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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Just a follow up on this. Since this photo has come out, a lot of press has been reporting that Joe Biden is using a CPAP machine for sleep issues.


WASHINGTON, June 28 (Reuters) - U.S. President Joe Biden has begun using a continuous positive airway pressure machine, or CPAP, to address a problem with sleep apnea, White House officials said on Wednesday.

"He used a CPAP machine last night, which is common for people with that history," White House spokesperson Andrew Bates said.

A White House official who declined to be identified said Biden had begun using the CPAP machine in recent weeks to improve his sleep quality.

I still assert that it looks like Biden is receiving some kind of O2 treatment, and not a CPAP. This doesn't remove the possibility that he also uses a CPAP, but if this is the case then was he sleeping right before leaving the White House this morning? And as the article points out;

Use of the machine was not previously disclosed and any problems the president may have had with apnea or sleeping soundly did not feature in a February summary of the president's health status, which focused on conditions for which the president was "currently being treated."

The White House said it is transparent about the president's health but did not say why it had not disclosed the machine's use when it started.

I think that Bidens health is worse off than we are being told, and that he is getting O2 treatments before he goes into the public so that he doesn't look like a dying man. I seem to remember Harris saying something about having Joe removed if his health became an issue as President, or was that just "propaganda" that was spread around during the campaign?

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
It does look like a CPAP doesn't it! I've sent your video and the one of his neck, to a medical friend who deals with stroke patients.
Thank you
PS watched more of your YT vid and I couldn't see those 'creases' in the back of his neck. So was Twitter vid the 'fake' Joe in a mask and YT the real Biden?
edit on am61America/ChicagoThursday2023-06-29T01:57:38-05:0001America/Chicago06000000 by angelchemuel because: PS

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 02:36 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Penguin 6 is well known for not diving into personal politics and showing videos of events without giving personal opinions. He also will go live with events around DC without putting person angles to the videos.

I'm not sure about the person who posted that Twitter video, but I will say that after watching the Twitter video (or at least I think it's the correct one), it looks like a normal neck for an elderly person with low body fat. Though to be fair those bulges kind of reminds me of the "Death 11" marks a person with leprosy get on their necks. I doubt Biden has leprosy though so it might just be age and body fat related.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 10:48 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I'm still following the Brunson Supreme Court case. Still no decision.

Loy Brunson Twitter

The case was heard June 22nd, today is the 29th so that is 7 days of darkness [23-29]. Friday is the 30th. Saturday and Sunday, July 1st and 2nd nothing will happen. When we hit Sunday that is 10 days of darkness.
A decision would have to happen on Monday before the 4th of July. Timing is everything.

What do you think?

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 10:57 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Have you been following the Madonna story?
Madona Found Unresponsive
She apparently is out now.

I took a look at her twitter account. Scrolling through on June 20th she tweeted "The Calm Before the Storm."
This seems to be a rather odd tweet to make.
Her upcoming tour is called Celebration.
I'm not sure what to make of this.

Madonna Twitter

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:14 AM
3 year delta:
Death Spiral

twitter link

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:17 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm just speechless.
Rochelle Walensky on her way out

I think that all of these people in leadership positions should be stripped of their pensions. As she wanders off she has the audacity to say that we are not ready for the next plandemic. What in the world have they been doing with all the $ that they receive? Relying on archaic equipment like fax machines with no thought on consolidating how data is sent. There should be some serious actions taken for her performance during the plandemic and yet zip.

Here is the CDC budget for 2022

The biggest budget increase in two decades. A whopping $1.7 billion
increase. What were the plans? Improve readiness for future public health crisis and pandemics/epidemics.

Her replacement will be no better because after all she wore a face mask with the image of Fauci.

What also really concerns me is all the chatter about not if but when the next plandemic will come as if we now have them on a regular basis. This is in lock step with Bill Gates.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Rule 11

Loy Brunson

Restore Our Republic


This new Docketed case #22-1028, as of May 24th, US Solicitor General, waived defendants rights to oppose petition prior to conference.

