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The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:29 PM
a reply to: IndieA

what happens when a black smith pumps air through a bellows over coals and fire. it gets hotter, and heats up the metal some metal can turn molten when this is done long enough. same principle with glass.
winds pushing fire over more fuel crates more coals which in turn crates more heat. or materials burning hot and long enough to melt glass.

edit on 31-8-2023 by BernnieJGato because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:55 PM
a reply to: BernnieJGato

I understand that.

I'm not claiming that I know what caused the fires to burn so hot, I'm just pointing things out like, if the temperatures were hot enough to melt glass, they would have also been hot enough to turn bone to ash.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 03:56 PM

originally posted by: SRPrime

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: musicismagic
You do realize that sometimes truth does kill that's the sad part of a sick society.
I accept not getting the truth as a safety measure.
If an asteroid is going to destroy earth , letting the public know would be unnecessary chaos , I get it .
Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

My point is that people turn up at pizza restaurants with guns demanding that the children be released from the secret dungeon below it’s walls ?
There is also danger in not believing there are real nasty people who conspire against us , thus causing mayhem or worse.
Both conjecture filled conspiracies & denial of obvious conspiracies like the one that took MTK
from us serve only to destroy society.
The trick is having pure logic as your prime mover
in one’s process of information before one makes any claims .
Example being wildfires being created by space lasers rather than coming from a meth torch used by a homeless drug addict in the woods ..
The most dangerous event in regards to this is the QAnon mess .
Millions of intelligent adults were cult conditioned into believing some truly insane ideas by random people from 4chan ???
Hitler & his propaganda machine convinced millions that the Jews were the root cause of Germany’s problems which led to millions dying.
Denying the conspiracy created by Hitler is also extremely dangerous.
People always blame the devil for bad events or ignore him when he shows up in one’s own life .
I believe conspiracy theories are lazy think , because conjecture is quick & cant be defeated due to constant movement from the empirical just like arguing with someone over their religious beliefs that have zero evidence outside of more created evidence with little provenance.

You making up a plausible logical answer does not make it the truth. It's important to know this.

There is piles of Directed Energy Weapon's evidence. They do exist, and if they exist, they get used. You can ignore it all if you want, but that doesn't mean it was a homeless meth torch that caused the fires.

You'd then have to explain why the police closed the escape routes, and also why the emergency sirens didn't go off. As you can see from beginning to end, the state did nothing but create the circumstance for all of that death. It's not a logical leap to believe they started the fire that they trapped the people inside of, for seemingly no reason at all.

There was a reason; we just aren't privy to it; that doesn't mean because we don't know the motive, that they didn't do it. That's not how logic works.
Im sorry but it’s thought like this that allows blatant conspiracies to flourish .
When people claim far fetched theories over mundane day to day events it deadens the impact of real cries against nefarious acts .
I would never vote for Biden or Trump , but it’s very obvious we have voting integrity issues in America
and the same people going off about plasma beams melting Hawaii are also crying about voting scams as their credibility disappears in the process.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

Point taken, but there are a number of things that are wrong with the Maui fires, regardless of whether or not plasma tech was involved.

In any case, it's important that events like these are fully investigated, even if some of the evidence turns out to be odd or unlikely, it still should be considered and evaluated.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 08:02 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

This is a logical fallacy. A rich person is letting hungry people starve. That makes them bad -- them having riches and then throwing that income on toys, while people are freezing to death and starving proves that they are bad people. You don't need to ask a single rich person; if they were ultruistic, they'd use all of their money to help others. They don't, they hoard it and turn a blind eye.

That has nothing to do with racism, homophobia, or discrimination of any kind. It has to do with greed and entitlement. Rich people are greedy, they are also entitled, because they have delusions of granduer and think that they are the ones that deserve the money they have.

Most of these rich people can't even change the batteries in their TV remote. It's not a luxury they come to me to change it, they literally don't know how to and can't figure it out. I've met 3 year old kids smarter than some of these people that pull up in RR's.

Again, you are speaking in generalizations. You are lumping all rich people into one group. You are saying they are all the same. Think about your own life. Are you exactly the same as everyone you know in the same economic class as you?

If all the rich people in the world used all their money to help all the poor people in the world, they would then have nothing left and would depend on all the rich people in the world to help them. Of course, there would be no more rich people because they would have given all their money away.

