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The Impact Conspiracy Theorist Have On Society

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posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 02:56 AM
I enjoy entertaining all possibilities as part of trying to think critically. Im not perfect in my understanding of many things , and accept that I have different ideas on things just like anyone else .
My reason for writing this thread is not as a criticism or praising of anyone here on ATS , but rather all us humans.
There are people who won’t accept reality when it’s standing in-front of them as well people who blow past reality at every stop in a effort to find hidden agendas in everything.
There can be no world that exists with only conspiracies abound just as no world can exist with zero conspiracies.
So it’s always been a matter of accepting your tachometer in such matters.
Yet both complete denial of conspiracies & seeing conspiracies everywhere is extremely harmful & dysfunctional equally to society.
I don’t want to live in Alex Jones’s or Neil deGrasse Tyson’s worlds.
I believe there are legitimate conspiracies as well believe the vast majority of them are complete conjecture.
This week I read conspiracy theories about Citgo via hackers , corporate evils or the government made bad gas in order to cause chaos during the latest hurricane in FLA .
Yet with the hurricane on the West coast , Hawaiian fire , holiday summer travel coming up & a Florida hurricane demand on gas/diesel are high .
This demand requires overtime , refineries running at max capacity 24/7 thus creating an environment prone for mistakes & accidents in the production of fuels .
Citgo also alerted Florida almost 3 days in advance of the hurricane that there was bad fuel at some gas stations.
Why would any secret plan to hurt Florida & DeSantis with sabotaged fuel during a hurricane include a 60 hour window to get new fuel for generators before the hurricane hit ?
Why do some people blow past logic looking for near impossible scenarios for the chain of events ?
Conspiracy theorists love to use hard facts or scientific proof , but often deny the most credible reasons right in-front
I read about a black fabric barrier/shield around a small area of fire damage on Hawaii being proof of laser/plasma evidence being hidden behind the black curtain as the source of the Hawaiian fire ?
Yet the idea of it more than likely being a shield from burned & rotted bodies discovered after the flames
is passed over for plasma space lasers as the source ?

I also think that people who believe the last election was secure are just as ambitious to ignore logical proof of there being election fraud to fully embracing “ most secure election ever “ crap & I hate Trump.
Or the people who believe JFK was killed by a lone wolf ?

So it is my opinion that both types of people have a personality issue that causes the average public to dismiss both types as unsound.
We need people to look into election fraud on all sides as well We need people to use logic rather than jumping to space lasers & aliens did it , because it was easier to create a fantasy rather than see reality.
Both groups destroy our opportunities to learn .
Theories are within a personal bias of politics , creeds , oaths , ethics as well logic based .
We need sceptics & believer , because the truth is seldom what we believe just as loose theories get spread out as facts .
Let Logic reign supreme instead of ignorance.

edit on 31-8-2023 by psychotrail because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 04:05 AM
You do realize that sometimes truth does kill that's the sad part of a sick society.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 04:36 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

balance is the key to our shackles.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 05:27 AM
Maybe it is not that everything in history is a conspiracy; however, because of a conspiracy, the only information we have about the past is all wrong!

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 05:56 AM
Depends on the type of CT.

I'm not fond of the ones who approach me unsolicited in public with all sorts of bizarre theories because they're on a mission to "wake people up to the TRUTH man".

Some theories have merit...some do not.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 06:36 AM
The bad gas before the hurricane was suspicious, and I posted the Beastie Boys Sabotage video but I never said that I thought that it was sabotage outright. I said that the incident needed to be investigated, and more so due to the suspicious circumstances, timing, and location. Since posting that OP, I learned that "bad gas" is more common than I was initially aware of. I learned something and hopefully others did to.

The Maui fire is also suspicious for a number of reasons as documented in a number of videos.
1. Alarm system didn't go off
2. Water was shut off
3. People were told that they couldn't evacuate yet and to go home.
4. Destruction that indicates extremely high temperatures, sometimes next to unburned houses and trees.
5. A book written by Dr. Mills Stone (millstone - likely AI) 2 days into the fire

And much more.

I agree that it's important not to jump to conclusions, but it's also important not to be so quick to reject possiblities.

edit on 31-8-2023 by IndieA because: Added comment

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 06:48 AM
Some harmful conspiracy theories, that could be funded disinformation campaigns, that cause harm to society:

1. End of the world predictions
2. Aliens, reptilians, shape-shifters
3. Flat-Earth
4. Mandela Effect
5. Simulation theory
7. Hollow Earth
8. Nibiru

These 2 aren't conspiracy theories, they are just bad intel:
1. Iraq had weapons of mass destruction
2. Hunter's laptop was most likely Russian disinformation

I would suggest that these 2 seem like intentionally bad intel, but I can't prove intent, nor am I here to try, so I say "seem like" in my statement.

