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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: dashen

I'm 19 today! 😁

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 10:30 AM
a reply to: dashen

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 11:37 AM
Happy Birthday! a reply to: SourGrapes

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 12:32 PM

originally posted by: SourGrapes
a reply to: dashen

I'm 19 today! 😁

Q and Two


posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 12:41 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Thanks for the tip. Ha, new avatar.

A13- 113
I managed to snag a cop of The Epic Times October 25-32, 2023. The Opinion page- Humans as Currency.

No to Killing for Organs by Wesley J. Smith

He really clarifies the role of assisted suicide and the primary driving motivation of obtaining organs for transplants.

From Belgium " A 16 year old girl with a brain tumor asked to be euthanized and have her organs harvested. 16! Doctors agreed.
She was sedated and intubated so that her organs could be examined. She was euthanized and her organs procured."

The danger of conjoining euthanasia with organ transplants- a very slippery slope.

Canada on the cutting edge. The mentally ill cases start next year.

"If an Ontario patient is accepted to receive a lethal injection- and again that person may not be terminally ill, the organization that overseas organ donations [Trillium-[3] 8+3=11] must be informed so that the rep can contact the-soon-to-be-dead person and ask for his/her liver, kidney, pancreas, lungs and heart." Trillium 3 ill 3. llll

Another failing- the mentally ill person is not referred to a mental health professional.

Redefining brain death. "Donors shouldn't have to be biologically deceased to be harvested."

"If we establish the principle that some living people can be killed for their organs, the harvestable categories would expand over time."

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 01:14 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

Happy birthday.

I come bearing gifts.

IRS - Microsoft owes over $29 Billion- yes billion in back taxes

This case has been out of the public view for 3 years. "In 2015 Microsoft sold its most valuable possession- its intellectual property to an 85 person factory in a small Puerto Rican city. Having struck a favorable tax deal with Puerto Ricco, Microsoft then channeled its' profit to the facility."

Google, Facebook and Apple up next. Why is the appeals process secret???

Another question is what did Bill Gates do with this hidden profit? He had that strange foundation that End the Madness couldn't find any details about. Perhaps he funneled profits through that and away from prying eyes.

List all who have foundations.
Why is this relevant?
How might donations be used personally?
Analyze the filings.
Who is charged w/ overseeing this?
Politically motivated.
The level of corruption in our country [ and most others] is so severe
there is ONLY ONE WAY.
Alice and Wonderland.

11 lines.

This may be very tightly connected to the plandemic. The IRS was neck deep in this in early 2020 and did something unusual by hiring a corporate law firm. Microsoft, aka Bill Gates, profit threatened and suddenly we have the plandemic?

The timing around this is very suspicious.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 01:27 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3 Happy birthday SourGrapes!

Very strange I can link this one but not the CC Group. Over target? Now I see it has linked. Very odd.

I think it's to do a comparison the surplus of covid vaccine...
how many facilities manufacture it?

Maybe closing facilities to hide the surplus of medication available, as we learned by observing social engineering practices steering committee uses fear tactics...
Seaport backup catastrophe that only raised prices for goods, benefiting the profiteers.

I'm thinking maybe money is the philosopher stone Rumpelstiltskin witchcraft....
Not even old Rothschild can escape death.

edit on 10/31/2023EPMR by loveguy because:

edit on 10/31/2023EPMR by loveguy because: (no reason given)

edit on 10/31/2023EPMR by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:14 PM
a reply to: dashen

Still no pm

I'm not potty-trained yet.

I will just say it here, publicly.

*clears throat*

it's a joke

The Beginning of the End
(of the beginning, again)

The experiments proved that animal magnetism was not real, and its apparent effects were actually due to people’s belief in the power of Mesmer and his colleagues. Even d’Elson was convinced, concluding that “the imagination thus directed to the relief of suffering humanity would be a most valuable means in the hands of the medical profession.”


In effect, Franklin and his colleagues discovered that the true source of Mesmer’s power came from his patients, who cured themselves — or at least mitigated their symptoms — through the power of their own minds.

- Auto/Self-suggestion--> Self-affirmation
--> Self-immolation--> Auto/Self-siloing

Before you light yourself on fire (with good intentions), you must have an objective state of mind. Without it, the fire will eventually spread (and they know this), causing others you associate with to smolder and potentially ignite. With enough vigor, you'll all have a bonfire in the center of town, creating a spectacle and wide-spread attention.


In order for one to CON-->TROLL all four,
Hide thy hand with an EGREGORE!

