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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:02 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Yup, and the trick would be to blame it on MAGA

edit on 14-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

oh that would be the easy part. Blame Trump's time in office for causing the confusion that allowed the attacks to occur in the first place. Maybe Space Force prevented the CIA from telling the FBI about it, or some Trump supporting Congressman stopped the intel from getting to the people that could have stopped it.

It wouldn't matter, just like after 911, the people will be too upset to understand that they are being lied too and the Bidens would just force the Media to report what they are told to report. After all, going against the narrative would just as evil as preforming the attack yourself.

Let's hope the Iranians just use the money to bloat themselves of the greed instead of doing what they got paid for (whatever the hell that might be)

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:19 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel I came across this that you might find of interest.
List of Indictments, Arrests and Executions

One can only hope but what I find disturbing is that there is no mention of the real villians of the plandemic like Albert
Bourla, Stephane Bancel, Tedros and others. Meanwhile we now have up to bat team 2.0 with Mandy K Cohen and Jeanne Marrazzo.
Trust Us Mandy K Cohen tweet

This is the third check in with her. She must be taking lessons from Biden- .37 mark- extensive testing and clinical trials. She seriously expects people to believe this when the mutations are outpacing the jab rollout. Maybe she didn't get the memo about the 8 and 11 mice.

.57 mark- 9 and 11 year old daughters.

This is one incredible and sensational list and I only am on #46. Not that I have time or would have time, but I'm curious of the crimes of a lot of these people. Celebs for example, is or most of them pedo related?

posted on Sep, 14 2023 @ 11:27 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Maybe the IRG will stiff them and take early retirement like Pregozhin did.

edit on 14-9-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 01:35 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I agree, the effort to sift through the data is a heavy overhead.

I often think of someone new trying to understand what's going on and having to take the same route we did... 6 years of practically full time double-shift effort.

We can't even say "this is the route we took - do the same" because why would they start knowing it'll take them six years... so then I guess we advise them to look at good truthers who have summarised accurately; to save time... but then that means they have to TRUST others AND to limit their discernment capability.

In summary, we have been dragged, unsuspectingly, through a much longer awakening journey than we ever thought possible BUT very few will ever be able to learn, practically, what we have - even university researchers don't put in this much effort and time.

The result, I think, is that we become like the "tribal elders"; who advise on key decisions based on being the most knowledgeable... but we can only live so long... and these lessons need to be taught to many future generations... therefore, when this is over, there will be a responsibility on us to take on Apprentices and pass our knowledge on - brings to mind the JEDI, haha.

There will be a risk that we turn into the new university professors - or the new 33rd degree freemasons - and that worries me... are we repeating a previous cycle?

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 01:46 AM
a reply to: Kaiju666

Re celebs crimes... I'd summarise as:

Adrenochrome usage,
Trafficking management,
Organ harvesting and bodily fluids usage... think makeup made of foreskins etc.

...but these are very important ones that probably don't have a statute to fall under:

Manipulating and harvesting the public's manifestation capabilities (think subliminial programming on dates etc. in films)

Corruption of public and public standards... think woke agenda, transgenderism etc.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 01:50 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Just read a bit this morning about some oddball who is determined to live forever. Besides consuming over 100 pills a day (
), he also has blood transfusions with blood taken from his son.

Gee, thanks Dad ...

Weird and evil.

edit on 15-9-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 15-9-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:38 AM
This Iran business... US allegedly to send them their billions of $'s and UK about to sign into law sanctions against Iran and nuclear proliferation by end of this month.
Maybe I'm 'reading' it all wrong, but it seems to me the right hand doesn't know what the left hand is doing.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 03:21 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

We will never know for sure if the catastrophe in Derna, Libya could have been avoided but I have my suspicions. Lack of dam maintenance is at least one contributing factor to the enormous death toll there. Gaddafi was extremely interested in water infrastructure - see the Great Man-Made River project.

NATO bombs the Great Man-Made River

NATO’s Intervention Threatens Libya’s Unique Man-Made River

Eleven years after Qaddafi’s assassination, his main legacies, including GMMR, are suffering the many consequences of the NATO-supported rebellion that ended his rule. The entire project’s infrastructure is under threat. 

And here is the mind boggling yet unsurprising spin after the mass destruction event:

“Gaddafi was never interested in developing the country, ” she said. “In terms of infrastructure the country is weak, no matter how wealthy it is.

Libya’s deadly dam collapse was decades in the making

We came, we saw, he died (Killary) serves as the perfect illustration of what is wrong with the current ‘Rules-Based International Order’.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 07:44 AM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

I remember reading similar about a year ago cavv.

