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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jun, 27 2023 @ 11:25 PM

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Seems that more people with the good on Hunter and Joey-Joe are disappearing than Hill-Dawg and her Crimes. Coincidences are funny at times, but then it hits hard that the conspiracies make it hard to laugh it off.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 07:51 AM

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 10:44 AM
If you thought Climate Change was a real doozy well stand by to "Watch that Water"

From: NY Times via Yahoo News

Around the turn of the millennium, Earth’s spin started going off-kilter, and nobody could quite say why.

For decades, scientists had been watching the average position of our planet’s rotational axis, the imaginary rod around which it turns, gently wander south, away from the geographic North Pole and toward Canada. Suddenly, though, it made a sharp turn and started heading east.

Holy crappos! The Earth is doing something that geologically speaking, happens on a regular cycle? Well not this time.
The article continues:

Now, some of the same scientists have identified another factor that’s had the same kind of effect: colossal quantities of water pumped out of the ground for crops and households.

“Wow,” Ki-Weon Seo, who led the research behind the latest discovery, recalled thinking when his calculations showed a strong link between groundwater extraction and the drifting of Earth’s axis. It was a “big surprise,” said Seo, a geophysicist at Seoul National University.

Eat a veggie, kill the Earth. This is just the height of hubris to think that people are going to limit water use due to something that has been recorded as a regular occurrence. Why is all this happening? Could it be that people are just unaware that geological events happen over timeframes that are longer than a persons lifetime?

I doubt it, if anything this is just an attempt to fleece money and comfort from the common person so that the elites will have a fatter life when the next ice age begins in earnest.

Oh, and to those that still want to blame Climate Change, the article has you covered as well:

One main cause is that Earth’s crust and mantle are springing back after being covered for millennia by gigantic ice sheets, rebounding like a mattress unburdened of a sleeper. This has been steadily changing the balance of mass around the planet.

More recently, the balance has also been altered by factors more closely linked to human activity and the global climate. These include the melting of mountain glaciers and the Greenland and Antarctic ice sheets, changes in soil moisture, and our impounding of water behind dams.


posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I must have hit a nerve. Message from Bill Gates In-coming.

Your Brain has tricked you into THINKING everything is worse.

Return message from ATS.
Message sent

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 11:40 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

"MSN says origin of Covid doesn't matter." They must be trying to get ahead of this. The storm has arrived.

Hotez Funding Linked to Controversial Chinese Military Scientists at Wuhan

Kanekoa has done some remarkable research and provides smoking gun evidence. The link between Fauci-Hotez-Du-Yiang-Yussen and the Chinese military around all of this, and the enabler the UNIVERSITIES should give us pause.
Why is the New York Blood Center's Lindsley F. Kimball Research Institute having the Chinese scientists involved with Covid working there? why are the Chinese research scientist allowed to attend and conduct research at American universities? They can then return to China and give the information to the CCP.

Chief Nerd Twitter

Scroll down to Rand Paul. He provides a good summary of what Kanekoa has given.

We can't just brush aside the origin issue even if many people now believe there was a lab leak. This goes much deeper.
Gain of function must be stopped, the bioweapon was released on purpose for specific reasons and the role of the universities must be closely examined. Changes are essential but if we sweep it under the carpet the infrastructure will still remain for plandemic 2.0.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 11:58 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Pronoun Refusenik tweet

Well now we know why MSN is trying desperately to tell everyone to dismiss the origins of Covid courtesy of Chinese News Network.

So they started with 4 strains in February 2019. All of this is rather mind numbing.

What if the Uyghurs were placed in those camps for a very special reason? Not just for organ harvesting or slave labor but for testing the bioweapon with no one able to communicate with the outside world. No one would know that experiments were even being conducted.
They had this quarantined group all set up to test the bioweapon on. This is rather chilling. They could test each of the 4 strains, see which was most infectious, which cause the most damage and what kind of damage.

The internment camps were set up in 2017. It takes time to set that up, round up the people and get them settled in. Talk about a diverse group of people to conduct the clinical trials on women, children, men, young and old, sick and healthy.

