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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on May, 28 2023 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Jorge1986s

Well try and have an intelligent discussion about the Shadow People and watch how fast it gets turned into a religion of demons killing our souls rather than an evidence-based discussion of fact and personal experiences.

it's the same here in this thread with expressing that the identity of "Qanon" was a creation by the media and based around a cult. While the topic of -Q- seems to be bled out from the discussion.

That's is true as well. I also wasn't making a dig at you with that comment, just speaking in general terms.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:12 PM
Food For Thought...

With the new GOP-led U.S. House moving closer to forcing the DOJ/FBI being to release information about JOE BIDEN's history of Blackmailing-Foreign-Leaders-For-Cash (and) Trading US Policy Actions For Cash from Foreign Leaders, there's probably a GOLD MINE of insight to be had here: , which could be why Nancy Pelosi had Congress "Condemn" Q-Anon, just before the 2020 Presidential Steal was fully implemented.

Sept 25, 2020 - Q-Anon and His Messages are Officially "Condemned":

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:49 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

There's a principle in H&SS where a technology will be used in warfare the very moment it becomes available. Nukes are a good example. This applies on down to every type of firearm ever created.

It would be naive to think that all things med/bio/DNA would not be weaponized eventually too. The question then is, by whom is it weaponized and against who is it deployed? There's many many different answers to that question, and the variable inputs are wild and scary. I really want things to reveal themselves and come to a conclusion. It's pretty insane to live under the threat and actual implementation of these WMDs. That's what they are right, illegal WMDs..?!

It shouldn't take forever for these things to work themselves out. I reread some of the earliest parts of the Q Thread, and current events 5 years ago were much hotter and intense.

I guess now we have NAT0 vs RU war in full bloom, for comparison.

Events were cooking in DC 5 years ago, but we soon had BLM Riots and CV-!9 ops running interference and tying up valuable AN0N wo-manpower. It was all so long and intense that now, it's hard to get excited or pay attention to details.... as long as they don't bring back jabsand masks, people will freak out again.

I hope a diluted Durham Report isn't a sign of public interest becoming diluted too, it was Quite high for a good while. How many demoralizing elections do Americans have to look forward to? At least we have the MUSK Man solidly in our corner, lol.

I mean, events right now are pretty intense. It's clearly a "slow burn" to get to whatever point justice is played out. The problem being that I see what damage is being done to the world while this "psy"-op plays out and I think, "time to wrap it up".

edit on 29-5-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:21 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: MetalThunder

Wrinkles also on the following coffin flags, if I remember correctly:

George HW Bush

Cheers bro!

You can bounce a Quarter off anything the Honour Guard touches.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 01:18 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday

We haven't heard from -Q- for a long time, and again I will bring up the fact that there was going to be an information dump before the end. This dump never took place nor has there been anything as of late, which is concerning given the whole Biden-Exposure that is happening as of this writing. It might seem that -Q- may have only been a conjunction of both ideas and reality. A coincidence of events if one will. Though to be fair I have been wrong, and will probably be wrong again.

The information that has been brought forward by -Q- seems to have mostly been good, and the continued understanding and unfolding of event seems to be confirmation of this (even if loosely connected). It seems that -Q- provided information has aged much better than the hints and puzzles "Casper" tried to leave us (shortcuts that went nowhere, and keys to rooms that never existed it seems). It would seem that the legacy that is being left behind by the -Q-movement will be felt by certain groups for a very long time.

If we do have the final -Q-posts that were promised, then the entirety of the game might have to be reset, or at the very least expanded out from the current board of play.

I wanted to bring up this weird Wikileaks related thread:

ATS Thread-Massive New Leak From Edward Snowden Expected Soon

It focused in on this large (90GB) Wikileaks insurance file. The thread appeared to get bumped too, so it had a lot more flags than you'd expect. That caught my eye. Some of the users in the thread claimed it led to some data they posted a link to, but there seemed to be nothing conclusive determined by the thread. I thought it was worth mentioning, could be related.

That also brings to mind the issue of the other Wikileaks insurance files. 30GB or so at least. Assange is in some sort of custody. Does that mean passwords have been leaked for those files?

I've also noticed the words Wikileaks and insurance appear to have been 'search obfuscated', for lack of a better term. You try to search Wikileaks insurance files, you'll get a whole lot of anything but in your results. At least that's what happened to me the few times I've tried to look it up that way. It sure seems like someone doesn't want internet users to have the ability to look those files up easily with a search.

