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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:24 AM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Those who have followed Q learned quite a few "difficult truths". However, unless the News Media reports on them, these "truths" will remain known only by a relative few.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:52 AM

"There was no dissent registered by any nation". This doesn't sound good for us - "the U.S. delegate spoke in favor of this."

Terrorfying, no one is bound by such doctrine but time to get the bob ready.

181 People Catch Covid at CDC Conference

So the company that promotes the product that was mandated gets the disease it was supposed to protect against. Either that is the last nail or they weren't up to date. Beyond ironic
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Pfizer, Moderna COVID vaccines associated with severe flower bleeding in birthers 45 and up

edited title by cfx

Women 45 and older who took Pfizer and Moderna mRNA COVID-19 vaccines have a notably higher risk of vaginal bleeding severe enough to prompt a medical visit after a booster, according to a new study


Microbiologist Kevin McKernan discovered concerning levels of DNA contamination in Pfizer and Moderna vials, including Simian Virus 40 (SV40) promoters tied to cancer development in humans:

So, that piece of DNA is something we really need to pay attention to. We've made quantitative PCR assays to hunt for this. So several researchers around the globe are now running these assays to look for how much of this DNA is floating around after people have been vaccinated."

way worse
getting a bad feeling
available 2021
edit on 2023/5/28 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:10 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I think I have mentioned this before, but in case I haven't.....
As most of you know, I am a Clinical Aromatherapist and Reflexologist.
Last November, I found a 'rod' in one of my clients ovary reflex on her right side. (This is the same side as the C19 'rod' I would find (myself included) when somebody caught covid and subsequently in vaccinated clients).
Said client had been vaccinated 'early' as she was working in a vaccination 'drive-through'. She ended up in hospital in severe pain in her ovary area. All tests, including an internal scan found NOTHING.
Approximately 4 months later, I started finding the same 'rod' in EVERY SINGLE ONE of my vaccinated clients, including one male client (testes in his case) an elderly client (82 yrs old), and my own daughter. The 4 month 'time lapse' ties in with them getting their jabs after client #1.
Said client (#1) has since been hospitalised again recently, this time with severe pain down her right side from shoulder to upper thigh. It was so bad, she passed out 4 times in hospital. Again, all tests have revealed NOTHING. Or have they, but they are not saying what?
I have only one client that it is not showing up in, even though she has been jabbed..... she had a complete hysterectomy years ago.
There is roughly 18 months between last jab and this showing up in my clients.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:22 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Would like to fall asleep but no can do
If you follow the links i did not post teasers on you understand.
Pm sent

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:43 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Interesting pm sent

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:57 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox


posted on May, 28 2023 @ 06:31 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Past blast caution nail on chalkboard effect


posted on May, 28 2023 @ 07:09 AM

Coupon was excited about capturing the dichotomy between his preening subject and more symbolic prop. And Trump was happy to play along … until the bird pooped on him.

Dove Don

Jury Finds Obama Received Illegal Campaign Donations Originating From Foreign Financier :uzi :


to arrange dishonestly for the result of something, for example an election, to be changed:

a person who has socialist or communist political opinions

Remember Jim Marr's warning book

Rise of the 4th Reich

this explosive new book, the legendary Jim Marrs, author of the underground bestseller Rule by Secrecy, reveals the frighteningly real possibility that today the United States is becoming the Fourth Reich, the continuation of an ideology thought to have been vanquished more than a half century ago

edit on 2023/5/28 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Message received. PM4U

They will never stop testing in Africa until we find some way to stop them. I often wonder how people would feel if these agencies came here and gave vaccines to children in schools without the consent and knowledge of parents.
They are basically running clinical trials in some cases without people even realizing that they are in one. That is how corrupt these groups are.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 12:01 PM

I am suffering from malignant lymphoma after receiving the Messenger RNA vaccine three times. I am a member of the Japanese parliament. A video of me discussing the effects of the vaccine with Professor Yasumasa Inoue, an expert in molecular biology, was banned by Google.

