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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 11:15 PM
Phil Godlewski LIVE tonight reckons, via his source, that Biden is literally going to be EXTRACTED from the White House by the military!

1:04:30 mark but about 1:12:00 for the guts of it"

I asked my source "Are they physically going to remove Biden from the White House?", the answer was "Yes"


The military IS going to forcefully remove Joe Biden from the Presidency of the United States... and at that point the presidency... the White House... is going to be run for a very short period of time by the Military!

Logically, if this message is allowed to be released now, then it can only be days before it happens?
edit on 8-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 11:22 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Cheers both... Will head over to archive it now.

posted on Aug, 8 2023 @ 11:46 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Suicide Weekend incoming? We'll see, or will see?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:07 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Could be something. Syko (Canis Major?). We are close to the end of the Dog Days of summer (8/11).

Syko: Farmville murders Sept 2009

McCroskey was known as "Syko Sam" to the Web world because of what is being described as an obsession with notorious serial killer "Son of Sam." His MySpace page features his raps about killing, maiming and mutilating people.  On his YouTube channel, McCroskey goes under the name "Lil Demon Dog."  That is another reference to serial killer David Berkowitz.

Sirius synchronicity with a whiff of occult sacrificial shenanigans.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 09:27 AM
BARK BARK BARK, Dog Comms incoming.
From: New York Post
I'm going to leave this here like a pitbull at the airport.

A woman abandoned her 7-year-old French bulldog in a Pittsburgh airport parking lot Friday after being unable to bring it on a flight to her vacation destination, according to Allegheny County Police Department.

The unidentified woman was set to board her flight at Pittsburgh International Airport when flight staff told her she wouldn’t be allowed to without having a crate for the Frenchie.

Desperate for a way out, the owner tried to convince airline staff to grant her a boarding pass for the pup as an emotional support pet — but to no avail.

And instead of ditching her scheduled flight — the owner left the pet behind to enjoy some vacation time.

It is unknown whether the owner got on the initial flight they intended to board with the French bulldog or took another one that same day to their also unknown vacation destination.

So as with the other Dog-Comm, French is a key word, as well as dog. I'm digging into this a bit.

On another note, what does anyone know about DTCares.Org?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

On another note, what does anyone know about DTCares.Org?

I took a gander at the link and found this section interesting:

Charitable Grantmaking
Colossal and DTCare are joining forces to raise awareness and monetary support for meaningful causes and US-based charities.

Instantly thought of the Clinton Foundation for some odd reason....

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Together with my earlier comment this could point to something connected to France's dilemma in the Sahel. The Dogon people of Mali became famous for their knowledge of Sirius B before it was discovered by modern astronomy plus ancient astronauts lore. Double dog reference: Dogon/Dog Star.

The latest domino to fall is Mali's neighbor Niger. France has still about 1500 troops there which the new rulers are not happy about. There has been talk of military intervention by proxy (ECOWAS). There has been talk of Wagner with the potential for a bigger conflict. Today Niger accused France of violating its airspace as part of a broader plan to destabilize the country and freeing terrorists. The dogs of war? France/EU have been acting a lot like America's lap dogs. Lots of potential for interpreting the dog left behind/not allowed on the plane symbolism.

The Sirius/Dogon angle might also connect to the current UFOUAP+ disclosure psy op or whatever shenanigans. The Dog Days of summer last another 2 days. A deadline?

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: nugget1

The Obama Presidential Library is back in the news.

Obam Foundation has best funding ever.

They have raised an enormous amount, in fact $1.1 billion
since 2017. It is rather strange that there will be a replica of the oval office but I guess he never really left office did he?
I checked over the donor list for $1 million + and there is an annonymous donor. One would think that if there is nothing to hide they would be proud to be a donor.
That tier is a catch all because here we have Bezos and B & M Gates Foundation giving $100 million. Bezos/Amazon are not listed but maybe they fall under Silicon Valley.

Donors 2017

"The quarterly postings lack the specificity of Federal Election Commission filings, which give the exact contribution to candidates for federal office."

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Public Service Announcement

I went and checked my toothpaste. Colgate Total Advanced Whitening.
There is a warning label.
"Keep out of reach of children. If more is used for brushing and is accidently swallowed , get medical help or contact Poison Control right away. When using this product for sensitivity do not use for more than 4 weeks unless recommended by a dentist."