And what do you consider rich? If someone makes one million a year, are they rich? And if someone makes $999,999 a year, are they not? At what level of wealth do you think someone becomes "bad"?

And I'm willing to wager that more than half the rich people in the world know how to change the batteries in their remotes.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: SRPrime

Out of the frying pan and into the fire? The air is on fire; lets get out and walk through the fire.

Some people don't think? There are over 3,000 people missing still. Yeah they just got out of their cars and got lost in their home town. Like, come on.

I would absolutely get out of my vehicle and head towards the ocean if my vehicle was melting. If that wasn't an option, I would head towards the opposite direction of wherever the fire was. And if that wasn't an option, I would kneel down and pray.

And I assume your second statement was a mistype. There are several hundreds missing, not 3000.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:11 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: psychotrail

Point taken, but there are a number of things that are wrong with the Maui fires, regardless of whether or not plasma tech was involved.

In any case, it's important that events like these are fully investigated, even if some of the evidence turns out to be odd or unlikely, it still should be considered and evaluated.

Im sure there were bureaucratic blunders by the State of Hawaii but there are 100s of thousands of people online spreading this plasma death ray from space business .
Imagine having lost friend’s & family or property to this fire & people claiming that a secret satellite vaporised your loved ones or home ?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 10:28 PM

originally posted by: SRPrime

originally posted by: psychotrail

originally posted by: musicismagic
You do realize that sometimes truth does kill that's the sad part of a sick society.
I accept not getting the truth as a safety measure.
If an asteroid is going to destroy earth , letting the public know would be unnecessary chaos , I get it .
Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

My point is that people turn up at pizza restaurants with guns demanding that the children be released from the secret dungeon below it’s walls ?
There is also danger in not believing there are real nasty people who conspire against us , thus causing mayhem or worse.
Both conjecture filled conspiracies & denial of obvious conspiracies like the one that took MTK
from us serve only to destroy society.
The trick is having pure logic as your prime mover
in one’s process of information before one makes any claims .
Example being wildfires being created by space lasers rather than coming from a meth torch used by a homeless drug addict in the woods ..
The most dangerous event in regards to this is the QAnon mess .
Millions of intelligent adults were cult conditioned into believing some truly insane ideas by random people from 4chan ???
Hitler & his propaganda machine convinced millions that the Jews were the root cause of Germany’s problems which led to millions dying.
Denying the conspiracy created by Hitler is also extremely dangerous.
People always blame the devil for bad events or ignore him when he shows up in one’s own life .
I believe conspiracy theories are lazy think , because conjecture is quick & cant be defeated due to constant movement from the empirical just like arguing with someone over their religious beliefs that have zero evidence outside of more created evidence with little provenance.

You making up a plausible logical answer does not make it the truth. It's important to know this.

There is piles of Directed Energy Weapon's evidence. They do exist, and if they exist, they get used. You can ignore it all if you want, but that doesn't mean it was a homeless meth torch that caused the fires.

You'd then have to explain why the police closed the escape routes, and also why the emergency sirens didn't go off. As you can see from beginning to end, the state did nothing but create the circumstance for all of that death. It's not a logical leap to believe they started the fire that they trapped the people inside of, for seemingly no reason at all.

There was a reason; we just aren't privy to it; that doesn't mean because we don't know the motive, that they didn't do it. That's not how logic works.
So lets break down what it would take to use a Stratos bomber or satellite to melt a huge portion of Hawaii ok ?
So the United States Space Command or SAC would have to be involved & countless numbers of high ranking military/Pentagon brass for one .
Then every weather satellite would have to be told to ignore a gigantic lightning bolt ( NOAA tracks 95% of all lightning strikes in real time ) flying down to Hawaii .
Then everyone involved would have to keep quiet about vaporising Hawaiians .
Then there is the whole “ whats the endgame of burning Hawaii “
This whole space laser stuff is completely ridiculous even for ATS imo .
We have real issues in America like our trains , power grids , infrastructure , homelessness & fentanyl not plasma lasers from space .
There were 80 mph plus winds during that fire , just like a bellows on a forge !
It was a fire tornado essentially that melted glass & cooked people via radiant heat before the flames hit them .
Paranoia & distrust creates demons out of fiat !

