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Snow White is now brown according to Hollywood

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posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:06 PM
a reply to: putnam6

If you want to complain about bringing religion I to this, it wasn't me. I just replied to the post about Jesus being depected as white.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:13 PM
My biggest question I have is why are they trying to use the name Snow White? Is it just for recognition and greater expectations?

They could have changed the character names and made this into an entirely new franchise but they wanted to hedge their bets on this making money by reusing a known franchise instead of it being even slightly original. A good story is a good story. If you can't write a version that is based on Snow White without being Snow White then why bother rewriting it at all.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: beyondknowledge2
My biggest question I have is why are they trying to use the name Snow White? Is it just for recognition and greater expectations?

They could have changed the character names and made this into an entirely new franchise but they wanted to hedge their bets on this making money by reusing a known franchise instead of it being even slightly original. A good story is a good story. If you can't write a version that is based on Snow White without being Snow White then why bother rewriting it at all.

That's actually a good question.

It isn't because they want a new franchise.

They want to replace the story.

In my opinion.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:15 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake

Maybe it will be like a "Mandela effect" type of thingamabob conversation piece in years to come?

We are going to wake up one day and see that Nazis were actually Black and then you and I are going to use Disney as a verb.

Damn Andy, we've been Disney again!

edit on 18-7-2023 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:21 PM

originally posted by: olaru12

Even though you called me a woke commie; I worship the ground Capitalism walks on.

I would never call a Commie, woke... It's too degrading...

My level, though I do like to debate, is to just scratch my head and ask why? Little Black girls love the original Ariel a lot more than the new one, BTW Ariel isn't even human. It would be like Nemo gets a color change from orange to purple, just doesn't work.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: andy06shake
a reply to: AlienBorg

How is changing the colour of a "fictional" character's skin changing history?

This is to get a rise out of people AlienBorg, nothing more than a publicity stunt of sorts.

Again it does not matter what colour a person's skin is unless you make it matter.

Else shows like "Bridgerton" must really have flung you a curve ball or two.

History of the play, story, novel, characters.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:23 PM
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

And they dropped the "7 Dwarfs" from the title and, in doing so, excluded the dwarfism acting community.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:24 PM

originally posted by: Sookiechacha

Your wife wouldn't still be with you if she thought that you're her Prince Charming and Valient. She would have left you long ago out, of disappointment. Obviously, the very fact that she's still with you proves she's a down to reality kind of girl! LOL


My wife is also not White... SHhhh don't tell anyone as I don't want to ruin the old racist labels... lol

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:27 PM
a reply to: DBCowboy

Compare the original story to the cartoon. They already completely changed the story.

Disney has always only cared about one thing, making money. For the most part, their live-action remakes have done well and the name recognition helps sell the movie.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:28 PM

originally posted by: Encia22
a reply to: beyondknowledge2

And they dropped the "7 Dwarfs" from the title and, in doing so, excluded the dwarfism acting community.

The most hilarious video can be found online where Piers Morgan interviews a woke activist and a well known dwarf actor who hammers the woke ideology and the activist. A must see video.
edit on 18-7-2023 by AlienBorg because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:29 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: DBCowboy

Compare the original story to the cartoon. They already completely changed the story.

Disney has always only cared about one thing, making money. For the most part, their live-action remakes have done well and the name recognition helps sell the movie.

They have gone woke. Unlikely they will make money.

They may go broke...

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:29 PM
I want to see them try the same woke bull...t with the story of TARZAN... I EFFING DARE YA!!!! DO IT!!!!!

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:32 PM

originally posted by: ATSAlex
I want to see them try the same woke bull...t with the story of TARZAN... I EFFING DARE YA!!!! DO IT!!!!!

Or with superman.
We know superman is a white heterosexual middle class humanoid. We don't want any change of the original scenario.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:35 PM

originally posted by: Threadbare
a reply to: DBCowboy

Compare the original story to the cartoon. They already completely changed the story.

Disney has always only cared about one thing, making money. For the most part, their live-action remakes have done well and the name recognition helps sell the movie.

It's name recognition, but you can't really sell a Chevy and call it a Mercedes now, can you?

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:39 PM

originally posted by: ATSAlex
I want to see them try the same woke bull...t with the story of TARZAN... I EFFING DARE YA!!!! DO IT!!!!!

Don't say such abominations. They will get ideas and try it.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:41 PM

They might not make No money

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:53 PM
Disney's latest Woke fest releases next week , Disney's Haunted Mansion.

Cookie cutter characters and predictable jokes, Disney at its finest.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: gortex

I don't mean to be a buzz kill on the thread, but that actually looked amusing.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:08 PM

originally posted by: Xtrozero

They might not make No money

Who knows?
But if they're going this way the will definitely not gonna make it.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:35 PM

originally posted by: tanstaafl

"originally posted by: andy06shake
I really don't see why the colour of the character should matter in this day of age."

Unsurprising, no one who support the radical leftist agenda sees a problem with this.

That right there is the most accurate and telling comment in this WHOLE thread. I've read the whole thread up to where my comment will appear. Thank you for accurately describing the true problem.


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