The tough part is that these labels keep changing. One can buy the product and it is good but then later they add some weird harmful ingredient. It's just a landmine out there.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:00 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Can they stoop much lower?
President Trump finally gets full subpoena power and the Jan 6th committee destroyed everything?
MTG Tweet

Sometimes you can't TELL the public the truth.
You must show them.
It's time to wake up.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Just a "little" voter fraud.

KanekoaThe Great tweet

This voter fraud "involved a group funded by Joe Biden's presidential campaign." At this point I don't know how much more is needed to prove that regardless of which party the Voting system is not secure. No voter ID, people being paid to round up ballots and then just fill them in.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:36 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm just trying to wrap my mind around this.

Extreme heat is the deadliest natural disaster,FEMA is broken

Why isn't it in the Stafford Act? Is it that property is more important than people? Surely they can't possibly expect us to believe that FEMA can't help with cooling stations or portable air conditioners.

"Heat is literally the finger print of climate change." Who cares about those inconvenient facts.

Meanwhile what is Biden and friends doing about this?

WH to unveil a heat related illness tracker

Seriously who cares what race one is. When the temperatures are that hot everyone is impacted including the dogs.

But Biden says he has done great things. He's conserved more land and rejoined the Paris Climate Accord, but help for the people in Arizona?
If HHS is in charge who can remotely trust the data. I'm probably stating the obvious but they seem to have no love for the elderly, the ones they targeted during the plandemic and these are again the same individuals that are still most vulnerable wrt heat.

Arizona' Perspective

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 02:44 PM
a reply to: nugget1

The drowning death of Obama's chef isn't going away.

MichelleRM68 tweet

Some really good questions. I would imagine that there would be security cameras all over that property. For certain there would be one directed towards "Watch the Water."
I'm not certain if this is true but she claims the water in that lake was only 3-4 feet deep so how could he possibly drown in 8 feet of water. He could have just stood up.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:19 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, for the heck of it, I decided to translate BULLDOG into FRENCH and then gematria it:

English > French... BULLDOG becomes BOULEDOGUE

BOULEDOGUE gematria = 107 simple =


In Jewish genatria it also equals:


posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:23 PM
PayPal’s Stablecoin Is a Watershed Moment for Finance

On August 7, 2023, PayPal announced that they were launching PYUSD. In five years, we will look back at this exact moment and realize this was the beginning of the turn in history. Why do I say that?
Up until this date, the majority of the builders in crypto were just that: in crypto. The largest companies operating the space were exchanges and stablecoin issuers. The largest market capitalizations were for the blockchains themselves. Most of the activity in the space was deeply self-referential, with the ICO boom, DeFi Summer, and the rise of NFTs all catering primarily to users and builders who were already in the space, enabling them to use more of the technology with each other.

Over time, the adoption of blockchain and faster, cheaper, safer transactions will now grow due to this fundamental shift. There are many companies and individuals sitting on the sidelines, unsure if they can trust crypto-native stablecoins, if crypto-native platforms are stable, and if others are going to use the technology to justify their own time and investment.

Microsoft partners with Aptos, will explore digital payments and tokenization

Aptos Labs, the Layer 1 blockchain created by former Meta employees, has announced a new partnership with tech giant Microsoft.

Aside from the two companies exploring “innovative solutions” related to asset tokenization, digital payments and central bank digital currencies, Aptos will also utilize Microsoft’s Azure OpenAI Service.

It appears, in the beginning, much of the partnership will be centered around using Microsoft’s artificial intelligence capabilities to both ease the process of onboarding users to web3 and aid “developers as they build smart contracts and decentralized apps,” the two companies said in a statement.

Coinbase Officially Launches Base Blockchain in Milestone for a Public Company

The largest U.S. crypto exchange says its blockchain is the first to be launched by a publicly traded compan

Coinbase (COIN), the large publicly traded U.S. crypto exchange, said its new Base blockchain has gone live, heralding the start of a new era of public companies running their own distributed networks.
Base was already live for testing by developers, but Coinbase officials said it would be open to the public as of 12 p.m. ET on Wednesday, and that time has now passed.

Federal Reserve to expand oversight of crypto-related activities at banks

The Federal Reserve says it will expand how it oversees the crypto activities of US regulated banks.

The move by the US central bank falls under the “novel activities supervision program” the Federal Reserve introduced on Tuesday, which includes cryptocurrencies and additional emerging asset classes. It also covers applications of distributed ledger technology that have the “potential for significant impact on the financial system.”