The Supreme Court of the United States under its’ “imperative public importance” RULE 11 has allowed Loy Arlan Brunson to bypass the 10th Circuit Court of Appeals. The SCOTUS as of April 19, 2023 has received, filed and docketed Loy Arlan Brunson’s emergency RULE 11 PETITION FOR A WRIT OF CERTIORARI.


A petition for a writ of certiorari to review a case pending in a United States court of appeals, before judgment is entered in that court, will be granted only upon a showing that the case is of such Imperative Public Importance as to justify deviation from normal appellate practice and to require immediate determination in this Court.


Q 11

Military Intelligence v FBI CIA NSA
No approval or congressional oversight
State Secrets upheld under SC
Who is the Commander and Chief of the military?
Under what article can the President impose MI take over investigations for the 3 letter agencies? What conditions must present itself? Why is this so VERY important? Who surrounds POTUS? They lost this very important power _ the one area of the govt not corrupt and directly serves POTUS.

edit on 6292023 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 11:32 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Tedros from the WHO has just tweeted about a new TB jab.
Tedros Tweet

This is surreal. The Gates Foundation teaming up with Wellcome Trust around this? Well that's reassuring isn't it?
I always feel very wary when vaccines and the like were being worked on preplandemic 2019.

Quite awhile back you mentioned the possibility of a major TB event because of weakened immune systems and have you seen an uptick in the UK?
I'm not certain if I understand this but is their financial involvement in this mean that they own the jabs and all they need to do is find a commercial partner. Well Gates does have that partnership already set up with generic manufacturing plants in India.
The comments show the level of distrust.
A New TB Vaccine Could Save Lives

The title says it all- could not would.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 12:05 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Things are getting a bit weird.

Credit Suisse is downgrading Pfizer despite an attractive valuation.
Credit Suisse Downgrades Pfizer to Neutral

Seeking Alpha has a good breakdown.
Pfizer analysis

Looks like they have restarted their stock buybacks and increased the dividends.
We can file this under they knew about the cancer causing effects in the jabs.

June 17, 2019 Pfizer acquired Array Biopharma which just happens to have an array of targeted cancer treatments in development.
Array BioPharma

They obviously know what the effects of the mRNA jabs are going to be.
Arena Biopharma

Announced March 11th 2022

They are facing a huge patent cliff and if people reject the mRNA roll over of the different vaccines they will be heading towards a death spiral. We can only hope.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 12:24 PM
Well I finished with Chapter 6 "Get Ready to Make Vaccines."

Move over Biden. Imagine if you will a "sniffing" machine.

Bill Gates thinks vaccine hesitancy is an issue just wait for blocker hesitancy.

Here's the plan. Annual vaccines stay on the table but next up infection blocking drugs delivered via nasal spray to be given every month to children. He won't stop there because the rest of us will get to join.


Billy is clearly frustrated because the plan will never work if people refuse to use them.

"You can even set up sniffing stations where people could stop by every few weeks for another dose."

If people never get exposed to any illness they will never develop any immunity. This has the feelz of lots of $$$ for Gates and Co. Page 175

Factoid as to why Billy believes this is necessary.
"The main goal of vaccines is to prevent severe illness and death, not to prevent infection."

If he can't go directly to the inhaled version he is willing to use the microneedle patches in the interm.

Why is he pushing so hard for the inhaled vaccines?
"Think about how you contract Covid. The virus enter the body through the nostrils and attaches to the mucus. So by getting a jab in the arm doesn't generate much immunity in your mucus cells."
About those Covid jabs- could it be possible that they were an ineffective delivery system.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 12:55 PM
More from Bill Gates.

Why was the intellectual property of Pfizer and Moderna not waived so that other drug manufacturers could ramp up production? After all it was a terrifying plandemic.

It wasn't just the issue of ingredients, or even the scarcity of ingredients. "Pfizer and Moderna would have had to share specific information like data from clinical trials and details they told the regulators."

Well that is not good news, especially in light of Brook Jackson, the whistleblower about the clinical trial problems. The person who was fired after reporting concerns directly to the CDC. BTW she still is battling on through the court system oddly with the DOD backing Pfizer.

Brook Jackson Twitter

Even if these other companies found problems with the manufacturing process they could not deviate, which brings us full circle to the issues around remote inspection of the manufacturing facilities. Just what was missed on purpose?

