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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---ASCENSION--- -Part- --43--

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posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:31 AM
a reply to: Ektar


posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:23 AM

Emotions Cloud Judgment = They Thought We Would Follow the Stars = Tech
Elections = 2 Horse Race = MSM Controls Coverage / Sway Opinions = Coin Flip
Illusion of Choice = They Never Thought She Would Lose + God Woke Many Up Early
Blind Panic = System Exposes Itself = Plan Failed = All in the Same Boat Now
Probability Theories: Monte Carlo / What If = Rare Events = No Other Way [Except 1]
Against the Odds = A Miracle = Needle in a Haystack = God Does Not Play Dice
God Showing Us THE WAY = Trust = Step by Step = United with Love Wins the Peace
Peace = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

nowayreally - prayers for comfort & healing
edit on 7-10-2023 by brewtiger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:26 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Its been awhile. Nice to see you.
We need some good news and a plan.

The Fat Emperor

This paperclip resistance- simple and inexpensive and sends a message. There are more people aware of what is happening than TPTB would like to acknowledge.
Do you think it would work here?

I saw last winter people wearing Catturd's hats so that is a another way to identify who is awake and who isn't.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:33 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox

I'm in a bit of a rush today but this speaks for itself.

Covid mRNA Nasal Spray

We just need to follow Bill Gates latest book to see what's up next. Sniffing stations and monthly sniffs for children at school.
And who can forget about the GERM teams. I guess they could have competing GERM teams like the Olympics. Yearly competitions, medals and travel abroad.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 10:36 AM
Gavin Newsome- We can't let taxpayers have a say

Californians have had it. Time to end the tax bait and switch.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 11:30 AM
Q #2337 5 year delta on 10/4

ISRAELi intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.

Today Israel is in the news involving war

Today is 10/7. Also Putins birthday.

There have been triplet earthquakes, 6.0 in Mexico, 6.3 in Afghanistan, and 6.7 in papa New Guinea.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 12:22 PM

originally posted by: G005E
Q #2337 5 year delta on 10/4

ISRAELi intelligence - stand down.
Media assets will be removed.

Today Israel is in the news involving war

Today is 10/7. Also Putins birthday.

There have been triplet earthquakes, 6.0 in Mexico, 6.3 in Afghanistan, and 6.7 in papa New Guinea.

"Stand down" could be interpreted to mean two things. First, caught with their pants down; or, more directly, they were told to stand down for political reasons even though intel indicated an attack would occur.



posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: F2d5thCavv2

Well, with no speaker the US can’t do much to declare assistance.
Hamas is trying to get the IDF to attack in mass. At that point Hezbollah said they would have no choice but to join against IDF. Then that gets Syria, Egypt, and turkey involved.
Could also be mossad FF, who knows.
There’s always the “saving Israel for last”
edit on 7-10-2023 by G005E because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 01:56 PM

originally posted by: Bwarefalsprofits
a reply to: G005E

I'm observing the nonstop data dumping. The decodes, the alleged connections made through numbers, symbols, all really amounts to nothing. Which is precisely the original intent behind these practices. Create a massive labyrinth, let the rats explore the maze but never allow them to find the exit. Everything in this bubble serves the purpose of keeping our monkey minds focused on problems with no solutions. What if people dropped the old "maps", rendered a vision of new territory and redraw the maps from that vision. Rather than trying to render new territory from the same old maps. Which appears to be the process at hand. The new maps might reveal new data. New data is the crucial missing link.

There is quite a bit of truth in what you say.
But one has to understand what is going on in this thread. No one here is an elite insider. We are average people looking for a way to pry our way into the truth when the truth is actively hidden. We are looking for a way to do something about the issues we can see, when it seems all avenues to action are blocked. We can see there is much rotten in our current systems, but those systems are designed to be that way and to stay that way.

Posters here are doing what they can. A lot more of exposing problems than exposing solutions. Solutions are hard to come by. Personally, I feel powerless. Powerless in the face of corruption that is often absurdly obvious yet seems to get its way.

You are right. The old maps do not seem to be working. We do need a new vision and a new map. Something to lead us to a place where constructive change can HAPPEN. We need a new kind of crowbar to pry open the locked Pandora’s box of corruption, not to release it, but to clean it out. Some people think that would be Q. Some people think that would be Trump. But anyone that even attempts it is being fought tooth and nail. Honestly, I don’t see a whole lot of winning going on. Yet.

So, if you have a new tool, a new idea, a new anything that would lead to even a tiny positive change actually occurring… please share. That’s what the posters here are trying the best they can to do.
edit on 10/7/2023 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 02:46 PM
a reply to: G005E

I recently saw on the news that the US told Isreal to stand down or refrain from entering into a altercation. All of this happening is just so interesting when we consider Biden gave Iran all of those frozen assets back. Such a coincidence that Hamas starts their crap after that. Almost like it was planned.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 04:11 PM
a reply to: G005E

Today is 10/7. Also Putins birthday.

His 71st birthday. 71:17 mirror. Putin today became Q. He sent all the drops back through time from 2023/2024.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 07:04 PM
a reply to: nowayreally

NWR, sorry to hear about your diagnosis!