As FedNow rolls out, the U.S. has much to learn from India's UPI

Real-time payments improve cash flow for businesses and individuals, freeing up funds for purchases and investments that can drive wider economic growth. FedNow, the Federal Reserve's new instant payment infrastructure, could then become a welcome catalyst for the U.S. economy.

The Fed's efforts to facilitate real-time payments, however, could fall disappointingly short if it doesn't take some lessons from the world's most widely used real-time digital payments system: India's Unified Payments Interface (UPI).

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:24 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

They are working on a jab for disease X

Brook Jackson, the Pfizer whistleblower has been doing a great job tracking the goings on.

They must be expecting something big since they have expanded the facility.

"The agency is part of the global effort to develop a vaccine within 100 days of a new pathogen being recognized as having pandemic potential."

Moderna just happens to be building a new facility in the UK. Just a coincidence I'm sure.

Moderna New UK Manufacturing Facility

"The new facility is to shore up access to a rapid response capabilities."

"Moderna said it was designing the facility to be activated on an urgent basis."

This is all falling under the 100 days Mission to end pandemics.

Then there is that book.
Disease X: 100 Day Mission to End Pandemics which is the blueprint.

Checking in on Richard Hatchett, CEO of CEPI- determined we are not going to lose focus after the plandemic.
"But what we don't want to do is take our eye off the ball."

No doubt they know which one they are going to release and right now they are throwing around the Avian flu. They have a few others on the back burner.

10X10= 100.

people are simply in the way.
Vaccines [not all]
Ultimate win [Death + Money]
UK/Ger [5 days]

edit on 9-8-2023 by Thoughtful2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 03:56 PM
UAE signs deal to develop carbon credit system on Venom Foundation blockchain

The United Arab Emirates Ministry of Climate Change and Environment (MCCE) is developing a carbon credit system in a preliminary partnership with the Industrial Innovation Group and the Venom Foundation.

Groq™ First to Achieve 100 Tokens Per Second Per User on Meta AI's Llama-2 70B, Leading All Artificial Intelligence Solutions Providers in Inference Performance

Groq, an artificial intelligence (AI) solutions provider, today announced it now runs the Large Language Model (LLM), Llama-2 70B, at more than 100 tokens per second (T/s) per user on a Groq LPU™, the newly defined category for Groq silicon architecture. lligence-solutions-providers-in-inference-performance-301895968.html

Leidos-Microsoft Partnership Is Latest Sign AI Is Taking The Defense Industry By Storm

Fortune 500 federal contractor LeidosLDOS disclosed on July 31 that it had formed a strategic partnership with MicrosoftMSFT to speed the delivery of artificial intelligence tools to public-sector customers.

AI Is Building Highly Effective Antibodies That Humans Can’t Even Imagine

The LabGenius approach yields unexpected solutions that humans may not have thought of, and finds them more quickly: It takes just six weeks from setting up a problem to finishing the first batch, all directed by machine learning models. LabGenius has raised $28 million from the likes of Atomico and Kindred, and is beginning to partner with pharmaceutical companies, offering its services like a consultancy. Field says the automated approach could be rolled out to other forms of drug discovery too, turning the long, “artisanal” process of drug discovery into something more streamlined.

Spiral brain-computer interface slips into ear canal with no loss of hearing

A multi-institutional team of engineers in China has developed a new type of brain-computer interface (BCI) that can be easily slipped in and out of the ear canal. In their project, reported in the journal Nature Communications, the group set out to design and build a new kind of BCI that is less invasive than existing devices.

Early adopters in Mexico lend their eyes to global biometric project

Eager early adopters recently descended upon a Mexico City cafe where their eyes were scanned by a futuristic sphere, part of an ambitious project that ultimately seeks to create a unique digital identification for everyone on the planet.

Mexico is one of nearly three dozen countries where participants are allowing the sphere, outfitted with cameras and dubbed an orb, to scan their iris. The project's goal is to distinguish people from bots online, while doling out a cryptocurrency bonus as a incentive to participate.

The so-called Worldcoin project is a biometric verification tool led by Sam Altman, the chief executive of Open AI, and the crypto company he co-founded, Tools for Humanity.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: Observationalist
We In the middle of the dog days of summer.
2023: Heliacal Rising of Sirius
There is a table in that link that shows the dates and angles.
August 10 is 40 degrees.

Watch the water

Sirius’ heliacal rising gathers the most interest for the readers of these articles and its connection with Egyptian calendars. Sirius is sometimes known as the Nile Star as its first appearance occurred at the time of the annual rainy season that flooded the river to start the agricultural season.

