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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Not so good
Found this at your link

Coca-Cola to see less pain from looming WHO decision on aspartame, analysts say

June 30 (Reuters) - Coca-Cola (KO.N) will only see a limited impact if the world health agency classifies the artificial sweetener used in its Diet Coke, aspartame, as a possible carcinogen, thanks to its scale of production, analysts said on Friday

No koinkydinks
Past blast?

The goal of the project is to activate conscious and responsible Poles to collect historical and legal documentation describing acts of crimes, lawlessness, abuses and omissions of public authority and to document individual tragedies unknown to the wider public today, which you will want to voluntarily share with us.

Raining for last couple days.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 01:14 PM
The final chapter

Chapter 9 Make- and Fund- A Plan for Preventing Pandemics. Page 216.

The plan is not just about preventing pandemics because after all Billy is ambitious. How about eliminating all coronaviruses and respiratory diseases?
He is curious, most curious about what factors affect how immune someone is. No need to speculate on why that may be.

Since he emphasized this "New pathogens could become both more deadlier and more infectious and better yet it may be designed by humans. Governments should work together to prepare for a bioterror attack. Defense officials need to work along side health officials. As if they weren't already.

Things that make one go what?

"The RECOVERY TRIAL in the U.K.; set up protocols in advance and built infrastructure that made it much easier to get started" when Covid arrived on the scene.
Why was no incentive given to generic drug manufacturers? Meanwhile it took Pfizer 2 years to bring Paxlovid to market.

Speaking of Billy's love of books we should build a library of antiviral compounds designed to attack common respiratory viruses.
"If we have 3 or more compounds, we can combine them to reduce the chances that a drug resistant variant comes along." After all we do it with HIV.

Apparently disease surveillance is finally having it's moment in the sun. Since Africa is his hunting ground, he has already established a network of labs across the continent that share genomics with each other. African Pathogens Genomics Initiative.

$100 Million African Pathogens and Genomics Initiative.

Food for thought "The Institute of pathogen Genomics was launched by the African CDC in 2019." This is the start of Billy's plan.
"with a vision to integrate pathogen genomics and bioinformation into public surveillance, outbreak investigations and improved disease control and prevention in Africa."
And of course Microsoft will lend a helping hand and offer the Azure.
Billy is moving on. This system is now in India and expanding to South Asia.

Lots to break down here.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 01:17 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

The ironic bit, of course, is that natural pandemics will continue to emerge no matter how many billionaires, committees, and research groups are formed. It is the way of nature; no amount of human hubris will alter that.


posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

More about Chapter 9. Billy is quite the visionary.

Wading into the Crimson Contagion exercise, I'm just trying to wrap my mind about this. Okay they run this exercise and identify problems- as he points out like the problem with the names of conference calls...
"but hardly anything was done about it. Now we know the consequences of indecision."

Q- What if that was by design? Rather sobering to consider that they may have capitalized on the areas of weakness rather than ensure that improvements could be made.

Chaos and confusion were really important factors during the plandemic. In the case of the EU, the member countries did not know if they were responsible for their own purchases or if it was to be centralized.

He needs the WHO because that is the one institution that can be used to deal with the one big "weakness" in the GERM plan.
"If sharing news of a possible outbreak means a country will be singled out for travel restrictions, that would create economic harm."
The member nations would need to hold each other accountable.

Just thinking outside the box but this whole thing has the feelz of a set up. Imagine if a country deliberately launches a bioweapon against a competitor, the target would effectively be shut down.His recommendation- elect officials that take these plandemics seriously and of course mask up, stay home, socially isolate and get jabbed. Even beteer just follow the WHO and avoid mis/disinformation.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 02:08 PM
Now for Billy's Afterword. "How Covid Changed the Course of Our Digital Future. Page 237.

This is probably the most important part of his thinking. BC [before Covid] the digital uptake by the general public was gradual. Just not good enough for Gates because Microsoft became vitally important for people to function.

