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The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:40 PM

The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

Pretty much none. There are mega bad ones that are obviously false but that keep on going and give conspiracy theorists a bad rap. Like Alex Jones. But then the actual conspiracies that get called out, like the attack upon the family unit by the LGBTQ warriors, goes unheeded. Heck, look at the biggest conspiracy of all, the UFO coverup, has gone nowhere and it's huge and well documented. So I say the impact conspiracy theorists have on society is practically nothing.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:42 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: musicismagic
You do realize that sometimes truth does kill that's the sad part of a sick society.
I accept not getting the truth as a safety measure.
If an asteroid is going to destroy earth , letting the public know would be unnecessary chaos , I get it .
Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

My point is that people turn up at pizza restaurants with guns demanding that the children be released from the secret dungeon below it’s walls ?
There is also danger in not believing there are real nasty people who conspire against us , thus causing mayhem or worse.
Both conjecture filled conspiracies & denial of obvious conspiracies like the one that took MTK
from us serve only to destroy society.
The trick is having pure logic as your prime mover
in one’s process of information before one makes any claims .
Example being wildfires being created by space lasers rather than coming from a meth torch used by a homeless drug addict in the woods ..
The most dangerous event in regards to this is the QAnon mess .
Millions of intelligent adults were cult conditioned into believing some truly insane ideas by random people from 4chan ???
Hitler & his propaganda machine convinced millions that the Jews were the root cause of Germany’s problems which led to millions dying.
Denying the conspiracy created by Hitler is also extremely dangerous.
People always blame the devil for bad events or ignore him when he shows up in one’s own life .
I believe conspiracy theories are lazy think , because conjecture is quick & cant be defeated due to constant movement from the empirical just like arguing with someone over their religious beliefs that have zero evidence outside of more created evidence with little provenance.

You making up a plausible logical answer does not make it the truth. It's important to know this.

There is piles of Directed Energy Weapon's evidence. They do exist, and if they exist, they get used. You can ignore it all if you want, but that doesn't mean it was a homeless meth torch that caused the fires.

You'd then have to explain why the police closed the escape routes, and also why the emergency sirens didn't go off. As you can see from beginning to end, the state did nothing but create the circumstance for all of that death. It's not a logical leap to believe they started the fire that they trapped the people inside of, for seemingly no reason at all.

There was a reason; we just aren't privy to it; that doesn't mean because we don't know the motive, that they didn't do it. That's not how logic works.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:46 PM

originally posted by: VeeSter
a reply to: SRPrime

Absolute power corrupts absolutely -- and the most powerful, are the richest. Anybody who doesn't understand this is living under a rock and is "wishful" thinking. They want to believe there are good rich people out there, because it keeps the dream that they could one day be one of these good rich people, alive. There is a reason they aren't rich. Likely they are good people, likely they are naive. They wouldn't comprimise their value systems to get there, but that's the only difference between rich people and poor people.

Rich people are pathological. They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and when all you care about is you; it's actually quite easy to make money. So now extrapolate this to governments who think it's their god give right to rule people; and come to the realization that their decision making puts millions and millions of dollars in their pockets...

This is how racism, homophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination thrive. Lumping all rich people into one category as "bad" is the same thing as saying this is why I'm struggling, because of that race, or that religion. Until you've met every "rich" person in the world, and see how they've lived their lives, I wouldn't be so quick to make generalized statements like this.

This is a logical fallacy. A rich person is letting hungry people starve. That makes them bad -- them having riches and then throwing that income on toys, while people are freezing to death and starving proves that they are bad people. You don't need to ask a single rich person; if they were ultruistic, they'd use all of their money to help others. They don't, they hoard it and turn a blind eye.

That has nothing to do with racism, homophobia, or discrimination of any kind. It has to do with greed and entitlement. Rich people are greedy, they are also entitled, because they have delusions of granduer and think that they are the ones that deserve the money they have.

Most of these rich people can't even change the batteries in their TV remote. It's not a luxury they come to me to change it, they literally don't know how to and can't figure it out. I've met 3 year old kids smarter than some of these people that pull up in RR's.
edit on 31-8-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: VeeSter
Look at the aftermath. A line of cars burnt up. Why didn't they leave their vehicles? listen to the survivors testimony, They were using the cars to escape the fires but the road was blocked by the authorities, they would not let anybody out. Now go figure.
No authorities blocked roads preventing people from driving out of a fire ? Come on ?
How about the theory that people sought shelter in their cars because cars on a street are away from homes & foliage ( fire fuel )
As to why all the cars are in a row is because rubber tires start to disintegrate at 200 degrees F
If I was trapped on foot surrounded by walls of fire wind , you can bet top dollar I would get into any vehicle for protection.
Or there is space lasers , cops barricading roads so no one could escape their burning neighborhoods & my favorite theory so far is Oprah wants to buy a bunch of that land for cheap so she ordered the fires .
Just sit back & think this all through once & tell me the logic in believing lasers & homicidal cops using blocking techniques to kill even more people in this fire .
Show some respect for the victims & their families, because claiming the authorities now blocked people into the blaze is very disrespectful imo .