I'm also not trying to make a case that those intentions could have been sparking a multi-decade war or swinging a US Presidential election, but again, it's important not to be so quick to disregard possibilities.

edit on 31-8-2023 by IndieA because: Added thoughts

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 06:52 AM

originally posted by: GENERAL EYES
Depends on the type of CT.

I'm not fond of the ones who approach me unsolicited in public with all sorts of bizarre theories because they're on a mission to "wake people up to the TRUTH man".

Some theories have merit...some do not.

It seems very politically expedient too as to what actually gets classified as a conspiracy theory. For instance, people speculating about Obama's chef and Obama's possible sexual proclivities are readily classified as conspiracy theorists, poo pooed and dismissed.

But I have a trans relative who gets on Facebook and rails about all the Nazis and white supremacist and fascist Americans who are trying to kill trans people, and how there's even a lot of videos of preachers telling their congregations that they must exterminate all gay and trans people.

Now to me that's downright delusional, but since other trans people jump in and post pictures of what I would just call Republicans and claim that they are neo-nazis that need to be doxed... And there's no pushback at all from anyone ...ever. They are claiming there is a very wide and present conspiracy to kill them All, but they never even get called paranoid, much less conspiracy theorists!

And I really get that no one wants a deluded group just sitting there like a ball of snakes radicalizing themselves, but when some groups do it it seems to be fine, even encouraged, when in fact most of their problems are simply just a projection of their own self hate.

But I really hate it when the term 'conspiracy theory/ theorist' is used to shut down free speech and speculation, because our media is absolutely failing us.

The FBI & the media are framing things in such a way that they want most people to shut up and sit down and just take whatever medicine they're given - literally.
edit on 31-8-2023 by hadriana because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 06:57 AM
There has never been any shortage of real conspiracies in the world, but none of the conspiracies believed in by conspiracy theorists have any validity whatsoever.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:04 AM
I think people should believe their own eyes as to why there is a very very long (not small) black curtain in Maui. Conspiracy? Fact. I urge you to look at all the videos of the area before they shut it down. The BS about protecting the dead remains is just that, BS. The main one is the rows and rows of burned out cars, melted metal and melted glass. Now virtually all these cars had families in them. Did any of you see any human remains???? NO, you didn't because they were all cremated to ashes, THAT'S why they can't give a definitive death toll and that's the reason because whole families died and there is no one to bother to look for them, survive or not.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:10 AM

originally posted by: musicismagic
You do realize that sometimes truth does kill that's the sad part of a sick society.
I accept not getting the truth as a safety measure.
If an asteroid is going to destroy earth , letting the public know would be unnecessary chaos , I get it .
Yet how is believing & spreading ideas like space lasers burning Hawaii , because there is a black tarp barrier surrounding a burned out area helping anyone besides the person saying such things .

