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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 07:00 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2


posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:10 PM

originally posted by: MetalThunder
a reply to: Thoughtful3

This made me smile. Thank You

Unrelated to your post.
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2
click the meme
a reply to: [post=27301906]Guyfriday[/post Original drop

edit on 2024/15/2 by Crazierfox because:

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 10:55 PM
Ok so this is getting tossed around but I think we know what's going on by now.
From: AP (Associated Press)

An FBI informant has been charged with fabricating a multimillion-dollar bribery scheme involving President Joe Biden, his son Hunter and a Ukrainian energy company, a claim that is central to the Republican impeachment inquiry in Congress.

Alexander Smirnov falsely reported to the FBI in June 2020 that executives associated with the Ukrainian energy company Burisma paid Hunter and Joe Biden $5 million each in 2015 or 2016, prosecutors said in an indictment. Smirnov told his handler that an executive claimed to have hired Hunter Biden to “protect us, through his dad, from all kinds of problems,” according to court documents.

Prosecutors say Smirnov in fact had only routine business dealings with the company in 2017 and made the bribery allegations after he “expressed bias” against Joe Biden while he was a presidential candidate.

So even though here is evidence to back up these claims, the DoJ is now involved with this mess and the guy is being charged with providing false testimony.

Oh wait:

Smirnov, 43, appeared in court in Las Vegas briefly Thursday after being charged with making a false statement and creating a false and fictitious record. He did not enter a plea. The judge ordered the courtroom cleared after federal public defender Margaret Wightman Lambrose requested a closed hearing for arguments about sealing court documents. She declined to comment on the case.

So lets mess with the story by omitting what really is going on. Here's where it becomes clear as to the fakiness of the story being brought out.

The informant’s claims have been central to the Republican effort in Congress to investigate the president and his family, and helped spark what is now a House impeachment inquiry into Biden. An attorney for Hunter Biden, who is expected to give a deposition later this month, said the charges show the probe is “based on dishonest, uncredible allegations and witnesses.”

The Trotskyists in office are very worried about the issue of removing Biden.

The top Democrat on the House Oversight Committee, Rep. Jamie Raskin of Maryland, called for an end to the Biden impeachment inquiry.

Raskin said the allegations from the Republicans against Biden “have always been a tissue of lies built on conspiracy theories.” He called on Speaker Mike Johnson, Oversight Committee Chairman James Comer and House Republicans “to stop promoting this nonsense and end their doomed impeachment inquiry.”

Now we all know that there is facts behind this impeachment, but we can also see that if Biden is forced out of office, those Trotskyists (and I will call these few people that are behind this as Trotskyists since that is how they are acting) will be forced into the light and exposed for the crimes that they have been involved in as well.

Hopefully this issue will be over soon.

posted on Feb, 15 2024 @ 11:14 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3


Evergreen Aviation Admits to Chemtrail Contracts with USAF

Citi distraction

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:00 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Covid Select Tweet

Good question indeed. Do tell why the FBI is in direct and on-going communication with Ralph Baric about the origins of Covid?

Frankly it is amazing that they all feel they can just ignore requests with impunity or just redact away.

Hearing Wrap-up Part 1

Now we are getting some juicy details on why the Vaccine and Injury Compensation Program has been a complete failure. Over 10,000 in back logged cases.

Serious deficiencies by design me thinks.

"Have serious deficiencies related to understaffing, lack luster surveillance, and overlapping programs."
Whatever excuse they can come up with- not enough appropriation to pay.

"Vaccine Injury Reporting and Compensation Systems were not prepared to handle the 'AVALANCHE' of injury claims caused by the Covid-19 vaccines." But they are 100% safe and effective - just ask Albert Bourla, until they weren't.

The level of deceit- imagine an avalanche but as August 10, 2021 only 4 confirmed deaths from these super jabs- apparently developed in 9 months.

We are long past the point of incompetence.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:20 PM
a reply to: nerbot

Over target indeed. Now we need to have eyes on which other counties try to adopt the same type of laws. I would expect Australia would be a target since their lock down was most draconian, maybe Canada as well, especially since they have gone all in on information censorship.

Arizona - attempting to shut down Homeopathic Physicians.

Baby steps.

