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NASA obvious fake footage

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posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 04:21 PM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2

I’ve answered most questions asked of me in this thread. If I missed anything, please ask again. See ya later.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 04:56 PM
a reply to: InachMarbank

None of them.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 05:35 PM

originally posted by: Zaphod58

So now this magic dome that weighs millions of tons pushes water gently enough to create waves. What doesn’t it do?

Your “quadrants” are doing the exact same thing the moon does, that you claim doesn’t make any sense.

It is obvious your IQ is not at the level to fully comprehend this...

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 07:22 PM
In the context of already shared facts that Moon is brown and overflowing with life, as shared here

In his first book Pioneers of space published as "fiction" Adamski first described rivers and a big lake on the far side of the Moon we (with eyes to see) know is the 180km wide Lake Tsiolkovsky.

How did he know, well, Adamski revealed how he knew.

"Between August 16, 1950, and May 8, 1952, that is to say before the first contact in the desert, Adamski wrote eight long letters to one of his favorite students: Miss Emma Martinelli of San Francisco. These letters, which ended up coming into the hands of Lucius Farish, teach us how Adamski claimed to have written Pioneers of Space. I quote from Adamski’s letter of Jan. 16, 1952, ten months before his first alleged contact with the Venusian Orthon: “… speaking of visitors from other planets, you see, in the physical I have not contacted any of them, but since you have read Pioneers of Space you can see how I get my information about these people and their homelands.” In an earlier letter to her about Pioneers of Space, he wrote “ may venture from one place to another, while his physical is one place and he is in another. That is the way I have written this book. I actually have gone to places I speak of. To you I can reveal this since your letter reveals much, while to others I keep silent about this.”"

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 07:36 PM

And to remind of the article from 1969. about the Lake.

And some early frames from Lunar Orbiter, clearly showing the Lake.

And how Apollo 17 showed the Lake

And how the Lake looks officially today

Now, i understand perfectly well that saying the Truth is very disturbing/disruptive around here but i don't care, those who are not ready will ignore it and few who are will appreciate it, all happy.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:05 PM
a reply to: tachyonator9

Photoshopping proves nothing.those pictures you posted seem to be tweaked soto speak.(the sentence below is not directed at you btw)

It has to be impossible for Flat earthers to be this dumb,and is intentional trolling. OH wait,no im sure they all voted democrat.Nevermind. totally possible.

What color is the moon?

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:54 PM
a reply to: yuppa

Photoshopping ? LOL. Which photoshopping. Have you no shame.

NOTHING i posted is photoshopped or tweaked, these are original color frames and videos

Only thing i did is i flipped this footage back into normal perspective since it was flipped (one of many methods NASA uses to conceal), as can be seen the at the beginning "Official NASA Film" is flipped. That is ALL, no contrast or or color tinkering. That is the actual Moon color, from dark to light brown as is shown in all photos and videos.

As for your linked "article", typical blue-pilled denial of facts.

originally posted by: tachyonator9
a reply to: yuppa

To start from the end, you again misunderstood my post. Never did i say or imply Moon landings were faked or that Kubrick faked them. I was always clearly referring to the FACT they hid what is really on the Moon and real conditions there.

As for your "arguments" about "analog video transferred over to digital" and "old vid has a habit of being mis colored from age and decay of the tape", lol. Digitizing a video does not turn gray video into a color video, neither does dacay of a tape. Second video is not DIGITAL and color corrected but DIGITAL and color REMOVED.

Your "arguments" are absolutely ridiculous to say the least. And your claim "moon isnt brown its dark gray and regular gray" is 100% WRONG. Now, try to use your intelligence FOR A CHANGE.

Moon looks washed out and gray from almost 400,000km away but tons of early photos and videos (altho most got decolorized and decontrasted etc) show clearly Moon is brown, NOT gray. And not only old ones, let's start with new ones, like Chinese lander Chang'e 3. Altho their suppression is most extreme, just a nuance less than NASA, they at least showed the real color of the surface and it is brown. But they faked everything else, for example video of approach and landing is 100% black and white, Moon map behind the Chinese speaker is 100% black and white, yet surface photos are brown.

And to go back to Apollo, we also see Moon is brown.

As it is in so many early photos, all of which i already shared.

BTW, as i said before, it is 100% impossible for you to believe this now, but all bright dots in this photo, as well as in second to last video above are cities - below is a crop of bottom-left corner showing dozens if not hundreds of cities.

And screenshot from the video showing 4 major cities and number of smaller ones.