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 11:41 PM

originally posted by: psychotrail

Yet both complete denial of conspiracies & seeing conspiracies everywhere is extremely harmful & dysfunctional equally to society.
I don’t want to live in Alex Jones’s or Neil deGrasse Tyson’s worlds.
I believe there are legitimate conspiracies as well believe the vast majority of them are complete conjecture.

Why wouldn't conspiracies exist everywhere? A conspiracy is just a group of people working together.

Why assume honesty on the part of the elite? For the non-elite, we expect conspiracies but we just don't call them that. We simply enter the 3 digit code on the back of our credit card because we know people work together and steal credit card information. We have gang task force in every police department.

For ordinary people, it's not crazy.

We have consumer protection laws because we know upper management can lie and encourage their employees to mislead consumers. Suspect a politician might pressure government employees and you are crazy.

Bad people exist and bad people often work together. Just because they rise through the ranks of government doesn't suddenly make them honest.

Nothing is crazy about that.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 12:50 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

Good discussion.
If there was some operation that did in fact use some advanced tech to create these fires, there wouldn't be countless high ranking people involved. It would be very few and very limited amount of people. It might only be one person at the pentagon read in to such an off the books program with the full knowledge of it and what it can do.

This is the problem with some very secret special access programs, absolutely no oversight whatsoever and maybe one person trusted to know how to use that program, and all others in the program would know only "some" things applicable to their involvement.

And that someone could be good pals with someone that gave the order to do it. Who could it be? I would start with Skull and Bones members Like GW Bush or Horse-face and go from there. People with the power and clout of old rogue embedded and entrenched CIA/NSA programs long forgotten and never even known about. ( Those pompous people who thumb their nose at the America and operate above the law never being held accountable. They will be though.
I've probably said way too much now.

edit on 1-9-2023 by NoCorruptionAllowed because: horsehead changed to horse face (John Kerry)

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 12:51 PM

originally posted by: Daughter2

originally posted by: psychotrail

Yet both complete denial of conspiracies & seeing conspiracies everywhere is extremely harmful & dysfunctional equally to society.
I don’t want to live in Alex Jones’s or Neil deGrasse Tyson’s worlds.
I believe there are legitimate conspiracies as well believe the vast majority of them are complete conjecture.

Why wouldn't conspiracies exist everywhere? A conspiracy is just a group of people working together.

Why assume honesty on the part of the elite? For the non-elite, we expect conspiracies but we just don't call them that. We simply enter the 3 digit code on the back of our credit card because we know people work together and steal credit card information. We have gang task force in every police department.

For ordinary people, it's not crazy.

We have consumer protection laws because we know upper management can lie and encourage their employees to mislead consumers. Suspect a politician might pressure government employees and you are crazy.

Bad people exist and bad people often work together. Just because they rise through the ranks of government doesn't suddenly make them honest.

Nothing is crazy about that.
My point exactly.
There can be no world’s with only conspiracies or all conspiracies.
We all conspire every day as that is the nature of the animal in us , but my point is that denial of this is silly as well as seeing conspiracies in everything.
If Hawaii was set on fire by evil death rays from space, then every hurricane is created by gigantic invisible fans floating in the stratosphere.
Crazy is crazy & it knows no sides .
Denial of scientific weather modification & acceptance of plasma death rays from space melting Hawaiian people in their cars is equally ignorant imo.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 01:05 PM

originally posted by: NoCorruptionAllowed
a reply to: psychotrail

Good discussion.
If there was some operation that did in fact use some advanced tech to create these fires, there wouldn't be countless high ranking people involved. It would be very few and very limited amount of people. It might only be one person at the pentagon read in to such an off the books program with the full knowledge of it and what it can do.

This is the problem with some very secret special access programs, absolutely no oversight whatsoever and maybe one person trusted to know how to use that program, and all others in the program would know only "some" things applicable to their involvement.

And that someone could be good pals with someone that gave the order to do it. Who could it be? I would start with Skull and Bones members Like GW Bush or Horse-face and go from there. People with the power and clout of old rogue embedded and entrenched CIA/NSA programs long forgotten and never even known about. ( Those pompous people who thumb their nose at the America and operate above the law never being held accountable. They will be though.
I've probably said way too much now.