My point is that people turn up at pizza restaurants with guns demanding that the children be released from the secret dungeon below it’s walls ?
There is also danger in not believing there are real nasty people who conspire against us , thus causing mayhem or worse.
Both conjecture filled conspiracies & denial of obvious conspiracies like the one that took MTK
from us serve only to destroy society.
The trick is having pure logic as your prime mover
in one’s process of information before one makes any claims .
Example being wildfires being created by space lasers rather than coming from a meth torch used by a homeless drug addict in the woods ..
The most dangerous event in regards to this is the QAnon mess .
Millions of intelligent adults were cult conditioned into believing some truly insane ideas by random people from 4chan ???
Hitler & his propaganda machine convinced millions that the Jews were the root cause of Germany’s problems which led to millions dying.
Denying the conspiracy created by Hitler is also extremely dangerous.
People always blame the devil for bad events or ignore him when he shows up in one’s own life .
I believe conspiracy theories are lazy think , because conjecture is quick & cant be defeated due to constant movement from the empirical just like arguing with someone over their religious beliefs that have zero evidence outside of more created evidence with little provenance.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:11 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail
I enjoy entertaining all possibilities as part of trying to think critically. Im not perfect in my understanding of many things , and accept that I have different ideas on things just like anyone else .
My reason for writing this thread is not as a criticism or praising of anyone here on ATS , but rather all us humans.
There are people who won’t accept reality when it’s standing in-front of them as well people who blow past reality at every stop in a effort to find hidden agendas in everything.
There can be no world that exists with only conspiracies abound just as no world can exist with zero conspiracies.
So it’s always been a matter of accepting your tachometer in such matters.
Yet both complete denial of conspiracies & seeing conspiracies everywhere is extremely harmful & dysfunctional equally to society.
I don’t want to live in Alex Jones’s or Neil deGrasse Tyson’s worlds.
I believe there are legitimate conspiracies as well believe the vast majority of them are complete conjecture.
This week I read conspiracy theories about Citgo via hackers , corporate evils or the government made bad gas in order to cause chaos during the latest hurricane in FLA .
Yet with the hurricane on the West coast , Hawaiian fire , holiday summer travel coming up & a Florida hurricane demand on gas/diesel are high .
This demand requires overtime , refineries running at max capacity 24/7 thus creating an environment prone for mistakes & accidents in the production of fuels .
Citgo also alerted Florida almost 3 days in advance of the hurricane that there was bad fuel at some gas stations.
Why would any secret plan to hurt Florida & DeSantis with sabotaged fuel during a hurricane include a 60 hour window to get new fuel for generators before the hurricane hit ?
Why do some people blow past logic looking for near impossible scenarios for the chain of events ?
Conspiracy theorists love to use hard facts or scientific proof , but often deny the most credible reasons right in-front
I read about a black fabric barrier/shield around a small area of fire damage on Hawaii being proof of laser/plasma evidence being hidden behind the black curtain as the source of the Hawaiian fire ?
Yet the idea of it more than likely being a shield from burned & rotted bodies discovered after the flames
is passed over for plasma space lasers as the source ?

I also think that people who believe the last election was secure are just as ambitious to ignore logical proof of there being election fraud to fully embracing “ most secure election ever “ crap & I hate Trump.
Or the people who believe JFK was killed by a lone wolf ?

So it is my opinion that both types of people have a personality issue that causes the average public to dismiss both types as unsound.
We need people to look into election fraud on all sides as well We need people to use logic rather than jumping to space lasers & aliens did it , because it was easier to create a fantasy rather than see reality.
Both groups destroy our opportunities to learn .
Theories are within a personal bias of politics , creeds , oaths , ethics as well logic based .
We need sceptics & believer , because the truth is seldom what we believe just as loose theories get spread out as facts .
Let Logic reign supreme instead of ignorance.

I disagree with your supposition. First we must define a conspiracy.

[ kuhn-spahyuhr ]SHOW IPA

See synonyms for: conspireconspiredconspiring on
verb (used without object),con·spired, con·spir·ing.
to agree together, especially secretly, to do something wrong, evil, or illegal

This isn't exactly how I'd define it -- but, sure. I can rock with this. Here is the thing, on the quest to enrich, you will be doing unethical, immoral, evil, and illegal things. In other words, yeah -- everything is a conspiracy. Every facet of life. You ever seen a boss get daggers in his back from his people as he's gaslit into being fired so his number 2 can assume his role?

People will create conspiracy and plot to murder for SMALL change. What do you think they'll do for millions and billions.

Absolute power corrupts absolutely -- and the most powerful, are the richest. Anybody who doesn't understand this is living under a rock and is "wishful" thinking. They want to believe there are good rich people out there, because it keeps the dream that they could one day be one of these good rich people, alive. There is a reason they aren't rich. Likely they are good people, likely they are naive. They wouldn't comprimise their value systems to get there, but that's the only difference between rich people and poor people.

Rich people are pathological. They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and when all you care about is you; it's actually quite easy to make money. So now extrapolate this to governments who think it's their god give right to rule people; and come to the realization that their decision making puts millions and millions of dollars in their pockets...

Governments and big businesses are factually corrupt; and because they are carrying out agendas that enrich them at the cost of all of us; they by very definition exist because they conspire to enrich themselves.

Not every conspiracy is a crazy inter-dimensional reptillian ancient alien blood sucker. But everybody rich has conspired to get where they are; and have stepped on the heads of everyone else to get there.

Even Elon Musk; who inherited an emerald mine -- I promise you his wealth is built on child labor and blood money.

There are no good rich people. I'm not heavily religeous; but it's even spelled out in the bible.

It is hard for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of heaven. And again I say unto you, It is easier for a camel to go through a needle's eye, than for a rich man to enter into the kingdom of God.