Perhaps these files could be the missing link. Have they been discussed and/or researched yet as a part of this encyclopedia set we're writing back in here? I haven't seen it, though I may have missed it. I've read much of these threads, though not all. If they haven't, this stuff might deserve a closer look.

I was never able to satisfy my curiosity on the thread linked above. It raised questions that I haven't yet found the answers to.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

"time to wrap it up".

People are addicted to pain. I don't think we've hit bottom yet

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 09:24 AM
a reply to: TheBadCabbie

Background articles to keep in pocket.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel Jack twitter has something happening.
@Jack twitter

There are a couple of tweets that seem to line up with Q posts. I am wondering if maybe he is not in control of his own account. The reason I suspect that is this.

He retweets "just setting up my twitter" which the real Jack set up March 21, 2006.

Some of the tweets are, well you can decide.
May 23 "Splinter the CIA, NSA, and the FBI into a thousand pieces and scatter them to the wind."
May 26 'America has a problem."
May 27 "Whoever controls the media controls the mind."

Looking at the posts with Jack
MZ to step down as Chairman.
MZ out of the US.
Good luck.

Bill O'Reilly on Mark Zuckerberg's Outrageous Behavior
That $400 million election donation is coming back. Lol. 17K views.

Meta has been making some really big cuts in staffing so I would imagine that he would not be very popular.
Meta to lay off more

Then there is #4346
You were warned.

President Trump signed EO 13925 dealing with on line censorship.
Executive Order 13925
Stay tunned.
Everything has meaning or a purpose.
@ Jack- getting nervous?
Phase [2].

That phase 2 maybe links to this second part of his twitter account that I feel must be under the control of someone else. Musk must know.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:04 PM

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2Continuing Jack.

@ Jack last Tweet

"The "From Earth" attribute is great."

This is weird. Weird. Space comms?
Trying some inversion here. What are the chances that we have had our first crop circle of 2023? This looks like a pinwheel or the blades of a windmill and both need wind.

Crop Circle 2023

From the artistic side of ku
Winds of Change

Pool connection- Blue Scorpion! The group! I remember seeing that and wondering how it fit.
Winds of Change wiki

11th album!

Are we alone?
Highest classification.
Consider the vastness of space.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
A very timely review. Thanks!

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:15 PM

originally posted by: TheBadCabbie

originally posted by: Guyfriday

We haven't heard from -Q- for a long time, and again I will bring up the fact that there was going to be an information dump before the end. This dump never took place nor has there been anything as of late, which is concerning given the whole Biden-Exposure that is happening as of this writing. It might seem that -Q- may have only been a conjunction of both ideas and reality. A coincidence of events if one will. Though to be fair I have been wrong, and will probably be wrong again.

The information that has been brought forward by -Q- seems to have mostly been good, and the continued understanding and unfolding of event seems to be confirmation of this (even if loosely connected). It seems that -Q- provided information has aged much better than the hints and puzzles "Casper" tried to leave us (shortcuts that went nowhere, and keys to rooms that never existed it seems). It would seem that the legacy that is being left behind by the -Q-movement will be felt by certain groups for a very long time.

If we do have the final -Q-posts that were promised, then the entirety of the game might have to be reset, or at the very least expanded out from the current board of play.

That also brings to mind the issue of the other Wikileaks insurance files. 30GB or so at least. Assange is in some sort of custody. Does that mean passwords have been leaked for those files?

Insurance files are a double-edged sword for someone in custody.

Captor says if the files are released, we will kill you.

Detainee says if you kill me the files will be released.

The Detainee cannot be released or killed.

Standoff. At least until the detainee dies, even if just from natural causes.

Of course the death itself may be obfuscated, and we end up with someone dead/not dead, like McAfee. We still haven’t seen his files either.
edit on 5/29/2023 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:22 PM
Jeffrey Epstein Planned Visit to Jeff Koons Studio, Meetings with Mega-Collector Leon Black, New Investigation Reveals

Jeffrey Epstein’s art-world connections have been well-documented ever since he was convicted on sex trafficking charges in 2019, the same year he died by suicide while in jail. But intrigue surrounding his social network has only deepened since then, and a Wall Street Journal investigation published Wednesday revealed that he had planned meetings with at least a few powerful members of the art world.

The report, which was based on thousands of emails and documents obtained by the Wall Street Journal, said that Epstein had scheduled visits with artist Jeff Koons and the auction house Sotheby’s, as well as meetings with mega-collector Leon Black, a financier whose ties to Epstein were already known.

The Wall Street Journal reported that Epstein had been particularly close with Woody Allen, the acclaimed filmmaker who has been accused of sexually abusing his daughter. Allen and Epstein had planned to visit Koons’s studio in 2013, the documents reviewed by the Wall Street Journal reveal.

