrail


That means I don't just believe the story considering the week source.
As I took the time to explain why with good reason. And now look you're
already getting defensive trying to tell me what I'm thinking. When I
have no theory at all. But I can see how good you are at this and check
it out?

You aren't.

Because I have no theory only suspicion based on the source, the
power involved, the already suspect incident and my own perception,
in regards to the unlikely narrative as it were. That four officers
connected to J6 killed themselves. I only wanted you to follow along
to see if you thought there was reason to be suspicious of the story.
Not to draw any hypothesis or theories about plumbers.

At this point I would be remiss to assume anything as you just exampled
so well. When I would only go so far as to say FAKE NEWS. That's it.
Just a straight out made up lie. And I have good reason as explained.
In other words no one died at all.
edit on 9-9-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Saloon
a reply to: psychotrail


That means I don't just believe the story considering the week source.
As I took the time to explain why with good reason. And now look you're
already getting defensive trying to tell me what I'm thinking. When I
have no theory at all. But I can see how good you are at this and check
it out?

You aren't.

Because I have no theory only suspicion based on the source, the
power involved, the already suspect incident and my own perception,
in regards to the unlikely narrative as it were. That four officers
connected to J6 killed themselves. I only wanted you to follow along
to see if you thought there was reason to be suspicious of the story.
Not to draw any hypothesis or theories about plumbers.

At this point I would be remiss to assume anything as you just exampled
so well. When I would only go so far as to say FAKE NEWS. That's it.
Just a straight out made up lie. And I have good reason as explained.
In other words no one died at all.
They are definitely dead & it has been reported by most news outlets. I know clearly well what “ suspect “ meant.
So now you think none of them died & that is the cover up ?
Your track record of beliefs on this site support my assumption of your “ suspect “ comment & I will stick by that forever . Sorry , but it’s the truth & you know it , so stop gaslighting.
Alex Jones claimed a bunch of kids weren’t actually dead .
Why didn’t you just state from the beginning that you didn’t believe the officers are dead ? Oh yeah , because you believe & push a narrative that they were cleaned by spooky government plumbers .

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 04:44 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

They are definitely dead & it has been reported by most news outlets. I know clearly well what “ suspect “ meant.
So now you think none of them died & that is the cover up ?
Your track record of beliefs on this site support my assumption of your “ suspect “ comment & I will stick by that forever . Sorry , but it’s the truth & you know it , so stop gaslighting.
Alex Jones claimed a bunch of kids weren’t actually dead .
Why didn’t you just state from the beginning that you didn’t believe the officers are dead ? Oh yeah , because you believe & push a narrative that they were cleaned by spooky government plumbers .

My jobs done here

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 05:51 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: AnrkEE
a reply to: psychotrail

People's court? We could put it on t.v
America is chocked full of theocratic evangelicals who would gladly issue in Salem style trials for many groups of people they hate .
Not to mention the Muslim theocratic ideas in pockets of American ie. Dearborn MI .

Well then there is another group to deal with, and I am good with that. Hiding behind theological sanctity sounds like another place to start the process of smoking them out. Nothing better than checking under their bed first. Then every muslim rug and on to the jew's to see what is in their attic. All misdeeds wil be discovered so lets see who throws ths first stone? Hate all they want, but take away the protection of the state and lets see how loud they get. In fact lets get all the most vocal leaders of any group and put them in a stadium and see if they can sort it out? if not, no safe passage is given, we no longer care or subscribe to whatever the decree. We dont need to pass through them for god's good favour. Take who you will and go to your corner. Every group will wittle down itself to the most ardent. doing the dirty work a cleaning up the picture

So, Let them pick corn in the cornfields. they belong with the wolve's and they will eat eachother anyways. Send in the woke and left to check on them. Then every traitor too, and smoke them all out.witch trial sure, but the most devisive are the ones we dont need, and should be the first to go. Moderate's turn next, and im sure with a new found diplomacy
edit on 9-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 9 2023 @ 10:27 PM

originally posted by: AnrkEE

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: AnrkEE
a reply to: psychotrail

People's court? We could put it on t.v
America is chocked full of theocratic evangelicals who would gladly issue in Salem style trials for many groups of people they hate .
Not to mention the Muslim theocratic ideas in pockets of American ie. Dearborn MI .

