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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I find Scott Gottlieb's book deeply troubling.

Was the 25th amendment 'arrow in the quiver' planned?
How long ago?
Was it expected that POTUS would be in critical [health] state:
Recovery unexpected?
Impossible to rewind?
Next: 'mentally incapacitated' re" C19 language
["people are dying"]_safety and security to the well being...........
Combat tactics, Mr. Ryan.

Just to highlight- when President Trump contracted Covid 19 on September 30th the stain that he had was one that had come from Europe and had disappeared from the scene. He caught a more lethal strain which I think they hoped would eliminate him. That meant that someone had a sample and seeded it.

The CDC had staff in the White House.

Chapter 16 Getting Drugs to Patients Page 303

I'm pulling pieces from different chapters to get a better sense of what was going on in the White House.

Prior to becoming ill President Trump was using PDI Sani-cloth to wipe his hands and often since he was a germaphobe.
This product is to only be used on hard surfaces!

PDF Sani-cloth

The test kits for White House visitors and staff were made by Abbott and were only accurate 1/3 of the time.

The CDC knew that the test kits were faulty.

The treatment they gave him is very troubling before he was moved to Walter Reed. He was given Gates/Fauci drug Redesivir, which was well documented by the WHO as being a dangerous drug. [Ebola]

He was also given an antibody drug being developed by Regeneron which was green lit by Stephan Hahn, Commissioner of the FDA.
But there was a much more effective antibody drug being developed by Eli Lilly. That one was requested, Lilly agreed but than mysteriously the WH never followed up on it.

After the IV of Remdesivir his condition began to really deteriate requiring supplemental oxygen to be administered.

At this point the decision was made to take him to Walter Reed where he quickly recovered.

Why did President Trump take the Pfizer jab?

When he became ill his body did not produce antibodies. By taking the antibodies therapy from Regeneron it replaced his immune response. Over time it would wane but his body had no natural immune response if he was exposed to Covid-19.

We can only hope he got a placebo.

Rel the CDC during this time kept stating that they were side lined but as you can see they would have been involved with this part, very involved if you catch my drift.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 01:57 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Now to tackle the two antibody drugs under development by Regeneron and Eli Lilly.
President Trump was given the inferior drug from Regeneron.

The one by Eli Lily was developing was composed of two parts. The critical antibody in the cocktail came from antibodies produced by a patient who recovered in Wuhan!

Chris Christie also became ill at the same time. He received Lilly's drug.
"This combination antibody drug would later produce impressive results, substantially reducing the risk of hospitalization and death."
Christie did first approach Regeneron but they declined and told him to get access he would have to join a clinical trial which meant that he might receive a placebo.

The antibody drugs could have been used as a prophylaxis .

This is a very curious tale-
Lilly was developing this in response to MERS. When the emergency ended, as per the norm, policy makers apparently lost interest.
They approached BARDA. In 2015 Robin Robinson said that his agency had no funds for this. Right because it would work.

"We are funded for pandemic influenza, and man- made threats like anthrax, smallpox, nuclear devices and chemical agents. If we had another emergency from another emerging infectious disease, we would need to get funding from another source. We don't have funding to work on Coronaviruses."

Quite the statement in light of SARS already being on the scene much earlier.


Lilly went it alone and continued development. They must have had great belief in their product because they did something most extraordinary.

Before knowing how serious C-19 would become, before knowing it worked and before an EUA was issued they shifted all of the drugs they manufactured in the U.S. and sent them to their new facility in Ireland. The New York facility was then set up to just produce this antibody cocktail.

Lilly finally received EUA on 911.

Regeneron November 21 [11].

How about something even more curious-Leaving nothing to chance...

"HHS asked Lilly to forgo development of its cocktail and just produce the monotherapy- if taken would have been fateful!"
No doubt wanting to leave out the Wuhan antibodies.
Oh but there's more-

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 02:39 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Continued. Editorial comment- too many topics in one chapter.

Operation Warp Speed-
With all the $ thrown around, especially to vaccine manufacturers, nothing was directed towards domestic manufacturing to ensure sufficient quantities could be made. Pfizer and Moderna were set to go but for Lilly and Regeneron this proved a critical issue.

The antibody treatments required large facilities that could produce biologics. Finally Warp Speed offered Lilly a manufacturing facility that could produce a whopping [8]00 liters of biologics. Must have felt like a slap in the face in light of the fact that their major facility had [8]6,000 liters.

Now a word from Fauci- "We never got anywhere pursuing the idea that we need to develop more of a mandate to develop more of a manufacturing base, back at the time we were dealing with H5N1 + H7N9. We made investments in plants that would be able to manufacture a flu vaccine, but we always left with the problem: you can't keep them cold [unused] and if you just keep them warm [partial use], you lose a lot of money."