Those documents also show that Epstein and Allen had planned a visit to Sotheby’s in 2017.

It’s not the first time that Epstein and Sotheby’s have been reported to have had a relationship. In 2020, prosecutors in the US Virgin Islands ordered Christie’s and Sotheby’s to turn over any documents related to their alleged dealings with Epstein.

According to the Wall Street Journal, Epstein had planned more than 100 meetings with Black between 2013 and 2017, when he was still with Apollo.

Representatives for Koons’s studio and Sotheby’s did not respond to requests for comment. An Apollo spokesperson forwarded ARTnews to a representative for Black, who has not responded to a request for comment.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:34 PM
On May 21, Tencent’s WeChat Pay rolled out a new “palm payment” method, whereby users can complete an entire transaction with a simple “wave” of their hand

Already freed from carrying wallets, Chinese citizens can now also leave their phones at home. On May 21, Tencent’s WeChat Pay rolled out a new “palm payment” method, whereby users can complete an entire transaction with a simple “wave” of their hand.

According to Tencent, the technology — developed by the YouTu artificial intelligence lab — relies on recognizing surface-level palm prints and the hands’ veins. In the statement, the company says that the latest payment method aims to improve efficiency and greatly simplify the user experience, which it notes could be helpful for the elderly and people living with disabilities.

The service is available only to residents in mainland China who have completed identity verification and it can be used in designated metro stations. But the tech giant has bigger ambitions — it is gradually rolling out palm payments at offices, campuses, retail outlets, and restaurants.

Arch WeChat Pay rival Alibaba Alipay is also working on palm payments, media outlet Tech Planet reports. As the two combined account for more than 90 percent of Mainland China’s mobile payments market, palm payments are likely to become a transaction fixture.

Chinese Healthcare, Energy Firms Enable CBDC Pay – Digital Yuan Adoption Accelerating?

Chinese healthcare and energy sector providers will allow patients and customers to pay with the digital yuan, in new breakthroughs for the nation’s central bank digital currency (CBDC).

Employees explained that the CBDC would allow hospitals to push ahead with “medical reform” and “digitize.”

The news agency Xinhua reported that the payment was a “national first” for public institutions.

Last week, the China Securities Regulatory Commission (CSRC) cleared the CBDC for use in the securities market.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 12:45 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
"It would be naive to think that all things med/bio/DNA would not be weaponized eventually too."

Pills Containing Dead Babies Flesh

Just revolting. If China is doing this to South Korea what are the chances this is in our pills as well?

U.S. Policymakers Worry About China

Just taking a stroll outside the thought box but I have wondered why they pushed those jabs down to babies six months old and pregnant women. Probably just a wild idea that maybe they need some special ingredient for medications manufactured here if and when they take back pharma manufacturing here.
These people are SICK.

We are in this together.
No fame.
This is about taking back our FREEDOM and saving our
children/people from the EVIL that has
plagued our country/world for so long.

David Martin @ EU Covid Summit
Kim "covid-19 was an act of biological warfare perpetuated on the human race. It was a financial heist. Nature was hijacked. Science was hijacked."

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 01:44 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

I have wondered throughout all of this why any woman would agree to take an experimental jab while pregnant. It simply didn't make sense. But this explains what happened.

FOIA Requests reveal Troubling Relationship between HHS/CDC and the American College of Obstitricans and Gynecologists

They sold their soul for $. They actually became founding members of the Covid-19 Community Corps and this stands out- for $11 million. Just coincidence I am sure.

This makes sense "If the Covid-19 vaccines were considered safe enough to give to pregnant patients [and then transplacentally to their unborn babies] - certainly they were safe for everyone."

I see they have hit the same road block, the weaponization of the FOIA requests.
If that isn't enough with have NIH Gate

This confirms everything we have seen with some extra fireworks.
Some ku's to ponder "1. Does the NIH have a process in place to 'take down' studies, papers, or people that go against the NIH's financial interests?
2. Is a member of the NIH who works on a U.S. Army base colluding with researchers from the Wuhan Institute of Virology?"

At this point I'm just going to hold my nose.

When is this whole Covid operation going to end?
We have a date

I sense April showers are coming.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 01:55 PM
Georgia officials remind people to wear clothes in their digital driver’s license photo

Please wear clothes in your Georgia digital driver's license photo, officials said Tuesday.

The Georgia Department of Drivers’ Services reminded people to take pictures with their clothes on when submitting a Georgia Digital ID – a new system introduced this month.