Internment Camp 2017

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 12:40 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

More on the Bill Gates mosquitos and jabs.
Texas Lindsay Thread

If we had any Q's about #11, the EPA approved the plan to release billions of mosquitos on March 11, 2022. [11:11]

NIMBY has reported that the Malaria jabs are unsafe.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 01:06 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

They're not hiding anything

President Biden denies he was present during alleged Hunter Biden 2017 text

President Joe Biden on Wednesday emphatically denied that he was involved or present when his son Hunter Biden is alleged to have texted a Chinese business partner in 2017, claiming that he was sitting with his father.

Asked whether he was involved in the business dealings or was sitting with Hunter when the message was sent, Biden told reporters Wednesday, “No. I wasn’t.”

Asked again, Biden replied more forcefully, “No.”
edit on 28-6-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 01:32 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Message seems to be, "kill the humans, save the world" ...


posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 01:39 PM
We have evidence.
From the book "How to Prevent the Next Pandemic" by Bill Gates.

This must connect to #4817
1.USA CHINA phase 1 deal executed
[China bad day]
2.Impeachment articles released by Pelosi_
walked [delivered] to Senate
[attack v POTUS?][coordinated/planned for a specific day?]
3. 1st C19 case lands @ Seattle-Tacoma Airport [attack v POTUS?]
Mathematical probability [same day] [natural vs controlled?]
Evil surrounds us.

Continuing on with my theory of how this book works, still focusing on Chapter 5.
Page 14- Bill Gates informs us that he funded a study in Seattle, of all places, to learn how the flu and respiratory diseases would spread throughout the community. The very place where the first case arrived!
Consider how very, very odd this is. Conducting this research where he lives and not in Africa where everything is tested.
What is the mathematical possibility?

Bill Gates Greeted by Xi as very old friend

Bill Gates would benefit the most from his investment in jabs, his control of the WHO and his quest for world domination. Obviously China as well as the WEF, all partners in crime. The evil axis.

Why is there "V" versus the customary VS? Could the "V" means virus? And Vaccine? Thinking outside the box when looking at the placement of "V" on the keyboard there is a "C" to the left which could mean Covid. A "B" to the right could be a booster. Top left of "V" is "D" and above the "W" -Washington DC!
More outside the box "C" v "B" - Covid V Biden, Corruption V Biden
Above the "V" is "G"- Very Good?
To the left above "V" is "F", the 6rh letter in the alphabet. The most number of Covid jabs given in countries like Canada is 6.
Just a bit more since this is a Gates system Inversion To the bottom left of D is "X" Disease X.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 01:51 PM
DoJ rules Jeffrey Epstein’s death a suicide with no outside involvement

A Department of Justice (DoJ) report released today has confirmed that Jeffrey Epstein‘s death in 2019 was determined to be a suicide and not the result of any external involvement, putting an end to years of widespread conspiracy theories surrounding the

Epstein’s death was the result of his own actions, report says

The gaslighting doesn't stop

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Continuing on with my theory about the book. #8, 11, 17.

Circling back to page 11...
What happened in the Spring of 2014...the dress rehearsal.

The implications are horrifying. This will shock the world. Gasp- what if Ebola was released on purpose in Guinea, West African capital Conakry? Just the names Guinea as in Guinea pig and Con-a-kry speaks for itself.

Gates used this as a wake up call to take the potential of a pandemic as real despite there only being a total of 7 cases WW.
It was the perfect opportunity to send a message.


This was done so that he could pursue his business ventures, marketing. He needed to drum up fear in drill #1.

He started planning over the Christmas holidays 2014.

Just to add some spice to this what are the chances that Remdesivir came on the scene and was used during that Ebola outbreak. The very lethal drug that was used to treat people very ill with Covid. He knew, Fauci knew and the WHO knew.

Billy references in bold an article that he wrote and submitted to the New England Journal of Medicine in 2015.
The Next Epidemic

Looks like he has had the GERM team concept for some time.

Oops he must have missed this one. May 31, 2018.