BTW I managed to snag the book "The Wuhan Cover-Up and the Terrifying Bioweapons Arms Race" by RFK Jr. Over 400 pages at a steep $40 but it is all for the cause.

Just a quick peak at the Afterword. Page 443.

"A popular maxim of human psychology is that past behavior is the biggest predictor of future behavior."

"July 21, 2023...the Biden Administration announced the creation of the Office of Pandemic Preparedness and Mpox Team at the White House.
According to an administration announcement, this agency will be a PERMANENT office in the Executive Office of the President.

The permanent nature of this new office signals the re-emergence, and likely escalation, of the arbitrary restrictions put into place during the Covid-19 crisis as similar scenarios emerge."

We all seem to be merging on a consensus that plandemic 2.0 is heading our way- launch 2025.

"We, the people, hold in our hands the power to choose which future becomes our reality and that of generations to come. Let us use that power wisely."

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:49 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
We all seem to be merging on a consensus that plandemic 2.0 is heading our way- launch 2025.

I'd say sooner than that and this year, 2024.

I still see the odd "oldie" in the supermarket sucking their own germs back in because of a mask. I don't watch TV myself but I'm sure the French gogglebox scares them on a regular basis, not to mention the continuing coronavirus labels that caption many online resources habitually.

The problem is, "they" are killing us by increments on a daily basis in any way they can.

I tried an experiment the other day. We had a rainstorm and flash flooding on tuesday and I noticed how clean my car was. On wednesday, I noticed how dusty it was even though there had been no more rain. The skies were UNUSUALLY full of CON/CHEM TRAILS to and from Bordeaux airport on what should have been a blue sky day and unusually warm. There were butterflies, bees and singing birds IN THE MIDDLE of February. Not normal.

I took a razorblade and scraped a small pile of dust together on the sunroof of my car. It ALL stuck to a small magnet. WTF!

I need to investigate the source further because the only dust that is magnetic would be fine sand with Magnetite and/or Iron in it. I was shocked, and that doesn't happen often.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:50 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

This is now becoming a recuring dream at night, means I haven't quite sorted it out yet.
#459...the last sentence


#459 White Pill Buprenorphine Hydrochloride

Sun Pharmaceuticals Industry of India manufactures this.

Sun Pharmaceuticals - Troubled History

With the issues they have and most likely became worse during the plandemic, they provide some of the most important drugs like Ivermectin, Hydroxychloroquine and Molnupiravir to treat Covid.
But also to keep everyone happy Barcitinib is to be co administered with Remdesivir and they also manufacture one of the bad boys- Midazolam.

Sun Covid-19 Response

Warning Letter October 16, 2023.

Ivermectin is also a White pill. That gives us only two Whites.

Mr. Pool posted pictures of the smiley sun- maybe Sun Pharma.

But there is also Fosun Pharma that negotiated a contract with BioNTec early 2020 for the mRNA technology to manufacture Covid-19 jabs which were so safe and effective that they were never deployed on the Chinese population. That could link to Mr. Pool's not so smiley face.

I still think that it is weird that Pfizer is suddenly using a white logo.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:56 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

post 1113...

Q !xowAT4Z3VQ ID: d9b428 No.973651 📁
Apr 9 2018 18:36:08 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 675dd2 No.973608 📁
Apr 9 2018 18:34:18 (EST)
Did anons ever figure out what Q meant with the "BABY ON FLOOR-HANDS IN MOUTH - THE START"
Was this Syria FF?

Learn our comms.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 12:59 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
Mr. Pool posted pictures of the smiley sun- maybe Sun Pharma.

Is there anywhere to see the Mr.Pool posts to go through them again?

If anyone can point me in the right direction, I find them interesting and it would be good to cast an eye over them again, especially after time has passed.


posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 01:02 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: MetalThunder

This is now becoming a recuring dream at night, means I haven't quite sorted it out yet.
#459...the last sentence


#459 also contains "Floor is yours" which ties in to what I referenced above.
edit on 16/2/2024 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: nerbot

The fly in their ointment is that Tedros has to drag the Plandemic Accord across the finish line and he is facing some serious headwinds.

