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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 11:22 AM
a reply to: purplemer

I was drawn to the symbolism of 2 separate hands on the left becoming 2 conjoined hands on the right!

Just edited my post to add reference to Trump's Taj Mahal casino closing 4 weeks before his election, on Oct 11, 2016!!

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 11:52 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Rel so sorry that I seem to be having issues with linking.

Wallstreet Apes tweeted more about the Maui fire.
I'm wondering specifically about his tweet about FEMA and the U.S. Corps of Engineers Operation Blue Roof Program.
With all the controversy swirling around the DEW and the inability or programming to not damage blue colored items I wonder if that links to

The U.S Army Corp of Engineers use that specific tarp to cover roofs that have been damaged by weather.
This just stands out to me.
Honolulu Taskforce Riseup completed their 100th temporary emergency roof installation June 27, 2023.
The Maui fire was August 8th. That means 11 days between the two events.

Then there is #756 clip

That DEW could be the Sky_Beam referred here. That post also links to the Pacific.

Wall Street Apes in separate tweets -
Pelletir, the Maui police chief and coroner and link to the Vegas shooting received a 28% [10] raise 50 days before the fire.
The neighboring island of Lanai found 183 bodies washed ashore. Those people drowned trying to get away from the fire.

800 are still missing as of yesterday.
500 children are still missing.
August 25 this tweet had 666.5 views.

The next tweet-
The people in Lahaina are living out of cars and are receiving next to no help from the government.
75% of the burn zone has not been searched yet. The death toll may reach 2000 people.
A double whammy- You will own nothing and be happy doesn't really apply here. Maui is dependent on tourism and that obviously will dry up and they will loose their jobs.

This is weird. The Hungarian government is helping Maui. They have sent 20 collapsible containers by C17 aircraft to house 250 Maui families, meanwhile Biden has offered $700 per family. Another 7. But he plans to 6uild 6back 6etter.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:06 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Mandy Cohen posted her "Check-In With Dr. Cohen" special lecture on you must trust us and get the jabs, even for those who didn't take any.
I just wonder about her claim of 10,000 hospitalizations since she doesn't clarify if they are there because of Covid or some other reason and just happen to test positive with one of those wildly accurate test kits.

I see some people are struggling with Trust the Science. 453.7K views with 249 likes.

Let's see the video length is 4.52 [11] minutes in length.

The number of Trust the Science signs seems to be dwindling although there are a couple of holdouts. But them again they flew the Ukraine flag.

Link is still not working.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Sending prayers & hope all goes very well!


posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 12:42 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

T2, feeling a bit spooked re Blue tarps as I bought 2 when I was building my prepping arsenal... at the time I thought I'd use them to collect water from the atmosphere but now they might save my home from being DEWd?

June 27th to Aug 8th = 42 days not 11?

Thinking about 183 drowned bodies washed ashore... That implies a lot more were in the sea and could swim to standing depth in the sea? Maybe a thousand?

Re 700 dollars each for aid - an insult when FEMA is putting their agents up in $1000 a night hotels with bar tabs - that's $7k/week per agent easy - twenty times as much as the people for just a fortnight!

edit on 27-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: Ektar

Cheers Ektar

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:12 PM
President Joe Biden says he will request more funding for a new coronavirus vaccine

President Joe Biden said Friday that he is planning to request more money from Congress to develop another new coronavirus vaccine, as scientists track new waves and hospitalizations rise, though not like before.

Officials are already expecting updated COVID-19 vaccines that contain one version of the omicron strain, called XBB.1.5. It’s an important change from today’s combination shots, which mix the original coronavirus strain with last year’s most common omicron variants. But there will always be a need for updated vaccines as the virus continues to mutate.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:26 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Re BRICS/Taj Mahal decode... I've just noticed that MONSOON season there starts in AUGUST... Let it RAIN!

May also tien in to this post #747

Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 87df69 No.351238 📁
Feb 12 2018 11:35:37 (EST)
Flowers & Gardens.
Learn the hidden📁
What does a 'Flower' represent?
What does 'Deflower' represent?

edit on 27-8-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: socialmediaclown
So, by definition it is not a vaccine. At best, it's a prophylactic

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:26 PM
New Zealand is partnering with BlackRock in aim to reach 100% renewable electricity

New Zealand's government said it will partner with U.S. investment giant BlackRock in its aim to become one of the first nations in the world to have its electricity grid run entirely from renewable energy.