"only YOU can
the fire from spreading"

The lone, objective firefly is wise, remaining mostly hidden and generally safe from predators, effectively, as it goes about it's business. The reactive, overzealous firefly responds to all stimuli, good and bad, increasing the risk of being identified and hunted down.

The egregores erected and sustained by tyrants have a mysterious ability to fascinate people, to almost fill the starving bellies created by the contempt of their leaders, to influence the fevered brains of a suicidal crop of martyrs as they march over the cliff to their own deaths like Gadarene swine.

It becomes a threat to all other fireflies trying to remain hidden, going about their business, only doing what is absolutely necessary to increase their chance and rate of survival, not only for themselves, but for the species as well.
"We suffer more often in imagination than in reality." - Seneca

It must be kept in mind that egregores are living beings. They must be fed and nurtured. I think spiritual interactions with them can be healthy as long as such interactions remain pure and positive. Both the aspirant and the egregore must be protected against corruption by the group’s leaders and the tendency for many spiritual societies to become lackadaisical, to devolve into a culture of laziness and sloppiness. The egregores attracted by such a society will be as misguided as the membership itself. Spiritual hygiene is as important for the members of a group as it is for the egregores that sustain and inform it.

Do you have good spiritual hygiene?

Some grow accustom to their own scent.

...egregores were well known in the classical period of ancient Greece and Rome, when they were consciously called into being to watch over city states. He explores the egregore concept as it was understood in various Western Mystery traditions, including the Corpus Hermeticum, and offers further examples from Tibetan Buddhism, Islam, modern esoteric orders such as the Order of the Golden Dawn and Rosicrucianism, the writings of H. P. Lovecraft and Kenneth Grant, and the followers of Julius Evola and Aleister Crowley.

Simply the preface to a much wider discussion and unveiling.

I promise to be less coy.

The Socratic method negates karmic law.

edit on 31-10-2023 by eisegenesis because: check your spam folder

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:15 PM

originally posted by: MindBodySpiritComplex

Emergency summit of Arab League Council to be held on November 11 in Riyadh

Peter Hotez Tweet

This seems to be a coinky that Peter Hotez, the #1 vaccine shill would be signaling the same 11/11. "Save the date" for a book festival in Texas.

3 Repost 44 likes= 3+8=11. November 11th =1111.

March 11, 2020 the WHO announced the plandemic.
March 11 , 2021 was the first anniversary.
March 11, 2022 was the second anniversary.
March 11,2023 was the third anniversary.
1111 1111.

Wandering the aisles of the CDC museum refreshing fond memories of the Covidian wars and there does seem to be some interesting links to 11 aside from above. There are 10 months connected with 11 dates of action. #1011. Oddly they discontinued the update July 2022. Probably the excuse is this.

CDC Museum Timeline

Now for Biden- He announced the end of the emergency April 11, 2023 effective May 11, 2023.
Biden announces the end of the Covid Emergency

Just to round things off-
Gematria Save the date november 11

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:27 PM
a reply to: loveguy

Oh good for you, you got your dog as your avatar. I'm afraid I am not that talented. I'm spending many quality hours researching because answers have to be out there somewhere.
Just to share Resident Lurker has been suffering from very serious long covid symptoms after having contracted Covid in January 2020. It has been a very frustrating journey since Drs. don't want to acknowledge Long Covid's existence because they have no idea what to do.
However, and this is still early, he is trying the Spike Support by the Wellness Company. After week 1 his arms have cleared up from terrible black and red rashes and his lung congestion is better. Only time will tell if this is really working. They have only recommended this for the jabbed, however the ingredients look good so why not give it a shot. LOl, couldn't help myself.

These people hope to cheat death with transhumanism. If successful they can spend eternity locked up somewhere with wishes of the escape of death. Fitting, very fitting.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3

Has he tried Ivermectin at all?

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:47 PM
a reply to: Crazierfox

Pfizer Reports Quarterly Loss

None of this is very surprising considering the interest in their Covid products is cratering. The bigger question is where is their revenue growing.

"The company said revenue was fueled by strong sales of Vyndaquel drugs, which are used to treat certain types of cardiomopathy, a disease of the heart muscle.-Up 48%"

Probably a stunning coincidence that the Covid jabs resulted in heart injuries. Now for Seagen their acquisition to treat cancer.
Down she goes- Pfizer stock dipped below $30 this a.m.

Compliments of Chief Nerd-

Megyn Kelly Show- 2 Pfizer related lawsuits

Just a reminder-
The CDC changed its definition of "vaccinated + "vaccination' + keeps changing its definition of fully vaccinated.