Quite amazing that we are paying his pension and his security detail. Add gain-of-function to the sauce and not enough manufacturing capacity for the 'good' stuff.

Lilly and Regeneron struggled on but when we really needed maximum capacity they could only produce a limited amount.
It didn't really matter because HHS had a few tricks up their sleeve.

HS was more than incompetent at securing facilities but "even worse making preparations to arrange deliveries for patients."
They could be- gasp - artificially depressing demand for these antibody drugs. The distribution system was so poor that the states only used 20% of the 1.3 million doses by the end of 2020.

The level of incompetence is breath taking. HHS lent a helping hand to J&J and Astra Zeneca as well but it came with a twist. They both had to manufacture their Covid-19 vaccines in the same facility in North Carolina. Common sense might dictate that they would become cross contaminated resulting in millions of doses being discarded.

Gottlieb goes on and on and on about making extra capacity at existing facilities with first rights in case a plandemic should come wandering by.

Meanwhile Moderna is building a new plant in the UK-mRNA flavored of course.

Moderna to Build New Facility in the UK

And of course Pfizer needs to rebuild the destroyed one in N. Carolina.
To be fair to Gottlieb he did write to the WSJ-
"The Federal government should work with drug makers to free up domestic manufacturing plants to start making more of these antibody drugs before the FDA approves them."

This from the person who sits of Pfizer's Board of Directors and actively promoted the jabs.

That's a wrap.

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 02:58 PM

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 03:31 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Well fortunately with all the 'Defund the police' nonsense there aren't nearly enough of them to arrest all of us and no where near enough room to detain us. Then of course there are the guard shortages. I hope they don't feed us zee bugs.

Although I suppose those FEMA camps could come in handy but they have to find us first.

While there maybe we could play the new card game being developed- a NWO game with all the thrilling parts. The ups and downs of transhumanism, Covid, Joe and Hunter, Greta for Climate Change, a Bill Gates mosquito card is a must. It could be a lot of fun. I doubt Amazon will carry it since they seem to have a fondness for Klaus Schwab. Amuse tried the Eat Zee Bugs cookbook which hasn't gone well.

Illumanatibot Tweet

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 04:55 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

I'm inspired to look for anagrams in "GOD BLESS":

GB SOLD ES... Great Britain sold Spain, works vice versa too.


posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 06:04 PM

edit on 20/7/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 20 2023 @ 11:34 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Trust issues here.

Making the rounds again.
Question everything
Bobby just destroyed the Dems who tried to censure him.
If only he could pick cuz for a running mate.

edit on 2023/7/20 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:12 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Now playing

Flattening the curve

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 08:34 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 08:37 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder



posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 08:51 AM
It will be done quickly!!!

This appears to be his last post before his Truths disappeared for a few minutes.


DELTA TODAY : [Be Ready]

edit on 21-7-2023 by duncanhidao because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 11:06 AM
a reply to: duncanhidao

Glad to see you back Duncan.

Be ready-
Trust Grassley> Trust Grassley Tweet

Hunter and Joe going live> KanekoaThe Great Words


posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 11:18 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Remember Grace the young girl that was covered in the book "Rise of the Fourth Reich- Confronting Covid Fascism"?

Amaon Books

Chief Nerd tweet

After reading in detail what they did to her and her family this will be worth following. The security guard prevented her sister from saving her, calmly waiting for Grace to pass before letting her back into the hospital room. The nurses and Drs. involved must be held accountable.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 11:33 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Weiner incoming meltdown.
Anthony Weiner Meltdown Podcast

I've never seen so many comments- I'd say people are awake.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder

"Rest assured with the science."

Watch the Water-
Epic One Water

Anything involving Bill Gates should make people cautious. I can't imagine drinking beer from water discharged from shower drain lines. He always figures out a way to get it to market so let's make it free.

One would think that we don't know anything about desalinization.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 12:43 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

When I was on vacation, I was cautioned by the tour guide to not drink the desalinated water.

"Buy bottles at the supermarket" was her advice as far as drinking water goes.


posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 12:48 PM
Back to the book.
Chapter 9 -Shortage After Shortage. Page 150. Editorial comments- FOCUS.

I'm wondering while reading [all of this evidence] if this a way for Gottlieb to have plausible deniability. Consider the fact that he has direct access to President Trump, direct access to the CDC/FDA/HHS, BARDA/DARPA, enemedia and sits on the board of Pfizer. In this chapter he reveals connections to the Rockefeller Foundation and Harvard as well. For each issue he provides his view on future corrective action.

