And what about the gravitational/tidal forces exerted by the moon and other bodies in the star system on this, by your own admission glass
How does it contend with those kinds of forces considering the brittle nature of the material in question?
On the “near” side of the Earth (the side facing the moon), the gravitational force of the moon pulls the ocean's waters toward it,
creating one bulge. On the far side of the Earth, inertia dominates, creating a second bulge.
Actually around 90 miles high they say the temperature is about 1700 degrees, so just cool enough not to melt this particular glass, fragments of
which, can be found in the Libyan desert. You can even order some fragments on Amazon, but they’re not too cheap. Expensive souvenir priced.
Use your intelligence, why is Moon 100% grey and washed out while Earth is in full color and contrast in this latest "footage"..... yet in Apollo 11
shot below it we see Moon is actually brown with much contrast. BTW all the bright dots in the photo are cities, but there is no way, NO WAY
underlined that you could accept this FACT now. (Time will show you)
And the same for real color Apollo footage below that, again, intensely brown, high contrast Moon.
And another one
Lake Tsiolkovsky as it officially looks vs how it really looks.
As for the 911, i am well aware of "his" theories about it, i could write volumes on the subject of 911. Let's just say it was like all major events
planned decades and probably centuries ahead, publicly announced and executed by the same secret orders.
All that is happening has been planned for centuries, including Russian attack on Ukraine. Look at the start dates of WW1, 2, Vietnam war and attack
on Ukraine.
All digits added up (digit sum) for each date is 5. To help you understand that this is no coincidence realize chances of all 4 being 5 is 1 in
6561. Why, cause each date has an equal probability of having digit sum value from 1 to 9, so it's 9*9*9*9.
The rabbit whole goes very deep. All major events have been long planned, announced openly in major Hollywood movies and executed by the illuminated
secret orders, names matter not, Vladimir Trezinski called them Illuminazi (he did not coin the term).
Take 911 as an example, before the WTC was build, they have already announced it will be destroyed by "planes". And they kept openly announcing it all
over, these dozens of
examples show it clearly (and these are not all).
Back to the Future announces 911 crystal clear as this video shows so nicely
Main points from the video
The Twine Pines scene on the neon sign clearly says 911 when turned upside down.
Doc's stopwatches say 119, again inverted 911.
Terrorists attack Twin Pines, after the attack we see one Lone Pine.
The scene with Marty and a girl on a bench, a woman approaches collecting donations and says "Save the tower" while in the background huge letters say
"THE THIRD" and then the allseeing eye in a triangle - clearly signing the author and pointing to the center of the subconscious, i.e. higher
consciousness in the pineal gland. The main villain, Biff Tannen (Trump), lives at 1809 Mason Street (initiated will understand the importance of
digit sum 9)
The scene from BTTF2 from 2015, we see 2 pines literally morph into the Twin Towers falling, i.e. collapsing (from the perspective of Marty's father
hanging upside down).
The scene from BTTF1 when Doc and Marty save the tower Marty comes running from the future (30 years) from October 2015 through a trail of fire, on
the left a large 9 and trail 11, so 911.
While in reality the same director Robert Zemeckis released the film The Walk in October 2015, exclusively about the Twin Towers, in which we
literally see Marty at the top of the WTC, in the same red shirt, the same black leather jacket, practically the same face, identical hairstyles...
that's Marty unambiguous and the message is crystal clear.
And here is a longer documentary with much more info
Nine is a very important occult number.
There are many nines encoded in BTTF
Biff Tannen (Trump), lives at 1809 Mason Street
DeLorean number plate is 136113966 which is 9
When DeLorean disappears a smoke trail is left which shows inverted 99. Etc.
And it's not just BTTF, all major Hollywood movies are overflowing with 9.
For example Truman show first scene Truman lives at number 36 aka 9
Next scene reflector falls from the sky with "Sirius (9 canis major)" written on it
Next scene radio station in the car 108MHz etc.
In the movie Soldier main character Todd 3465 which is 9.
He then travels on P376 waste disposal ship, again 9...
to planet Arcadia 234, again 9. Etc.
Joe Spartan in Demolition Man 1996 frozen for 36 years, unfrozen on 8/3/2023, all 9 again.
And it goes on and on and on.
To go back to 911, first "plane" hits at 8:46, again 9
At the same time Bush is in the classroom
Kids first narrate "Kit, Steal, Playing, Must"
But it is very clear that the actual message is "Hit Steal Plane Must"
that is, Plane must hit steel. And then they bow down to finish the ritual.
At that very instant this guy "informs" Bush (as if he does not know alredy) that America is under attack. He does nothing, he keeps sitting there
reading PET GOAT (60th story in the book) with the kids.
And so on. Likewise Simpsons announced Trump in 2000. Notice i say announced,not "predicted" as most falsely say, they did not predict, they KNEW
EXACTLY what, how, when.
He goes down the moving stairs, left hand up, right hand up, sign in the back falls. The only difference is in Simpsons sign falls before and in
reality after. They did this intentionally.
And so on infinitely.
edit on 27-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)
Actually around 90 miles high they say the temperature is about 1700 degrees, so just cool enough not to melt this particular glass, fragments of
which, can be found in the Libyan desert. You can even order some fragments on Amazon, but they’re not too cheap. Expensive souvenir priced.
Not anywhere near as many as you do, so there is that.
A sun dog (perihelion) is a reflection off clouds. It is a distorted reflection.
Same as your Avatar is a distortion of light in the atmosphere aka a "sun dog".
Totally not the effect of my Avatar picture.
Oh yes, it is.