AC-Suddenly the digital uptake became its own Project Warp Peed or Project Lightspeed depending on the team.
March 2020 became the inflection point.
"The Plandemic forced us to rethink what is acceptable for many activities. Digital alternatives once seen as inferior became preferable."
Who benefits the most???
Everything revolves around Microsoft. His vision of the future is one where people live isolated lives, maybe only going into the office once a month. He has grand ideas of using avatars to interact virtually with visions of the feelings of actually being present.
Plans to implement Spacial audio to make the speech sound come from the direction the person is talking.

Microsoft will be vital to survive in this dystopian vision of his. His glee of education being virtual, telemedicine the only way to go since germs are a thing, grocery shopping only done on-line.
His vision is for each of us to be completely isolated which obviously assists with the depopulation agenda.

Going through the acknowledgements since I do want to be thorough...
"Thoughtful reviews of early passages and drafts came from Anthony Fauci, David Morens, Tom Frieden, Bill Foege, Seth Berkley, Larry Brilliant, Sheila Gulari, and Brad Smith."

Special call out to Alex Reid who was involved with the Seattle Flu Study and SCAN [The Seattle Coronavirus Assessment Network]. Page 256.
What about his BF Warren Buffet? "Warren Buffet's incredibly generous support for the Gates Foundation, a pledge he first made in 2006, has allowed us to expand and deepen our work around the world> I'm honored by his commitment and feel fortunate to call him my friend."
Family Proud? Children- Jenn, Rory and Phoebe?
299 pages.

"We do not "get over" a death. We learn to carry the grief and integrate the loss in our lives. In our hearts, we carry those who have died. We grieve and we love. We remember.
God bless you and your family. Heaven awaits [and so does your son].

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 02:17 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

We've been on quite the journey. Just about everyone agrees that aspartame is not good for you. If this doesn't wake up people that our health agencies have been completely taken over and have nothing to do with our health than nothing will. It is always about the money. I often wonder what the people who work there think. They end up being complicent by saying nothing.

We just survived a tornado. Fortunately no damage but our friends have not fared so well. The weather has been most odd.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 03:49 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Some very odd things are going on with twitter.

Twitter Update

Why would there be a stipulation that verified users have to read 600 posts per day? What are they supposed to do, count each post? What if they read 599 what are the consequences?
All I can say is that this is weird.

I think perhaps there is an error in your linked article.

Where it says, “Elon Musk has now limited Twitter access for everyone, requiring a verified account to read more than 600 posts per day.”

It probably should say, Musk has limited Twitter access, allowing the reading of no more than 600 posts per day.

This may clarify:

“Musk Says Twitter Is Limiting Number of Posts Users Can Read. Elon Musk said on Saturday that Twitter will temporarily limit the number of posts users can read per day to address concerns over data scraping.”

This is what they meant

As an aside, I have been seeing a noticeable increase in pretty blatant errors in on-line articles. Maybe they are written by AI, or maybe they are just sloppy work.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 04:50 PM
a reply to: Ektar

There's not enough trees in the Cotswolds (and it's heavily wooded) to create the paper to write all this down!

You do raise a valid point tho... If an EMP takes out backup drives as well then we may well lose a lot of this audit trail. Hopefully they're keeping a mirrored RAID of it in Cheyenne mountain by now, haha.

It would take ten times as long to write it out longhand and print it as it does to save a link... If we were to write it all down then I envision needing a couple of hundred monks to achieve the task:

Come to think of it, maybe that's what monks were actually doing last time round?

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 06:16 PM
a reply to: cimmerius

Hum, so is this a way hat Musk is hampering AI written news stories? Limiting the AIs access to data thats topical?

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 06:18 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

If monks were doing that, then it would explain why the history we all know is eschewed towards one direction.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 07:42 PM
I'm bored.

