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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
So glad you brought up Eid al-Adha.
From: MSN News

Hartford, Connecticut police arrested a man for assaulting the state's first Muslim state representative, Rep. Maryam Khan, on Wednesday morning while she was leaving an Eid al-Adha prayer service with her children and sister at the XL Center in the downtown area of the city.

Police said the suspect, 30-year-old Andrew Desmond of New Britain, was arrested Wednesday when responding officers found civilians detaining Desmond after they chased him down near the XL Center.

It's a bit confusing why she was attacked, but CAIR is involved so I have my doubts that this is just a random act.

“We urge local, state and federal law enforcement authorities to investigate a possible bias motive for this attack and to ensure the safety of the Connecticut Muslim community during the ongoing Eid al-Adha celebrations,” said CAIR-Connecticut Chair Farhan Memon. “All too often we have seen American Muslims, or those perceived to be Muslim, targeted by hate because of their attire, race or ethnicity.”

My feelings is that this attack was directed from within the community (I'll explain below a possibility) as a driver for an uprising like we've seen in other countries. I bet the Muslim Brotherhood can be looked at for this.

From: CBS News

A man with materials to make explosives and an active Jan. 6-related warrant was arrested by law enforcement in former President Barack Obama's Washington, D.C., neighborhood, multiple sources briefed on the matter tell CBS News.

Several sources identified the suspect as 37-year-old Taylor Taranto, of Seattle, Washington. Secret Service spotted him within blocks of the Obama's home, according to a law enforcement official briefed on the matter. Taranto fled, and Secret Service chased him. He was running toward the Obama home, but was apprehended before reaching it.

A couple notable quotes from this article:

There were multiple weapons and the materials to make some kind of explosive device akin to a Molotov cocktail, but it had not been assembled, according law enforcement officials familiar with the details. He had said he had explosives, but first responders only found the materials to make them.

So, there is that odd phrasing: "some kind of"

He had been seen camping out in his van near the D.C. jail where many of the Jan. 6 defendants are being held, and some of his livestreams were apparently posted while he was in the D.C. area.

Again, he had a warrant out for his arrest, but instead of arresting him while he was by the jail living out of a van, they waited until he tried to attack Obama's house.

Obama has been strangely in the news a lot this week before this happened, and while he was in office seemed to be very Muslim Brotherhood Friendly. Is Obama behind the Hartford attack? He did like to dived people via race and religion, so I'm willing to bet that if he gets fingered by this crackdown on Hunters laptop, a "totally Organic" Muslim protest or riot will happen to distract the public's attention. After all Bill Clinton distanced himself from the Biden when the photos of Chelsea were found on the laptop, but Obama had double downed by hanging out with both Hunter and Joe after both of the Obama daughters were filmed on Hunters laptop. I wonder what else Obama related might be discovered in there.
edit on 29-6-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 02:58 AM
I just want to recap something that seems off. The guy that was arrested running towards Obama's DC House was from Seattle Wa.

This happened today as well, and I need to quote the report in its entirety for people to see the issue.
From: KOMO News

KING COUNTY, Wash. — A bomb was recovered by Washington State Patrol (WSP) from a driver's vehicle on I-405 near Newcastle Wednesday afternoon.

WSP said that the driver's vehicle was broken into Wednesday night. According to officials, the driver decided to go to a repair shop the following day to repair his broken window.

WSP said that while he was driving on I-405, he noticed a tennis ball on the seat. The driver was talking to someone on the phone who suggested that he pull over and call 911, according to officials.

The WSP Bomb Squad arrived at the scene shortly after and determined that the tennis ball was indeed a bomb. The bomb squad was able to remove the bomb and detonate it safely, according to WSP.

Troopers do not believe the driver is connected to the bomb at all, according to officials. At this time, no injuries or suspects are being reported.

So a driver reports that a tennis ball in his car is a bomb, the bomb squad comes out and defuses the bomb, and no one suspects the driver knew anything about it? I have some questions:
1) How did the guy on the phone know the ball was a bomb?
2) Why did the bomb squad respond and not a WSP officer? (that's the highway patrol or state police in most states)
3) What was the deal with including this narrative:

WSP said that the driver's vehicle was broken into Wednesday night. According to officials, the driver decided to go to a repair shop the following day to repair his broken window.

WSP said that while he was driving on I-405, he noticed a tennis ball on the seat. The driver was talking to someone on the phone who suggested that he pull over and call 911, according to officials.

This whole thing seems like a cover up for something else that was planned but didn't happen due to loss of the bomb. I wonder if Inslee had paid for this guy to deliver the bomb so that, as I stated above, a reason for Martial law could be asserted due to "Hostile Muslim Actions"?

I know it sounds out there, but if the guy at Obamas house had set of a bomb like device, and another one was detonated in Olympia Wa at the Governors house, then a media case could have been made about the Hartford attack being the triggering event of a Muslim Uprising in the US.

