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Snow White is now brown according to Hollywood

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posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:55 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

Oh, are they leaving you and your antiquated ideology coughing in the dust as they progress in acceptance of marginalized people — “polite society” forced to the fringe?


" marginalized people" You and others say this a lot, can you give a few examples so we can understand better?

As I’ve stated before my experience is with the physically disabled.

I was 5 when my mother contracted polio.

The Disability Act came about 40 years later. Equal Right for the disabled had to be forced on an unwilling public not wanting to put themselves out or be inconvenienced.

Do you think people in general have accepted this inconvenience when it interferes with their daily lives?

I can assure you they haven’t. They are forced to accept it.

Voting used to be in the Capital building. Old structures with many steps.

I remember a group of men carrying a full grown man up the flight of stairs at the Capital just so he could vote.

We were thrown out of restaurants because another customer would complsin that they were uncomfortable.

We were thrown out of businesses because of “supposed” insurance rules.

We were denied entry to movie theaters.

You don’t need to be brown, black, gay, etc to me marginalized.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:01 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

So, in summary, the disabled/little people community says that Peter does not speak for all of them.

When we are talking about children's animated movies they typically stay rather simple with the audience they are directed towards. We see no need to go into what gender each dwarf feels like they are, or their sexual preferences. Whether the dwarves live underground or in Hobbit-like bungalows is not really a point in all of it. We also don't think about whether the laws of physics are correct in cartoons either.

I don't think Peter has really thought too much about it all.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Xtrozero

Which classic fairy take was written for children?

Unless it was to scare them into behaving.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:04 PM

originally posted by: halfoldman
Actually growing up gay, I always hoped more straight actors would play gay roles.

Like Kevin Costner and Mel Gibson ...

But that was "Mission impossible".

The funny part is that actually makes sense...

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:06 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Which classic fairy take was written for children?

Unless it was to scare them into behaving.

We are talking about Disney, as in children's animated movies, right? You keep bringing this up, not sure why....
edit on 21-7-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:09 PM

originally posted by: Annee

As I’ve stated before my experience is with the physically disabled.

You are off track again, who are the " marginalized people" negatively affected that Disney needs to change up all the major toons to be one?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:10 PM

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

I have no problem with this change or woke culture.

And you are not going to see it

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:12 PM

originally posted by: DBCowboy

Already been discussed and ignored when it was pointed out how the left screams that only gay actors should play gay characters and when they went nuts when Johnny Depp played Tonto.

Funny how they just kind of move away from all that while saying it's no big deal to swap out characters for someone completely different...

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

As I’ve stated before my experience is with the physically disabled.

You are off track again, who are the " marginalized people" negatively affected that Disney needs to change up all the major toons to be one?

No I am not.

Marginalized people are just that.

ALL the time — not some of the time.

Doors have been FORCED OPEN.

Forced because there is no other way when it comes to people.

Does that mean any establishment has to “gather a group”?

Of course not.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:16 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: scraedtosleep

I have no problem with this change or woke culture.

And you are not going to see it

Who will watch this kind of woke nonsense?!
34 pages now and the radical left can't admit they have lost this argument. Trying to defend Disney's gaffe exposes further the woke ideology.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Annee

Marginalized people are just that.

You and others are using that within the context of this thread and I'm asking where does that fit within this thread?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:18 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: Xtrozero

originally posted by: Annee

As I’ve stated before my experience is with the physically disabled.

You are off track again, who are the " marginalized people" negatively affected that Disney needs to change up all the major toons to be one?

No I am not.

Marginalized people are just that.

ALL the time — not some of the time.

Doors have been FORCED OPEN.

Forced because there is no other way when it comes to people.

Does that mean any establishment has to “gather a group”?

Of course not.

You can go and watch this woke film. Most people will give it a miss just as they did with the last two films by Disney that tried to promote the same woke ideas.

You loose everything when you're trying to misappropriate other people's cultures. Disney will learn the hard way.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:19 PM

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NotMEMaybeU
Instead of remaking classics that did not have black/brown characters, why not create movies adapted from African folk stories and fairy tales? There are plenty of them to choose from. What if they took one of those stories and changed all the characters to white? Would the left defend that also?

You do know that Latinos are considered white — right?

Who really has skin white as snow?

It would have to be an albino in a wig with lipstick.

You do know the Latinos being considered white started maybe back in the 1930's for the census. The LULAC argued to get Mexican removed and be called a white race.

The Mexican government even protested to be categorized as white at that time because the entire Southwest used to be part of Mexico, and when it was taken over by the United States, they promised Mexico that the Mexican residents there would be treated as full citizens. Well, at the time, you had to be white to be a citizen. So that's where the whole issue came about of Mexicans, specifically, identifying as legally white but socially not-white.