Being rich requires you to ignore people starving. You could feed them, but you won't. That does make you not a good person. Once you knowingly make that choice; what's the difference if you make someone hungry in pursuit of more riches?

There isn't one.

Saying that the world is in disarray and disrepair by happen stance is hilarious. We could right the ship if we wanted to, but then those in power actually lose some of it; everybody is happier and fed, but the super riches quality of life becomes normal. If you don't understand this, then you're naive.

The one thing people are really good at -- well, that's deception. All people are liars; those with something to hide, lie the most. The richest people have the most things to hide. None of them are going to admit they pushed people down to get up.

Even musicians, right? They just make music; but the labels control the message. Who do you think is pushing culture? It's music and entertainment. Monkey see, monkey do. Show them rich people talking about drugs, cars, mansions, and sex, and what do the people do?

They emulate. So, you think Hip Hop became as big as it is by chance? No -- it was selected. Take people who are struggling, the starving artist trope; tell them if they make music about drugs and money, that you'll give them a bunch of money, and watch how fast they sell that lifestyle.

Money IS the root of all evil, because Money derives power, and absolute power corrupts, absolutely. The worlds problems are caused by $.
edit on 31-8-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:30 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

So it is my opinion that both types of people have a personality issue that causes the average public to dismiss both types as unsound.

Logic involved:

Non-conspiracist: "There is no evidence there is a conspiracy."

Conspiracist: "There is no evidence that there is not a conspiracy."

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:32 AM
a reply to: musicismagic

In Revelations truth is what destroys the false reality we’re in to reveal Life. What we believe to be life and what life actually is are not the same thing. There’s a reason this world is referred to as a “death cult”, that’s exactly what it is in every sense of the word. It’s pretty easy to see what’s going on, death is being vanquished to reveal Life.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:39 AM

originally posted by: psychotrail

I also think that people who believe the last election was secure are just as ambitious to ignore logical proof of there being election fraud to fully embracing “ most secure election ever “ crap & I hate Trump.
Or the people who believe JFK was killed by a lone wolf ?

So it is my opinion that both types of people have a personality issue that causes the average public to dismiss both types as unsound.
We need people to look into election fraud on all sides as well We need people to use logic rather than jumping to space lasers & aliens did it , because it was easier to create a fantasy rather than see reality.
Both groups destroy our opportunities to learn .
Theories are within a personal bias of politics , creeds , oaths , ethics as well logic based .
We need sceptics & believer , because the truth is seldom what we believe just as loose theories get spread out as facts .
Let Logic reign supreme instead of ignorance.

The motivation for a conspiracy is almost always logical -- you may not understand the motive and hence don't understand the logic.

I run multiple battery stores; and so I've actually been wondering how they are going to convince people to drive EV vehicles by 2030. I never once considered ruining motors by putting bad fuel in them. The agenda is to make things as hard as possible for people; to the point where they concede to things they don't want because they promise an easier path.

The hawaiing fire's are about perpetuating the "climate crisis" issue; which pushes people towards 15 minute cities and electric vehicles.

Killing poor peoples cars by pumping diesal into them gets them on board with 15 minute cities. They can't afford to replace the damaged vehicle; so wouldn't it be super nice if we didn't need a vehicle?

They also want to reduce populations; so giving people bad gas right before they need to evacuate is a perfect caper.

All of this is absolutely logical, if you're standing at the right vantage point. Everything is pushing society the same direction. To a lower population; a lower population that lives in 15 minute ghettos and loses their personal freedom.

The entire globe is marching to the same beat of the same drum. Some places are further along in the plot than others; but we're all going to end up in invisible prisons as a labor force with programable money that expires. Any country that doesn't agree is labeled the enemy and sanctioned or revolutioned with intelligence agents.

There is no such thing as coincidence, and when every action pushes the agenda forward, it's not hard to see the motor pushing it.

Denying these facts is ignorant. People won't be driving gas cars in 2030; because as motor vehicle companies discontinue gas cars and the adoption rate of EV's gets higher, the gas problems will snowball to make it so inconveinent to drive a gas powered motor, that you just won't be able to do it anymore.

This "bad gas" experiment is the first step of the predictive programming. You think this is going to be a one and done thing?

It's not. And when you start seeing more of these issues occuring, you'll quickly forget that it's never happened before and we've been driving gas/diesel vehicles for a 100 years.

We'll blame other crisis.

But here is the thing, you can't contaminate diesal with gas, and gas with diesal; because they don't even use the same gauge hoses. Diesal hoses won't fit into gas tanks or resevoirs, and vice versa.