I'm guessing they're just trying to push this as a soft disclosure to make it more acceptable - but what comes next if the public accepts that?

I can just imagine the defense argument of someone causing adrenochrome creation and then drinking it:

"1) M'Lud, I'm getting old and am trying to avoid dying,

2) Adrenochrome and digestion of the blood of the young rejuvenates my body,

3) Ergo it was self defence M'Lud - them or me."

I wonder what the correct prosecution response should be to such an argument?
edit on 15-9-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 11:35 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

We have something new on the radar. Penny Pritker has been nominated by Biden as the U.S Special Representative for Ukraine's Economic Recovery.
Penny Pritker - Ukraine

I do wonder about Biden's wording "This includes mobilizing public and private investment, 'shaping donor priorities', working to open up export markets..." and apparently she has deep personal connections to Ukraine. It would be interesting to know exactly what that deep connection could possibly be.

She was very close to Obama so he is the one who has personally selected her. Aside from the usual pay to play she is connected to the Paradise Papers.
She seems to have had an ethics compliance issue. Who would ever imagine such a thing?

"She had pledged to divest from more than 200 hundred firms when she was confirmed as Obama's commerce secretary in 2013 but records show that she had transferred assets to a company owned by her children's trusts."

This may be nothing but she also happens to be Jewish.

Pritker also played a big role in the Illinois Covid response.

Penny Pitker Wiki

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 11:47 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Reading through the Paradise papers guess who I stumbled across? Jeffrey Epstein!

He was the Chairman of a company called Liquid Funding Ltd. which apparently was partially owned by Bear Sterns.

Liquid Funding Ltd. names

Could it be possible that Biden and Hunter have funds hidden and could be found somewhere in these Paradise Papers. The issue I see is that the owners of the media are not reporting on these papers because they are involved as well.

Paradise Papers

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 11:57 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

We have something very, very strange. I was listening to the interview that Megyn Kelly had with President Trump. I was surprised that he agreed to do one with her but he did.

President Trump interview with Megyn Kelly

He does not make mistakes with words. First he calls the Wuhan Institute of Virology a "CLINIC". Then he brings up DUST. This is the first time I have heard this mentioned.

Could he be suggesting that the virus was a deliberate release via the defective exhaust/ ventilation system and came out as dust?

The French company Merieux built that lab and perhaps that defective system was not an error. I mean it had to be part of the plan imho.
But why use the word clinic?

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Samantha Power - Remember her?

I have been especially interested in her because of
Those with the most to lose are the loudest.
Those who 'knowingly' broke the law in a coordinated effort [treason] are the most vocal
Crimes Against Humanity.

Crimes Against Humanity- we have a link to the plandemic curtesy of Samantha herself.

Samantha Power Tweet

She is responsible for launching the Global VAX Initiative. This is more than criminal. Drumming up demand for the jab and if people were maybe concerned about taking it had she had people deployed to go door to door.

Shadow of Ezra tweet

She is now targeting Libya where "watch the water" has thousands of children missing. I believe he meant to say that she helped guide Obama to have NATO do the bombings. She has been involved in crimes against humanity in more ways than one.
Almost seems to be a hobby.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:32 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Big Pharma is on the ropes. This latest booster zero efficacy data and once again the spared people and only used 10 mice.
That's twice now using 10 mice so that gives us #1010.

Chief Nerd Tweet

One can only imagine how much stock buy backs Pfizer is doing to support their stock price.
Meanwhile -
Wallstreet apes tweet

"70-90% of their incomes come from tax payer funded government programs."

We pay for it all.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 12:54 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I wonder what the correct prosecution response should be to such an argument?

Dunno about the prosecution, Rel, but the judge's response should be,

"You are a son of a * who will hang by the neck until dead."


posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:11 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Even after all these years I am still shocked that this POS ended up as Chairman of the board for different companies. It is ridiculous and need to be brought to the attention of others that Elites sucked up to this perv, joined in with this freaking pedo fruitcake, and allowed him to "work" his way up to the status he landed on, so thank you T2 for sharing!!!!

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 02:28 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Did you see where 100,000 people showed up at the Roosevelt Hotel for a Liberal event to protest? These were former democrats who voted for lyin joe! I did not see the whole thing but it was reported that they booed AOC until she left because the crowd was angry and not having anything to do with her BS excuses. One guy that I did see interviewed sounded kinda like he had been reading this thread............Anyway it gave me hope that the truth is being read somewhere and that is thanks to people like you REl &T2 & many others in this thread, on this site as well as others!!!!!!