Hunter Biden apparently filmed himself smoking crack behind the wheel of a car in 2018 — the same year he took a picture of himself driving 172mph in a Porsche, according to thousands of newly uploaded photos from the first son’s abandoned laptop.

edit on 2-7-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 08:29 PM
Sam Altman's Worldcoin Integrates With Identity Management Software Okta as It Pushes Into Germany

Worldcoin, the blockchain identity project co-founded by OpenAI CEO Sam Altman, has integrated with Okta and is launching its identity protocol, World ID, in Germany, the firm said in a Thursday press release shared with CoinDesk.
World ID verification is coming to Germany, such that users will be able to get fully verified using custom-designed hardware that employs biometric data. The Orbs, as the hardware is called, will be available around the country, starting in Berlin.

Okta is an identity and access management software provider with "hundreds of millions of users" and is aiming for billions, according to a blog post on its website written by Chief Technology Officer Hector Aguilar and Chief Architect Jon Todd.

In order to be fully verified by the Worldcoin protocol, users have to have their irises scanned at one of the Orbs, available in select locations throughout the world. Orbs scan users' irises and deploy artificial intelligence to create unique codes, or cryptographic IDs. The processing of the biometric data into an ID happens in near real-time, and the resulting digital key is stored on users' devices. s-into-germany/%3foutputType=amp

TSA Security Screenings Will Be Self-Service in Select Airports

You may not need to give a TSA agent your ID or your boarding pass before your next flight. This summer, TSA is rolling out a new generation of technology to verify travelers’ identity and flight details in an effort to streamline and strengthen the security process.

Travelers insert their ID into the machine (or scan their passport) at the Travel Document Checker podium and are directed to look at the screen, where their photo is taken. The technology then compares the picture on the ID against the photo of the passenger at the podium and confirms their flight details and the type of screening the traveler is eligible for (regular or TSA PreCheck). It replaces the need for the TSA agent to check your ID or boarding pass.

Council and Parliament strike a deal on a European digital identity (eID

With a view to ensuring secure, trusted, and seamless access to cross-border public and private services in the EU, the Council presidency and European Parliament representatives reached a provisional political agreement on the core elements of a new framework for a European digital identity (eID).

Technical work will continue to complete the legal text in accordance with the political agreement. When finalised, the text will be submitted to the member states’ representatives (Coreper) for endorsement. Subject to a legal/linguistic review, the revised regulation will then need to be formally adopted by the Parliament and the Council before it can be published in the EU’s Official Journal and enter into force.

Modernizing and securing direct deposit systems with blockchain-based stablecoin settlements

At Coinbase, we’re working hard to help update the financial system by building trusted products that expand the utility and adoption of crypto, because we believe crypto and blockchain technology have the ability to increase economic freedom and opportunity around the world.

Coinbase chose to become a public company in the US because we believe the US would best be served by embracing this fundamental innovation, but we’re also focused on international markets, many of which are moving forward with strategies to become “crypto hubs.” A key part of fulfilling this commitment is building technologies that help update the financial system in a manner that prioritizes consumer rights and security. One way we’re doing this is by improving the way that millions of Americans receive their compensation today by providing an alternative to Automated Clearing House’s direct deposit (more commonly known as ACH) with settlement via stablecoin cryptocurrencies. There are several shortcomings of the ACH direct deposit system, and blockchain-based stablecoin settlement can address these issues, while providing additional consumer protections

A strong alternative to ACH direct deposit

By offering blockchain-based stablecoin settlements as an alternative to the ACH direct deposit system, Coinbase addresses the inefficiencies and consumer protection issues inherent in traditional methods.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 10:49 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Nothing to see here folks, we all have short time memory.
From: CBS News

Explosive devices were detonated and a Molotov cocktail-style object was thrown outside three Washington, D.C., businesses early Sunday, police said.

All three incidents happened in a roughly 15-minute period in northeast Washington, D.C., the Metropolitan Police Department said. No one was injured, but there was damage at each location.