Dog Days….Biblical

Revelation‬ ‭22‬:‭14‬-‭16‬ ‭NIV
““14Blessed are those who wash their robes, that they may have the right to the tree of life and may go through the gates into the city.
15 Outside are the dogs, those who practice magic arts, the sexually immoral, the murderers, the idolaters and everyone who loves and practices falsehood.
16 “I, Jesus, have sent my angel to give you this testimony for the churches. I am the Root and the Offspring of David, and the bright Morning Star.””
edit on 9-8-2023 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 04:56 PM
Ripple is working with Bank for International Settlements on payments taskforce

The Bank for International Settlements (BIS) announced Ripple (XRP) as an official member of its ‘cross-border payments interoperability and extension taskforce’, on August 9.

This taskforce is part of the ‘BIS Committee on Payments and Market Infrastructures’, composed of 33 entities plus the Chair, Ulrich Bindseil, Director of General Market Infrastructure & Payments at the European Central Bank.

Brazilian CBDC gets official name and logo

The Brazilian central bank digital currency (CBDC), previously commonly referred to as the “digital real,” has been given its official brand name: the Drex.

On Aug. 7, the Central Bank of Brazil issued a press release revealing and explaining the new brand for its CBDC. Developed by the central bank, the brand “Drex” is an acronym:

“‘D’ and ‘r’ allude to Real Digital; the ‘e’ stands for electronic and the ‘x’ conveys the idea of modernity and connection, the use of distributed led

Russia to begin CBDC trials with 13 banks

The Bank of Russia (BoR) has revealed that it will begin testing operations for Russia’s central bank digital currency (CBDC) project with digital rubles. The test will begin on Aug. 15.

Japanese startup to use stablecoins and CBDC to link Asian countries

Soramitsu is developing a cross-border payment system that uses Cambodia’s CBDC and targets Japan, India, China and Southeast Asia.

Soramitsu will deploy Cambodia’s CBDC and fiat-pegged stablecoins as part of its new payment system targeting countries like India, China and Japan and regions like Southeast Asia.

The new project builds upon Soramitsu’s CBDC expertise, including its involvement in the Asian CBDC project Bakong in Cambodia and Laos' Lao kip, the firm announced on Aug. 8.

posted on Aug, 9 2023 @ 05:28 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


My friend just got back to me about an inquiry. There is in fact a high-profile French Assassin nick named "Bull Dog". Oddly he's part of a group known as "The Canine Club". He reportedly does politically sensitive stuff (such as accident involved events with political oppositional targets). He might have been behind the dump truck on the Trian track accident that effected the Republican Train that one year.

Nothing confirmed though, as my friend put it.

Ok now to the jest of this post:
Did a bank do a no-no?
From: MSN News

The transparency watchdog OpenTheBooks released more than 1,500 pages of records revealing that NIH leadership and thousands of scientists personally received royalty payments from companies licensing their inventions that were made with taxpayer money.

NIH leadership, including Fauci, claimed while testifying before Congress that they could not release the names of the companies paying the NIH third-party royalties. OpenTheBooks filed a lawsuit with Judicial Watch on its Freedom of Information Act request to get the documents released from the NIH.

The new report from the watchdog showed payments between September 2009 and October 2020. Several of the royalty payments were from companies that received federal contracts and grants, which could be considered a conflict of interest. The NIH allows scientists to receive no more than $150,000 annually from royalties.

Does this make Fauci a serial killer, or an assassin himself?

also From: MSN News

House Republicans on Wednesday released a bank memo highlighting the millions of dollars Hunter Biden and his business associates received from overseas sources while his father was vice president.

The memo details the many wire transfers that an investment company run by Hunter Biden and his business associates received from foreign entities. The House Oversight Committee said lawmakers have identified over $20 million in payments to the Biden family and its business partners during President Joe Biden’s time as vice president.

But the bank records show no direct link to the president, who House Republicans have said is possibly compromised because of his son’s relationship with actors in places like Ukraine, Russia, China and Kazakhstan.

The bank memo shows a $3.5 million wire transfer from a Russian oligarch to the investment company run by Hunter Biden and Devon Archer, one of his former associates, in February 2014. The documents also point to a $142,000 payment from an oligarch in Kazakhstan in April 2014. The memo also says the day after the wire transfer from Kazakhstan, the same amount was sent to a car dealership in New Jersey to buy a luxury sports car for Hunter Biden.

Ok so no bank was involved with releasing this info, but it was interesting that both of these stories popped out at the same day.

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