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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 07:42 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

But apparently THIS bacterial infection lacks a cell wall, so its immune to anti-biotics? I read that yesterday. Is that even possible?

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 08:59 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I doubt he was executed, I mean the guy was 100 years old. If anything, he probably knows the gig is up and just willed himself to death (this is a controversial idea, but My great-grandmother was 98 years old and refused to go see where they were going to bury her. So healthy as she was, she refused to go but when they rolled the wheelchair in to take her out she shut her eyes and said something like tell everyone good bye and died before they got her out of the room)

Kissinger might have done the same thing. Oh hey -Q- State Funeral D5 and all that, could Kissinger be it? I wonder if his State Funeral will be on December 5th (which is next week?)

I am not going to believe he is truly gone until I see pics of his head kept alive in the glass jar shattered upon the floor.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 09:06 AM
Every candidate for a ventilator recuses this fate from heavy,HEAVY dosage of vitamin C.
Iv is best but vitamin C for all pneumonia.
Heavy dosage.

originally posted by: angelchemuel
Just as a quick aside, this so called 'unidentifiable' walking pneumonia ..... is a bacterial infection primarily.
What have I been saying for almost 2 years now (gosh, has it been that long?)..... bacterial infections are going to be our next big health problem.
Coming up to our summer in the UK, our children were hit with Scarlet Fever which news kept reporting as a virus. I kept screaming at my screen.... Scarlet Fever is a BACTERIAL infection!!!
I also want to correct myself from my previous post....
the HIV was found very early on by Italian scientists in the SARS-CoV-2, since confirmed by Japanese and some EU scientists, the country escapes me just now.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 10:41 AM
What is at stake?
Who has control?
Who was surprised?
Who will be surprised?
Use your logic.
Can emotions be used to influence decisions?
How do you control emotion?
Define 'PLANT':
How do you insert a PLANT?
Who is Cassidy Hutchinson?
Trust the plan.

Cassidy Hutchinson -Ha- Changed her story

ERRATA " a witness shouldn't use this document as an opportunity to rectify their statement, add, or elaborate on anything they stated during the deposition especially if the questions didn't elicit those responses."

ERRATA- Never heard of this before

Her book was a best seller- as I've noticed they are like confessions "I had withheld information about events that I had witnessed or that had been recounted to me by witnesses."

Just a little spice to the mix- shock and awe all of the videotapes of all depositions are gone.

How do you control emotion?- I would have expected the word to be emotions but instead emotion=7.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: Imbackbaby

Justice Sandra Day O'Connor has just passed away

Granted like Kissinger she was elderly, 93 and was suffering from Alzheimers. "Despite Reagan's professed confidence in O'Connor's stand on abortion in 1981, 11 years later O'Connor joined 2 other Republican appointees in reaffirming a constitutional right to an abortion."

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: nugget1

Lahaina - Questions

I brought this issue up much earlier- the odd connection between their area code 808 and the date of the fire in Lahaina August 8. These people and their need for symbolism. Just sick.

Anthony Fauci on Being a Sex Symbol

Seriously he is 82 years old. This was insufferable, holding my nose I watched. Narcissist on steroids. I did notice some # connections. He dealt with [7] Presidents and his father worked at the pharmacy [7] days a week.

He now has permanent security and oh poor Fauci he has no personal space.
I'm just waiting for him to wade into the newly named 'White Lung Syndrome'.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Just a little spice to the mix- shock and awe all of the videotapes of all depositions are gone.

Video tapes?

Don't you mean video files?

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:42 AM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Pfizer's in a world of pain. They've just announced that they are discontinuing their weight loss drug clinical trial due to adverse events.
Pfizer Discontinues Clinical Trials for Obesity Drugs

Just look at this 73% nausea, 47% vomiting, 25% diarrhea and more than 50% fleeing.

Trouble on the horizon- Big trouble.

New Zealand Government Data Suggests Alarming Pfizer Death Rate

The top 10 lots are all Pfizers. The stats are more than alarming.

"One site Ingvercagill vaccine related death count of 253 out of 837" resulting in 1 in 3 death rate." Then there is that other reveal where one trial site had everyone die who took the jab.

Jacinda Arden Wiki

"On June 17, 2020 she met with Bill and Melinda Gates via a teleconference in a meeting Requested by Bill Gates. In the meeting Arden was asked by Melinda Gates to 'speak up' in support of a collective approach to a Covdi-19 vaccine. Arden said she would be happy to assist."

Under the FOIA "the government pledged $37 million to help fund a Covid-19 vaccine, which included $15 million to CEPI."