And Zond 7 color shots

And Lake Tsiolkovsky in full color, negatives given to Vladimir Terziski. Two smaller lakes one of which is ironically named "Waterman" are seen in the first photo in the distance, 70km to the south. Cities are clearly seen along the coast as bright white areas, seen even better in the crop below.

And crop of AS08-12-2196 showing Lake Tsiolkovsky

And crop of the bottom-right part of the crop showing coastal cities close up

And last but not least testimony of Sgt Karl Wolfe who was killed few years ago in an "accident".

You still claim Moon is gray?

edit on 29-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 10:33 PM
They don't even hide it (completely), one just has to dig a little.


posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:06 PM
And some more, as NASA employee writes in the pdf

"I did not alter any of these photos"

edit on 29-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:19 PM
And the official look. This version. This is your reality, only "truth" you know. Your Truman Show, your Matrix you defend blindly.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:25 PM
They are laughing at you and they have every right to, every right underlined, for they gave you the option and you chose the lie.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:48 AM

edit on 30-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:46 AM
a reply to: InachMarbank

Even the ancient civilisations recognised the connection between the Moon and the tides InachMarbank.

Although they failed to comprehend the underlying mechanisms behind such, and choose to incorporate the likes of mythological or mystical explanations as substitutions.

Take for instance the likes of Pythagoras, Aristotle, and later, Ptolemy, who were among the first to propose a scientific understanding of the tides sometime around the 6th century BCE.

Then in the 17th century Newton's laws of motion and universal gravitation came about and provided a comprehensive framework for explaining the connection between the Moon and tides.

Later advancements in the 18th and 19th centuries regarding observational and mathematical techniques from Pierre-Simon Laplace and Lord Kelvin further refined our understanding of tidal mechanisms and confirmed what had always been known.

Again there is no doubt whatsoever about the very real fact our moon's gravitational force is directly responsible for the tidal effects on Earth.

And only very stupid people choose to assume otherwise.
edit on 30-6-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 08:24 AM
a reply to: anonentity

4 There is a secret space program so a cheap show is used to keep things looking right.
5 We are not allowed off the planet

These two in combination is the truth of it as far as I can tell.


posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: tachyonator9

So you altered it. flipping them is altering them. thanks for admitting it.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: tachyonator9

"BTW, as i said before, it is 100% impossible for you to believe this now, but all bright dots in this photo, as well as in second to last video above are cities - below is a crop of bottom-left corner"

Comedy gold.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 09:42 PM
a reply to: yuppa

LOL, out of tons of photos and videos including those at NASA.GOV that show clearly they and others lie, you pick that i flipped the video altho i said clearly i flipped it back into right orientation for it was flipped by NASA into unnatural perspective. I could give countless of examples of Apollo frames flipped into wrong perspective. That i had to flip the video back only additionally shows NASA manipulations, and that is totally beyond the issue, we are talking color and contrast. You sleazily totally ignored that. You focus on irrelevant stuff and totally ignore the key stuff, thanks for admitting it.

As for this other guy who called my claim that bright dots are cities (they are) "comedy gold", well, i can only feel sorry for him for he is totally blind, just like this other guy.

originally posted by: tachyonator9
They don't even hide it (completely), one just has to dig a little.


edit on 30-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 04:13 AM
a reply to: tachyonator9

Bottom picture,has had noise added to the image,makes the color look off its been tweaked i can tell because ive doen it myself. Th eother ones,they have also been color corrected/tampered with. COLORING a photo that isnt really that color makes i t look off,which those do.

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 04:50 AM
a reply to: yuppa

As someone who has been working with graphics and photoshop for countless years, you don't know what you're saying. Bottom picture does not have noise added but it looks as if color is present in patches which may be real ground color variations or may be tampering, however the middle one has uniform color and so does the first one. You are being foolish beyond measure. You are now claiming NASA added false color to these pictures. Nonsense, especially in general. First one of last 3 may have had saturation added, but by faaaaar not to the degree to which color has been taken away in most of the frames, both old and especially new ones which are 100% gray and almost 100% without contrast - except in the case of Chang'e 3 i already shared, which showed the true brown, normal contrast surface color. None of the frames are tampered with from Apollo shots to Zond to Chang'e. Moon is BROWN.

And the videos, those two videos i linked, these are actual color.

Compared to how Moon officially looks today

Now, i don't want to insult you, or your fellow blindones, but you truly have to be a complete IDIOT, not to see they are making a fool out of you.

edit on 1-7-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 1 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: tachyonator9

moon is various shades of grey. your proof isnt proof its lies and i will NEVER accept your so called proof,so dont even try. I will keep posting this forever if need be. we can go 350 pages.

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