According to Gates-

Did I mention that Billy gets to read research papers that are never published. Page 174.

Billy has big plans. Looking at the map he plans to use his funded organizations to lead the way in the next plandemic.
First up CEPI will round up and buy raw material and vials and later distribute to the vaccine manufacturers.
Next up- the WHO will enforce standardized labels.
What about CEPI? They were useful during Covid by purchasing glass vials ensuring a reserve supply if manufacturing companies ran out of supply.

The oddity so far in this book is the lack of mention of the role that the WHO has played and will play, especially in light of the Plandemic Treaty. It feels like look here not there.

He must be in his horrors, only 8% of low income countries received a jab in 2021.
Circling back to Chapter 5 and his mention of saline as one example of a chemical compound. Now they have discovered that 30% of the Pfizer jabs given in Europe were just saline. He knew. There are no coincidences with him.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 01:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Yes, I did stick my neck out early last year about TB. We already have a very effective TB vaccine in UK certainly. HOWEVER, since 2005 it was removed as a childhood vaccine because cases of TB here were so low. So we have almost a generation that have not been vaccinated against it.
Then we have the immigration issues. Like yourselves, people who come from these countries are not vaccinated. I'm sure you know there are 3 levels of TB: Active (you're sick), Miliary (you're sick, but the TB has invaded your bloodstream and so TB manifests in other organs of the body, it is also quite rare) finally Latent (you're asymptomatic and a carrier of live bacteria).
So, according to the CDC there are 13 million (332'ish million population, rough calculation 10% of your population) latent TB cases in the US alone!
Link to US figures
Reported cases of TB went up 7% in the year between 2021 - 2022. In the UK it is estimated that 1 in 4 (25% of the current population) have latent TB. We are way ahead of you in the latent TB scenario.
You might find this article interesting from University College London writen back in 2005 stating that Western TB/BCG vaccine will fail in developing countries.....

Scientists from UCL (University College London) warn that vaccines designed in the developed world do not take into account differences in immune systems across the globe. They recommend greater use of 'negative vaccination' in drug design, to prevent the West from developing TB vaccines destined to fail in Asia, Africa and Latin America, where an effective vaccine is most needed.
As described in the review, funded by the British Lung Foundation, the UCL team has explored variations in immune responses to TB bacteria and has found that in developing countries, the bacteria trigger a corrupted response which converts the body's protective system into a harmful one.

In the northern hemisphere, the immune system typically protects the body from TB via Th1 cells which lead the immune response. However, for populations living close to the Equator, UCL scientists have found that this response becomes immunopathological because of the simultaneous activation of inappropriate response mechanisms. This not only prevents the body from eliminating the bacteria, but also causes bacteria-rich lung cavities to form, which enable the infection to spread further.


posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 01:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
As far as sniffing anything for a virus, I'll stick to my sniffy sticks (nasal inhalers) with carefully selected essential oils in them thank you very much Billy boy!

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Annual vaccines stay on the table but next up infection blocking drugs delivered via nasal spray to be given every month to children.

Considering the school system thinks they have the right to 'transition' children without parental knowledge or consent, who is willing to trust our children won't be given these treatments without our knowledge?

It doesn't get much scarier than this, IMO. We're not even allowed to decide what's in the best interest of our own children and protect them from being harmed.

If mRNA is going to be aerosolized what's to keep them from distributing it in subways, office buildings and other places where large numbers of people congregate?

It's not like they haven't tested this delivery method already.

On June 6, 1966, a group of US Army scientists made their way into the Seventh and Eighth Avenue lines of the New York City subway. Some carried air sampling machines in boxes and on belts; others carried light bulbs.

The light bulbs were packed with about 175 grams of Bacillus subtilis bacteria, then known as Bacillus globigii — approximately 87 trillion organisms in each. The plan was to shatter them and then use the sampling machines to see how they spread through the subway tunnels and trains.

This test was one of at least 239 experiments conducted by the military in a 20-year "germ warfare testing program" that went on from 1949 to 1969. These experiments that used bacteria to simulate biological weapons were conducted on civilians without their knowledge or consent. That stands in direct violation of the Nuremberg Code, which stipulates that "voluntary, informed consent" is required for research participants.