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:51 AM
a reply to: PokeyJoe
Yes, it is possible. The mycoplasma group of bacteria don't have a cell wall, which is exactly the bacteria that causes walking pneumonia.

What type of bacteria causes walking pneumonia?
"Walking pneumonia" is a non-medical term for a mild case of pneumonia. A more medically correct term would be atypical pneumonia and can be caused by certain molds, viruses or bacteria; often a common bacterium called Mycoplasma pneumonia.

For your reference from the American lung Association

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:55 AM
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Yup, but too much will give you diarrhea. So, the minute your body reacts in this way, just cut back one tablet at a time.
Normal dosage for an adult should be around 2 grammes on a daily basis, up to 5-6 grammes a day if you are sick.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 11:56 AM
a reply to: IndieA

Tom Fitton Tweet-Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan 6th...

Judicial Watch- Emails show communication between General Vivek Murthy and Facebook on Covid Censorship

They not only did this but also had face to face meetings where who knows what else was planned. I wonder who DJ is?

"I want to make sure you saw the steps we took just this past week to adjust policies on what we are removing with respect to misinformation, as well as steps taken to further address the 'disinfo dozen': we removed 17 additional Pages, Groups, and Instagram accounts tied to the Disinfo Dozen. [so a total of 39 Profiles, Pages and IG accounts deleted so far..."

Jusicial Watch- Lawsuit Uncovers 2016 Joe Biden email sharing Hunter copied on Ukraine President Information.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 12:07 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Tom Fitton Tweet-Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan 6th...

Are we talking VHS or Beta tapes?

“I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes. He didn’t feel that they had to,” Rep. Loudermilk says. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”

I think by "tapes" they mean video files. You would think that there would be back-ups somewhere, or worse case, they could still be retrieved from a hard drive or server. I would also think that there is a pretty good chance that the NSA has copies.

And for the record, I really appreciate what Tom Fitton is doing for the sake of all Americans. Thank you Tom.

edit on 1-12-2023 by IndieA because: Added info

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 12:10 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

So, if this new one is bacterial, wouldn't natural antibacterial agents be good in fighting it?
Like honey, garlic, onions, ect?

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 01:32 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Tom Fitton Tweet-Rep. Loudermilk confirms all videotapes from Jan 6th...

Are we talking VHS or Beta tapes?

“I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes. He didn’t feel that they had to,” Rep. Loudermilk says. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”

I think by "tapes" they mean video files. You would think that there would be back-ups somewhere, or worse case, they could still be retrieved from a hard drive or server. I would also think that there is a pretty good chance that the NSA has copies.

And for the record, I really appreciate what Tom Fitton is doing for the sake of all Americans. Thank you Tom.

Unless said computers were destroyed! *cough* Hillary's Blackberry. On its face this is suspicious, they didn't think they needed to keep them???

I wrote a letter to Bennie Thompson asking for them and he confirmed that they did not preserve those tapes. He didn’t feel that they had to,” Rep. Loudermilk says. “But according to House rules, you have to preserve any data and any information and documents that are used in an official proceeding.”
link You don't go destroying official records because of "feelz", especially when as stated House rules state they must be preserved! The opposite of preserved is destroyed.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 02:31 PM
a reply to: chiefsmom
I would certainly give them a try as this bacteria can be resistant to antibiotics.
We'll have to wait for more info, then we can hopefully get a better game plan. I've already started working narowing down which Essential Oils might be effective as prophylactics and treatment..... just in case.

edit on pm122America/ChicagoFriday2023-12-01T14:32:58-06:0002America/Chicago12000000 by angelchemuel because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 02:41 PM
Texas AG Ken Paxton _Pfizer Covid-19 jab lawsuit Filed

I've just finished reading the 58 pages. This lawsuit is specifically targeting Pfizer's misleading claims about the efficacy of the jabs and the censorship of those that tried to have discussions about the products.

Much we already know but to pull out a few new points-

Pfizer claimed the jabs were 95% effective but only had 2 months of clinical trial data. The FDA did push back and told Pfizer that it wasn't possible to know that the jabs were effective beyond 2 months. Meanwhile Bourla is on record for claiming that it was effective for 6 months.

#76 "How long vaccine protection responds at least 6 months, the protection is robust. At this time Pfizer's clinical trial data had not yet collected 6 months post vaccination data for its participants." < #Pfizer lied people died.

#128-Scott Gottlieb is up to his neck in all of this, especially since he was 1 of 7 Pfizer executive committee members.
"He publicly claimed that for most people a Delta infection would amount to the most serious virus that they get in their lifetime in terms of risk of putting them in the hospital."