Sparta Justice Tweet

" Bill Gates. I am not who you think I am. I have stolen your farmland, poisoned you with chemicals in the air and murdered millions of your loved ones through vaccines. I planned the pandemic and I will plan another one if you do not stop me. I am using wars, climate change and pandemics to achieve my goals.
I control the media and I manipulate you everyday. I say that I do good so you will believe me, but actually I think most of you should die."

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 02:57 PM
a reply to: NightFlight

It has been impossible to get Ivermectin prescribed during the plandemic. I went around to different pharmacies to see if any would fill the prescription if I could get one for him but the pharmacists refused. One assistant took me to the side and advised me to order some from outside the country. I did do that but he was reluctant to take it because of concerns about the safety of it.
I did get some Ivermectin for animals but he just wasn't certain that was okay to take. I brewed up my own Hydroxychloroquine which probably kept him from getting worse. He was seriously ill from January 2020 to October 2020 when I finally managed to get him an infusion of "safe" stem cells. He was much better in 2 weeks. I do feel that being left for so long seriously ill has significantly impacted his health.

I imagine there are many others out there that are suffering and have been ignored.

Then we ran into the clinical trial obstacles. After all he is privy to what I read and write so there is some serious lack of confidence in the entire process. I feel a ray of hope with this Spike Support.

Anyway I'll keep everyone informed about his progress.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 03:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Opt for 150 x 50 pixels and convert to PNG options here

Use the third option once uploaded and choosing for avatar.

Idk how to make background pearly white anymore.

edit on 10/31/2023EPMR by loveguy because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 04:09 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful3
Absinthe was probably found to be a good *elixir in certain situations* but not in others around 100 years ago. Sp Flu. ahem
Nor is it made today using the same identical formula.
...maybe treatment with an age old elixir absinthe coupled with homemade jules Vern quinine recipe can bring much needed comfort?

As one who avoids drs offices by nature am always researching health through nutrition and exercise.
By the grace of God.

My prayers to you and yours 🙏💟

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 04:27 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful3
a reply to: NightFlight

It has been impossible to get Ivermectin prescribed during the plandemic. I went around to different pharmacies to see if any would fill the prescription if I could get one for him but the pharmacists refused. One assistant took me to the side and advised me to order some from outside the country. I did do that but he was reluctant to take it because of concerns about the safety of it.
I did get some Ivermectin for animals but he just wasn't certain that was okay to take. I brewed up my own Hydroxychloroquine which probably kept him from getting worse. He was seriously ill from January 2020 to October 2020 when I finally managed to get him an infusion of "safe" stem cells. He was much better in 2 weeks. I do feel that being left for so long seriously ill has significantly impacted his health.

I imagine there are many others out there that are suffering and have been ignored.

Then we ran into the clinical trial obstacles. After all he is privy to what I read and write so there is some serious lack of confidence in the entire process. I feel a ray of hope with this Spike Support.

Anyway I'll keep everyone informed about his progress.

I do not believe in viruses.
They simply do not exist.
How close are you to a smart meter?
How close are you to a 5g tower or emitter(even some street lamps)
Are you sleeping on a 2nd floor?
If working, are there 5g transmitters present?

Ivermectin is a parasite cleanse.

Do other parasite cleanses like Blackwalnut green hull tincture and wormwood (Hulda Clarke protocol)

I have recently come to find out Hulda Clarke books are impossible to find now.
There used to be 10-50 on the shelves of every health food store.
For years I would suggest her books now I recently went looking for myself and I am stunned they cannot be found or ordered even.
A used paper back now costs $400

In one of her books she shows how to make a zapper that kills electrically for about $20 in parts.
Buy a zapper online.
It kills parasites and their life cycle.
Covid is not a virus that can be passed from person to person.
Something else happened.
It is not long covid.

The bio weapon is in the tests and the vaccine and 5g.

Almost all of long covid is sustained exposure to 5g.
Some people's system cannot tolerate it

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 04:35 PM
Strangeness in this thread at the top of the new post
Some Email Related Questions

The poster of interest in this thread has some interesting things to say, to decode?

Last time I posted my concerns from another thread it hit the fan.
So I hope this is nothing

Predicting some haunting activities on these boards tonight. Starting to get those feels.

Be safe out there and in here tonight. It’s ritual time.

edit on 31-10-2023 by ObsBartim37 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: ObsBartim37

Interesting there is a person in the discord that is speaking that way. And get this they were looking for a girl. Got a South African vibe.

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:30 PM
a reply to: eisegenesis

What is thought if not Energy And frequency?

What is energy and frequency if not Thought?

All guided by Will

posted on Oct, 31 2023 @ 06:34 PM
a reply to: SourGrapes

Happy Birthday! May your grapes be ever sweet.

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