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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 07:53 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
Those who don't fully understand the underlying mechanisms of cryptocurrency, digital currency, CBDCs, UPI, IoT, tokenization, blockchain, digital wallets, digital ID, web3 (web4 & 5), etc... believe me, they are literally banking on the public's lack of understanding, lack of awareness to help them usher in these new changes. The less you understand, the less you know, the less you pay attention, the easier it is for them to create this infrastructure right in front of our faces while most are none the wiser. They build the corrals and simply herd us through. If they do an excellent job at this, it will be like that trick where the magician pulls the tablecloth from under the dishes and nothing moves out of place. Many people won't even realize that we've transitioned to a digital economy.
But if it's not a seamless transition, expect the dishes to crash all over the floor. They don't really care either way, honestly. As long as they come out unscathed. That's the only thing that matters in their sick world.

That's me! I don't know that I'll ever understand the concept of imaginary assets like Bitcoin. What I DO understand is they will be able to eventually track every penny every person spends if our currency goes digital.
If I earn $500.00 the government, and if I give it to someone at Christmas it will be added to their income total to be taxed again. If they spend it at a store, they'll pay tax, and the store will again pay tax on that same $500.00.

Not only that, that gift may put the recipient over the poverty level limit so they no longer qualify for reduced health insurance, low income housing, or many of the subsidized programs they now enjoy. No more double-dipping for them!

No more working under the table to make ends meet, either. I have a kid that works for far less than her position pays-because she's a single parent and it allows her to have hours that optimize her time spent with her child. Her employer makes up the difference by allowing groceries, gas and other necessities to be purchased on a company card.

But it's coming, and there's no closing the barn door now. 50 years from now we'll probably be paying carbon tax on the air we breathe for each family member.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:37 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

In the end, Roman coinage was more valuable as jewelry than as the coins they were meant to be, even taxes were paid via barter then by coinage.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 08:52 PM

“On September 13th,2023, a panel bravely exposed the WHO(World Health Organization) for the criminal organization it is,and proved that Covid is indeed a bioweapon”

a reply to: Thoughtful2

"For the past decade I have worked with Ashton on child protection issues," said Thorn board member Ernie Allen. "He has been a strong champion for children and worked tirelessly to protect them from sexual abuse. Through the creation of the DNA Foundation that later became Thorn, he helped build the organization into a major global resource for law enforcement, tech companies and others in the fight against child sexual exploitation. He made a difference."ashtin
thorn update

Today we are sharing that Ashton Kutcher, our co-founder, will be resigning from his role as Board Chair at Thorn, effective immediately. This decision is rooted in the recognition of recent events and ensuring Thorn remains focused on its mission: to build technology to defend children from sexual abuse. 


edit on 2023/9/15 by CrazyFox because:

Part 1 of 2. Q PROOF. You are watching a show. As we watch this Gaetz v McCarthy drama unfold. Remember Q already showed us.... Exactly to the day 5 years from when this was dropped on Jan 07, 2023 McCarthy won the Speaker of the House seat. He won on the 15th vote. Bob Good voted 'present' allowing McCarthy to win. There is only 2 ways this could be possible. Time travel? Or.. It's scripted.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 09:11 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Observationalist

We have something very, very strange. I was listening to the interview that Megyn Kelly had with President Trump. I was surprised that he agreed to do one with her but he did.

President Trump interview with Megyn Kelly

He does not make mistakes with words. First he calls the Wuhan Institute of Virology a "CLINIC". Then he brings up DUST. This is the first time I have heard this mentioned.

Could he be suggesting that the virus was a deliberate release via the defective exhaust/ ventilation system and came out as dust?

The French company Merieux built that lab and perhaps that defective system was not an error. I mean it had to be part of the plan imho.
But why use the word clinic?

DUST Returns some interesting results in Germatrix

One is Usdt

Tether (often referred to by its currency codes, USD₮ and USDT, among others) is a cryptocurrency stablecoin, launched by the company Tether Limited Inc. in 2014.[3] As of July 2022, Tether Limited has minted the USDT stablecoin on ten protocols and blockchains.[1] Tether is described as a stablecoin because it was originally designed to be valued at US$1.00.