Well then there is another group to deal with, and I am good with that. Hiding behind theological sanctity sounds like another place to start the process of smoking them out. Nothing better than checking under their bed first. Then every muslim rug and on to the jew's to see what is in their attic. All misdeeds wil be discovered so lets see who throws ths first stone? Hate all they want, but take away the protection of the state and lets see how loud they get. In fact lets get all the most vocal leaders of any group and put them in a stadium and see if they can sort it out? if not, no safe passage is given, we no longer care or subscribe to whatever the decree. We dont need to pass through them for god's good favour. Take who you will and go to your corner. Every group will wittle down itself to the most ardent. doing the dirty work a cleaning up the picture

So, Let them pick corn in the cornfields. they belong with the wolve's and they will eat eachother anyways. Send in the woke and left to check on them. Then every traitor too, and smoke them all out.witch trial sure, but the most devisive are the ones we dont need, and should be the first to go. Moderate's turn next, and im sure with a new found diplomacy
Violence solves nothing. We need education & real jobs with benefits/retirement.
That would solve many problems.
When people work & have meaningful lives they don’t have time nor care about fringe ideas to the point of fervour.
Women & children run the West now & that is good & bad . Men had their identities stripped & the end results will be challenging on society.
People cried for years that black men need to be better fathers & now those same black men are told to shut up & take a backseat to the feminist.
Christians believe Trump to be divine in some Doug Coe twisted way ?
Our Country is ran by senile Silent Generation/Boomers who are so out of touch with reality that it’s laughable if it weren’t true .
There is room for all walks , colors , creeds , & political set as long as it all takes a backseat to everyone’s equal rights .

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 09:25 AM
PsychoTrailsViolence solves nothing. We need education & real jobs with benefits/retirement.
That would solve many problems.
When people work & have meaningful lives they don’t have time nor care about fringe ideas to the point of fervour.
Women & children run the West now & that is good & bad . Men had their identities stripped & the end results will be challenging on society.
People cried for years that black men need to be better fathers & now those same black men are told to shut up & take a backseat to the feminist.
Christians believe Trump to be divine in some Doug Coe twisted way ?
Our Country is ran by senile Silent Generation/Boomers who are so out of touch with reality that it’s laughable if it weren’t true .
There is room for all walks , colors , creeds , & political set as long as it all takes a backseat to everyone’s equal rights .
-AS wrtten by PsychoTrail

I can almost completely agree with every word Psycho. This is what we all want and what the world need's to repair itself, especially from the new found trend that seem's to have castrated our men, and weakened society. However, the threat of violence will solve some things, and actually violence wil solve the rest. By those I mean where justice is too blind, or too well paid and coerced to go after the truly sick and vile amongst us. We know who they are, and we know what they have done. They have to be exposed for it though. I'm not about putting people in cage's either, but sometimes that is too good for even them. I would gladly see them walk themselve's in though, and even more glad to see them run, that would mean they would be running the gauntlet. Like I said, expose their misdeed's and grant them amnesty. Let them walk free. Sometime's extracting pain is the only way to heal the heart's of the truly victimized and the dreadfull pain they must carry forever. These aren't my children, and yet they are, so really if justice should do anything, it should give the victim's a choice. I bet they would find more forgiveness from them, than they would from me, but it wouldn't be my choice now would it?