Ok , but what is the motive then ?
Why use this supposed plasma laser from space to burn Hawaiian people ?
Government spooks could easily drop incendiary devices via micro drones under the cover of night , which I don’t believe either.
My point is , how tf# do people see a privacy barrier & biohazard barrier around burned bodies as evidence of a vaporisation laser from space coverup ?
That is a gigantic leap even for conjecture ?
I have an open mind to there being true conspiracy in our world , but Im so sick & tired of this QAnon style insanity that has permeated a vast majority of the conservatives.
Here is a conspiracy for all of you , did it ever occur to anyone that these insane theories are feed to you via internet algorithms to draw out the insane of society.
It wasn’t that long ago that publicly believing in death rays from space are starting fires in one’s backyard ideas would land you in a mental hospital for assessment of the mind .
Mental health is a serious problem in America.

posted on Sep, 1 2023 @ 11:12 PM
Now Oprah is being investigated into connection with the Maui fires.

So yes, the fires were very suspicious. We will be proven right, unfortunately.

posted on Sep, 2 2023 @ 09:50 PM
a reply to: psychotrail
Not every plan conjured up by two or more dudes/chicks is made to keep the dim/slow dimmer and slower.

So every plan made not to benefit humanity is nefarious and too many adjectives to comprehend for our slow and our dim.

It's not that complicated.

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: psychotrail
This from the heart. I quite liked that poem, if you call it a poem, I do. I probably would say that it is the only thing that taught me anything from all that you said. It may also be the most important thing I've been taught all year. Maybe you think those other things should have been my lesson in the first place. I am a long way away from grammer school, words, and anything resembling an education but a simple reminder might have brought it back a little. Its odd how the most cryptic was the only thing that seemed to explain anything to me. I would only ask one thing? Euclid?
So thanks for allowing me to torment you for a while and thanks for that poem too. It will be one of my favourits for a long time. So if ya got more, I will memorize those too, so I can pick up girl's in bars. So instead of messing around anymore, you teach me something you think I outta know? Not what I should already know because I don't, but for certain someone else does, so why should I? I got here without them so I don't need them. Im trying to let go of some things I do know, and it's just because things are getting too heavy. So what I do pick up I want to be able to use, and somebody to show me how to use it. Be a sport? One day you might have to teach me what I SHOULD remember, those one's I will want to go back and pick up again, if I should remember them , then i should have them, and if I want keep them, then I would carry those, because why shouldn't I?
Maybe this is where we start that discusion. I dont want grammer classes, I want conflicting idea's with the goal of making as few conflicting ideas as possible. With these two things I mentioned my favourite idealogy hold them within its core and will happy to make an explaination why, when you give me the go ahead. This is where the world need's to go to survive. Maybe it will work, because nothing else is and I'm scared.

The question waanted to know was how would try be Balancing the Scale's of Jusice?

Amnesty and The endeavour of as few conflicting ideas as possible.

as told by the rom@ntic, and the Ide@list, and the 1st Person

posted on Sep, 5 2023 @ 11:36 PM

originally posted by: AnrkEE
a reply to: psychotrail
This from the heart. I quite liked that poem, if you call it a poem, I do. I probably would say that it is the only thing that taught me anything from all that you said. It may also be the most important thing I've been taught all year. Maybe you think those other things should have been my lesson in the first place. I am a long way away from grammer school, words, and anything resembling an education but a simple reminder might have brought it back a little. Its odd how the most cryptic was the only thing that seemed to explain anything to me. I would only ask one thing? Euclid?
So thanks for allowing me to torment you for a while and thanks for that poem too. It will be one of my favourits for a long time. So if ya got more, I will memorize those too, so I can pick up girl's in bars. So instead of messing around anymore, you teach me something you think I outta know? Not what I should already know because I don't, but for certain someone else does, so why should I? I got here without them so I don't need them. Im trying to let go of some things I do know, and it's just because things are getting too heavy. So what I do pick up I want to be able to use, and somebody to show me how to use it. Be a sport? One day you might have to teach me what I SHOULD remember, those one's I will want to go back and pick up again, if I should remember them , then i should have them, and if I want keep them, then I would carry those, because why shouldn't I?
Maybe this is where we start that discusion. I dont want grammer classes, I want conflicting idea's with the goal of making as few conflicting ideas as possible. With these two things I mentioned my favourite idealogy hold them within its core and will happy to make an explaination why, when you give me the go ahead. This is where the world need's to go to survive. Maybe it will work, because nothing else is and I'm scared.