Tisk tisk

Research by Griffin and Shams found that Bitcoin prices increased after Tether minted new USD₮ during market downturns. They speculated this was an attempt at market manipulation.[33]

And to keep with my music obsession.

A few pages in on that Gematrix search for DUST

Appreciate Q 394 666 111
President A 394 666 111

There are lots of these triplets results for such a short word.
edit on 15-9-2023 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 09:33 PM
a reply to: nugget1

You may not understand the intricacies of the digital infrastructure but it seems like you get the gist of where we're headed, that's all that matters. I don't understand the full scope of how it all works either, but I don't care. To me, its all just a game. One I have zero interest in playing. At least, not by their rules.

You're right, crypto/digital is imaginary. The monetary system we're in now is also imaginary. Everything here is an illusion when you get down to it. They create the gameboard, the pieces and the rules. When the game devolves into pure chaos, it becomes unmanageable..corrupted beyond function. Time to wipe the board clean and start over. New game, new pieces. More or less, same rules.

posted on Sep, 15 2023 @ 10:07 PM
a reply to: Ektar
This popped up

Smiling is good
You Would NEVER See This Reported In The Media. They’re Losing Control
Crowd Gathers To Protest New York City Mayor Eric Adams Calling Him Biden’s B*tch
“B*tch you the b*tch. You the b*tch. You the b*tch. You the b*tch.”

Hong Kong Braces for More Flooding as Red Rainstorm Warning Issued

Warnings of Impending Flooding Today, the Hong Kong Observatory raised a red rainstorm warning, prompting fears of flooding in multiple areas in Chai Wan, including Hing Tsui Estate’s parking lots. This warning comes close on the heels of last week’s “black rain” event, which led to extensive water damage to numerous private cars in the Hing Tsui Estate parking lots. The water level had risen above the bonnets of some vehicles, indicating the severity of the situation.

Concerns Over Repeat of Last Week’s Flooding
In response to the warning signal, several netizens shared updates about the situation in Hing Tsui Estate and its parking lots, showcasing minor flooding and gradually rising water levels. The concern is that there may be a repeat of last week’s severe flooding, causing further damage. As a result, these netizens are urging car owners to move their vehicles as quickly as possible to avoid potential damage.
terrible storm coming to drive your cars, wow, spit in my face and say it's raining. Be sure to wear a life jacket
India too

edit on 2023/9/15 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 12:09 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

Observationalist, also top result for CLINIC is OBAMA... so indicating OBAMA the driver behind Wuhan?
It has almost 4 times as many hits as any of the other results.


posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 01:09 AM
John Thaler is set to release his book 'Report to the Governor' in a few days on the 19th September. It will stir up the hornets nest again as it links to the evidence.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 04:00 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
Thank you.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 04:31 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
There's an awful lot of WATER sloshing around!

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel
Lot's of crazy weather

APOCALYPSE IN LIBYA After catastrophic rainfall and flooding, dam bursting, resulting in thousands of dead and tens of thousands missing and displaced, here is a video a tornado that literally destroys everything and carries it before it

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 07:34 AM
a reply to: Observationalist

smart dust

What you are looking at, is the full scientific breakdown of how they use smartdust as a biomonitering tool and then adapt viral agents around genetic biomarkers. Effectively allowing them to terminate people at will based off of unique markers that could be racial, gender oriented, or individualized etc etc.

edit on 9/16/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: more

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 09:31 AM
"Watch the water'- or lack thereof. Arizona's troubles from greed and mismanagement are coming home to roost.

The United States has been pumping so much groundwater that the ground is beginning to split open across southwestern parts of the country for miles on end.

These giant cracks, aka fissures, have been spotted in states including Arizona, Utah, and California.

But humans are pumping groundwater faster than Earth can naturally replenish it.

When too much groundwater gets pumped up from the natural aquifers below the surface, it causes the land to sag and create these cracks, Joseph Cook, who researches Earth fissures at the Arizona Geological Survey, told Insider.

A recent New York Times investigation noted that the fissures are evidence of a national crisis.