It's going to be a hot and long weekend this Fourth of July, the hope is that those explosions outside are just going to be the fireworks in the sky, and not guns on the ground.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:03 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The Hunter Sacrificed.

Sounds like an ancient ritual to appease Gaia.


posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:12 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel do you find the timing of Twitter not working if one does not have an account rather suspect?
Here we are waiting for the Brunson case to be decided by the Supreme court.

Musk obviously would want everyone to pay $8, however it is the timing. Maybe President Trump has tweeted and they just shut everything down.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:31 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel do you find the timing of Twitter not working if one does not have an account rather suspect?
Here we are waiting for the Brunson case to be decided by the Supreme court.

Musk obviously would want everyone to pay $8, however it is the timing. Maybe President Trump has tweeted and they just shut everything down.

The fact that so much of Musk's funding comes from the government I can't help but be suspicious of his true motives.
What if being so outspoken over government overreach is just to get people to drop their guard? He'd be the perfect one for controlled opposition.
With the takeover of so many platforms and ever-increasing internet information control having Twitter as the one and only 'free speech' platform left would be easy pickings for DoD, FBI, etc. to monitor the 'renegade' climate, collect names, numbers and information.

Elon Musk is a man that has two faces and I see both sides putting trust him-perhaps a bit too much.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:39 AM
And wouldn't you know it ?

Barry O'bama spotted on vacation ... in Greece ... with Tom Hanks.

Birds of a feather fo(w)l together.


posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 11:43 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Thank you for all the info about TB.

Today I decided to look into Africa and the Gates funded GMO's and came across this.
Bill Gates Funded GMO's in Africa Risk?

The bombshell comes at the 42 minute mark which deals with those modified mosquitos that Gates had released under the guise of reducing malaria.
Jeffrey Powell, a researcher from Yale discovered that Gates had also released these gentically modified mosquitos in South America. He went there and examined the impact.
The result-They interbred with the native mosquitos and the genes from the modified ones became incorporated with the native ones. Why am I not surprised- the result was that the new improved version were truly improved to be more robust, larger, insecticide resistant, more fertile and have longer lifespans.

What is really disturbing is that the African mayor knew nothing of the first experiment in South America and despite the serious problems was deployed there.

Gates has also funded those mosquito bed nets. My mind is churning. Increase the mosquito population, make them bigger and more robust. People will be desperate for those bed nets.
Meanwhile he is pursuing the mRNA malaria jabs. What are the chances that these new mosquitos will be more robust carriers of malaria?
This is all about him developing this market to make a profit and benefit the corporations that he has invested in and has nothing to do with health.

We need to ask some serious Q's as to why thee is so much secrecy around the GMO crops and especially this research center called Wave.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: nugget1

I see what you mean.
Twitter Message

I find the message "It's Happening" an interesting choice of wording. Frankly I have trust issues. There are a lot of events coming to a head and maybe they want to keep a lid on things.

Fauci news.
Fauci Advisor Hid e-mails from FOIA Requests

They did everything in their power to not inform the public. Of course we should continue to keep a spotlight on Rochelle Walensky and her second phone that she used to communicate with Weingarten, the head of the teacher's union. That was revealed when she was being questioned but did any of them follow up on it? She is retired effective today so now what?

I wonder how many other's in the NIH, NIAID, CDC had those as well. They appear to be a lawless group where rules simply don't apply to the. Probably there are secret e-mail accounts. The Q is will anyone ever find them? Whenever they were finally forced to provide information they simply redacted any important details.

We have the Brunson case and President Trump ready to tweet something about the Storm.
Brook Jackson's whistleblower case as well. Hunter Biden and Joe corruption, Covid-19 bioweapon and the mRNA jabs.

And of course Bill Gates. This is just a tinderbox waiting for a match.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 12:42 PM
Heading back to the book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" by Bill Gates.

Resident Lurker here.

T1/T2 has been really worked up over the salt and 30% of the Pfizer vaccines in the EU containing only saline. Being a numbers person this is more significant than it initially appears.

As a percentage of shots, it reduces the adverse events reporting and makes the vaccines appear more effective than they are. If we think that the numbers reported to VAERS looks bad now, it would have been much, much worse.

It also accelerates the manufacturing process of the vaccines which points to inadequate or non existing plant inspections.

According to T2 Pfizer experienced serious problems trying to obtain sufficient raw materials to manufacture the mRNA vaccines. This is a text book example of cutting corners to meet a timeline and then fraudulently bill governments for a product that was not delivered. The problems with the raw materials was covered in Albert Bourla's book "Moonshot".

The saline vaccination lots also would act as a control group because Pfizer would know exactly which lots contained mRNA and which did not.

