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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Jan, 26 2024 @ 04:02 PM
edit on 26-1-2024 by G0055E because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 01:04 AM
It looks like the curtain are beginning to fall for the show that is China.
From: New York Post

A key Biden family associate revealed new details Friday about Joe Biden’s alleged involvement in foreign business relationships —saying the future president met in 2017 with the leader of a Chinese government-linked company that paid millions to his son Hunter Biden and brother James Biden.

Rob Walker signaled in a prepared opening statement that he intended to claim that Biden, 81, did nothing wrong in connection to the overseas ventures of his relatives, only to provide stunning new evidence, The Post has learned.

Walker testified in his deposition as part of the House impeachment inquiry into the president that shortly after Joe Biden left office as vice president, he attended a meeting that included about 10 people involved with CEFC China Energy — including the firm’s chairman, Ye Jianming, a source familiar with Walker’s testimony said.

The encounter at DC’s ritzy Four Seasons hotel was previously described by Walker — without naming Ye as a participant — in an FBI interview that was released by the House Ways and Means Committee.

Now if that name "Ye Jianming sounds familiar well...
From: Finacial Times dated October 12th 2018

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The Chinese oil tycoon who tried to buy a $9bn stake in Rosneft, the Russian energy company, has been implicated in financial crimes involving a former provincial Communist party boss and the ex-chairman of China’s largest development bank. 

The disappearance in March of Ye Jianming, founder of CEFC China Energy, has been one of the country’s biggest corporate mysteries this year. 

Chinese authorities have yet to comment on Mr Ye’s detention, which was indirectly confirmed by Czech officials who said officials in Shanghai had accused him of unspecified legal violations.

So, was this a Chinese effort to remove a connection, or was this a Biden effort, or are they the same thing?

So, on top of these stories: (all from the New York Post)
Story 1

Sen. Joni Ernst and Rep. Mike Gallagher are demanding the Defense Department’s inspector general probe more than $50 million in defense grants to Chinese pandemic research institutions — including those based in Wuhan, the city where COVID-19 emerged in 2019.

“A comprehensive review of these matters is crucial for identifying potential national security threats that could result either from Pentagon procurement of technology from Chinese companies or dangerous experiments being conducted in foreign laboratories with substandard safety conditions,” Ernst (R-Iowa) and Gallagher (R-Wis.) wrote in a Thursday letter to Pentagon watchdog Robert Storch.

The 2024 National Defense Authorization Act, which passed last month, included an amendment from the lawmakers that directed the IG’s office to review Pentagon funding of risky research on pathogens of pandemic potential or “chimeric versions” of viruses in foreign nations over the past decade.

“Tens of millions of Department of Defense dollars have been given to our enemies. This is not just a massive accounting error, but a waste of taxpayer dollars and a threat to our national security,” Gallagher told The Post.

Story 2

China could produce a “coronavirus bioweapon” as well as deploy robots that are controlled by devices implanted into human brains in future warfare against the United States, according to a provocative new report by researchers.

The report, titled “Plagues, Cyborgs, and Supersoldiers: The Human Domain of War Research,” lays out several scenarios of possible future conflict.

The existence of the report was first written about by independent journalist Lee Fang.

“We see a complex, high-threat landscape emerging where future wars are fought with humans controlling hyper-sophisticated machines with their thoughts,” wrote experts at Acquisition and Technology Policy Program of the RAND National Security Research Division.

The researchers warned that American troops could be victimized in future wars by “synthetically generated, genomically targeted plagues.”

Story 3

A British pianist and YouTuber has been accosted by a furious Chinese TV crew who demanded he delete video showing their faces, despite being filmed in a public place.

In that third story it's been proven that the Chinese citizens there were Security Services for members of the CCP, and a known Chinese Spy.

China's frail grip on the world is falling apart quicker than their credibility. It's only a matter of months I believe before China closes off all contact with the world as it closes it's boarders to the world, which is what it has done for centuries before the CCP came to power. Let's hope that all the politicians and business leaders that have been pocketed by the CCP to push their agenda, goes away with China.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 02:58 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

It's only a matter of months I believe before China closes off all contact with the world as it closes it's boarders to the world,

China/CCP wont do that.... they are a nation of traders and 'market stall' holders and their whole economy relies on the 'Silk Road'/Belt & Road.
I've said it before, their claimed population figure in my view, includes chinese people living world wide. Story #3 proves that as one example. Then we have the revalations of their 'bio=labs' and illegal 'police stations' cropping up in various places all over the World.
They might tighten up what they tell us..... not that they ever reveal much anyway, other than allowing people to visit China since the late '70's. They will find it difficult to circle back to the '70's and close their tourism for example.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 04:22 AM
Random thought.