And while the people who conducted these experiments did so under the belief that the bacterial species they used were harmless, it has since been revealed that they can cause health problems.


posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 02:10 PM
Digital Euro Association Announces Ripple CBDC Innovate Challenge

Cryptocurrency behemoth Ripple Labs has revived its Central Bank Digital Currency (CBDC) Innovate challenge. According to an announcement, the contest is designed to promote the development of diverse applications for CBDCs.

The Digital Euro Association also took to Twitter today to announce the challenge.

Ripple CBDC Innovate

You are invited to build or update an original fintech or payments solution utilizing Ripple’s CBDC solutions. Winners of Phase 1 will be invited to a Winners Only Phase II event!

Ripple is currently engaged with Central Banks around the world to better understand their goals and assess how Ripple’s CBDC Platform can help achieve them. CBDCs will be a game-changer for Central Banks, enabling better interoperability of payments & speedy transfers (including cross border payments) , accelerating retail-facing transactions, and promoting inclusive financial frameworks. CBDC Innovate is designed to encourage creative thinking, development, and exploration of novel CBDC applications and use cases, enabling a deeper understanding of how CBDCs can affect the future of money

Ripple Partners With Industry Titans in Major Giveaway to Fuel CBDC Innovations

What makes this competition particularly noteworthy is the esteemed lineup of judges. Esteemed professionals from renowned institutions such as Mastercard, Bank of Finland, Digital Euro Association, DXC Technology, Amazon Web Services, BIS, PwC and The Digital Dollar Project will collaborate with Ripple to select the most innovative solutions.

The involvement of these influential figures from the worlds of finance and technology demonstrate both the seriousness of Ripple's intentions and the company's ability to establish valuable partnerships.

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 02:53 PM
Global Cloud Firm Spotlights Ripple as Game-Changer for Payment Service in Euro Banking Association Event

Volante Technologies, a trusted cloud payments partner known for empowering financial businesses to innovate rapidly, affirmed that Ripple presents a significant opportunity for Payment Service Providers (PSPs).

This endorsement came during an EBADay event, where Vinay Prabhakar, Chief Marketing Officer at Volante Technologies, discussed the advantages of cloud payment processing and cited Ripple as a key player.

Recall that, most recently, The Crypto Basic disclosed the International Monetary Fund’s (IMF) acknowledgment of Ripple and XRP as key entities in revolutionizing cross-border payment services.

EBAday, the premier gathering for payments and transaction banking executives, is organized by the Euro Banking Association (EBA) in conjunction with local service providers. It attracts registrations from top-tier banks globally.

The presence of top European and global banks further underscores the significance of the discussions, including the growing recognition of Ripple and GPI as game-changing solutions for Payment Service Providers.

Volante Technologies is one of the prominent leading global companies that occasionally grace the event.

Notably, as highlighted by Volante Technologies, cloud payment processing has been a critical driver of innovation and flexibility for financial institutions in cutting costs. Using Ripple’s technology and GPI promises to bring even more opportunities for PSPs.

Volante Technologies powers major custodian bank to successfully complete pilot testing on the FedNow instant payments network

Volante Technologies, the global leader in cloud payments modernization, today announced it has been working with a leading U.S. banking customer to help the custodian bank successfully complete pilot testing on the FedNowSM instant payments service.

While the FedNow Service will not launch until July of 2023, banks can already test their ability to connect to the network with Volante so that they can offer instant payment services to their customers when the service becomes available. In the meantime, Volante provides a single solution to support all U.S. real-time payments, including The Federal Reserve's FedNow service, The Clearing House RTP® and Zelle®, which are available on premise, in the cloud or as payments-as-a-service model.