Users must unlock and hold their phone or watch near the identity reader for the device to display information that is being requested by the TSA. Once users authorize the information with Face ID or Touch ID, the information will be shared digitally, the GDDS said on its website.

“Information is all shared digitally, so you do not need to show or hand over your iPhone or Apple Watch to present your Georgia Digital ID,” the GDDS said.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 02:12 PM
Russia Unveils New Payment System That Enables Unrestricted Cross-Border Crypto Use

Russia’s Finance Minister Anton Siluanov spoke about a new payment system that will enable the use of crypto for international payments. According to his statement on Monday, shared by Russian news outlet Tass, there will be no restrictions on the use of cryptocurrencies with this new payment system.

The Russian finance minister elaborated that they are launching a payment system based on digital financial assets. He said the payment system would enable two parties to reach an agreement, make payments, and prevent any national interference.

It was stated by Aksakov that the crypto exchanges would be utilized for cross-border settlements. According to the statement, these include bypassing sanctions while at the same time complying with the rules. As stated by Aksakov, the central bank will oversee these crypto exchanges. Additionally, the draft law on experimental legal regimes will include the regulations.


Pioneering the cryptocurrency world, Bybit, the third most visited cryptocurrency exchange globally, has made a significant leap. The Astana Financial Services Authority (AFSA) has granted preliminary approval, marking Bybit’s acceleration towards a formidable presence in emerging markets worldwide.

This initial endorsement from AFSA is not merely a regulatory formality. Instead, it sets the stage for Bybit’s potential to establish a Digital Asset Trading Facility and provide Custody Services within the Astana International Financial Centre (AIFC) premises.

Kazakhstan serves as a crucial access point to the Commonwealth of Independent States (CIS), a burgeoning market that is swiftly adopting cryptocurrencies.

The recent move by Bybit is a significant step forward in the ongoing global expansion of the cryptocurrency industry.

edit on 29-5-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 02:51 PM
Nvidia debuts new AI supercomputers and services after shares skyrocket

Nvidia took the wraps off a slew of new AI-centric products on Monday, as the chipmaker continues to ride the generative-AI wave.

The lineup includes a high-powered supercomputer called the Nvidia DGX GH200 and a platform called Nvidia ACE that will put generative AI to work in video game development.

Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said on a recent earnings call that he believes data center operators are looking to inject AI computing prowess into their gear. That in turn in powering a shift to graphics chips like those his companies makes, and away from the central processing units that underpinned Intel's previous dominance in data centers.

Generative AI, large language models and recommender systems are the digital engines of the modern economy,” Nvidia CEO Jensen Huang said in a statement. DGX GH200 AI supercomputers integrate NVIDIA’s most advanced accelerated computing and networking technologies to expand the frontier of AI.”

Nvidia also unveiled its ACE generative AI model for video games. The service will let game companies use generative AI for large games with multiple nonplayer characters, giving them unique lines of dialogue and ways to interact with players that would normally need to be programmed by developers individually.

posted on May, 29 2023 @ 03:18 PM
Saudi Arabia reportedly in talks to join BRICS bank to enhance financial strength amid de-dollarization

The New Development Bank (NDB), also known as the "BRICS bank," is in talks with Saudi Arabia on admitting the Middle Eastern nation as its ninth member, which would strengthen the NDB's funding options amid the impact of the Russia-Ukraine conflict, according to media reports.

The NDB has a major role to prevent financial crises in BRICS countries and will be more efficient in crisis assistance, Pan Helin, joint director of the Research Center for Digital Economics and Financial Innovation affiliated with Zhejiang University's International Business School, told the Global Times on Sunday.

Pan added that Saudi Arabia is in stable financial condition with a relatively small risk potential, so its inclusion in the NDB would enhance the financial strength of the BRICS fund pool, while elevating the nations' capability for crisis management and response.

Brazil’s New President Says BRICS Should Launch Global Currency, Highlights Plan to Boost Business With China

Brazilian President Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva says he believes a group of five nations collectively known as BRICS should create its own common currency to compete on the global stage.

After attending the G7 meeting in Hiroshima, President Lula hosted a press conference touting the benefits of a common currency that does does not depend on the US dollar,

Late last month, a top Russian lawmaker said that BRICS is already in the process of creating an alternative currency that would bypass the US dollar.

The proposal for a Brics common currency envisaged that such a currency would over time become similar to that of the euro, the common currency of the EU, and would be used in transactions by countries outside Brics.

A Brics common currency will require a central bank, which will require commonality in monetary policy, alignment of fiscal policies and synergy between political regimes across the trade bloc. amp/

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