The question waanted to know was how would try be Balancing the Scale's of Jusice?

Amnesty and The endeavour of as few conflicting ideas as possible.

as told by the rom@ntic, and the Ide@list, and the 1st Person
Once in Bavaria I went to a RC event & they had a cross in wires that created a spark.
I looked in the mirror & saw the number 4 .
Justice stems on a flower near the outhouse & only the wolf sniffs it .
Anyway my 1/12th carpet knife tore into the field as Jack The Gripper was applied.
Im a Toltec & Euclid was a Greek
Without a point life is math !
Do you wear bowling shoes there dear Jim ?
My ways are not a mystery , but rather serve as a releasing agent from it’s sprue ..
The psychopomp wears coins for eyes
Wake In Fright & eat some Kangaroo
Justice is the bump in the wheelhouse of all sailors lost in a puddle.
On my birthday I blow fire onto my candles
Do you understand Justice yet ?

posted on Sep, 6 2023 @ 01:10 AM
problem is that periods of depression and change create space for conspiracies to rise as an extension of the sheering forces in play..

we can see this with academics deploying the 3.5% theory that the richer class can for change by forcing the poor to change by controlling their access to society and wider freedoms

under this sits the premise that the fewer humans (aka poor) the greater the freedoms the rich enjoy, this us know as civil genocide, abortions sit in this pot as does the welfare states designed to ensure the poor are in a constant state of nearly drowning.. the worst example nation of this is the way Canadians use maid to reduce the number of people in their country

combined though the 3.5 pointers forget the 25 point rule which dictates that at any time 25% can force societal change, they won't attempt to use all arms of the gov, academia or media to civiling genocide there opponents they'll just overturn the existing order.

its i these spaces we see the more extreme theories, can point to the reformation, the english civil wars and french revolution for examples of those 2 extreme forces in play.

and we can see both in play throughout the west in the gender wars/culture wars/economic declinism/migrant wars/resource wars, which is why the us/uk and others in the west are looking ever more corrupt and verging on failed state status as we shift from 3.5% and move closer to the 25%, the jan6 us show trials are the most obvious example of this shift.

the question is how to roll back the mainstreaming of conspiracies in these periods? its certainly not through authoritarianism, show trials or suiciding opponents.. its offering a positive vision of the future which no party left or right has in the west.. hence why this will only get worse.

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 09:21 PM
a reply to: psychotrail
well it seems the answer of my understanding of justice has been taken from the page without even a mod removal post. So it appears as though it was maybe too clear a summary, and is now stored in the vault of only my memory, and without any record of it's existance, now it is only a dream. So justice has it's perfect record intact and it's my word against her's, and so I will leave it at that. I'm still gonna talk about it behind her back, by saying it to her face while she can't look at me in the eyes, which is the real reason for the blindfold and not fairness or equality. Do I understand justice yet? I understand I'm an amatuer enthusiast and well that is about as far as I can go without credential, but I can still suffer the consequence. So it will be just a hobby.

IF the question of balance of justice is ever truly asked, and the answer is amnesty, I hope we are afforded that, then I will truly say there is justice, Everyone with a clean slate. The Scales perfectly balanced, and take the blindfold off.

I understand justice also operates with its own version of amnesty and why should it change if that is already balanced?

I iunderstand justice enough to say we should leave it alone if we know whats good for us. I will just come back when I can to take the blindfold off, and spit in its eye. How do you punish me for doing it? can't take a life that takes itself? Where we are going, amnesty will be meaningless anyway. This is what justice has brought us and I am enjoying the show. PsychoTrail it has fun but give me you answer to the balance?. No poems, just what I have been fumbiing to find.? Tell me something if this problem has solution that is not amnesty? Then my hobby is done and I can leave knowing, something because time is short. No poem.