Police said it's believed the suspect was targeting commercial establishments and not members of the public. Each of the businesses were closed at the time.

Didn't they just bust a guy living out of a van next to the DC Jail for having the materials for this?
story continues:

Police released a surveillance image of a suspect and car they're looking for. The car is a gold- or champagne-colored Acura TL with a Maryland plate of 17971CK.

Even though they have a photo of the front of this suspect, they (the Media or the Feds) decided to only release a photo of the suspects back. I guess we know what nationality the suspect is by them taking this measure. The story goes on:

Each of the targeted businesses is at least a mile from the U.S. Capitol building.

The Metropolitan Police Department is investigating along with the Washington Field Division of the Bureau of Alcohol, Tobacco, Firearms and Explosives. Police are offering a reward of up to $10,000 to anyone who provides information that leads to the arrest and conviction. The ATF is also offering a $10,000 reward.

There may be more than one suspect in the case, police said.

And there we go, this person is either going to be connected to the Jan 6th thing so that it can be topical before the campaign season really kicks off, or will be connected to the Hartford attack as a False Flag about a Muslin uprising to ensure a martial law styled lockdown. I most likely am wrong about this, but the guy arrested near Obamas house and this event today are clearly connected.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I didn't read the article since it wanted me to sign in, so I don't know what's addressed. It's also going to hamper mass reporting accounts, censorship scanners, and data scrapers. If they sign up they'll have to provide some kind of payment, which then can also be correlated to malicious actors. I don't know the exact payment options or how easy they are to evade giving real information.

Getting rid of those with ill intent isn't easy on a large open platform. YouTube, Instagram, and Facebook, types have it easy because they don't care about intent as much as politics. This is why scams, terrorism, and child exploitation goes on unchecked. Elon's done a good job so far and I think he's continuing to work on some of the problems that are not visible from an outside perspective. I'm not a fan of all his views, but he seems unafraid of taking actual actions to stop exploitation on Twitter.

Reddit just limited APIs if I recall correctly. Big stink was made there too because it limited the moderators and prevents them from being jackboots as much as they'd like. I didn't follow what the grievances we're exactly, so I'm sure there was more. I don't even know if it was API restriction. Reddit isn't on my usually rounds so it was only the sky screaming that got my attention.

posted on Jul, 2 2023 @ 11:39 PM
a reply to: Ksihkehe

My comment was just me speculating for the same reasons you didn't read the article. I'm signed up on enough garbage sites on this internet thing. Hell, I might as well you my real name and SSN while here at this point in life.

It just seems to me that by limiting how much access a reader might have, a random AI spider won't have as much access either.

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 01:33 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

File under "Could be something... could be nothing!":

I've just noticed that "THE HUNTED" could be read as...

"The HUN, Ted"

i.e. The Nazi Edward? Might refer to the abdicated English king Edward 8th; who was a nazi sympathiser?

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 02:16 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Didn't he take off to Australia?

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 02:39 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday


posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 05:03 AM
Another "Could be something... could be nothing!" ...but synchronicities abound:

@DanaScully posted this on twitter :

From what I can make of other tweets by her, she is inferring that the Biden heart attack yesterday (whether real or not) was on July 2nd = 7/2

1) As the tweet shows, the car crash that killed Joe's first wife and daughter and injured Beau and Hunter, was in 1972, weeks after he won the vote to become a senator,

2) The 50 year anniversary of it was "celebrated" last year, meaning that this year of the heart attack is in the 51st = 3x17 year after the crash,

3) There is a post, #859 with Strike 99999999... and 8x9 = 72:

4) If you read the pictured news article it states "fraud has been going on nearly 5 decades" = 50 years,

5) Dec 18, 1972 to July 2nd, 2023 is 606 months and 14 days... 66 + Durham post #14?