Refineraries that make diesal, do not make gas. They are completely separate installations. You can't just "whoopsie" it, because non of the equipment is compatible. Which means it HAD to be done on purpose.

We'll pray on the feeble, and naive who don't know this. But they do know this -- you can't put the diesal nozzle in your car, because it doesn't fit.

The one thing you can be assured of; is that mistakes will happen. And if a mistake will cost the company money; then we're just going to have to design the possibility of mistakes OUT of the system. When we talk about gas and diesal; this is 100% true. Citgo isn't going to replace all the car motors that got destroyed.

Insurance companies will approve some of these claims, but as the frequency goes up; insurance companies will make you pay premiums to drive gas vehicles; and you'll have to have the "diesal contamination protection plan" and if you don't, they'll deny the claim.

It's all smoke and mirrors. Florida is no stranger to bad weather and evacuations. We've never gotten contaminated gas in the last 30 years I've lived here.

What happened in hawaii doesn't affect us over here in Florida. That crisis has nothing to do with the daily operations of people living in florida. It's actually illogical to think that the fires in hawaii had anything to do with the "human error" of contaminating gas in Florida.

You can't fence sit. Either there are conspiracy and agendas being pushed on the people; or there isn't. You can't select what you want to accept.

There are only two types of people, and everybody else. It's just become really conveinent that occassionaly a dumb person latches onto a smart person, and then drives all the way up the crazy bridge. They do this to bin the smart people with the crazy people.

If you're smart, you know everything above is true. If you're making irrational arguments and selecting what you want to believe, then you're battling yourself; part of you realizes the truth, the other part is defaulting to the brain washing protocol you've been given by the matrix. Get off youtube; turn the TV off, and just start paying attention to what's going on. A smart person doesn't need someone to tell them what they are looking at.
edit on 31-8-2023 by SRPrime because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 07:57 AM
a reply to: psychotrail

So if we’re all under the impression this world is Life when it’s actually death, would that qualify as a global conspiracy?

How about disclosure? Wouldn’t that be about the biggest reveal you can think of, like too big to even consider a possibility for most? How would you even go about breaking that news to a world you’ve brainwashed into believing death is Life?

It’s not as simple as you’re trying to make it, nor as malignant. WE did it to ourselves, the intelligent thing to do is ask “why?”. Condemnation isn’t going to solve the problem. It’s your problem every bit as much as ours if you know what Self is. It’s not something we can do without you, and you most certainly can’t do it without us. Together we fall, together we rise… that’s Humanity.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:06 AM
a reply to: crayzeed

I think people should believe their own eyes as to why there is a very very long (not small) black curtain in Maui. Conspiracy? Fact. I urge you to look at all the videos of the area before they shut it down. The BS about protecting the dead remains is just that, BS. The main one is the rows and rows of burned out cars, melted metal and melted glass. Now virtually all these cars had families in them. Did any of you see any human remains???? NO, you didn't because they were all cremated to ashes, THAT'S why they can't give a definitive death toll and that's the reason because whole families died and there is no one to bother to look for them, survive or not.

Couldn't the families just have gotten out of the vehicles before they burned up?

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:12 AM

edit on 8/31/2023 by VeeSter because: Replied to the wrong person.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:17 AM

originally posted by: VeeSter
a reply to: quintessentone

Absolute power corrupts absolutely -- and the most powerful, are the richest. Anybody who doesn't understand this is living under a rock and is "wishful" thinking. They want to believe there are good rich people out there, because it keeps the dream that they could one day be one of these good rich people, alive. There is a reason they aren't rich. Likely they are good people, likely they are naive. They wouldn't comprimise their value systems to get there, but that's the only difference between rich people and poor people.

Rich people are pathological. They don't give a damn about anybody but themselves, and when all you care about is you; it's actually quite easy to make money. So now extrapolate this to governments who think it's their god give right to rule people; and come to the realization that their decision making puts millions and millions of dollars in their pockets...

This is how racism, homophobia, antisemitism and other forms of discrimination thrive. Lumping all rich people into one category as "bad" is the same thing as saying this is why I'm struggling, because of that race, or that religion. Until you've met every "rich" person in the world, and see how they've lived their lives, I wouldn't be so quick to make generalized statements like this.

First of all where did you get that quote/post? Then we can go from there.

posted on Aug, 31 2023 @ 09:22 AM
a reply to: quintessentone

I apologize. That was supposed to be a reply to SRPrime. I clicked the Reply at what I thought was the bottom of that post, but was actually the top of yours.

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