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A store owner was killed over a Pride flag she flew in front of her California business

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posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:13 PM
a reply to: EternalShadow

Did you really just try to justify this murder by saying the murderer was sad because heterosexuality isn't included in the Pride Flag?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: EternalShadow
a reply to: Mahogany
Store owner didn't deserve that.

We desperately need a heterosexual flag to balance the movement. It needs to be strung up the pole with the rest.

That way everyone's sexual proclivities can be advertised and praised. He was probably upset with that disparity.

Groups like BLM and the LGBTQ+whatever gender you pick club will always use the logic that an attack on one of them is an attack on all of them which is utter bullsnip.

Anyone got any design ideas for a standardized flag for us "normies"?

I got a flag. It's colored in shades of gray and it will have the word "FLAG" on it. When someone asks what my flag represents, I'll say "flag".

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:29 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: EternalShadow

Did you really just try to justify this murder by saying the murderer was sad because heterosexuality isn't included in the Pride Flag?

Could've been some sarcasm in that post.

But yeah, wokeness with CRT, LBGT+++ acceptance, coerced acceptance of the opposite sex trying to 'be' their opposite sex gets a little old. Murdering someone over it, not ok. I don't think anyone is saying it is. But there are consequences when such extreme ideologies clash with each other. It's too bad we can't all just 'get along' but humans throughout time have found some dumb things to start wars and kill each other over. I don't think that will ever change.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:41 PM
a reply to: StoutBroux

Murdering someone over it, not ok.



Oh, you're actually going to try and justify this murder.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: StoutBroux

Murdering someone over it, not ok.



Oh, you're actually going to try and justify this murder.

Nah, could've been worded better. A variety of consequences can happen when people disagree. It's too bad people are dying over this crap.

I hate crap.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:22 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

Im not sure the reason was over the rainbow flag. It makes for a clickbait headline and outrage tho'.

For example: a school shooting in the jr. high my daughter attended was supposedly because the kid was gay and the shooter was a skinhead. He was the POSTER boy for school violence against gays. Turns out, the kid that shot him was being sexually harrassed by the gay kid, who was older and already placed in foster care for sexually harrassing other sibs. The shooter did tell the VP, but she was a lesbian and made a federal case out his complaint and didnt do anything but shame the kid being bullied by the gay kid.

But the entire national media had it down to the shooter hating gays. Nope. The first trial was hung jury becuse a teacher tesitfied to everything I just said.

So I don't know what happened in this case at all.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:36 PM
a reply to: Mahogany

That is a tough one. We don't have a law on the books for Domestic Terrorism. Then there's the 1st Amendment.

Then there's Stochastic terrorism which hides behind the 1st Amendment

"Stochastic terrorism is the public demonization of a person or group resulting in the incitement of a violent act, which is statistically probable but whose specifics cannot be predicted."[6] To reiterate and add some terms: an entity (an individual or group or organization) acts as a stochastic terrorist by demonizing a target entity which motivates a third group, the terrorist entity, to carry out a terrorist act against the target.
Because stochastic terrorists do not target and incite individual perpetrators of terror with their message, the perpetrator may be labelled a "lone wolf" by law enforcement, while the inciters avoid legal culpability and public scrutiny.
Stochastic terrorism

If the people love their stochastic terrorists and keep them in office, and love the stochastic terrorist media personality who get paid like pay per view, we're in a World of hurt.

Sorry, that's only identifying the problem without offering a solution.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

He literally threatened her over the flag.

I think the reason is pretty clear.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:44 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

And lots and lots was said about the school shooter I just told you about turned out not to be true when it came to court and witnesses.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:48 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

Replace the Pride flag with a Trump flag. Would you be giving the murderer the same benefit of the doubt?

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:54 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

As to motive? Yes, as we know, things aren't as they seem. Would you be so eager to hang them?
edit on 8/20/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:57 PM
a reply to: Threadbare

The very original poster boy for gay rights, Mathew Sheppard, was heniously murdered over a drug deal gone bad, not because he was gay.

So yes, I'll wait for more info to come out.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 07:58 PM
Ratioed by the first comment and the OP dips...

Classic I tell you.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:01 PM
a reply to: pthena

Sounds like the Trump haters to me. MSDNC, CNN. Are they stochastically trying to get him killed?
edit on 8/20/2023 by CoyoteAngels because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:12 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

All murderers should be punished to the fullest extent of the law.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:12 PM

A veteran of the War of 1812, Joseph Palmer began wearing a beard in the 1820s. Beards had gone out of style in the 1720s, and Palmer was considered by most all in his small town to be slovenly and ungodly. He was even criticized by his local preacher for communing with the devil, famously responding to the accusation, “…if I remember correctly, Jesus wore a beard not unlike mine.”

In May of 1830, Palmer was attacked by four men outside of a hotel in Fitchburg, Massachusetts. Armed with razors and scissors, the men attempted to forcibly shave Palmer’s face, but the bewhiskered man stabbed two of his attackers with a pocketknife, and was subsequently arrested for assault. He could have avoided jail by paying a fine and court fees, but Palmer refused, maintaining his innocence, and more importantly his right to a glorious beard. He was subsequently jailed for 15 months, including time in solitary confinement.

Upon leaving prison, Palmer joined the Fruitlands utopian community in nearby Harvard, Massachusetts after being influenced by his friendship with fellow Fruitlander, Louisa May Alcott. The character Moses White from Alcott’s Transcendental Wild Oats is later based on Palmer. Palmer died in 1865 and his tombstone displays a portrait of him with a long beard, and as a final act of rebellion, the inscription, “Persecuted for Wearing the Beard.”

Like I said, I hate crap. All crap.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:14 PM
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

And Harvey Milk was assassinated because he was gay.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:14 PM
Someone made her a good communist.

Oh well, don't care.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:15 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: CoyoteAngels

And Harvey Milk was assassinated because he was gay.

He was a pedophile rapist.

He got what he deserved.

posted on Aug, 20 2023 @ 08:20 PM
a reply to: watchitburn

And your evidence for this other than the claim of a school board member from a small county in California is...?

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