As for Trump, he is not divine but their campaign to to destroy him from day one, is giving him legendary status. Why they fear that man so much is beyond me, except to say maybe he know's where some bodies are buried. I can only imagine, and I don't want to even do that. I'm already sickened by the rumour's and I don't know how much I really want to know. But I kinda do too. They see a man that they want to destroy so badly it's absurd, then I see a man that we should protect. Now lets see if I have figured the mechanic's of quotes and replies, I have a feeling your wors will be jumble in the quotation, I apologize.
edit on 10-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: sorry psycho. still cant use quotes properly

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 10:04 AM
They call them 'conspiracy theories' but in reality, for the most part, it's simply government or large powerful organizations lies that we choose not to believe. The government has lied so often and so deep, they have lost all credibility. So when they come out with "facts", it's normal not to believe them, hence 'conspiracy theory'.

See: MK ULTRA aka drug spiked kook-aid by our friendly, here for people, government! Hence the phrase btw 'don't drink the kool-aid'.

If we were all good little sheep and believed the lies, then indeed, society wouldn't be impacted. But WHAT IF, the government DIDN'T lie?????? And we good little sheep believed the TRUTH and viola, society wouldn't be impacted. So is it the conspiracy theorists that are bad or the fact that there is so much false information out there that as part of our integrity truth seeking, we must question and research everything?

The precedence has been set by the liars. Considering most conspiracy theories arise from social crisis, add in dishonest leaders and politicians and you have your conspiracy. When the pieces don't fit, it's natural to try and figure out why. Conspiracy theorists are simply being human and DENYING IGNORANCE!

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 10:31 AM
a reply to: psychotrail
yeah still cant figure out the quotes and such. see above

posted on Sep, 10 2023 @ 01:25 PM

originally posted by: AnrkEE
Violence solves nothing. We need education & real jobs with benefits/retirement.
That would solve many problems.
When people work & have meaningful lives they don’t have time nor care about fringe ideas to the point of fervour.
Women & children run the West now & that is good & bad . Men had their identities stripped & the end results will be challenging on society.
People cried for years that black men need to be better fathers & now those same black men are told to shut up & take a backseat to the feminist.
Christians believe Trump to be divine in some Doug Coe twisted way ?
Our Country is ran by senile Silent Generation/Boomers who are so out of touch with reality that it’s laughable if it weren’t true .
There is room for all walks , colors , creeds , & political set as long as it all takes a backseat to everyone’s equal rights .
-AS wrtten by PsychoTrail

I can almost completely agree with every word Psycho. This is what we all want and what the world need's to repair itself, especially from the new found trend that seem's to have castrated our men, and weakened society. However, the threat of violence will solve some things, and actually violence wil solve the rest. By those I mean where justice is too blind, or too well paid and coerced to go after the truly sick and vile amongst us. We know who they are, and we know what they have done. They have to be exposed for it though. I'm not about putting people in cage's either, but sometimes that is too good for even them. I would gladly see them walk themselve's in though, and even more glad to see them run, that would mean they would be running the gauntlet. Like I said, expose their misdeed's and grant them amnesty. Let them walk free. Sometime's extracting pain is the only way to heal the heart's of the truly victimized and the dreadfull pain they must carry forever. These aren't my children, and yet they are, so really if justice should do anything, it should give the victim's a choice. I bet they would find more forgiveness from them, than they would from me, but it wouldn't be my choice now would it?

As for Trump, he is not divine but their campaign to to destroy him from day one, is giving him legendary status. Why they fear that man so much is beyond me, except to say maybe he know's where some bodies are buried. I can only imagine, and I don't want to even do that. I'm already sickened by the rumour's and I don't know how much I really want to know. But I kinda do too. They see a man that they want to destroy so badly it's absurd, then I see a man that we should protect. Now lets see if I have figured the mechanic's of quotes and replies, I have a feeling your wors will be jumble in the quotation, I apologize.Trump is a gangster who went up against bigger gangsters .
Political change should be slow in civilized societies.
Yes there were revolutionary acts in our Country, but there was slavery , women were burned or hanged for making tea out of roots , blacks were killed like rodents etc… I believe in a better way other than violence & stand against violence completely.

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 07:09 PM

edit on 11-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 11 2023 @ 07:28 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

The only difference between truth and conspiracy theory is about
six months.

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