Does your country allow companies to censor vaccine information? Will you allow violations of my right to pursue the cause of my illness?
Japan is the country where the highest number of people have received the Messenger RNA vaccine worldwide and also has the highest number of excess deaths. I am concerned that Japanese citizens are suffering and dying from the effects of the vaccine.

The security threat is not from Russia or China, but from your country's pharmaceutical industry and BigTech obstructing inquiries about it.

I believe it is necessary to summon the leaders of these companies to the Japanese parliament and question them.

I learned about freedom and human rights in your country. I request that you cooperate in protecting freedom and human rights.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 12:20 PM
$30,000,000,000 Exits US Banking System in One Week As Deposit Flight Grows

New numbers from the Federal Reserve show the amount of money people are pulling out of their bank accounts is once again on the rise.

According to stats compiled by the Federal Reserve Economic Data (FRED) system, depositors yanked $30 billion out of American bank accounts from May 10th through May 17th.

That represents an increase of more than $4 billion over the previous week.

The deposit flight follows the failures of three large regional banks – Signature Bank, Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic.

The Los-Angeles based PacWest, which has been in the spotlight as the latest bank trying to keep afloat, is selling $2.6 billion in real estate construction loans in a bid to improve its balance sheet.

According to a Federal Reserve report, more than 700 American banks are considered to be facing “significant safety and soundness risk” due to unrealized losses that exceed 50% of their capital.

In the report, the Fed calls out its own interest rate hikes as the core reason those banks are now in a precarious position

Another Fed rate hike could be in play during June meeting

Nearly all of the Fed officials have acknowledged that inflation remains too high," said Quincy Krosby, chief global strategist for LPL Financial. "Many officials are suggesting, however, that another rate hike may be needed to finally quell inflationary pressures that remain in the economy."
edit on 28-5-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 12:36 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

We need to circle back to Peter Hotez who endlessly used social media and bought and paid for media to combat our misinformation and promote the jabs.

Peter Hoetz wiki

Seems he has his sneakers in a knot- another book to be released in September:
"The Deadly Rise of Anti-Science." Do I smell PaNiC?

He really needs to do a meet and greet with Scott Gottlieb [on the Pizer board]. Their greed is just mind numbing.

#3394 comes to mind.
$15 mm+ more [personally declared]
What an amazing coincidence [think yesterday's drop]
Disguised under book deals?

The Book
Just wondering what his advance was?

So he along with his side kick Maria Elena Bottazi wanted a piece of the jab action which would explain his strong push for the jabs.
Then there must be the awards.
2022 Nobel Peace Prize Nominee

Promoting his book > He's Warning Us

He has opinions too.
Peter Hotex tweet

Why am I not surprised...a 'Catastrophic' pandemic may become the new normal since Covid was just the warm up act. He must have received marching orders from Billy 'the jabber' Gates about his trusty mosquitoes.

Texas Hospital dark to light...

Merissa Hanson Tweet thread
We have Event 201 and of course the WEF. What more could we want? Hotez is also a member of the WHO. One big happy family.

What is this non profit that Hotez is involved with?
Parasites Without Borders Global Non-Profit[/url
Book Comms?]
#11 connection...Hotez is the co-author of Krugman's Infectious Diseases of Children- 11th edition

The agenda is what exactly?
[url=]World Vaccine Congress Washington Scientific Advisory Board

He must be in complete denial. His daughter suffers from autism and yet he denies any link to jabs. Another meet and greet is in order with Robert F Kennedy Jr.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:00 PM
Kevin Caved': McCarthy Savaged Over Debt Ceiling Deal

The hits just keep coming for Speaker Kevin McCarthy, as angry Republicans have been outright rejecting the debt ceiling deal which raises it by roughly $4 trillion for two years, doesn't provide sticking points sought by the GOP.