In the book "Disease X the 100 Days Mission to End Pandemics"- by Kate Kelland
Page 1/26 Chapter 7: PREPARE to Spend Money

Not a typo- "by the end of 2025, the emergence of the novel SARS-Cov-2 coronavirus, and all that it brought with it is estimated to cost the world $28 trillion. [year ending 2028]

The question is how committed are they to the 2025 launch with 2026 being a repeat of 2020. Maybe they will have their hand forced into a premature launch which can result in not as tidy a response since the memories of Covid will be still quite fresh.
However Phoebe Gates will be 23 in 2025. Oddly everything has been set up around his children's birthdays. Jennifer was 23 in 2019. Then the grandchild Leila 2025-2, 2026- 3 =23.

Chapter 8 PREPARE for the NEXT ONE Page 142
...because there will be a next Disease X, without a doubt.
...there's nothing to suggest we're now due a period of respite from viral attacks. "Page 143 [17] "another Disease X with pandemic potential is coming. We need to be ready for it." "We know we need to be scared- suitably so- of things we may not be inherently programmed to be frightened of."

I quite agree that there are many steps to this eugenics program but I have hoppium where one problem is presented someone will seize on the opportunity to provide a solution, at a profit of course. Like how to remove the Apeel from produce.
Peter McCullough- Good News- basic course to deal with Spike Protein

It's a miracle that he could get them to agree to publish this.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 01:52 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I think I just figured out something.

Think about it logically.
The only way is the military. Fully controlled. Save &
spread [once 11.3 verifies as first marker].
Biggest advance drop on Pol.

2026 is when the next plandemic hits. 11.3 - March 11th- The WHO DECLARES COVID-19 a PANDEMIC!

Nothing could be a clearer first marker- the launch.

Rambo has another take on #26-

Brainstorm Joe Thread

As for the Mr. Pool posts Fojack has been recording them. I've just memorized them.

New Mr Pool post

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 07:00 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
This is now becoming a recuring dream at night, means I haven't quite sorted it out yet.
#459...the last sentence


For continuity...only two "WHITE" in the post #459


posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 07:26 PM
So, lets all ignore Russia and all that crappos.
first this:

ok so what? Check this out
from: Reuters

Venezuela's government has asked staff from the United Nations' human rights body to leave the country within three days, saying it will conduct a revision of its cooperation with the organization, with the UN saying it would evaluate next steps.

The South American country's government said it had made a decision "to suspend the activities of the technical advisory office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights and carry out a holistic revision of the technical cooperation terms."

The review will take place over the next 30 days, the government said in a statement, adding that all UN personnel connected to the office must leave the country during the next 72 hours.

"We regret this announcement and are evaluating the next steps. We continue to engage with the authorities and other stakeholders," UN Human Rights Office spokesperson Ravina Shamdasani said in response to questions from Reuters. "Our guiding principle has been and remains the promotion and protection of the human rights of the people of Venezuela.

Now what I find interesting is that just a few days ago it was revealed that a major crime organization was operating out of Venezuela via New York, New Jersy, and Florida while shipping cargo through Texas.(I wonder if Robo-Mitch knew about this see here)

Rumor mill is telling me that these stolen goods are having their tags removed and resold as new items through Temu, Wish, and Alibaba. There is also a few stories about human trafficking, but I'm not 100% on those as of yet.

I do believe this whole Venezuela thing isn't about human rights, but something else that needs real heavy scrutiny.

posted on Feb, 16 2024 @ 09:12 PM
I seem to remember mention of the coming solar eclipse; forgive me if I'm having a senior moment. lol
Anyway, I don't pretend to even come close to understanding all the number connections listed, but thought some of you might enjoy this.

It's just an interesting coincidence that the sum of days within 6 years, 6 months, 6 weeks and 6 days (added up individually, then combined) comes out to 2422 days. Likewise, there are exactly 2422 days between Aug. 21, 2017 and April 8, 2024

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 12:17 AM

originally posted by: nugget1

That big cross is over "Springfield" Missouri isn't it?

The "Simpsons"?

The "SIM"psons? lol

I'm loving this movie so far.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 01:34 AM
a reply to: nerbot

That big cross is over "Springfield" Missouri isn't it?

The exact location of the cross is Cedar Lake in Jackson County, just south of Carbondale. Springfield is 194 miles SW.
Some research suggests that the alignment of the Earth, Sun, and Moon affect seismic activity, so passing over the New Madrid fault has some people on alert.

