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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:13 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

That is interesting. I almost wonder if the use of the name "Flynn" is more synonymous with "in like Flynn". Kind of like how people like John Podesta seemingly can just come and go as they please in governmental buildings.

I know that use of the name Flynn is either linked to Michael Flynn or his brother Charles Flynn. Either way, some interesting things about 19th july.

It's the Islamic New Year.
Also "National Hot Dog Day"

now who do we know that was called "Hot Dog Boy" and seemingly is very sympathetic to Islamic causes?

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 07:39 AM

Ex-CDC director says unredacted Fauci gain-of-function email reveals 'aggressive attempt' to change narrative

"I think, it's very disheartening and very disappointing. And I've said before that I'm very disappointed in the leadership that both [then-NIH Director Francis] Collins and Fauci provided in not fostering a rigorous, aggressive, transparent scientific debate about what is really very reasonable scientific evidence that did point at this virus," Redfield told "The Story."

"Now you have, in his own words, that one -- he recognizes the abnormality of the furin-cleavage site being problematic – and he recognizes that, in fact, contrary to some of his statements, that there was actual gain of function research going on in that laboratory."

"I think we have to really recognize that there was a real attempt by the leadership of NIH and some of the major scientists across the world to cover up the fact that this virus was, in fact, a consequence of science," he added.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Speaking of narcissists Bill Gates is featured in the Onion. LOL

Mosquito Scientists Announce Plans to Eradicate Bill Gates

Maybe the mosquitos can band together and form their own army. They just need to sharpen their stingers.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Now That Russian Collusion is a Proven Lie, When do the Trials for Treason Begin?


This may tie in with 'Suicide Weekend'.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:21 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

HOW TRUE! With many subjects. Thankyou.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Now That Russian Collusion is a Proven Lie, When do the Trials for Treason Begin?


This may tie in with 'Suicide Weekend'.

The Biden Administration greatly expanded and enhanced the "988" suicide hotline over the past year. They're obviously expecting a lot of Democrats to become suicidal, for some reason. (Tip: They wouldn't expand a helpline like this, for Republican.)

Some Info: /

edit on 7/18/2023 by carewemust because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:27 PM
FYI Donald Trump participating in a Fox News town hall, filmed in Cedar Rapids Iowa this afternoon.

I think FNC host Harris Faulkner said earlier that it would be broadcast on FoxNews Channel tonight.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

We have more about Epstein.

Wallstreet Apes Tweet

I just checked and sure enough China is now the majority shareholder of Deutsche Bank through HNA Group.
HNA Becomes Largest Shareholder.

Wallstreet Apes has had quite the streak lately.

Freudian slip or on purpose?

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:04 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Back to the Viral Confessions. Chapter 7. The CDC Fails. Pages 107-138.

Testing, Testing. Testing.

#4620 clip

C-19_ stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to 'spike' incline due to daily testing inc [the political 'set-up']_ controlled.
MSDNC failure to report the death count [rates] proportional to 'infected' rate_deliberate
miscounting of infected numbers [%]
_changing non_positive to positive_ label death of non_C-19 as C19_ ect.

The 'testing, testing, testing being repeated 3 times is a match to the Covid tests that were developed by the CDC.
Their tests had 3 components N1, N2 and N3. Unique to the CDC test was the use of N3. No other countries/WHO used this.

"Not recommending the best available test during an epidemic of a novel pathogen, in which the potential to miss cases is evident with implications for proper clinical case management, is in fact a threat to public health." 14+3=17

When there are too many coincidences-
February 3 The N[3] reagent was generating false results. It failed 33% of the time but who cares? These were then shipped to 33 states. Bingo 666.

Oddly N3 was not required to make the tests work but this N3 turned out to be a critical key for the CDC weaponizing the testing.
Introducing Stephan Lindstrom who was the head of developing the test kits. He made the decision to add N3 without informing his boss Robert Redfield. The addition of N3 made the manufacturing process much more complex, and with increased complexity comes increased errors along with difficulties in manufacturing.
The inclusion also sacrificed speed- a major goal.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Coming Jab narrative?

Illegal immigrant kids with tuberculosis infections released into 44 states

Isn't this special ....

The government says it can’t treat the children because they are in custody for a short time and treatment requires three to nine months. HHS releases infected children to sponsors and notifies local health authorities in the hope that they can arrange for treatment before the latent infection becomes active.

Those hopes are often dashed.

IMO - This fall (from all the Canadian Wildfire Smoke) I'd imagine there will be a lot of coughing anyways (Similar to the summer 2020 here in USA where everything was burning)

edit on 7182023 by MetalThunder because: NO COINCIDENCE

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Continuing on.