In short, Kevin caved according to his detractors.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:07 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox

Remember Jim Marr's warning book

Rise of the 4th Reich

This is a little long-winded, but thorough.

edit on 28-5-2023 by FlyingFox because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: carewemust

Care this is news for a different reason.
Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton Impeached

Following up on my suspicions what is the chance that he was launching an investigation into Pfizer, Moderna and J&J.
P axton Launches Investigation In Gain-of-Function Research

Wouldn't you say that this is rather close to when he launched this?
Now why the 'pAiN'iC?

"The Texas investigation will force these companies Pfizer/Moderna/J&J to turn over documents the public otherwise could not access."
"Given the unprecedented political power and influence over public health policies that pharmaceutical companies now wield, it is more important than ever that they be held accountable if they take dangerous, illegal actions to boost their revenues."

As we have seen Pfizer is very skilled at slow walking the release of any documents. I would suspect quite a few of those voting for impeachment had some big Pharma lobbying $.

How did the members vote
No doubt we could go to Open the and see how much each member received.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Remember Jim Marr's warning book

Hey, I'm heading to Neu Schwabenland next week. I'll see if they have a copy in their library for a little light reading during the endless blizzards.


posted on May, 28 2023 @ 01:40 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

We need to keep our eyes on the farms.
Dutch Farmers Under Attack

I didn't realize that the Netherlands is "second only to the U.S. in global agriculture production." Seriously why is the Ukraine angle cropping up? This time it is to turn the land into housing for Ukraine migrants? I have to say this is getting weird. Ukraine this, Ukraine that. Their flag colors popping up all over. Almost like they are trying to tell us something.
While we are distracted John Kerry rolls up his sleeves.
We Need to Stop Growing Food
" Kerry called on leaders from around the world to massively scale back their citizen's farming operations".

I suspect that the Dutch farmers situation is similar to the table top exercises that they conducted before Covid and the jabs were unleashed on us. Experiment with them, work out the kinks and then head over to the 'useless' meat eaters here.

Well I think that the Mammoth experiment will work in our favor don't you think?

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:09 PM
Told you she would slam things together that make no sense.

Interesting take from entheos.

What does this mean?

I wrote this piece last year, I think it is more pertinent today. Who Is Right

Who is right, is it the joos, the masons, oh no it is only the "illuminati," is the Earth flat or round, or both? Was there atlantis, tartaria, was Jesus god, or was a guy named Steven god? Do we chant, do we yoga, do we eat vegan, eat meat, what already?

The Map is interesting, I have seen dozens of maps showing all sorts of realities related to earth, most I have never seen before. I mentioned before, I consider myself pretty well versed in most things, when Tartaria showed up I had to think on that as I had never seen it, nor heard the word. New timeline for me resulted in that showing up, complete with pics, details and such. BTW, timeline bounce last night, anomalies yet to reveal.

I bring this up because a quick, even cursory tour of the web, shows it all out at this point. From the WEF's detailed plans for AgendaWhatever, to Plans of Atlantis' Laboratories. From CIA meddled in JFK's death, to every. single. diet. ever eaten and the effects. From underground base maps, to the moon fakery stuff.

Thread with just a few

We have one 40 year old know-it-all who knows what's what yelling on tiktoc about how it is the conspiracy of joos/masons/Klaus/and Operation kill us all with fluoride that's the real issue. Then there are folks screaming Jesus is returning, gonna clean house, and the riders of light will distribute golden fleece jackets and gold coins. Both providing "proof" of their POV. Sometimes convincingly, sometimes not. I effing hate everything tiktoc, especially the idiotic here is what's what stuff with pointing and face mugging, this is not progress.

This ^^^ is the part where folks serialize their personal Awakening for all to see with vids, blogs, and forum posts. Careful not to get tied up into it, as they are not done, so their conclusions are premature. The most famous person to detail his awakening is of course David Ike, the problem there was folks figured him to have all the answers, when in fact, he was simply detailing in real time his personal awakening, which, by definition, had few answers.

Everything in our reality, strewn about the place now, is simply a tool, nothing more nothing less. We can use X to wake up, or Y, or neither or both. We can use it for a week, a year, or even a second, or we can simply use our own tools. Matters not.