The fact that Bill Gates specifically mentions salt as a chemical compound example along with H2O--- that would make saline. He knew. Page 119, Chapter 5.

Now the big question is if Pfizer had so much difficulty obtaining raw material how to Moderna managed to pull it off?
How much of their production was saline?

T2 is also concerned about the ordering of the list of what Gates refers to as false cures on page 111. That there must be some reason or message.
One would think with his fixation on accuracy that the list would be in alphabetical order.

*Black pepper
*Vitamins and mineral supplements
*Sweet wormwood

I can't answer this but from what I've been shown there must be some significance. Any ideas? By not including Ivermectin he is affirming that indeed it was the best cure. Page 112.

edit on 30-6-2023 by Thoughtful2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 01:22 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Guy, re the "tennis ball bomb", consider that it may be comms towards another event..


...and the Royals attend!

Coincidentally (NOT), VictoriaGoldLight tweets that:

Every year from July 3-7, a gateway of energy opens between Earth and Sirius, which is known as our Spiritual Sun, helping to awaken, activate,and elevate us to higher levels of consciousness.The Sirius Gateway in July holds powerful astrological and spiritual

edit on 30-6-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

T2, I just checked and @realDonaldTrump has not tweeted yet... but maybe tonight? It is a Friday after all!

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Perhaps people ought to do a FOIA request on any FAUXCI emails instead?

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:26 PM
American central bank’s secret $103B bailout exposed

The Bank Term Funding Program (BTFP), an emergency lending program initiated by the American central bank, has experienced its highest level of distressed asset redemptions since its establishment three months ago. Launched in response to the United States banking crisis and the collapse of Silicon Valley Bank, among others, the BTFP aims to provide support to banks and other depository firms.

Data from the Federal Reserve Bank of St. Louis reveals that the BTFP has reached a record high of $103.08 billion in loans for the week ending June 28. This milestone indicates that the Federal Reserve is still intervening to bail out banks, despite its efforts to assure investors that the banking crisis is under control.

Fed’s Powell Calls for Stronger Bank Regulation, Supervision

Federal Reserve Chair Jerome Powell believes regulators need to “learn lessons” from the recent U.S. bank failures. He said he sees a need for regulatory and supervisory reforms,

House Democrats release wave of bank reform bills

Members of the House Financial Services Committee, led by ranking member Rep. Maxine Waters, D-Calif., are seeking an expansion to federal regulatory authorities and more oversight for bank executives, including clawbacks on compensation, fines and the closure of loopholes that allowed some banks to escape standards established under the 2010 Dodd-Frank Act.

The failures of Silicon Valley Bank, Signature Bank, and First Republic Bank make clear that it is past time for legislation aimed at strengthening the safety and soundness of our banking system and enhancing bank executive accountability," she said

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:36 PM
a reply to: G005E

This creates a very convenient dilemma. If we ever do fully transition to digital, we will have new enemies to fear. This means we will need stronger security to protect us from the constant threat of blackouts, emp attacks, hacking and satellite wars. We'll require more surveillance to protect our privacy. We'll need more and more instrusive methods to verify our authenticity. Imagine all the new legislation to be drawn up.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 03:55 PM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

The Hunter Sacrificed.

Sounds like an ancient ritual to appease Gaia.


speaking of Hunter and sacrifice, Roseanne just said on Infowars Live that the tat on his back is where they perform sacrices. Crazy huh?
edit on 6/30/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: remember what happened to the DC Madam?

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD


Welcome to Seneca Lake


The LION is loose

edit on 6302023 by MetalThunder because: WWG1WGA

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:12 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

After everything that we have seen with the CDC/FDA/NIH what more can they possibly destroy?
Considering that they are captured by big pharma everything is in play.

Pfizer knows that their mRNA jabs have a cancer link. Cancer has been rising, and is unusually high among younger people. Now we are in a situation where there is a big increase in demand for cancer drugs.

What a surprise; we have a serious shortage of cancer drugs, especially generic ones like Cisplatin. Considering Pfizer is in charge this would explain what is happening. Having a shortage also helps nudge the depopulation agenda.

Cisplatin was being manufactured in India. Suddenly it was no longer meeting some standards and so the FDA shut them down. What perfect timing. Then to ease some of the shortage they pivot to Qilu Pharma company in China, a company that does not have approval.
What to do?

Cancer Drug Shortage

What to do? They're going to work with a Canadian drug company Apotex! That's the company I just recently covered. Apotex was acquired by SK Capital on April 3, 2023. Talk about timing! They are located in Toronto, Canada, a CCP hotbed. Now we know why it was acquired. It gives China an easy way to slip into the U.S. market.

Apotex Acquired by SK Capital

Pfizer and Moderna are both in a race to introduce mRNA based vaccines to treat cancer. Pfizer is facing a huge patent cliff and they need to get ahead of this by introducing a new class of drugs that will be a restart of the patent protection. If they could develop the jab for Covid in 9 months I doubt it will take until 2030 to develop mRNA jabs for cancer.