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 06:46 PM
Swift is laying the groundwork for a global, interoperable blockchain ecosystem - SDX's Alex Kech

The Society for Worldwide Interbank Financial Telecommunications (Swift) recently released the results of experiments it conducted with Chainlink (LINK), a leading Web3 service platform, which demonstrated that Swift infrastructure is capable of facilitating the transfer of tokenized value across multiple public and private blockchain networks.

Interoperability between blockchain networks has become a central theme in the ongoing development of distributed ledger technology as the list of digital assets continues to grow, while the majority of central banks around the world are also exploring the creation of central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) that will be able to transact on blockchain payment rails.

So they’re all securely connected to Swift, and they used this secure access to the Swift network, along with a bridge built by Chainlink, to move an asset from a private blockchain to a public chain, a public chain to another chain, and so on,” he said. “If you imagine a world where everything is tokenized on blockchains, we end up with a global infrastructure where any digital asset can be exchanged and traded with another digital asset, similar to what happens on Ethereum.”

SWIFT has the amazing advantage of having a global network of 11,000 financial institutions connected to the SWIFT network,” he said. “I think they will need to expand their services into something that is capable of supporting banks in terms of node management or in terms of direct access to blockchains.”

From Remittances to Retail: Why Ripple Believes CBDCs Will Change Global Payments

as the world increasingly embraces digital transactions, the notion of a sovereign digital currency has gained traction, with central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) in particular emerging as a promising solution to legacy payment bottlenecks and frictions across both retail and cross-border payments.

Wallis explains that underlying the attraction is the fact that CBDCs enable pure, peer-to-peer (P2P) payments, cutting out risks and allowing for quicker transactions — making them well-suited for cross-border remittances, as they can significantly streamline the process.

Additionally, the decentralized nature of blockchain technology, which underpins CBDCs, provides a compelling balance between the much-needed security and trust of central banks and the innovative advantages and synergies of decentralization.

The World Is Moving Toward a Digital Future

As alternative payment vehicles continue to ride the wave of digitization, solutions like CBDCs and the Ripple CBDC Platform are transforming the retail and cross-border payments landscape by providing a secure and efficient method that can work in tandem with traditional systems.

But the spear tip of innovation, no matter how groundbreaking, is ill-advised to make a clean break from preexisting systems.

“A retail CBDC has to interoperate with the existing world and existing payment schemes,” Wallis said. “If you want to go and buy coffee, the merchant has to be able to accept the CBDC the same way as if you went in to pay with cash or with a credit card. … You’ve got the old world and the new world sort of coming together.”

PayPal Revolutionizes Digital Asset Services, Unveils Web3 Payment Integration

In a groundbreaking move, global payment giant PayPal has once again expanded its digital asset services, opening up new avenues for users to buy and sell cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin. On September 11th, PayPal introduced a series of innovative on- and off-ramps for Web3 payments, a development set to reshape the landscape of cryptocurrency transactions in the United States.

The highlight of this announcement is PayPal’s introduction of an off-ramp feature that empowers users in the United States to effortlessly convert their cryptocurrency holdings into U.S. dollars directly from their digital wallets and seamlessly integrate them into their PayPal balance. This marks a significant step forward in bridging the gap between traditional financial systems and the rapidly evolving world of cryptocurrencies.

This exciting development is not limited to PayPal alone; it extends its reach to digital wallets, decentralized applications, and nonfungible token (NFT) marketplaces, ushering in a new era of convenience and accessibility for cryptocurrency enthusiasts. These off-ramp capabilities are now readily available and fully operational on MetaMask, a leading digital wallet solution that has garnered a loyal following in the Web3 ecosystem. ion-69501.php/amp

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 07:02 PM
Those who don't fully understand the underlying mechanisms of cryptocurrency, digital currency, CBDCs, UPI, IoT, tokenization, blockchain, digital wallets, digital ID, web3 (web4 & 5), etc... believe me, they are literally banking on the public's lack of understanding, lack of awareness to help them usher in these new changes. The less you understand, the less you know, the less you pay attention, the easier it is for them to create this infrastructure right in front of our faces while most are none the wiser. They build the corrals and simply herd us through. If they do an excellent job at this, it will be like that trick where the magician pulls the tablecloth from under the dishes and nothing moves out of place. Many people won't even realize that we've transitioned to a digital economy.
But if it's not a seamless transition, expect the dishes to crash all over the floor. They don't really care either way, honestly. As long as they come out unscathed. That's the only thing that matters in their sick world.

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