Besides, Snow White was written in 1812 Germany, pretty sure they weren't describing a "white" Latino.

White as snow is just a description, and is not always literal. When someone writes say, "she turned red as a apple from embarrassment" you dont really think the person was literally red as a apple do you? But it gives you an idea since its words and not a picture/movie.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:23 PM

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: NotMEMaybeU

Many people/groups complain about ethic/cultural divisions.

Try science: In biological anthropology, Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, without regard to skin tone.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:29 PM
I did not read all 34 pages of comments, but reacting on the OP, all I can think is : "why?"
why do they need to pull stories out of their context?
why do they need to make a woke remake of everything? why not make new movies, new Disney releases and make them as woke as they want? Why touch on the old stuff that was good in the eyes of the older generations?

Some of my favorite movies from when I was younger have been remade recently and all I can say is that they mutilated them! for ex:
Interview with a vampire, after the Anne Rice novel ( I'm sure a bunch of hot vampires that drew women all over the world to theaters had a lot to do with why it became a blockbuster). I'm also sure that Anne Rice didn't intent them to be gay, as they are in the ridiculous remake series! No offense to gay people.

Then there is the nineties movie The Craft, which I must have seen a hundred times. A movie about 4 teen witches.
Then they did the remake a couple of years ago, in which one of them is gay, one is trans, one is non binary and one is black (I have no problem with one being black, but I do have a problem with the other 3 ). That remake was made to make sure it had every woke aspect in it... the result was again, ridiculous!

And now snow white? A black snow white doesn't make sense. It would be like making a historical movie with white African slaves and Asian slave holders in a 17th century American setting. It does not make sense!

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:32 PM

originally posted by: NotMEMaybeU

originally posted by: Annee

originally posted by: NotMEMaybeU
Instead of remaking classics that did not have black/brown characters, why not create movies adapted from African folk stories and fairy tales? There are plenty of them to choose from. What if they took one of those stories and changed all the characters to white? Would the left defend that also?

You do know that Latinos are considered white — right?

Who really has skin white as snow?

It would have to be an albino in a wig with lipstick.

Snow White was written in 1812 Germany, pretty sure they weren't describing a "white" Latino.

I’m Scot, Irish, German — about as white as you can get unless you wanna throw in some Scandinavian.

I don’t care what color her skin is.

I do care about good story telling.

Hire the best writers.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:36 PM

originally posted by: NotMEMaybeU

Snow White was written in 1812 Germany, pretty sure they weren't describing a "white" Latino.

lol and I am pretty sure the story that Disney tells is anyways a modern retelling of it and only losely related to the original so it totally works out, wouldn't you agree?
edit on 21-7-2023 by Peeple because: issues

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:39 PM

originally posted by: Annee
a reply to: NotMEMaybeU

Many people/groups complain about ethic/cultural divisions.

Try science: In biological anthropology, Caucasoid has been used as an umbrella term for phenotypically similar groups from these different regions, with a focus on skeletal anatomy, and especially cranial morphology, without regard to skin tone.

When you say try science you need to be careful how do you use this term or science itself.

Are we talking about the same 'science' where there are more than a million different genders? Where a man can become a woman by just making a wish?

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 02:41 PM

originally posted by: KindraLabelle2
I did not read all 34 pages of comments, but reacting on the OP, all I can think is : "why?"
why do they need to pull stories out of their context?
why do they need to make a woke remake of everything? why not make new movies, new Disney releases and make them as woke as they want? Why touch on the old stuff that was good in the eyes of the older generations?

Some of my favorite movies from when I was younger have been remade recently and all I can say is that they mutilated them! for ex:
Interview with a vampire, after the Anne Rice novel ( I'm sure a bunch of hot vampires that drew women all over the world to theaters had a lot to do with why it became a blockbuster). I'm also sure that Anne Rice didn't intent them to be gay, as they are in the ridiculous remake series! No offense to gay people.

Then there is the nineties movie The Craft, which I must have seen a hundred times. A movie about 4 teen witches.
Then they did the remake a couple of years ago, in which one of them is gay, one is trans, one is non binary and one is black (I have no problem with one being black, but I do have a problem with the other 3 ). That remake was made to make sure it had every woke aspect in it... the result was again, ridiculous!

And now snow white? A black snow white doesn't make sense. It would be like making a historical movie with white African slaves and Asian slave holders in a 17th century American setting. It does not make sense!

Every reasonable person is asking the same questions!

But woke and reasonable don't go together.

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