The Times investigated water levels at tens of thousands of sites across the US. It reported that the aquifers, which supply about 90% of US water systems, are being depleted so severely they may not be able to recover.


Also, my recent intro to gematria left me wondering what kind of Voodoo this was. Just for fun I typed in 'Joseph Robinette Biden Jr.'; WOW! That was an eye-opener!

I read an article recently about Joe's campaigning, where he gives a short intro and turns the mic over to Jill to deliver the speech. The author suggested that Jill will be the one to replace Joe at the last minute. Hmm.....

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 09:56 AM
Made a thread and trust me you will want to read this!

Libya Floods - 20,000 Dead. Hidden Attack To Send A Message?


Pay special attention to the involvement of the global leader for kidnap and ransom resolution who is building a huge port 40 miles from flood ravaged Derna and also specializes in disaster response (as in, you know... flooding)!
edit on 16-9-2023 by MindBodySpiritComplex because: (no reason given)

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm under some heavy censorship atm so if I can't link I would appreciate it if someone could assist. I must be over target for things to be this difficult. Thanks.

Chinese News Network has just come out with a clip stating that President Trump awarded Fauci a Presidential Commendation. This is coming from the interview with Megan Kelly when she asked him one of her infamous "gotcha" questions about why he gave Fauci the Commendation. He claimed that someone gave it to him but wasn't really aware of exactly who.
Many people continue to be very critical of Operation Warp Speed because this allowed bad actors to introduce the mRNA part 2 bioweapon.
As soon as I saw this I went a hunting and we know something is up. Goog has the "results changing rapidly" so we know they are cooking up something.

I then went to the National Archives and yes Fauci did receive a Presidential Commendation on January 19, 2021.
Fauci was just one of 51 people involved in Operation Warp Speed that received the Presidential Commendation.

It would have been impossible to not include him but from what I can see they want to make it look like Fauci was singled out for special recognition.

From the timing of this award, the very last day of Presidency I suspect he very well may have not had eyes on this issue.

National Archives Presidential Commendations

Chinese News Network

I got the links to finally work.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 10:41 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I'm under some heavy censorship atm so if I can't link I would appreciate it if someone could assist. I must be over target for things to be this difficult. Thanks.

Chinese News Network has just come out with a clip stating that President Trump awarded Fauci a Presidential Commendation. This is coming from the interview with Megan Kelly when she asked him one of her infamous "gotcha" questions about why he gave Fauci the Commendation. He claimed that someone gave it to him but wasn't really aware of exactly who.
Many people continue to be very critical of Operation Warp Speed because this allowed bad actors to introduce the mRNA part 2 bioweapon.
As soon as I saw this I went a hunting and we know something is up. Goog has the "results changing rapidly" so we know they are cooking up something.

I then went to the National Archives and yes Fauci did receive a Presidential Commendation on January 19, 2021.
Fauci was just one of 51 people involved in Operation Warp Speed that received the Presidential Commendation.

It would have been impossible to not include him but from what I can see they want to make it look like Fauci was singled out for special recognition.

From the timing of this award, the very last day of Presidency I suspect he very well may have not had eyes on this issue.

National Archives Presidential Commendations

Chinese News Network

I got the links to finally work.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 11:06 AM
Anti Trump easter egg to be used later as foder ... imo

a reply to: Thoughtful2
BTW - You have a PM - bread is going stale

His second one
Bush did Too

At a White House ceremony on June 19, President Bush awarded the nation’s highest civilian medal to six Americans, including Anthony S. Fauci, M.D., ’62, director of the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases.

A classics major with a premed concentration during his undergraduate years, Fauci has credited Holy Cross with instilling in him alifelong commitment to social justice.

Social Justice Bush Warrior Fauci - makes a ton of sense

The Caveat in presidential medal ceremonies

The award is generally presented by the President at a White House ceremony.

PDF - A Guide to Major Congressional and
Presidential Awards

Typically these events are filmed so I suspect someone took it upon themselves to present.... Show me the film

edit on 9162023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 11:45 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

Things are getting very intense here so I think the best thing to do is summarize some important events taking place. The uploading of links are blocked for me. Maybe people here will have better luck linking them.