The government said it was helping BlackRock launch a $1.2 billion fund to ramp up investments in wind and solar generation, as well as battery storage and green hydrogen. Some of the investment is expected to come from government-owned companies.

This is a gamechanger for the clean-tech sector, and an example of the pragmatic and practical steps the government's taking to accelerate climate action while actually growing our economy and creating jobs,” Prime Minister Chris Hipkins told reporters in Auckland.

Hipkins said the fund would allow New Zealand companies to produce intellectual property that could be commercialized across the world.

BlackRock released few details about the planned 2 billion New Zealand dollar ($1.22 billion) fund, but did say it would initially target institutional investors. It was the first time BlackRock had launched an initiative of its kind, said Andrew Landman, the head of BlackRock in Australia and New Zealand.< br />

Arthur Hayes Says Larry Fink and BlackRock Coming for Bitcoin and Crypto Industry – Here’s How

What I’m trying to say is that crypto itself was never the problem – this issue is who owns it. Does it make sense now why banks and asset managers all of a sudden warmed up to crypto as soon as their competition was deaded?

They know the government is coming for their deposit base, and they need to make sure that the only available antidote to inflation, crypto, is under their control. TradFi banks and asset managers will offer crypto exchange-traded funds (ETF) or similar type managed products that give the client a crypto derivative in exchange for fiat cash.

The crypto billionaire says that BlackRock, the largest asset manager in the world, will likely attempt to corner much of Bitcoin’s consensus network, as well as the mining industry.

Larry Fink doesn’t give two f**ks about decentralization. His business is based on centralizing assets at BlackRock.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 03:48 PM
The Metaverse’s Surprising Role in Combating Global Warming

For many technology enthusiasts, the metaverse holds the promise of revolutionizing nearly every aspect of daily living, from professional pursuits to learning experiences to leisure activities. Now, a recent study from Cornell University indicates that the environment could also benefit from the metaverse.

The study reveals that the metaverse has the potential to reduce the global surface temperature by as much as 0.02 degrees Celsius by the end of the century.

One thing that did surprise us is that this metaverse is going to grow much quicker than what we expected,” said Fengqi You, professor in energy systems engineering and the paper’s senior author. “Look at earlier technologies – TV, for instance. It took decades to be eventually adopted by everyone. Now we are really in an age of technological explosion. Think of our smartphones. They grew very fast

These findings could help policymakers understand how metaverse industry growth can accelerate progress toward achieving net-zero emissions targets and spur more flexible decarbonization strategies. Metaverse-based remote working, distance learning, and virtual tourism could be promoted to improve air quality. In addition to alleviating air pollutant emissions, the reduction of transportation and commercial energy usage could help transform the way energy is distributed, with more energy supply going towards the residential sector.

Ripple and Crypto Heavyweights Invest in New Artificial Intelligence Metaverse Project

While we’re at the earliest stages of what a project like this – and really the larger concept of the metaverse – can achieve, we at Ripple are thrilled to contribute to the foundational infrastructure layer and provide real utility to the end users of the open metaverse.”

The Root Network is a blockchain and suite of protocols with “ready-made runtimes” for building metaverse apps, games and experiences, and already allows for integration with Ripple’s XRP Ledger (XRPL).

Futureverse, which was formed last year by combining 11 startup tech firms, is developing projects that combine AI and blockchain technology for users in the metaverse.

Futureverse has developed an immersive and vertically-integrated metaverse platform that acts as an AI technology provider, metaverse infrastructure builder, layer 1 architect, creative studio, and digital community all-in-one.”

Ripple Confident Of US Banks Using XPR In Cross-Border Payments; BoA Trains New Hires In Metaverse To Deal With Robberies

Blockchain start-up Ripple has expressed confidence that US banks and other financial institutions will adapt XPR cryptocurrency in their cross-border payments.

The San Francisco-based firm also aims to start talks with the American financial firms about using its on-demand liquidity (ODL) product, which uses XRP for money transfers, in the third quarter, CNBC reported.

Bank of America (BoA) is using a hybrid of artificial intelligence (AI) and virtual reality (VR) metaverse to train new staff in anything from dealing with irate clients to bank robberies.

The bank’s 2,000 new hires go through a week-long training regimen that includes donning a VR headset to practise responding to a variety of simulated events, according to July 13 Bloomberg report.

The VR scenarios range from everyday ones, such assisting a disgruntled customer or questioning one who requests a huge sum of cash, to extreme ones, like a full-fledged bank robbery.