Volante Technologies is the trusted cloud payments modernization partner to financial businesses worldwide, giving them the freedom to evolve and innovate at record speed. Volante's Payments as a Service and underlying low-code platform process millions of mission-critical transactions and trillions in value daily, so customers can focus on growing their business, not managing their technology. Real-time ready, API enabled, and ISO 20022 fluent, Volante's solutions power four of the top five global corporate banks, two of the world's largest card networks, and 49% of U.S. commercial deposits. Learn more stant-payments-network-301866202.html

FedNow goes live July 20 according to Director of Finastra

Finastra’s FedNow service certification accelerates instant payments vision
[url][/url ]

Ripple to Bring Blockchain Technology to Finastra’s Banking Customers
edit on 29-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 05:18 PM
Tokenization Is Likely to Transform Infrastructure and Financial Markets: Bank of America

Tokenization is just one application of blockchain technology, but it’s the one that could transform financial and non-financial infrastructure and financial markets over the next five to 15 years, Bank of America (BAC) said in a research report Thursday.

Bank of America notes that disruptive technology like radio, television and email took thirty years to reach mainstream adoption. It expects a much shorter lag for digital assets.
The bank said the implementation of blockchain technology will accelerate among financial institutions and corporates as the “opportunity cost of uncaptured efficiencies increases.”

Building A Global Bitcoin Powerhouse: Tether And Govt Of Georgia Team Up

In another step for Bitcoin’s global adoption, Tether, the issuer of the largest stablecoin by market cap, announced today, June 28, a partnership with the government of the Eastern European country of Georgia.

In an official press release, Deputy Minister Irakli Nadareishvili also states that Tether is interested in investing in Georgia. For this purpose, the company will establish a special fund for local startups. In addition, a cooperation in the “education sector” was agreed upon.

“For this purpose, the company will create a special fund for local startups, which will help them develop blockchain technology and position Georgia as a country with an attractive ecosystem for technology startups,” said Nadareishvili.

The strategic cooperation thus aims to position Georgia as a central hub for peer-to-peer and blockchain technology and trigger a revolution of innovation and economic growth. “Through close collaboration with the Government of Georgia, Tether aims to create a flourishing environment for peer-to-peer technology usage,” said Ardoino,

Tether Could Trump BlackRock

In a recent blog post, Tether boasted that they could earn this year more than the largest asset manager in the world, BlackRock. Tether will apparently earn $6 trillion this year, in contrast to BlackRock’s $5.5 trillion. In addition, the crypto giant, which brought in a record $1.48 billion net profit in the first quarter of the year, is also handing out side blows to the traditional financial world.

Bitcoin salary: Employees choose crypto paychecks amid economic instability

Political and economic tensions around the world are making some people more willing to receive their pay in cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin (BTC $30,698), according to executives in the human resources industry.

Several factors have triggered a surge in crypto salaries, including increasing acceptance as a legitimate payment method, growing education and new technological developments, Brooks said in an interview with Cointelegraph.

The economic conditions in various parts of the world have also influenced the surge in crypto payments, he said, adding:

Some regions experiencing political instability, hyperinflation or restrictive financial systems have seen an uptick in cryptocurrency usage as an alternative means of conducting transactions. y-202306291329

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 05:21 PM
It’s all so ironically comical.
One day, they want us to concern ourselves with internet outages due to CMEs and the next they want us to hop on board the digital currency train

Seemingly no concern from the masses about potential implications in just those two stories alone

posted on Jun, 29 2023 @ 09:15 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I think I'll be looking out for news on Monday... Time will tell.

I'll say this tho... It makes sense for EBS to happen Friday or Saturday WITHOUT clarity on the Brunson case, as that allows DS to say the military is starting a coup, which in turn "justifies" ANTIFA and BLM coming out to riot. They are quickly rounded up over the weekend and clarity comes on Monday with POTUS45 reinstated?

By the way, Eid al-Adha was yesterday:

Eid al-Adha is one of two Eids, or days of celebration for Muslims worldwide, in a year, the Muslim Council of Britain explains. The festival coincides with the completion of Hajj, “which millions of people partake in every year”.

Known as the “festival of sacrifice”, Eid al-Adha commemorates the prophet Ibrahim’s readiness to sacrifice his son in order to demonstrate his dedication to God.

a) If you're kicking off a worldwide martial law, you don't really want millions of muslims away from home and crowding cities on their Hajj pilgrimage?

b) I wonder if Biden is being pushed to sacrifice Hunter?

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