Watch the water-
When the CDC finally released their tight grip over the kits, public health labs upon receipt tested the kits with sterile water. What a surprise- the tests were generating Covid positive results.

Pawpaw positive COVID-19 test result?
Staged [FAKE] CBS COVID-19 reporting?

Obviously N3 was contaminated and labs couldn't make the test kits work. Most importantly N3 was not required. The CDC would not allow the labs to drop N3 so as a result testing was not being done.

Instead on February 11 they developed a new N3.

Meanwhile Scott Becker- head of the Association of Public Health Laboratories asked the CDC for permission to run without it. The CDC did not respond.
All the actions taken by the CDC were centered around 'DELAY' which allowed Covid to spread undetected.

The CDC deliberately left the FDA and HHS under the impression that many labs got the tests to work.

This is very significant. The CDC was not a manufacturer, so why do it? Why did they retain such tight control, in fact claiming that these test kits were their intellectual property. This in a pandemic? We need to let this sink in for a minute.

How did N3 become contaminated?
The CDC did not have expertise in manufacturing and critical errors [by design?] were made. The genomic material [dirty room] was on the same floor as the test kit assembly, which was done in a clean room. That would never have happened if it had been contracted out to a manufacturing company with expertise.

By maintaining such tight control over the test kits they were unable to mass produce them, effectively leaving us with no headlights on what was happening.

To understand fully the importance of N3, the FDA was desperate to get the CDC to drop N3 but the CDC outright refused.

"February 25 the CDC informed the FDA it would not allow the labs to run tests with just N1 and N2."
As a result labs started to destroy the test kits, the ones that the CDC could not make in sufficient quantities.

The CDC went even further. If there weren't enough problems N1 also had contamination issues. They kept promising to send out new N1 and N3 to the labs but didn't have the ability to manufacture quickly so labs were basically frozen.

Just to be clear the public health labs had the ability to make their own tests and the CDC did not give the approval. It had to be their test for a reason.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

Bill Gates is very, very focused on TB. I'm sure this has nothing to do with the jabs and weakened immune systems. He'll have a jab ready and waiting, mRNA based of course.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 02:36 PM
Continuing slogging through Chapter 7... just so many words.

*The contaminated test kits- The CDC staff in charge of the program were aware that 2 out of 3 test kits would give false positives but they sent them out to the labs anyway.

What more could go wrong? "The CDC insisted on making the synthetic genome material for the positive control component in the same building as where the test kits were assembled."
Why did they refuse to have it outsourced- what is 10 days between friends?

Making matters worse "the CDC acknowledged it had not put in place proper controls and standard operating procedures to prevent contamination." In fact the CDC knew that the lab was contaminated.

Here's where things get good. "By keeping the first run of test kits, the CDC [Gottlieb claims unknowingly- ha] retained for itself the only tests that were free from contamination."[ I'll cover the significance in a separate post.]

HHS were very concerned but the CDC said "no problem, we'll inspect ourselves." They finally admitted they were not following their own protocols and what did HHS do? They never released the report outside their own agency.

Most reluctantly the CDC finally contracted Integrated DNA Technologies to manufacture the test kits using the CDC blueprint.
Interesting choice as all of CDC's decisions.
"IDT found itself in the unexpected role of contract manufacturing for labs." Best choice of zero experience.
There was a belief that was circulating that the design of the test kits were flawed.

Meanwhile the public labs had the capacity to make their own tests but the CDC obviously had issues with that. These labs would need samples, which the CDC had early on and surprise- they refused to share.

This issue became very serious so the labs had to go around the CDC and in fact one large commercial lab had to get a sample from S. Korea.
These different labs, operating at different levels of oversite, introduced a variability in testing because they were using different models. Not an insignificant problem. Out of 125 EUA's the FDA found problems with 82.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:10 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

This chapter circles round and round. I'm in the process of detangling it so that it is more concise. Slogging some more...

Once again the U.S. is unique. This is when I get concerned. We shouldn't be this unique.
Our uniqueness is "in our reliance on lab developed tests for a large portion of diagnostic testing."
The majority of countries rely on mass produced test kits.

We were left vulnerable, with a fragmented and broken system leaving the CDC the opening needed to control testing.
To understand the impact, each of these labs had their own tests and could only test a limited number of samples. What we needed was the ability to test high volumes of tests early on to understand the spread of Covid. There needed to be consistent test standards.

With all the Pandemic Preparedness Plans the issue of mass testing and manufacturing never came up or no one thought that it was necessary to have high volume manufacturing capacity available or that the tests should be standardized?