There's a lot more good information on alternative treatments over the last few years.

Thank you for the info about blood transfusions; I'll look out for that in the UK.

posted on Oct, 7 2023 @ 09:10 PM
Stocks could tumble 20% as steeper interest rates bite - and a recession seems inevitable, JPMorgan's chief strategist says

Kolanovic asserted the US economy is deteriorating, and that's likely to be a drag on the stock market too.he economic backdrop is also deteriorating.

"We do think that recession will eventually happen," he said, emphasizing that rising prices are squeezing Americans' finances, and delinquent payments on credit cards and other loans have ticked upward.

The collapse in Treasury bonds now ranks among the worst market crashes in history

Compared with previous bond-market meltdowns, long-term Treasurys are seeing one of the most extreme undoings in history. The losses are over twice as big as those seen in 1981 when 10-year yields neared 16%.

To avert economic catastrophe...go to war.
edit on 7-10-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: angelchemuel
a reply to: FlyingFox
Sorry, I don't understand.
I thought you might have a link to the 'announcement'.
I don't think my brain works the same way as the rest of you guys on this thread

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: angelchemuel

Mon ami....

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: angelchemuel
Hi angelchemuel, I think FF posted the link you were asking about here:

The post you replied to was a second reply to your post, I don't really get it either, I think it is a variant of the enemy of my enemy is my friend, not sure if it has to do with Garland or Kostin.

Sure, at first I thought the Justice department Civil Affairs release was related, but instead of deleting it I let it ride for other ironic scrutiny.

As for replying with a Bond scene, I think Le Chiffre planting the idea that Mathis is actually his friend is a perfect analogue to Zelensky "flipping" on the BIDENS. He was NOT really BIDEN's friend, just like the film uploader quoted Aristotle "a friend to everyone is a friend to none".

It was my first and purest thought, which I was asked to share on the subject. I know my posts and replies are often cryptic in themselves, or I ask the reader to watch a video and draw their own conclusions. There is always a Q connection in there. I want to validate the idea by someone else seeing it on their own. I don't do random. There is always a goal, an objective.

Great line though. I guess I assumed people here are familiar with the movie and why I reference it. Sorry I had to clear that up. Great news though, it really might mark a turning point, if true. I think this and the Hamas attack also tells us something about Ukraine situation visa-vie the DS as well.

edit on 8-10-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 01:32 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Thank you.

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 02:13 AM
a reply to: cimmerius

Propaganda = Perception = What We See = Feeds Our Mind = Imaginations Run Wild
We are NOT Helpless = Be Still & Know = Choices = Our Power = Change Our Focus
Face Our Fears = Make Peace with Our Demons = Forgive Ourselves = Freedom
Find Peace Within = A New VVision = BE BEST = Step by Step = Forgive Others
Comfort & Mercy = Share Our Peace with Others (Waking the Sleeping not our Job)
WE United in LOVE = Breaks Hell Loop = Humanity Moves Forward as One Family
Peace = the Prize & Forgiveness Means Everything

edit on 8-10-2023 by brewtiger2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 05:28 AM
a reply to: brewtiger2

One only has to trust themselves to find their way ...

So many depend on confirmation from others when  Everything is already right in Front of them

Good to see you posting again - it warms the soul

~~~ * ~~~

LEAD Never Follow - Break From the Herd

Just look around ....

Silence is not compliance nor defeat .... Contemplation is Good For the Soul

Peace and Godspeed Brother

edit on 1082023 by MetalThunder because: Carpe Diem

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 06:18 AM

. It appears that immunity from the first time helps one get better faster the second time.

a reply to: Thoughtful2
2nd time I saw gray again, had intense chills 1 night

Saved 4 last

4 a reason

Squad' Dems face backlash calling for 'ceasefire' after Israel attacks: 'Can’t merely condemn terrorism

edit on 2023/10/8 by CrazyFox because:

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 08:11 AM
Mar-a-Lago was raided to secure the Obama-Iran deal documents.
The FBI posted the raid photos which show a date of 5-9-2018. That date is when DJT pulled out of the Iran nuclear deal.
On 9/11/23 Biden sends Iran $6bil

Jake Sullivan was the architect of the Obama Iran nuclear deal per Paul sperry. Jake Sullivans wife, Maggie goodlander is the AG Merrick Gardlands top aid.

Now news reports are showing Hamas armed with US M4 acquired from the Afghanistan withdrawal.
Hamas is also claiming that Ukraine has been selling them weapons

Israel declared war 3 years and 22 days (322) after the signing of the Abraham accords
edit on 8-10-2023 by G005E because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 8 2023 @ 08:48 AM
A policeman in Egypt killed 2 Israelis and 1 Egyptian at a tourist site in Alexandria

— An Egyptian policeman opened fire Sunday on Israeli tourists in the Mediterranean city of Alexandria, killing at least two Israelis and one Egyptian, Israeli and Egyptian authorities said.

Blinken says US working to verify reports of several Americans dead in Israel

We have reports that several Americans were killed. We’re working overtime to verify that. At the same time, there are reports of missing Americans and there again, we’re working to verify those reports,” Blinken told CNN’s Dana Bash on “State of the Union.”
edit on 8-10-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

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