Everybody worries about the San Andreas fault line, but the New Madrin is far larger-and also overdue for some activity.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 02:46 AM
a reply to: nugget1

What's interesting is that I noticed something else for this area of the country with a few weird deaths:

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Guyfriday

Yes I'm quoting myself. I will come back and edit this a bit to explain things, but this story and another seem to go along with the Google employee killing his wife.

MSN News

"EL MIRAGE, Calif. (AP) — Deputies found five people dead in a Southern California desert community on Tuesday night, authorities said.

San Bernardino County Sheriff’s deputies were called to an area off Highway 395 in El Mirage for a wellness check around 8:15 p.m. and found the bodies, sheriff’s spokesperson Mara Rodriguez said in an email. Members of the department’s specialized investigations division responded to conduct the investigation.

El Mirage is about 50 miles (80 kilometers) northeast of Los Angeles.

Authorities did not release details about how or when the people died or who they were."

Same story but different source: Daily Mail
"A mystery has unfolded as five people were found dead along a remote desert road in California.

The San Bernardino County Sheriff's Department said that the bodies around 8.16pm on Tuesday after they responded to a welfare check off of Highway 395 in El Mirage.

Police scanner reports revealed that the people were found near the intersection of Shadow Mountain Road and Lessing Avenue, Victor Valley News Group reported.

Helicopters were on standby to assist at the scene but once authorities realized that the victims were all dead, they were called off.

It is unclear how the victims died, but there have been reports that they were all shot as bullet holes were found in the back window of the gray mini van that was parked along the road. "

And this weird story from Kansas City.
From: New York Post

"A fifth friend has come forward claiming he was present at the Kansas City Chiefs watch party that resulted in three men freezing to death in their pal’s backyard — and has revealed new details about the trio’s final hours.

The fifth person, who has not been named publicly, had joined the group — which included David Harrington, 37, Ricky Johnson, 38, and Clayton McGeeney, 36 — at Jordan Willis’ Kansas City rental on Jan. 7 to watch their hometown team play their last regular season game, attorney John Picerno told FOX 4.

The man told the outlet that when he left the home, Willis and his other three friends were still awake.

The man also stressed that he was not the last person to see Harrington, Johnson and McGeeney alive before they froze to death in Willis’ yard and went unnoticed for two days."

and this one.
From: also MSN News but this time from CBS Dallas
"JOLIET, Ill. (CBS) -- Investigators have not yet determined a motive for the shooting deaths of eight people in Joliet after the suspected gunman was found dead by apparent suicide in Texas on Monday night.

"We can't get inside his head. We just don't have any clue as to why he did what he did," Joliet Police Chief Bill Evans said Tuesday afternoon of the suspected shooter, 23-year-old Romeo Nance."

This was the part that got my attention:
"Five people – two girls, ages 14 and 16; two women, Alexandria Nance, 20, and Christine Esters, 38; and a 31-year-old man, Joshua Nance – were found dead in one house at 2212 W. Acres Rd., and two people – a 35-year-old man, William Esters II; and a 47-year-old woman, Tameka Nance – were found dead in the other at 2225 W. Acres Rd., according to Evans and the Will County Coroner's office."

the end lines for this story was odd,
"Meanwhile, Evans said during the investigation into the Acres Road murders, they were also looking for a 3-year-old who was unaccounted for – but who was later found with family in a nearby community. Police did not say how the toddler was connected to these crimes."

So five people involved in the Missouri death story, and five more people found dead in the California story, and eight more in the Illinois story. Are these deaths actually guide points for some kind of occult triangulation? I'm finding the stories odd, and wonder if something is about to go down that is "False Flaggie" in this area being targeted?

Anyone want to take a crack at it?

Rough triangulation looks like Springfield, Illinois might be the city to watch. I would still be interested in what others find.

My thinking is something is coming to town, and it won't be Santa Claus.

posted on Feb, 17 2024 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Maybe Venezuela are taking these steps because they have found something 'nasty' about the UN's 'opperations'?
Pot, Kettle, black maybe? Or just a straight call out by Venezuela of the UN? Hope the Venezuelan's Government reveal the findings of their 'holistic investigation'.
Personally, and from purely a 'white hat' perspective, I hope Venezuela call the UN out. No way is it something trivial if they have given them just 72 hours notice!

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