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: ancientlight

We will be viritual prisoners or dead if we don't speak up and unite.

He refuses to see the people ruling this world are brainy enough
to water down the truth of what they are doing. So even the
conspiracies hatched by themselves help obfuscate the truth.

Yes, even the untrue CT serves them.

The reality that this world is ruled by some very wicked people
that are capable of very wicked acts. And that they are intelligent
enough to pull together against humanity and rule over it or even

It's just to much for some minds to accept and I doubt it's
even possible for them. They are the fragile minded and
the truth would shatter their psyche and their lives. So they
must totally disregard what is in reality just a very simple truth
regarding the psychosis of the ruling class. And that this psychosis
has never been limited to those few that history admits to.

Hitler Stalin Moa etc. all allowed to be painted as the psychos that
in truth they all are. It's always been obvious to me that this is the
reality across the globe. And is toatally unacceptable to the weak
frightened minds of the collective world. The way I know they're
psychopaths is by seeing that it doesn't have to be this way. Humanity
is capable of such a better world that is easily done in many ways.

It's just not being allowed and the reason could only be hate because
it obviously isn't love. So nothing I've said here is obsured or worthy
of scoff and ridicule or denial. It's just the way it is for now and that
really sucks.

edit on 31-8-2023 by Saloon because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 01:59 PM

originally posted by: VeeSter
a reply to: crayzeed

I think people should believe their own eyes as to why there is a very very long (not small) black curtain in Maui. Conspiracy? Fact. I urge you to look at all the videos of the area before they shut it down. The BS about protecting the dead remains is just that, BS. The main one is the rows and rows of burned out cars, melted metal and melted glass. Now virtually all these cars had families in them. Did any of you see any human remains???? NO, you didn't because they were all cremated to ashes, THAT'S why they can't give a definitive death toll and that's the reason because whole families died and there is no one to bother to look for them, survive or not.

Couldn't the families just have gotten out of the vehicles before they burned up?

Out of the frying pan and into the fire? The air is on fire; lets get out and walk through the fire.

Some people don't think? There are over 3,000 people missing still. Yeah they just got out of their cars and got lost in their home town. Like, come on.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:02 PM

originally posted by: JAY1980
One persons conspiracy theory is another person's reality. I wouldn't say it's conspiracy theorists that are eroding the fabric of our society, it's the people that aren't who are having a far greater negative impact.

Conspiracy theorists are sometimes the only people holding truth to power. Many people who finally come around to learning one of these truths just shrugs it off and continues trusting the same people and entities that lied too, and manipulated them in the first place.

There are people who see, people who don't see, and people who see what they are told to see. The latter is the most dangerous, as they are the most maliable.

covid origins
mRNA vaccines
Human trafficking
Organ harvesting

Just to name a few were all regarded as conspiracy theories at one time or another. The people who were skeptical were berated by their peers, and had their intelligence questioned. Now that most of these things have been established as fact it's clear these same people would like to pretend the last 3 years never happened. Because to question that would completely destroy their fragile reality that has been carefully crafted around them.

It only takes a few seconds of critical thought to see through the lies and manipulation we've all endured since the start of this plandemic. Anyone still preaching this and buying it is most likely a lost cause and should be ignored in the marketplace of free ideas. Which would include most of Washington DC and Hollywood as they are some of the biggest perpetrators of this.

The fact the GOP thought it was acceptable to play Rich Men North Of Richmond during their debate shows how truely out of touch they are with the common American.
Or you saw the powers that be seize on an opportunity of a natural born virus or mistake. There is no proof of covid being a planned attack upon humanity outside of broad conjecture that you would curse if used against you in a trial .