It is all totally and completely overwhelming. Who has the bandwidth for a 2+hour video on the rise of the Khazarian Mafia and their connection to the Bush's and 911? Seriously? It is all tooooooooo much. The collective has dumped it out for all to see and sift through, as, frankly, predicted here years ago. If there isn't a transcript I can't be bothered any longer, my 24hrs from 10 years ago is about 8hrs now, can't do 2hrs on moon landing anomalies and tartaria maps that connect the two.

Now, I had a nice convo a while back with OneHuman/TheYig (sky point) about what we will learn during the reveal. She wanted the 911 beans spilled. I said it would not happen linearly, as we just cannot go through history and eeek out every event, and even if we could the stories are not linear in nature. I said 2016 was as far back as we would go, proved to be true, but, the snippets on everything are flowing through out the collective non-linearly all over the web.

I say this because there have been pics making the rounds of the Pentagon clearly showing no plane debris. I say this because the JFK reveal resulted in nothing explosive. I say this because even things we have seen here, Russia Russia Russia, via DECLAS Depositions and Durham resulted in a yawn from most. Those reinforced what Anons knew as fact, which is nice, but it fails to dent those without the bandwidth to deal with 60+depos and 300+pgs of Durham to use to counter the mind control of 7 years.

It. Is. Too. Much. See above link on my POV and how to handle it if it is a concern.

BTW, the new title? remember the rule, Inversions will be Inverted = everywhere.

A countdown has begun.

posted on May, 28 2023 @ 03:12 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
I recall awhile back there was a thread on ATS about the CCP involvement with this plandemic but I don't think that it has been covered here. In a nut shell Miles Guo explains.
The CCP's Plan

Something from the New Chinese who are trying to reveal CCP collusion with the New York Justice system and the detainment of Miles Guo.
MOS Translation

They are claiming that Artemisinin is the antidote. Do you think that they mean just for Covid or for the Jab as well?

Once again a link between Covid and anti parasitic medications/herbs. Sweet WORMWOOD. That leads me to Revelations 8:11 because of inversion.
Revelations Wormwood

This seems to fit with Loop-Mr. Pool The 8/infinity sign and now there have been a few posts of 11. Possibly pointing us towards sweet WORMWOOD which is a form of Ivermectin.

Then there is Ku# 1010 reference to REVELATIONS with the connection to Big Pharma and depopulation and lots of posts with Biblical.

I just wonder if there have been any trials using this or Ivermectin on people who have taken the jab to see if there is any positive impact.

Morning sun brings heat.
Full moon coming.
Undiscovered stars learned.
Missions forward.

We may have something here.
The D= Disease/Drug.
Morning sun= Japan is known as the 'Land of the Rising Sun.
Bringing heat- Placing a spotlight on Ivermectin which was discovered in Japan. Also I believe that Abe was promoting Ivermectin before he was assassinated.

Undiscovered stars- From Revelations "the name of the star was WORMWOOD." Other names Ivermectin, hydroxychloroquine and Artemisinin.

Full moon coming- We have had quite a few connections to full moon. They all link to Cancer. Albert Bourla's book "Moonshot" and then there is Biden's "Cancer Moonshot". Then we had the balloon which looked like a moon floating across the country. Full Moon link to full blown turbo cancer rising in the jabbed population.

Missions forward- to find more treatments among other things.

Ivermectin Discovery made in Japan

Circling back to Revelations 8:11-13
There has been one person very intent on dimming the sun. Bill Gates having these particulates in the air to dim the sun would also dim the moon and the stars by up to say 1/3. I hadn't considered that but it makes sense.

We have "Watch the water" as well. What happens when that particulate falls into the water? Turn it bitter killing more people, animals and plants. He is also pretty intent on killing off animals and plants so that he can promote his artificial food.
This really does seem to fit doesn't it?
Just to wrap up...
Gematria WormWood Bill Gates

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