Brook Jackson will have some interesting reading about the problems with the clinical trials.

#43 "The study results submitted to the FDA comprised of 43,448 participants, including 21,720 who received the Pfizer vaccine and 21,728 who received the placebo. Although Pfizer initially enrolled 30,00 participants in July 2020. Pfizer belatedly added 14,000 additional participants, which substantially reduced the median follow-up time. Only 43.9% of vaccine recipients completed at least 2 months of follow-up after receiving the second dose."

Nothing suspicious here...
Pfizer designed the trial in a very specific way. Covid cases were counted 7, count them 7 days after a participant received the second jab. Covid cases that occured before that point were not counted.

Now to deal with the asymptomatic cases-Pfizer only considered symptomatic cases in the clinical trials.

Read my lips- The FDA warned Pfizer to not unblind their clinical trial- they wanted the placebo group to be maintained. January 2021, 7446 placebo participants took the jab.

Paging Christine Grady...Christine Grady.

- 38 deaths occured in the clinical trials- myocarditis and pericarditis with the majority of deaths in the jabbed group. November 8, 2021.

#115 Deals with negative vaccine efficacy.
#117 & #118 Comirnaty, the booster and the way that Pfizer did a go around by using the EUA.

August 23, 2021 the FDA approved Comirnaty
August 25, 2021 Pfizer "sought supplemental approval for booster shots of Comirnaty".

Advisory committee- Not so fast- They recommended FDA not approve because of issues like lack of data.

What to do? September 21, 2021 "Pfizer re-submitted the same data in the form of an amendment to the original December 2020 EUA. EUA requires a lower burden of proof of efficacy and safety."

The FDA is not off the hook. They approved it anyway despite the lack of data.

We have another link to 23 and Me- Pfizer only used 23 people in the Delta variant antibodies study. Under WH pressure, so claims the FDA, they granted EUA for the booster jab.

Considering that Pfizer has 70% of the U.S. market and has made billions the punitive damages are underwhelming. Maybe they are being conservative seeking over $1 million, Civil penalties- $10 per violation- exceed $10 million. Peanuts.

It's a start - what about all the vaccine injured, what about the deaths?

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: FarmerSimulation
Yup, but too much will give you diarrhea. So, the minute your body reacts in this way, just cut back one tablet at a time.
Normal dosage for an adult should be around 2 grammes on a daily basis, up to 5-6 grammes a day if you are sick.

But the body's need for C increases dramatically when you're sick. Dr. Andrew Saul (aka The Vitamin Doctor) tells a story of when he was super sick, and started taking one gram tablets every 5 MINUTES for an hour or two, and he never reached bowel tolerance (when you get diarrhea) and he was well within a couple of hours.

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 05:47 PM

originally posted by: IndieA
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Just a little spice to the mix- shock and awe all of the videotapes of all depositions are gone.

Video tapes?

Don't you mean video files?

Maybe it was tapes, these old hags still cling to VHS and Betamax.

Moving on, somebody mentioned white buffalo being born, I can't find anything since May 2023 although I've not looked last couple of days.

In Bizarro world I missed this 4 years ago, can't believe I missed it.

Greta 120 years ago

What the hell is that behind Grandma Greta in the old photo? Monkey dog? Baboon dog? Gorilla goat? Hillary hound? Just Hillary?

More weirdness, damn I love this timeline especially when shapeshifters and Aliens are mentioned in the same article.

Shapeshifters, Aliens?

IV vit c and tablet vit c are 2 different things.

Dash it's been a while, I'll PM you over the weekend

edit on 1-12-2023 by Imbackbaby because: Buffalo's

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: hangedman13

Oh I hate to hear that! Do you know if she is any better today? I completely understand caregivers of loved ones feeling as though they should get vaccinations to keep from binging something in that might kill there loved one. I am glad I haven't been in that position yet.
If there is something nefarious in the flu, pneumonia, and RSV this will be more diabolical as the vents used to kill the elderly......

posted on Dec, 1 2023 @ 06:47 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen2
a reply to: hangedman13

Oh I hate to hear that! Do you know if she is any better today? I completely understand caregivers of loved ones feeling as though they should get vaccinations to keep from binging something in that might kill there loved one. I am glad I haven't been in that position yet.
If there is something nefarious in the flu, pneumonia, and RSV this will be more diabolical as the vents used to kill the elderly......

It's now in all of them although not every vial.

How did humans ever survive before medicine yet we're still here. Nobody needed that jab not even the vulnerable.

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