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

thanks, but to be to tell the truth, i used to have me a fancy tinfoil hat and could wear it with the best of them. so much so my family and folks grew to hate me even talking about some things. i have a nephew the same way.

but after about 25 years of watching, the end game never came. so i came to the conclusion that yes there are some mongers, power and money that want to control everything.but there is no way they can get rid of all the billions of people quickly and not be noticed and some become suspicious and if they did the way thing are now the mongers would suffer also, if it does happen it's gonna have to be very very slow so adjustments to how supply chains and life are gonna work and people get adjusted to do the same with less warm bodies and stuff. that's is not going to happen during the rest of my lifetime, nor my children's.

people are always gonna fight oppression, have since time of began. some periods lasted longer than others, but the sense of freedom is strong in man, and people will resist and overcome it, what results might not work real well and fail then another form of oppression will start. it's a never ending cycle.

edit on 31-8-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: VeeSter
Look at the aftermath. A line of cars burnt up. Why didn't they leave their vehicles? listen to the survivors testimony, They were using the cars to escape the fires but the road was blocked by the authorities, they would not let anybody out. Now go figure.
No authorities blocked roads preventing people from driving out of a fire ? Come on ?
How about the theory that people sought shelter in their cars because cars on a street are away from homes & foliage ( fire fuel )
As to why all the cars are in a row is because rubber tires start to disintegrate at 200 degrees F
If I was trapped on foot surrounded by walls of fire wind , you can bet top dollar I would get into any vehicle for protection.
Or there is space lasers , cops barricading roads so no one could escape their burning neighborhoods & my favorite theory so far is Oprah wants to buy a bunch of that land for cheap so she ordered the fires .
Just sit back & think this all through once & tell me the logic in believing lasers & homicidal cops using blocking techniques to kill even more people in this fire .
Show some respect for the victims & their families, because claiming the authorities now blocked people into the blaze is very disrespectful imo .

The cops DID block the escape. There is video footage of them telling people to go back to their houses as the fire is raging. Like you can not believe that all you want; they actually interviewed some of these police; they answered the reason they blocked the road was "I was following orders."

Have respect for the victims; this part is 100% true.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:15 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

There is video footage of them telling people to go back to their houses as the fire is raging. Like you can not believe that all you want; they actually interviewed some of these police; they answered the reason they blocked the road was "I was following orders."

This part I saw a homeless person tell a random you tuber.

I didn't found it very credible!

can you link the interview with the police?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

No authorities blocked roads preventing people from driving out of a fire ? Come on?

The reports suggest otherwise.

I'm not hearing any good reason why the sirens weren't sounded.

We also know that the water was turned off and that schools were closed, so many children stayed home that day as mentioned in the beginning of this video.

Also, what looks like a plasma burst can be seen at the 1:50 minute mark, and there is a report of chem-trails shortly before the fire (2:40 minute mark). People seem to think that chemicals in the fire could have contributed to it, but I think that chem-trails could have been used to create a cloud cover to hide something from view, like drone activity.

edit on 31-8-2023 by IndieA because: Fixed Video Link

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:21 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

There are over 3,000 people missing still

where do you get 3000, and are the sources for your info credible? if so post them.

last estimated count i saw is 1000 to 1100, and others sources the number is unknown and may never be known.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

last estimated count i saw is 1000 to 1100, and others sources the number is unknown and may never be known.

That still seems way too high. I can't help but think that more people should have been able to evacuate.

edit on 31-8-2023 by IndieA because: Reworded

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: JAY1980
One persons conspiracy theory is another person's reality. I wouldn't say it's conspiracy theorists that are eroding the fabric of our society, it's the people that aren't who are having a far greater negative impact.

Conspiracy theorists are sometimes the only people holding truth to power. Many people who finally come around to learning one of these truths just shrugs it off and continues trusting the same people and entities that lied too, and manipulated them in the first place.

There are people who see, people who don't see, and people who see what they are told to see. The latter is the most dangerous, as they are the most maliable.

covid origins
mRNA vaccines
Human trafficking
Organ harvesting

Just to name a few were all regarded as conspiracy theories at one time or another. The people who were skeptical were berated by their peers, and had their intelligence questioned. Now that most of these things have been established as fact it's clear these same people would like to pretend the last 3 years never happened. Because to question that would completely destroy their fragile reality that has been carefully crafted around them.

It only takes a few seconds of critical thought to see through the lies and manipulation we've all endured since the start of this plandemic. Anyone still preaching this and buying it is most likely a lost cause and should be ignored in the marketplace of free ideas. Which would include most of Washington DC and Hollywood as they are some of the biggest perpetrators of this.

The fact the GOP thought it was acceptable to play Rich Men North Of Richmond during their debate shows how truely out of touch they are with the common American.
Or you saw the powers that be seize on an opportunity of a natural born virus or mistake. There is no proof of covid being a planned attack upon humanity outside of broad conjecture that you would curse if used against you in a trial .

100% true. I watched an interview with bill gates about Event 201 where they covered the covid pandemic 3 months before the first case of Covid.

So, if it wasn't a plan; how did Gates know about it?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:55 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

There is no proof of covid being a planned attack upon humanity outside of broad conjecture that you would curse if used against you in a trial .