Innovations for Pandemics
"If we can learn how to use RNA or gene delivery effectively, we may not need to focus on antibodies anyway." If it is Gates approved I wouldn't be quite on board with the "nasal" approach.

I'm probably stating the obvious but why is he able to have articles published? Last time I checked he still didn't have any medical degree. $.

Speaking of fear- In the National Geographic book "FAUCI: Expect the Unexpected" documents his behavior during the Ebola outbreak. Instead of lockdowns, masking, jabs and all the rest he instead reassured the public and embraced the first recovered American. Complete opposite of how he acted during Covid.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 02:50 PM
Continuing on. Hopefully I'm not boring anyone other than Bill Gates.

Following my theory of clue gathering... 8+8=16
Page 16 has an image of a billboard promoting AIDS AWARENESS. Something linked to mRNA jabs.

Also he calls out Fauci specifically by name. Fauci called him in early May 2020 and from that point on they coordinated messaging about the Covid-19 narrative. Partners in crime.

Giving Chapter 5 a break, next up is "Get Ready to Make Vaccines" where he starts of making certain that we fully understand.
"The Odds were not in humanity's favor. I mean they were "really" not in our favor."

Why does this remind me of the Hunger games?
May the odds be ever in your favor

Why was Covid selected when there are so many other more terrifying choices?

"Covid is easy to target because the spike on its surface is not as camouflaged as the proteins on some other viruses."
Letting that sink in. So it was selected because it was the one that would be most receptive to the mRNA jabs.

He must have enjoyed writing this. ' Historically using traditional technology, the success rate is 6%" But this super mRNA jab was developed and successful in 9 months according to Albert Bourla- someone who has been very, very low key as of late.

Meanwhile still no jabs for HIV which just happens to be related to mRNA jabs.

This just keeps getting better. Page 144- Gates developed GAVI and as he clearly states it was not for altruistic purposes. It was about developing a market in poorer countries. Since they didn't have the market power to demand jabs and therapeutics he lent a hand.
Very proud of the fact that since 2000 it has helped jab 888 million children.

But wait he's going to deal with GAVI in chapter 8. I can't make this up.
Carrying on now introducing Maurice Hillemann from Merck with his team that developed 8 recommended childhood jabs.

This is going to be quite the chapter. DARPA up to bat soon.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 03:28 PM
Chapter 6 continued. Gates is trying to educate us on why the jabs were not the go to during a plandemic. Vaccines were a much more dangerous approach because of a multitude of reasons as we have seen.

I'm trying to look at the logic here. Big Pharma perspective. All of the vaccine manufacturing is done by the private sector with the goal of profit. If the system was working correctly when a plandemic outbreak occurs in a region the vaccines and therapeutics would be deployed there first to contain it.

We have a very broken system because there is no incentive if the plandemic fizzles out.

Gates has a solution. Just knew it. Build more regional vaccine factories.
Moderna Building Manufacturing Facility in Kenya

Lets see if I have the game plan straight. Disease X pops up on the radar in say Kenya and just that facility is deployed to manufacture the flavor of the day. The rest can carry on, especially important if there are a series of different plans to be launched ww.

What about DARPA? Do tell.
An official at DARPA started funding the mRNA in 2010. I wonder who this mysterious official is?
Whoever it was had faith when no one else did. Big Pharma was frustrated and had thrown in the towel. Scientists felt that the mRNA would never trigger enough of an immune response but go figure billions thrown at it.
What's this? "Moderna, Curevac and BioNTech were funded to translate the mRNA breakthrough into product."

We need to keep an eye on Japan. They are unique according to Gates. They only used mRNA jabs. He emphasizes this.
83% [11] in Europe had mRNA jabs.

Good news because we can use it.
Some Pfizer Vaccines in Europe Were Placebos

30% is a decent amount.