Cancer Vaccine BioNTech Partner of Pfizer

The other serious drug shortage is carboplatin.
Cancer Drug Shortage

"Who is going to be accountable for this?"
Meet Robert Califf, who just happened to be nominated by Biden on February 17, 2022.

Robert Califf Wiki

Meet Qilu Pharma-
Just 17 articles

I wonder how Bill Gates fits in. He just meet President Xi and did announce the $50 million in funding for viruses and disease research.
Bill Gates Partnership With Tsinghua University That Conducts Military Research

This is rather mind boggling. Even if the U.S. did stop sending our tax $'s to China there is nothing to stop him! Literally above the law and what is worse is that other elites help by donating to his foundation, like what Warren Buffet just recently did.
War ren Buffet Donates Again to Gates Foundation

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:14 PM
CBDCs Gain Momentum: 130 Countries Now On The Runway

As digital currencies such as CBDCs begin to take a more pivotal role in the global economy, recent studies indicate an increase in their adoption rate among the world’s economies.

Currently, 130 countries, which make up 98% of the global economy, are investigating the potential of digital versions of their currencies, with almost half progressing towards advanced development stages, pilot testing, or launching.

MasterCard Sees a Future Where Your Identity is Tokenized

Are you ready to have your identity tokenized?
Mastercard already tokenizes card numbers. Chief innovation officer Ken Moore envisions what's next

Tokenization can represent tangible assets—like luxury automobiles—or intangible assets like patents and customer data. Mastercard recently has begun trialing tokenized bank deposits in the UK, with the intention of experimenting with stablecoins and central bank digital currencies.

These experiments are part of what Mastercard is betting will be the future of money. Mastercard chief innovation officer Ken Moore spoke with Quartz recently to discuss tokenization and other developments he expects to emerge in payments innovation over the next decade.

Mastercard to continue crypto foray with beta launch of ‘blockchain app store’

In its latest blockchain push, Mastercard on Wednesday said the payment processor would roll out a test version of its Multi-Token Network (MTN) this summer.

The product was set to be launched as a beta in the United Kingdom.

Developers will be encouraged to create apps on Mastercard’s permissioned blockchain, which is built on Ethereum, Fortune reported.

The first round of such apps will be powered by “tokenized bank deposits,” according to Dhamodharan.

Tokenized bank deposits are gaining traction among central banks and commercial banks like JPMorgan Chase.

Tokenization Is Likely to Transform Infrastructure and Financial Markets: Bank of America

We are on the verge of an infrastructure evolution that may reshape how value is transferred, settled and stored across every industry,” analysts Alkesh Shah and Andrew Moss wrote.
Tokenization is the process by which real-world assets are converted into blockchain-based tokens.

PayPal veterans launch SWIFT-like cross-border payments network on Sui

Fintech startup Six Clovers launched the Versal Network on the Sui blockchain. It's designed to enable faster, more cost-effective and secure cross-border payments.

Combining blockchain technology with existing fiat infrastructure, the Six Clovers API allows organizations to integrate the Versal Network into their technology stacks, enabling real-time payments in stablecoins and Central Bank Digital Currencies, according to a statement.

Crypto offers Africans a ‘lifeline’ from inflation and corruption, say execs

While many investors in the West look to crypto to speculate on the next biggest trend, blockchain technology is actually solving “real-world problems” in Africa, such as hyperinflation and “corruption,” executives told Cointelegraph.

Speaking to Cointelegraph, Chris Maurice, founder and CEO of Yellow Card — Africa’s largest cryptocurrency exchange — said crypto in Africa “is growing at the speed of light” because it allows many Africans to escape from the traditional financial system’s failures and transact more freely.

In April, Block — a U.S. digital payments firm led by Jack Dorsey — partnered with Yellow Card to facilitate cross-border payments in Africa based on Block’s infrastructure.

After the number of cryptocurrency users increased by 2,500% in 2021, the region experienced an 11-fold explosion in venture capital funding in 2022.

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:24 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I believe that there are a few "mystic" locations in the Finger Lake region as well. An effort to desecrate them perhaps? Pervert the positive energies into negative energy?

posted on Jun, 30 2023 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
a reply to: G005E

This creates a very convenient dilemma. If we ever do fully transition to digital, we will have new enemies to fear. This means we will need stronger security to protect us from the constant threat of blackouts, emp attacks, hacking and satellite wars. We'll require more surveillance to protect our privacy. We'll need more and more instrusive methods to verify our authenticity. Imagine all the new legislation to be drawn up.

That means we will be at the total mercy of the controlling agents, i.e. the government. They will bring us to a complete standstill with the flip of a switch and blame it on the sun....or Russia....or Trump.

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