SOS Offices.
Patriots in trusted positions.
Trust yourself.
You have seen the truth.
Time to show the world.

The one section that he mentions the word 'Focus' is concerning the Strategic National Stockpile which just happens to fall under the CDC authority.

A brief history- In 2006 Congress set aside $ to add Personal Protective Gear to the Strategic National Stockpile. This was to purchase 50 million surgical masks and 100 million N95 respirators.

What happened?
February 2020 Secretary Azar testified that the SNS held 30 million N95 respirators.

"A day later Azar would clarify that the stockpile held 30 million surgical masks, the kind that you tie behind the head. Not the N95 respirators that can fully protect against aerosol spread. The stockpile only had 12 million N95 respirators along with 5 million that were expired." [12+5=17]

Where did those N95 masks go? Speaking from personal knowledge the California government in Sacramento issued to members and staff N95 masks as soon as Covid became an issue. Could it be possible that they got their supply ahead of time from the Strategic National Stockpile under the guise of needing them to deal with smoke from the wild fires?

Some were used for the H1N1 but were never replaced.

Once again the CDC in action-
-the masks that were shipped were covered in mold.
- the rubber straps were dry + brittle.

As for the ventilators, the stockpile had 10K and they had 10K on order. Post #1010

Something very significant occured right before the plandemic. There was renewed focus on the National Strategic Stockpile. Which agency should it fall under?
During President Trump's first 2 years the Office of the Assistant Secretary for Preparedness and Response [ASPR] pushed to assume control of the Stockpile and change the focus to threats posed by bioweapons. HHS Secretary Tom Price refused and was later fired by President Trump.

This interagency feud shifted the focus away from what was in the Strategic Stockpile. ASPR assumed control but then much of the focus and efforts were centered on the administrative work of shifting bureaucratic duties. Now we had an inexperienced group in place right when the plandemic hit. No inventory taken and completely blind to our vulnerabilities.

"The tortuous wrangling, and the decision to dislodge the stockpile from the CDC and begin the cumbersome process of moving its supervision to ASPR, diverted attention away from its core activities just as Covid was about to sweep the nation."

While under the supervision of the CDC there was no agreement on what the focus of the Strategic Stockpile should be- naturally occuring or bioweapons and countermeasures. What the CDC decided was to make the "focus on developing a stockpile of vaccines and drugs on a pathogen-by-pathogen basis."

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Continuing along trying to detangle this chapter.


As previously covered the basic ingredients for our medications come from our friend China which came in very handy to restrict hydroxychloroquine from the U.S. market.

But there was much more and everything centered on low margin products and the reason to use low cost Chinese labor.

The majority of N95 masks are produced there and just by coincidence "some U.S. hospitals were using 1700% more."

In fact much of our PPE is produced there.

We need to circle back to the CDC and their test kits-
Their test kits required three reagents N1, N2 and the unnecessary N3.
Reagents are another low margin product and as a result is made primarily in China. What was in reagent 3 that resulted in false positives?

China Reagents

Well now we know how the false positives were generated.

posted on Jul, 21 2023 @ 01:54 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Remember this?
Chris Cuomo Teases Andrew Cuomo with giant swab youtube

Most of the supply was provided by two companies, Kopan Diagnostics from the Lombardy region of Italy and U.S. based Puritan Medical Supply. Eventually Puritan was able to meet all of our needs which should have made us feel more secure.
Not so fast...especially when the CDC/HHS are involved.

They could not allow us to trust this product.
Of course-
"Some of the health officials involved in procuring the swabs were not aware they needed to be polyester not cotton."

They looked around for another supplier and low and behold selected U.S. Cotton LLC [known for Q-tips]. How handy.

The test kits had to use polyester swabs which is what Puritan was manufacturing. HHS gave U.S. Cotton approval to ship polyester swabs with the Wrong Labeling. Instead they used their existing packaging with markings and labeling for cotton. Mission accomplished.
So now we have confusion where the packaging and the labeling does not match the contents. They just had them throw in an advisory note in the box.

To add more to the lack of confidence the swabs were shipped loose in boxes and were not individually wrapped so therefore not sterile.
"Thousands of containers of vials, swabs and other fluid recepticles were shipped to states to be used to collect samples.
Many tubes came loosely packed in huge bins mislabeled and in the wrong sterile packaging."

Makes one think that there was some plan a foot to disrupt the testing process.

One point I forgot to include about the ventilators- the reason that 2K ventilators did not work from the Strategic National Stockpile was that "the CDC had allowed a key contract for maintaining them to expire."

The 'how' will be hard to understand by most.
Focus on the 'why'
The 'when' is now.

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