-Robert F. Kennedy Jr was making a speech yesterday and a heavily armed man wearing fake ID was detained. It is believed that this was a planned assassination attempt. He has posted this on his twitter account. He is highlighting this-

"He is the first presidential candidate in history that the White House has denied a request for protection."
Reference Robert F. Kennedy Jr twitter

- From the White House- Welcome.US
I covered this quite awhile ago because Albert Bourla became a member. Recap this organization is made up of CEO's of some very large corporations with key resources to support the Biden administration's efforts to assist illegal immigrants.
Biden is bringing together the White House and Welcome US to form a public- private partnership.

"launched a historic expansion of lawful pathways for people seeking safety and refuge in the U.S. while surging resources to the border for humane enforcement."

This is historic in more ways than one. These corporations will be providing all kinds of benefits for these illegals along with a focus of getting them high quality jobs in the U.S., which of course would never be given to a U.S. citizen.

Moving right along...
- Another blow to Obama and the Dreamers Dreams. DACA has been declared illegal by a federal judge in Texas.
Reference- Federal Judge Again Declares Obama-era DACA program unlawful.

Now for the 7's.
Eyes on the G77 + China meeting in Cuba.
It seems the 80% want a new world order. "Trust Us" Chyna will ensure everything will be fair and equitable.
Reference- News: G77+ China Summit in Cuba calls for new global order.

-Circling the wagons for President Trump-Adam Schiftty Schiff is thrilled that Colorado is trying to ban President Trump from the ballot by using the 14th amendment. He states that if Colorado is successful it will lead the way for other states. He emphasizes that if successful President Trump would be unable to run for any office. Ironically he is standing beside a sign FF.
This might be with Shadows of Ezra tweet.

- According to Chuck Callesto twitter- Biden's Tiktok army was financed by George Soros to the tune of $5.5 million for 2020 and 2021. These activists were completely unbiased.

As for the DUST and Clinic- using both gematria pulled up a couple of interesting ones Trump Card, Keystone.
The clinic part - how does this fit?

-Circling back to Oprah and the Maui.
January 2023 she tweeted "Y'all should come here. Hashtag Hawaii, State of health. That's the aloha spirit."

March 2023 she paid $6.6 6illion for 870 acres in Kula so that they can 6uild 6ack 6etter.
Two parcels 10 acres each were sold in Dec. via Harpo Inc. $100,000 each.
#1010 and the connection to 100 days mission.

Reference - Oprah Winfrey's Property in Maui-Details, Photos, History

My apologies to everyone.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 12:13 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

I looked for a Youtube or anything at all to show that President Trump personally presented that Presidential Commendation award to Fauci and friends. Being his last day in office I would suspect that he was busy with other things. Anyway I didn't find anything so who knows maybe someone was cleaning up some loose ends.

Message received. Holy smokes that is a smoking gun. How did you find that? Highly controversial indeed. "There are many who believe such research should not be undertaken lest it be ...yet another method of massive killing of large populations."

HIV/Cancer and who knows what other gems they have in the tool kit. You should post it to the thread for one and all to see how casually they decide our fate.

I have been wondering about the emphasis on 100. We have 100 Days Mission, 100 days book to prevent the next plandemic and this number is littered here there and everywhere.

However there is one person who connects with this- Henry Kissinger turned 100 May 27 [77] 1923 and he has certain views that would line up if you know what I mean.

posted on Sep, 16 2023 @ 01:33 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

I looked for a Youtube or anything at all to show that President Trump personally presented that Presidential Commendation award to Fauci and friends.

All I could find on the presentation of Fauci's medal was 'The Public Welfare Medal will be presented to Anthony S. Fauci during the Academy's 158th annual meeting.'

In 2020 the 'First-Ever Presidential Citation for Exemplary Leadership' was given to Anthony Fauci during the 50th Annual Meeting of the National Academy of Medicine (NAM), and presented by president Victor J. Dzau.

I'm not finding any pics of an awards ceremony at the WH where Fauci was given the medal, but rather he was presented with them at other venues.

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