Regarding the quality of the fake images produced by AI ...

While it could negatively impact anyone, those hugely threatened are those who have a public image.

T. Swift is getting blowback at the moment, but any celebrity, politician, or other well-known person is effectively no longer in control of their public image. Sure, some images will be immediately obvious as fakes. But not all ... and IMO, it is those "grey" images that will cause the most issues over the long haul.

The celebrities have been a useful influence tool, primarily for the Left. Their utility as influencers will be diminished even if it does not end altogether.

edit on 27-1-2024 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 05:22 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

T. Swift is getting blowback at the moment, but any celebrity, politician, or other well-known person is effectively no longer in control of their public image.

That's why I can't help but wonder if AI and data breaches aren't planned events for governments to take total control of all information.

They've already got control of all MSM; the internet is the last frontier.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 08:49 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
Random thought.


People have been faking celebrity images and videos for decades, I was photoshopping these kind of things about 15 years ago for fun and for money. (not just porn).

Fake videos can be detected using A.I. too: DEEPWARE

I'm sure there is other software available for pics too.

I'd be more concerned about A.I. newscasters than pop and film stars.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: G0055E
Just saw news. Trump to pay 83.3 million to Carroll.

83.3=11.3 marker?

Goes to show how you can tie numbers to anything and why numerology is crap.

Your post number is [27284221]


You must be Q

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 10:25 AM
a reply to: G0055E

Salty Texan Tweet

Reid Hoffman, co-founder of Linked-In appears to be up to his neck in TDS. Mega donor for Nicki Haley but also funding Caroll's lawsuit against Trump. She is a real strange person. I've seen her in a couple of TV interviews and she seems to be very confused. Anderson Cooper interviewed her and the judge refused to allow President Trump to admit it as evidence.
Here it is for our viewing pleasure.

Anderson Cooper 2019 Interview with E Jean Carroll

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 10:43 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

I'm just rounding out a few more details about this Covid plandemic-

SGT Report

She called this back in 2009.

Disease X + Davos: This is not the way to evaluate and formulate public health policy

Only if the plan is to profit from scaring everyone again. #7 [counting specific diseases] in the disease list is Nipah + henipaviral which lines up perfectly with the Disease X in the book "Disease X: 100 Days to Prevent the Next Pandemic" last chapter.

"Unfortunately, this recent shift to concentrate on unusual and low impact disease would have significant costs." Forcing low and middle income countries to divert $26.4 billion away from combatting serious illness like TB to prepare for something unknown. This is causing more death.

Just to highlight this pulled out of the air 20X more lethal than the recent plandemic-

"The claim that Disease X could be 20 times more deadly than Covid-19 has now been removed from the WEF website." Just a bit of scare mongering for entertainment purposes only.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 11:08 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Denver...Denver...Illegals can't find work because of Federal regulations

How can they say any of this with a straight face. This is absurd- Illegals [not migrant] are working in all kinds of jobs from construction, landscaping, road work, house flipping, and roof repair ect. Windshield washing as the only job available is ridiculous.

They do congregate on street corners and are picked up each morning by legals to assist on city as well as private jobs. There is no oversight and everyone knows that. Many have no working knowledge of English and they used to work under the radar. No more- it is all out in the open.
The City of Denver officials certainly are not enforcing anything, and just turn a blind eye to what is really going on. Now they want to try and legalize their actions? Not so fast.

Exactly who do they think are maintaining the sides of the streets and highways, repairing sprinkler systems, pruning trees, shoveling snow? The legals act as interpreters.

Even better there are vans that drop them off at busy intersections so that they can panhandle or wash windshields. It is all organized. Some stand outside grocery stores playing music for money or just outright beg and then of course there are those that just take what they want.

I would hazard a guess that illegals are hired by the city so that they can interface with this growing community with someone they can trust.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 01:31 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

If the next bioweapon doessn't kill us the 'cure' surely will.