6) You'll notice in the above post the lines:

These peo>>567493
ple are stupid.

a) "people" is halved! 2 died and 2 survived in the car crash,
b) 5+67 = 72, there were 4 in the car... and 93 appears in the killbox in post #3525,

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 6bfd78 No.7222066 📁
Jul 27 2019 19:54:54 (EST)
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.
[ 93 dk]

c) See how the timestamp includes both July 2 and 72?
d) Would you believe the truck that killed Neilia and Naomi Biden was carrying CORN COBS? article:

You have to go back decades to 1972; Joe Biden had just been elected to the U.S. Senate in Delaware when his first wife, Neilia Hunter Biden, decided to take the couple’s three children – sons Beau and Hunter, and daughter, Naomi – to get a Christmas tree. Only Hunter and Beau survived the crash, although they were also injured in it.

According to Politico, the Biden vehicle was struck by a truck carrying corncobs as they journeyed to pick out a Christmas tree.

6) Now consider post #2557 with reference to Neilia being killed the week before Christmas, whilst shopping for a Christmas tree:

Q !!mG7VJxZNCI ID: 8ef2d1 No.4171504 📁
Dec 5 2018 17:47:00 (EST)📁
What do you want for XMAS?

a) The Neilia crash happened on road 41; which is in the chan post number,
b) The date stamp encodes the crash date of Dec 18th,
c) What do you want for XMAS?
Neilia wanted a Christmas tree,
Joe Biden wanted an EX wife?
Beau and Hunter had an Ex Ma!

d) This explains why the normally formally religious Q team would put "XMAS" instead of CHRISTMAS?

7) Now let's return to #859:
a) Apply the line SABOTAGE to Neili'a car crash... Were the brake lines cut?
b) In #3525, the spaces in the killbox are 5 and 11, Is this a hint at brakes sabotage? ... Brake Shoe set EBC511,

8) The last line of #859 is:

Strike 99999999

a) Is it a coinkydinky that we use the phrase STRUCK DOWN BY A HEART ATTACK???

9) Lastly, some have suggested Joe had already started an affair with Jill, so Neilia had grabbed the kids and driven off in an emotional state - but this news article from the time hints at an alternative possibility... Neilia wanted Joe to end up on the supreme court but he wanted to be president?

ETA - Note also that Joe was too young to be sworn in as a senator until months after being voted in... Anyone know if the "aged 30" rule applies just to being sworn in or whether it also applies to being able to get on the ballot for senator?

ETA2 Rosie Memos tweeted that the police report for the accident was "lost" and that the investigator became a superior court judge... Nothing to see here!
edit on 3-7-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 11:20 AM
a reply to: cimmerius

I have been noticing the same, like in the case of the Obama text article. We need to be really careful because it's is getting much more difficult to parse truth from fiction.

Case in point is this article. Irrelevant and diversionary.
How the Flu Disappeared During Covid

From everything we have seen the more likely scenario is that the flu numbers and the Covid-19 numbers were co-mingled.
Satchtel does not help his argument by siting someone from the CDC, a wholly captured health agency. The comments are enlightening.

Speaking from personal experience, Resident Lurker caught Covid in January 2020. Very serious and now has developed very severe long Covid, Pulmonary Fibrosis.

NIH Library Covid-19 and Pulmonary Fibrosis

Seriously can't make this stuff up. 49.8% of Covid survivors develop pulmonary fibrosis.

7 Things to Know about Pulmonary Fibrosis

Which brings me to the first AI developed vaccine for Pulmonary Fibrosis.
Fosun Backed Company

Just wow. Fosun the Chinese partner of BioNTech. This factoid was revealed in the book "The Vaccine" by Joe Miller with Ozlem and Sahin" BioNTech founders. Bill Gates was very closely connected to BioNTech and made a huge investment in them in 2018.
If AI messes up with articles exactly how safe is this drug going to be? I don't know but I think I am going to try something very different. I sincerely hope it works.

Problem...Reaction...solution... comes to mind.

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