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The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:26 AM
a reply to: SRPrime

Absolute power corrupts absolutely -- and the most powerful, are the richest. Anybody who doesn't understand this is living under a rock and is "wishful" thinking. They want to believe there are good rich people out there, because it keeps the dream that they could one day be one of these good rich people, alive. There is a reason they aren't rich. Likely they are good people, likely they are naive. They wouldn't comprimise their value systems to get there, but that's the only difference between rich people and poor people.

Rich people are pathological. They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and when all you care about is you; it's actually quite easy to make money. So now extrapolate this to governments who think it's their god give right to rule people; and come to the realization that their decision making puts millions and millions of dollars in their pockets...

This is how racism, homophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination thrive. Lumping all rich people into one category as "bad" is the same thing as saying this is why I'm struggling, because of that race, or that religion. Until you've met every "rich" person in the world, and see how they've lived their lives, I wouldn't be so quick to make generalized statements like this.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:34 AM

originally posted by: VeeSter
a reply to: quintessentone

I apologize. That was supposed to be a reply to SRPrime. I clicked the Reply at what I thought was the bottom of that post, but was actually the top of yours.

Phew, you had me worried that I was psychologically 'splitting'.
edit on q00000034831America/Chicago4646America/Chicago8 by quintessentone because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:36 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

Not just because of a tarp, but due to several other reasons.

In what way does the person saying such things benefit?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:56 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

School teachers teach the curriculum conspiracy theorists write in history books.

Replacing omitted facts for conjecture.

Taxes are a form of extortion and racketeering that we left the old world to escape from only to be betrayed by congress in 1871 after removing Lincoln from office.

Its blood sweat and tears that make the world a better place not moneychangers restricting freedom.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:20 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

i've found that you have to balance your spidey sense with common sense. always look for the most reasonable explanation first.
if the circumstance don't fit or are overly convoluted, there might be something up.
it also helps to adjust your tinfoil hat band and not wear it 2 size two small.

two of my favorite adaptation of Occam's razor that i apply to things is,

subsitute the word scientists with, i we, or omit it along must

"Scientists must use the simplest means of arriving at their results and exclude everything not perceived by the senses."

Ernst Mach

the simplest hypothesis proposed as an explanation of phenomena is more likely to be the true one than is any other available hypothesis, that its predictions are more likely to be true than those of any other available hypothesis, and that it is an ultimate a priorid epistemic principle that simplicity is evidence for truth.

Richard Swinburne

another way i like to tell people look at is, keep it simple stupid. but sometime that causes some butt hurt, so i don't use it much.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

I don’t know I think Conspiracy theorist are 10 for 10 right now….

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:58 AM
One persons conspiracy theory is another person's reality. I wouldn't say it's conspiracy theorists that are eroding the fabric of our society, it's the people that aren't who are having a far greater negative impact.

Conspiracy theorists are sometimes the only people holding truth to power. Many people who finally come around to learning one of these truths just shrugs it off and continues trusting the same people and entities that lied too, and manipulated them in the first place.

There are people who see, people who don't see, and people who see what they are told to see. The latter is the most dangerous, as they are the most maliable.

covid origins
mRNA vaccines
Human trafficking
Organ harvesting

Just to name a few were all regarded as conspiracy theories at one time or another. The people who were skeptical were berated by their peers, and had their intelligence questioned. Now that most of these things have been established as fact it's clear these same people would like to pretend the last 3 years never happened. Because to question that would completely destroy their fragile reality that has been carefully crafted around them.

It only takes a few seconds of critical thought to see through the lies and manipulation we've all endured since the start of this plandemic. Anyone still preaching this and buying it is most likely a lost cause and should be ignored in the marketplace of free ideas. Which would include most of Washington DC and Hollywood as they are some of the biggest perpetrators of this.

The fact the GOP thought it was acceptable to play Rich Men North Of Richmond during their debate shows how truely out of touch they are with the common American.
edit on 31-8-2023 by JAY1980 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 12:14 PM

originally posted by: Astyanax
There has never been any shortage of real conspiracies in the world, but none of the conspiracies believed in by conspiracy theorists have any validity whatsoever.
Very closed minded of you. Where's your definitive proof that the WEF/WHO etc aren't conspiring to bring in their 'great reset'. There's plenty of evidence on their own WEF site, and you could google event201 , or go on Amazon and see for yourself : 'covid 19 the great reset' written by klaus shwab himself (chairman of the WEF).
We will be viritual prisoners or dead if we don't speak up and unite.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 12:41 PM
Good one , I forgot about Bush & the fake weapons of mass destruction & believing Hunter’s laptop is Russian disinformation is the acme of stupidity given the boys track record with drugs & prostitutes .
The QAnon stuff really is a new high water mark for insanely in America , along with men believing they can get pregnant.I have zero use for the lbgqt cultist , because I judge on character only .
In regards to the far right alarmist , I agree that the USA has a radical Christian right problem that is more violent & armed to the teeth . I

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

What is a conspiracy theorist?

I guess that means different things to different people.

To me it means a person that needs more information, has a distrust of what is automatically provided.
Shouldn’t we all be doing that.

No not everything is a conspiracy, but at least living in the US, so much is not what it seems!

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 12:55 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
I think people should believe their own eyes as to why there is a very very long (not small) black curtain in Maui. Conspiracy? Fact. I urge you to look at all the videos of the area before they shut it down. The BS about protecting the dead remains is just that, BS. The main one is the rows and rows of burned out cars, melted metal and melted glass. Now virtually all these cars had families in them. Did any of you see any human remains???? NO, you didn't because they were all cremated to ashes, THAT'S why they can't give a definitive death toll and that's the reason because whole families died and there is no one to bother to look for them, survive or not.
Yes and bones of the dead need careful removal , because it could be arson , making it a crime scene.
Glass windows break in fires as well the fuel & plastics create even more heat .
How does one see a privacy barrier in all logical reasoning & them jump straight to plasma lasers from space

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: psychotrail

What is a conspiracy theorist?