Then another poem if you can sometime, but not too far away, my scorecard is getting checked. Those poems I think they are something, but also nothing and everything. Sometime I think you are trying. Suffer sophistication syndrome, and you Really dont want anyone like you. I believe that. You rip up boards everywhere here and I wonder how you keep that pace, I have ideas but who cares about mine, you have legacy/ This is just briefly following you around. Not in a state to take it in. Certainly in a state though.

edit on 7-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 7 2023 @ 09:40 PM

originally posted by: AnrkEE
a reply to: psychotrail
well it seems the answer of my understanding of justice has been taken from the page without even a mod removal post. So it appears as though it was maybe too clear a summary, and is now stored in the vault of only my memory, and without any record of it's existance, now it is only a dream. So justice has it's perfect record intact and it's my word against her's, and so I will leave it at that. I'm still gonna talk about it behind her back, by saying it to her face while she can't look at me in the eyes, which is the real reason for the blindfold and not fairness or equality. Do I understand justice yet? I understand I'm an amatuer enthusiast and well that is about as far as I can go without credential, but I can still suffer the consequence. So it will be just a hobby.

IF the question of balance of justice is ever truly asked, and the answer is amnesty, I hope we are afforded that, then I will truly say there is justice, Everyone with a clean slate. The Scales perfectly balanced, and take the blindfold off.

I understand justice also operates with its own version of amnesty and why should it change if that is already balanced?

I iunderstand justice enough to say we should leave it alone if we know whats good for us. I will just come back when I can to take the blindfold off, and spit in its eye. How do you punish me for doing it? can't take a life that takes itself? Where we are going, amnesty will be meaningless anyway. This is what justice has brought us and I am enjoying the show. PsychoTrail it has fun but give me you answer to the balance?. No poems, just what I have been fumbiing to find.? Tell me something if this problem has solution that is not amnesty? Then my hobby is done and I can leave knowing, something because time is short. No poem.

Then another poem if you can sometime, but not too far away, my scorecard is getting checked. Those poems I think they are something, but also nothing and everything. Sometime I think you are trying. Suffer sophistication syndrome, and you Really dont want anyone like you. I believe that. You rip up boards everywhere here and I wonder how you keep that pace, I have ideas but who cares about mine, you have legacy/ This is just briefly following you around. Not in a state to take it in. Certainly in a state though.
If one has zero guilt , justice is pointless.
Everyone believes they are justified , so justice is taken as a punishment rather than guilt .
If werewolves stalk from cornfields , do we charge the farmer who planted the field ?
There are many courts in this world

posted on Sep, 8 2023 @ 03:11 PM
a reply to: psychotrail

If one has zero guilt , justice is pointless.
Everyone believes they are justified , so justice is taken as a punishment rather than guilt .
If werewolves stalk from cornfields , do we charge the farmer who planted the field ?
There are many courts in this world

Of course they have justification, we all do, but maybe a clear picture of the entire story, which is irrefutable and will be exposed will change things?. Maybe the court of public opinion will decide if shame, riducule, and if acceptance of any justification is true enough to excuse the crime? Then they don't need to feel guilty to be monster's all the same. Probably why they don't feel guilt, they are monster's in the first place. It no longer matter's, we may still find them guilty, and then the punishment is no longer pointless. Punishment will be sharpened. We don't need their consent to impose the payment exacted. Public outrage will foster a punishment that is just, I know Salem witchtrial #. Well lucky those people weren't faced with the same standard today, they no longer have the supernatural and vindictive hysteria to lean on.

So they will say AI is to blame for those horrible picture's and claim to be innocent. That tactic will only be used against some, or as vindication for other's, but we won't know the difference because it muddies the water, look to who you can and cannot critisize. The writing is on the wall there, and we can read it loud and clear. Which is to say it will be completely unclear. Kangaroo court's are to protect any enemy of the truly guilty, so they can have peace in their hearts and sleep at night. Also to railroad those hated by the community, a good reaso not to be a jerk. They must not forget that they too will find themselve's in front of that court, I hope they were measured in temperment, because if Eye for an eye justice and you both go blind should carry weight it should matter there. Mob justice isn't something to be taken lighty, but it sure is scarier than the protective custody of the court. Would you rather face a jury, or be thrown to family and friends of the victim's? Some actually would rather and likely because forgiveness is possible, but safety is not a gaurantee either, but maybe we punish just enough. The real big monster's want away from the mob, so make them list their crime's and they will be released back into the cornfield instead. Let them into the cornfield.

That cornfield harbour all kinds of wolve's, feral and the Supernatural alike. Sorry to the farmer, but we burn that field to the ground.

The world court, impotent and staged doesnt hold real jurisdiction, by my estimation though it sounds like alot of realestate. The irony.

People's court? We could put it on t.v
edit on 8-9-2023 by AnrkEE because: (no reason given)

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