Maybe not, but there is proof that the government knew that Ivermectin was effective at treating all phases of covid, yet that information was withheld from the public. In fact, the only reason we have that proof is because someone leaked a classified DARPA document. And there's definitely evidence that covid-19 was a genetically engineered virus, who's research started in the US before being transferred to China.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:00 PM

originally posted by: crayzeed
a reply to: psychotrail
Please go find the Video aftermath. The glass and the metal of the cars were melted not just broken, melted. In that temperature there would be no bones.

Bones don’t disintegrate when bodies are cremated & they are crushed into dust & fragments afterwards.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:08 PM

originally posted by: SRPrime

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: JAY1980
One persons conspiracy theory is another person's reality. I wouldn't say it's conspiracy theorists that are eroding the fabric of our society, it's the people that aren't who are having a far greater negative impact.

Conspiracy theorists are sometimes the only people holding truth to power. Many people who finally come around to learning one of these truths just shrugs it off and continues trusting the same people and entities that lied too, and manipulated them in the first place.

There are people who see, people who don't see, and people who see what they are told to see. The latter is the most dangerous, as they are the most maliable.

covid origins
mRNA vaccines
Human trafficking
Organ harvesting

Just to name a few were all regarded as conspiracy theories at one time or another. The people who were skeptical were berated by their peers, and had their intelligence questioned. Now that most of these things have been established as fact it's clear these same people would like to pretend the last 3 years never happened. Because to question that would completely destroy their fragile reality that has been carefully crafted around them.

It only takes a few seconds of critical thought to see through the lies and manipulation we've all endured since the start of this plandemic. Anyone still preaching this and buying it is most likely a lost cause and should be ignored in the marketplace of free ideas. Which would include most of Washington DC and Hollywood as they are some of the biggest perpetrators of this.

The fact the GOP thought it was acceptable to play Rich Men North Of Richmond during their debate shows how truely out of touch they are with the common American.
Or you saw the powers that be seize on an opportunity of a natural born virus or mistake. There is no proof of covid being a planned attack upon humanity outside of broad conjecture that you would curse if used against you in a trial .

100% true. I watched an interview with bill gates about Event 201 where they covered the covid pandemic 3 months before the first case of Covid.

So, if it wasn't a plan; how did Gates know about it?
Governments prepare for disaster all the time & technocrats like Gates or Henry Ford etc before him are part of national responses to nation wide issues due to their position in infrastructure , tech or supply.
Musk & Bezos are also on the short list of technocrats that will be utilised for national defence or support In tragedy on mass
edit on 31-8-2023 by psychotrail because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:10 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: psychotrail

There is no proof of covid being a planned attack upon humanity outside of broad conjecture that you would curse if used against you in a trial .

Maybe not, but there is proof that the government knew that Ivermectin was effective at treating all phases of covid, yet that information was withheld from the public. In fact, the only reason we have that proof is because someone leaked a classified DARPA document. And there's definitely evidence that covid-19 was a genetically engineered virus, who's research started in the US before being transferred to China.

If the government told you to take ivermectin , you would refuse it as unsafe .
Do you see the problem in paranoia ?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: IndieA

That still seems way too high. I can't help but think that more people should have been able to evacuate.

i agree, and yes it was a screwed up situation from the get go. people blanked up and are and going to cover their asses. so was just like Katrina.

but jumping straight to it's was a land grab, pushing the climate change/ global warming, or any other conspiracy theory by the elite considering the circumstances of how it is suspected to have started.would mean that they had to plan it way in advance, get all the right people on board and wait until a opportunity like a storm with winds strong enough to drive the fire. and that is not just a few, elites need the support of at least hundreds of nonelite people tgo pull this off knowing or unknowing.

this kind of stuff is driven by the likes of david icke who are in it for the money. fear sells and what better fear than pushing your going to become a useless eater and be killed or a slave to the elites and their followers to grab your land.

nothing here suggests that there was a plan for this, in fact with all the evidence presented for downed power lines and winds from a hurricane to be the cause, which it more than likely just what it was. most times times things are just as they seem, and not a plan by the elites

edit on 31-8-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:13 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

You posted a fact-checker likely engaged in public relations and narrative steering.

This site says otherwise:

How is a Body Prepared for Cremation?

What is the cremation process for humans? The cremation process for humans takes between 1.5 and 2 hours. The body is placed in a retort, which is then heated to between 1400 and 1800 degrees Fahrenheit. At this temperature, the body burns, and the bones turn to ash. After the body has been cremated, the ashes are placed in an urn and returned to the family.

Melted glass can be seen in some of the videos.

Glass melts at 2,600 to 2,800 Fahrenheit.

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