HHS Secretary Azur- Why did he not step in when the CDC was having known testing "problems"?
Instead he joined the delay game and waited until the end of February when it was too late to slow the spread.

He invoked FDA article #564 which invoked HHS emergency powers to advance medical protocols. One would think that things would be clear cut but of course there was a catch 22.

By design? Under normal circumstances labs could develop their own tests and should have had to get authorization to use them. Instead the FDA gave them a pass. But when this was invoked it them made it mandatory that the FDA had to inspect them which of course added to the delay. To make matters worse the FDA staff were unfamiliar with the procedures because they never had to do this review process before.

Azur did more- The CDC had no business manufacturing test kits. He let this continue. More troubling why did he not insist on a back-up plan. After all the CDC could not possibly mass manufacture the amount of test kits that would be required, especially when frequent testing became mandatory.

Why did he not bring together the different divisions so that there was a unified course of action between the FDA-CDC and the NIH?

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

We can't trust anything anymore. It is all corrupted.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Consider this- the CDC regulated who could be tested. They ruled that people from China could only be tested if they had respiratory symptoms and a fever. It was already well known that Covid did not always come with a fever.

The CDC maintained a very narrow definition of who was eligible to be tested and they maintained that position until the end of March, long after the WHO had dropped this definition.
The issue centered on the test kits. The CDC were limited in how many they could produce so they designed this to match their supply.

It gets worse.
"The agency took deliberate steps to enforce guidelines that would make sure it didn't receive more samples than its single lab could handle."
They could certainly claim that they were processing all the samples that they were receiving while at the same time refusing to accept samples from Drs.
They didn't stop there.


#4340, 4341, 4342
At what point should this be reclassified as murder?
At what point is ignorance [common sense] no longer valid?
Evil surrounds us.

Maybe each post relates to specific actions?
1-Placing Covid positive patients in assisted living facilities.
2. Issuing deliberately faulty test kits.
3. Not issuing mandatory testing in the assisted living facilities where the most vulnerable population were.

The CDC's overly narrow definition of who could be tested resulted in many hospital staff unknowingly coming into contact with Covid positive patients which resulted in quarantining hospital staff. One example- a hospital had to close the ICU because of staff shortages due to quarantined staff. How many died as a result of this?

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: GAPeach3
a reply to: Thoughtful2

We can't trust anything anymore. It is all corrupted.

Heh. I was recently on vacation and heard pretty much the same from a British fellow; his comment regarding political leaders in the West ... "they're all corrupt".


posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

The last bit.
Why were the large manufacturers not kicking down the doors to mass produce test kits? After all $.
Past proves future- future proves past.

Circling back to Zika. Manufacturers were pressed into service to manufacture test kits to hep detect Zika. After the emergency was over they were not reimbursed. Simple as that.

But for this plandemic why was there no government contract for these companies right from the get go?

Curious that the red carpet was rolled out for the vaccine manufacturers but not the testing companies. Makes one think that possibly there was a plan afoot to allow the virus to spread and then jab everyone possible with an experimental jab. Testing is just an after thought.

March 4, 2020 the entire lab industry met in Washington DC- one would think that having everyone under one roof would be the perfect time to strategize and come up with some agreement moving forward about testing. Especially considering the limitations of the CDC on manufacturing Covid test kits.

Stephan Hahn, the FDA Commissioner spoke but did not seriously address the issue of testing. He was very, very aware of the CDC problems.
Keeping track of resignations- 2021. More troubling he headed to the venture firm that launched Moderna.

Stephen Hahn wiki

Even more troubling Mike Pence met with the CEO's in private, a meeting that Hahn did not attend. The big Q- Was Pence aware of the CDC test issues. Those CEO's knew that this was a big opportunity to get some reassurances to move forward. Did he provide some assurance so that they would move forward to manufacture these test kits?

Abbott Awarded $1 Billion Contract for Test kits

Everyone can be thrilled that Chapter 7 is a wrap.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:22 PM
a reply to: GAPeach3

It certainly looks that way.

You have no idea how difficult it is to parse through all Gottlieb's words to try and find the facts and see how it all fits together. Anyone trying to read this book would put it down and give up. Maybe that's the point because if they have to tell us, the best way would be to hide it like this.
Never in my wildest dreams did I ever think I would spend one whole day on one single chapter. I do believe we have to see the details, all the details as to how the CDC and other health agencies have colluded with China. It's the only way we can tear apart these institutions and rebuild them correctly.
If we don't know we can't fix.

posted on Jul, 18 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Things are speeding up.
Sequoia Venture ties to the CCP and more

We don't just have Blackrock to worry about.

Hunter Biden-Putin?
Amuse Twitter

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