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 03:05 PM
Watch the borders / national gaurd..

Wasnt that Q script..
Guess we are about there...

posted on Jan, 27 2024 @ 04:29 PM

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 01:44 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: 777Vader

When and where did you find that list?

Exactly half of those people already flipped, but you can't just take their names off the list.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 10:41 AM

originally posted by: G0055E
Just saw news. Trump to pay 83.3 million to Carroll.

83.3=11.3 marker?

E. Jean Carol - CNN to the rescue

They are terrified of President Trumps return.

DC Draino Tweet-

As I've said these people seriously lack creativity. What are the chances that she took the plot line from a 2012 episode of Law + Order? She seems to suffer from "inverse TDS"- he simply wasn't paying attention to her.

Wall Street Apes- Seriously can't make this up.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 10:50 AM
a reply to: purplemer

We aren't in Kansas any more.

Saturday Night Live Skit-2015- President Trump's uncanny prediction

Time Travel is fun?

Brainstorm Joe Tweet

"How did Trump know all of this was coming on October 6, 2017?"
"First Q drop 10/28/ 17."

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:06 AM

Yes, there might have been a small fire..... but look at the structure.... they have been designed to be almost fire proof.
a reply to: angelchemuel
The twin towers
At&t building
Try this search

how to stop a laser from starting a fire

Lazer forbes

A quick google search will show you a myriad of lasers with a power output of 1 Watt, this is a class 4 laser and can start a fire. Now just imagine the damage it could do to your skin or worse, your eyes. It is quite a scary thought to think that these lasers can be bought online by anyone. My supervisor actually bought some laser pointers online that were stated to be less powerful than they actually were. He ran some power tests on them and found that they were class 3 lasers! They could burn through paper and pop balloons, so always be careful when purchasing laser pointers online.

WARNING: Direct Energy Weapons are facing the following states:

1. Texas
2. Arizona
3. Montana
4. New Jersey
5. New Mexico
6. Washington
7. Oregon
8. Colorado
9. Florida
10. California
11. Nevada
12. Idaho
13. Wyoming
14. Utah
15. Oklahoma

Ezra A. Cohen
8:58 PM · Jan 27, 2024

For some reason this comes to mind

edit on 2024/28/1 by Crazierfox because: News popped up

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:16 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday

I still have reservations about Gov Greg Abbott. With this border crisis what is he doing in INDIA?

Abbott is in India for 10 days

This makes zero sense with the Biden administration on the warpath, illegals flooding the border, national guardsmen coming in from other states and he picks this time to visit India under some bogus cover like drumming up business for Texas.
One would have to question any executive's decisions to set up shop in a state that is being invaded and in dispute with the federal government.
IMHO it looks like he is hiding and leaving others to run the show. Trust issues- you know.

Border Patrol Refuse to Follow Biden orders to arrest national guardsmen

Biden administration dusting off their climate change handbook-

Biden and friends pause approvals of new gas export terminals

Impact on Texas

If there are other state casualties who cares.
Biden's "misguided attempt to appease radical climate change activists will directly impact the Golden Pass and Port Arthur LNG terminals currently under construction, disrupt the creation of hundreds of good paying jobs and the significant investment to our community these projects bring."

If they are going rogue- why not go all in and just disregard this nonsense order which is obviously the carrot and stick approach being used by Biden.

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

RapidSloth Twitter- Buckle up

Following up on yesterday's rant about illegals in Denver.

Rose Foundation lends a hand in Denver

Who are the members of this worthy Foundation.
Meet and Greet

Special call out to Jared Polis- Governor of Colorado sworn in just in time for the plandemic. He knew that there was a therapeutic to cure people suffering from Covid and did not follow up or investigate. Crimes Against Humanity. No one gets to walk away from this- no one.

Jared Polis Wiki

posted on Jan, 28 2024 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Crisis actors alert.
Human Domain Solutions- Georgia National Guard February 5-8th

"Also, due to a potentially strenuous decontamination process and varying outside temperatures, CRPs should not have life threatening or serious medical conditions."

What would require decontamination- radioactive, biological- lab leak.

Youtube-Exploring Nuclear Reactor Test Site in Georgia

I wonder what they are planning?
We are Watching a Movie- QMum

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