The new trainees will also unwind in virtual reality by relaxing on an island or riding a unicorn. -trains-new-hires-in-metaverse-to-deal-with-robberies-news-303606/amp
edit on 27-8-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 04:01 PM
Not sure what Dan Scavino is tweeting here with this 2:20 vid at 15:50 EST:

Seems innocent enough... "Living in the Hall of Fame", large crowds, celebrating the military...

...But then it moves to Asia and cross references a Mr Pool post at 2:05 (5by5):

...Before ending with 2 seconds of this "SOLENT GREENIS productions" SWAMP scene, at 2:18 to 2:20:

Now, one might say he just used someone else's video... but you'll note this was NOT a retweet!
...And you know Dan is very precise on content and timing of videos HE posts - Why would he leave 2 seconds of a swamp scene that hints at Humans as food (Soylent Green film)?

Is he indicating at reveals that trafficking is about more than sex and slavery?

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 05:27 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi

Is he indicating at reveals that trafficking is about more than sex and slavery?

A friend of mine from back in the day, told me that a warehouse that got stormed in Ukraine had people in cages for organ transfers, but also said that there was a butcher shop (so to speak) in the place for the extra meat that was leftover when the organs were taken out.

Food or Pets indeed. It would seem that people that weren't attractive enough for slaves or held over of organ "donations" and food for the poor. This was before he was assigned to the Polish border. He fled the country when he got word that volunteers were being driven to the board and killed.

He's in hiding now, and I have no idea where he went off to. Before he left the grid, he said that by the time everything in Ukraine is exposed, the US is going to make Nazi Germany look like a nice and friendly place. He was both scared and pissed. I never seen him scared before.

I brought this all up before in the Ukrainian thread, but I asked him for some of the evidence he has (photos and some taken documents from the warehouse), but he wants to keep them for proof of crimes that he saw there. I did see some of the photos, they weren't anything I would post here. The people in the cages that had to be released were horrific at best. This warehouse by chance was reportedly destroyed by Russia, but the evidence says Ukraine did it and only blamed Russia.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 06:08 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 06:16 PM
We can't pay': A growing wave of student loan borrowers are likely to refuse to resume repayment in October, new survey finds — here’s why many are on the brink of boycott

, a new survey from student and education research publication revealed that 62% of respondents said they are considering boycotting loan payments in the fall as almost half of them doubt they will be able to afford those payments.

Twenty-nine-year-old Shahem Mclaurin took to TikTok to ask hard questions about whether borrowers like him should protest what many view as systemic unfairness by refusing to pay back their loans.

Are we not paying — like collectively, as a whole,” he said in the viral video, “meaning if you put a payment down you are breaking, you’re crossing the line?”

“How are we going to move? Because they can’t keep getting away with this stuff … if we don’t pay, they are the ones who are going to suffer, not us.”

Corporate America Panics As 'Student Loan' Chatter Hits Record On Earnings Calls

Corporate America is panicking this earnings season as the prospect of more than 40 million Americans carrying student debt will have to start making payments in October after a three-year-long payment forbearance that had artificially boosted disposable incomes by tens of billions of dollars.

Company execs have already warned investors what's about the incoming spending cliff:

Target's CFO Michael Fiddelke

"The upcoming resumption of student loan repayments will put additional pressure on the already strained budgets of tens of millions of households ... We remain cautious in our planning."

Levi's CEO Chip Bergh

"It's not going to help us ... The consumer is already under pressure and this is just going to ratchet that up even further."

Macy's CFO Adrian Mitchell

"The expiration of student loan forgiveness beginning in October, higher interest rate levels, and lower new job creation are all new pressures on the consumer."

A looming consumer spending cliff has corporate America in a panic. This seems deflationary.

Retailers brace for resumption of student loan payments

Retailers are going into the rest of 2023 facing uncertainty as student loan payments threaten to cut Americans' disposable income.,to%20cut%20Americans'%2 0disposable%20income.

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 06:27 PM

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:11 PM
- 17

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 08:41 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 09:03 PM

posted on Aug, 27 2023 @ 09:29 PM
a reply to: duncanhidao

McCarthy guaranteeing an Impeachment Inquiry of Biden today is being broadcast by the MSM. Democrat voters are angry at Republicans now, feeling the inquiry is baseless. Just attempted payback for Trump's indictments.

Boy are they in for a surprise!

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