I guess that means different things to different people.

To me it means a person that needs more information, has a distrust of what is automatically provided.
Shouldn’t we all be doing that.

No not everything is a conspiracy, but at least living in the US, so much is not what it seems!
You are correct , but the vast majority of conspiracy theorists pull completely insane reasons through conjecture immediately as the reasons . That’s the reason Alex Jones was sued into oblivion.
Questions are extremely different from accusations from left field & beyond.
edit on 31-8-2023 by psychotrail because: Omit

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:10 PM

originally posted by: VeeSter
a reply to: SRPrime

Absolute power corrupts absolutely -- and the most powerful, are the richest. Anybody who doesn't understand this is living under a rock and is "wishful" thinking. They want to believe there are good rich people out there, because it keeps the dream that they could one day be one of these good rich people, alive. There is a reason they aren't rich. Likely they are good people, likely they are naive. They wouldn't comprimise their value systems to get there, but that's the only difference between rich people and poor people.

Rich people are pathological. They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and when all you care about is you; it's actually quite easy to make money. So now extrapolate this to governments who think it's their god give right to rule people; and come to the realization that their decision making puts millions and millions of dollars in their pockets...

This is how racism, homophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination thrive. Lumping all rich people into one category as "bad" is the same thing as saying this is why I'm struggling, because of that race, or that religion. Until you've met every "rich" person in the world, and see how they've lived their lives, I wouldn't be so quick to make generalized statements like this.
Some years back a multimillionaire in our town passed away & he left his entire fortune to charity. Over 15 million.
Generalisation is in the devil’s playbook & your comment is exactly why I wrote this thread .
No one takes someone seriously when generalised accusations are their prime mover .
I know rotten rich people , rotten middle class & many rotten poor people.
Lumping people into broad groups is extremely dangerous , just ask the Jews or Blacks .

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:22 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: psychotrail

Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

Not just because of a tarp, but due to several other reasons.

In what way does the person saying such things benefit?

It strokes their ego that only they know this secret hidden truth .
Imagine having a gigantic fire that killed many people & not knowing the cause yet .
All human remains found are forensically treated & because only bones are left , they need at a minimum to carefully sift out these remains for proper dna or medical identification of hundreds of missing people.
Not to mention the grim scene of human bones lying about that no one needs to see after a tragedy.
Yet thousands of people jump right over any of those reasons & straight to space born plasma laser burn evidence being shielded from the public as the true nefarious reason ?????
If you want to reach people , reason must be used before conjecture at all times .

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:28 PM

originally posted by: loveguy
a reply to: psychotrail

School teachers teach the curriculum conspiracy theorists write in history books.

Replacing omitted facts for conjecture.

Taxes are a form of extortion and racketeering that we left the old world to escape from only to be betrayed by congress in 1871 after removing Lincoln from office.

Its blood sweat and tears that make the world a better place not moneychangers restricting freedom.
So everything is a conspiracy then ?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:30 PM

originally posted by: BernnieJGato
a reply to: psychotrail

i've found that you have to balance your spidey sense with common sense. always look for the most reasonable explanation first.
if the circumstance don't fit or are overly convoluted, there might be something up.
it also helps to adjust your tinfoil hat band and not wear it 2 size two small.

two of my favorite adaptation of Occam's razor that i apply to things is,

subsitute the word scientists with, i we, or omit it along must

"Scientists must use the simplest means of arriving at their results and exclude everything not perceived by the senses."

Ernst Mach

the simplest hypothesis proposed as an explanation of phenomena is more likely to be the true one than is any other available hypothesis, that its predictions are more likely to be true than those of any other available hypothesis, and that it is an ultimate a priorid epistemic principle that simplicity is evidence for truth.

Richard Swinburne

another way i like to tell people look at is, keep it simple stupid. but sometime that causes some butt hurt, so i don't use it much.
Thank you for understanding the importance of reason , especially in this digital 24/7 information age we are in.
Your feet are grounded & that is good

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

It strokes their ego that only they know this secret hidden truth .

Speculation is not knowing.

I think that after you have seen evidence go missing or get covered up, you'll better understand the importance of preserving evidence while it still can be.

All human remains found are forensically treated & because only bones are left , they need at a minimum to carefully sift out these remains for proper dna or medical identification of hundreds of missing people.

I'm glad to hear that a full and proper investigation seems to be underway, and they seem to be doing their best to preserve evidence. I look forward to hearing more information from investigators.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:35 PM
a reply to: psychotrail
Please go find the Video aftermath. The glass and the metal of the cars were melted not just broken, melted. In that temperature there would be no bones.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:38 PM

originally posted by: JAGStorm
a reply to: psychotrail

I don’t know I think Conspiracy theorist are 10 for 10 right now….
That’s not true, because the issue with distrust is that nothing has closure .
Millions of conspiracy theorists have railed for alien disclosure in the past , but now a vast majority of those same people discredit government evidence of UFOs as fake & will never believe a public disclosure on aliens because of project Blue Beam or other such reaches into fantasy land .
Once again there are people who deny reality when it knocks on their doors & there are those that create fake reality out of loose conjecture. Both people are highly irresponsible imo .
edit on 31-8-2023 by psychotrail because: Omit

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:38 PM
a reply to: VeeSter
Look at the aftermath. A line of cars burnt up. Why didn't they leave their vehicles? listen to the survivors testimony, They were using the cars to escape the fires but the road was blocked by the authorities, they would not let anybody out. Now go figure.

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