As to the temperature at a height of 90 miles above the Earth's surface, in the thermosphere, the temperature can vary significantly depending on the
level of solar activity, its also worth noting that our thermosphere is not a uniform layer.
edit on 27-6-2023 by andy06shake because: (no
reason given)
Except the temperature isn’t 1700 degrees because there’s no medium to build heat up. If you were up there, with no protective clothing you’d
freeze almost instantly because it’s so cold.
You are being very naive. Firstly, i never said Apollo was a hoax, i post Apollo photos all the time, including in recent post
I never said you did, was just an example of what we can do...
Use your intelligence, why is Moon 100% grey and washed out while Earth is in full color and contrast in this latest "footage"..... yet in Apollo 11
shot below it we see Moon is actually brown with much contrast. BTW all the bright dots in the photo are cities, but there is no way, NO WAY
underlined that you could accept this FACT now. (Time will show you)
Maybe, but with actual satellites around the moon, they can take some extremely stunning super HD videos and have been doing so for like over a decade
originally posted by: XtrozeroI never said you did, was just an example of what we can do...
We can do much much more, for we were on the Moon since late 50s.
[link removed by staff]
Maybe, but with actual satellites around the moon, they can take some extremely stunning super HD videos and have been doing so for like over a
decade now.
Those are NOT "extremely stunning super HD videos", those are 100% decolorized, decontrasted, overexposed, airbrushed fake videos, many of them are
not even videos but CGI, the level of fakery is infinite (literally infinite).
And you swallowed it ALL, "lock, stock, and barrel". Don't worry, you are in the 99,9999999%
As i said, Moon is brown, almost completely covered with cities, full of lakes, rivers forests...... but, as i said, there is no way, no way
underlined, that you could accept these facts now.
edit on 27-6-2023 by tachyonator9 because: (no reason given)
edit on Sun Jul
2 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: (no reason given)
As i said, Moon is brown, almost completely covered with cities, full of lakes, rivers forests..... but, as i said, there is no way, no way
underlined, that you could accept these facts now.
How does it sustain its atmosphere?
I would love for that to be the case, and you are suggesting it is a worldwide hoax for us all not to see. How do 100 countries come to gether to keep
the hoax up?
“Lunar transient phenomena have been observed for almost 1 1/2 millenia, both by the naked eye and telescopic aid. The author has been collecting
these reports from the literature and personal communications for the past 17 years. It has resulted in a listing of 1468 reports representing only
slight searching of the literature and probably only a fraction of the number of anomalies actually seen.”
“Small whitish cloud”
“Nebulous appearance”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Looked like a cloudy spot”
“Black moving haze or cloud”
“Cloud less intense”
“Conspicious bright spot. Also on 7th, absent on 8th. Cloud-like effect where light had been on 8th.”
“Faint, but unmistakable white cloud not seen before.”
“Gas cloud over it & its companion; everywhere else was fine detail”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Traces of cloudiness on E. slope at 2115h.”
“G. Ward (a lunar observer for 15 years) observed an area just south west of Mersenius C to be blurred and in a greenish cloud. […] The observer
checked other areas but did not see any similar effects. They also rotated and changed eyepieces, but this made no difference to the TLP.”
“2 faint clouds in the E. part of crater.”
“Fog in W. part of crater. Faint shimmer like thin white cloud”
“Odd, misty look as if vapor were in or about them.”
“Interior of crater had a cloudy apperance.”
“Light cloud or mist at edge.”
“Dense clouds of vapor apparently rising from its bottom & pouring over its SW wall towar Herod. He says no activity till day after sunrise & ceases
a few days before sunset.”
“Variations in vapor column. Crater D covered.”
“Filled with pale luminous haze tho all surrounding features were sharp & normal. Walls also hazy.”
“Cloud rising from Fis marked.”
“Sudden appearance of white spot like a cloud. Moved across the crater.”
“Areas E. of Picard appeared featureless. Cloud-like patches.”
“Oval dark area near center, disappeared in 15m.”
“Enveloped in obscuring, cloud-like mist.”
“Obliterated by a hovering cloud. […] Wilkins saw burst of light and dust cloud.”
“Concealed by a dusky cloud. Appeared to be steam or smoke. No change in 1h. Following week no trace.”
“Gas cloud over it and it’s companions. Everywhere else was fine detail.”
“White gas obscuration. Moved at 20mph decreased in extent. Phenomena repeated.”
“Gas cloud. Motion.”
“Green color, yellow-reddish (over Demonax ? chrom. aberr.?). Diffused cloud seen outside disk over Leibnitz mts. in Cleostratus area.”
“Peculiar haziness in NE (ast. ?) corner of crater. Greenish-yellow tint similar to M. Crisium at FM. Central crater was clearly vis. N. wall showed
no detail at all.”
“A kind of vapor cloud seen coming from S. pole, vis. intermittently.”
“Dark cloud covering Conon.”
“Very dark blue dark cloud moving W-E.”
“Think white cloud, intensely variable, faint bright shimmer on Plato.”
“Maroon color covering the ridge of Herod. Cloud disappeared after 10min.”
“Saw a bright, luminous, blue, misty cloud on the NE rim. Obscur. for 1st hr hen gave way to pink & features becam vis. Cloud was tear-drop shape.
No movement to glow. Pink cloud glowed too. Very tenuous by 0130h. (Nakamura says there were no seismic events within several hrs. of this time).
Another per- on saw it without being advised as to where it was.”
Anyone can see the moon is covered in craters as is evidenced by the photographic evidence in abundance.
Or should you have a telescope that would also work.
And i see you still choose to avoid the conundrum as to the tidal and gravitational forces that would be exerted on your fictitious glass firmament
which would tear it apart in no time flat.
edit on 27-6-2023 by andy06shake because: (no reason given)
Does the container get hot because of the coils? No, it doesn’t, because there’s no air to transfer heat through. The coils stay hot but the heat
isn’t being transferred.