They must be in full pAnIc mode. From the Chinese Broadcasting System up next Fauci "Normalization of untruths". Trust the Science comes to mind.
Fauci- SOS

Speaking of adverse events Moderna to the rescue.

mRNA Herpes Vaccine

Oh what fun mRNA 1608. Let me guess. 8=8=8.
Loop would be proud. Lol.
Problem- Reaction- Solution.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 03:35 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Twitter video #1..... what's with the back of Joe's neck!!?? I'm a physical therapist, and I've never seen anyone's back of neck look like that!
Twitter #2 notice how Hunter as he enters frame has his hand to his year as though he has some 'coms' going on.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 05:24 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

From YouTube this morning:

around the 3:30 mark, notice both the mask marks on Joes face. Someone said in the chat that it looks like CPAP mask marks, but the banding imprints look much larger than a typical CPAP mask mark. Is Joe on O2 treatments?

Then under his left eye is a strange growth that I don't remember seeing before. Anyways I wanted to p[oint these out for possible future reference as to when the growth was first noted as well as the mask marks.

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 06:32 PM
Internet down?
From: CBS News

Fears are brewing that an apocalypse is coming. But instead of burning buildings and utter chaos, there's a monthslong global internet blackout. The concern comes amid recent solar storm data that has emerged, but is the current activity on the sun really enough to cause what's been dubbed the "internet apocalypse?"

Videos have been making the rounds on social media claiming that this apocalypse is on its way. One video, which has amassed more than 4 million views on TikTok, claims that a solar storm could cause such an event to happen within the decade.

Despite the trending claims, such an event is thought to only occur once every half-millennium.


The sun has been in Solar Cycle 25 since December 2019, meaning its 25th 11-year cycle since record keeping began in 1755. At the beginning of the current cycle, the National Weather Service predicted that peak sunspot activity would happen in 2025, with the overall activity of the cycle being "fairly weak."

But earlier this month, researchers determined that the cycle has "ramped up much faster" than what was originally predicted, with "more sunspots and eruptions than experts had forecast."

"Tracking and predicting the Sun's solar cycles gives a rough idea of the frequency of space weather storms of all types – from radio blackouts to geomagnetic storms and solar radiation storms – and it's used by many industries to gauge the potential impact of space weather on Earth," NOAA explains.

So the sun's activities have ramped up at the same time we've increased observations of it? Could the activities be the same, but we are just recording more?

Well to be fair.
From: for the date of June 28th 2023

If you have eclipse glasses, put them on and look at the sun. There's a naked-eye sunspot today (AR3354). South Korean astronomer Bum-Suk Yeom saw it this morning and created this infographic: (picture located at the site)

The sunspot is seven times wider than Earth itself, covering an area of the sun equal to ~25% of the historical Carrington sunspot. These dimensions mean it can be seen with the human eye (no magnification required) if the sun is properly filtered.

The amazing thing is, this sunspot didn't exist two days ago. It has grown with remarkable rapidity.

So, the CBS story might have something to it. Either way -Q- did say something about this, so there, that's why I posted it. See I'm staying topical.
edit on 28-6-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 06:53 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I saw a graph today that laid out the past 4 cycles of the 11yr cycles. The prior 4 had all peaked (visually) near the same plots on the graph. This current one displayed about half the “energy” thus far. It does appear that based on the data presented, things are heating up with flares right now but it would appear as though either M and X class flares would need to suddenly appear more frequently and rapidly, or that the flares need to be about double what they’ve been trending this year to meet prior peaks

I guess what drew my attention was the focus on “internet of things” when less than a decade ago the flares were twice as strong and we didn’t have issues.

I wish I could get pictures to work on this damn site

posted on Jun, 28 2023 @ 08:10 PM
a reply to: G005E

I'm suspecting that on or around July 26th (when Hunter has that court date about his laptop), a CME will be used to explain away the massive outage of the internet.

It would be a real shame if Hunter has to admit to being the owner of a laptop that has not only child pornography on it, but also evidence of drug use and trafficking, exploitation of a minor, possible ID theft, and Treason. I wonder how the media will have to handle all that if Hunter admits that the laptop is his. On the other hand, if the internet goes out for a few days to weeks, then the whole courtroom drama will pass, and the media will only focus on the CME.

This is just speculation on my part at this point, but as the stories begin to develop on Hunter, we'll see how the media suddenly becomes interested in Space Science.

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