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A note on Censorship, Misinformation, Disinformation, and Cointelpro

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posted on May, 25 2023 @ 08:50 AM
Dont see a huge difference in rant and vent, we have a forum for that and its free. If youre seeking better moderation in terms of moving threads then file a chit, maybe this one should be moved to the free thrapy forum.

To deny something is not negative in and of itself..thats a type of gaslight holmes..truths vary from person to person unfortunately, perception and all. The sligan stands as a pro active way to determine fact and ignore the excuses and quests for self validation..just say that agressive? To some its a hard line, so must be bad..anywho, hope they dont go with your slogan
edit on 25-5-2023 by didntasktobeborned because: Its a deep subject

posted on May, 25 2023 @ 04:39 PM
a reply to: Darko

Right now the mainstream media is planting story after story about how "Trans" people are the most "vulnerable protected groups"

Maybe the transgender movement is to normalise early trans human steps. Priming the next generation for whats to come. :-)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: purplemer

The horror of people being comfy in their bodies!

Transhumanism was already with us when Götz of Berlichingen led the peasant rebel army to Amorbach with a literal iron hand.
You don't think it's funny in a sad way, that people would rather get worked up about carefully edited MSM plants than I dunno... WW3 dawning on us?
edit on 26-5-2023 by Insurrectile because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 26 2023 @ 11:03 AM
a reply to: Insurrectile

The horror of people being comfy in their bodies!

IF people where so comfy in there bodies. We would not need trans humanism maybe.

posted on May, 31 2023 @ 12:11 AM
Transhumanism is about seeking a digital fountain of youth and ignores the risks of accidental extinction related to jacking people’s brains into digital systems.

You may think it’s about sexual dimorphism or having a peg leg.

If you’re wrong and I’m right, you’ll never even know it — which won’t effect me so perhaps deeply consider why someone who will not be impacted is warning you of a complex risk that you and others may not comprehend and/or understand.

Why would someone bother?

posted on Jun, 7 2023 @ 02:29 PM

off-topic post removed to prevent thread-drift


posted on Jul, 3 2023 @ 04:14 PM
I am glad you took the time to post this, sorry it took me until now to notice it.
As someone who has been frequenting this site for as long as you, I am glad to see some proactive action in regards to state of ATS. This also puts to rest some of the rumors I have heard. While it is painful sometimes to see pieces of the past fall away, sometimes this makes way for better future, or a New Order...(too much? :saint

originally posted by: Darko

"Uncover Truth " is a much better slogan than "Deny Ignorance". It's a positive action rather than a negative. But that's not quite the new slogan. However, we have to balance "Free Speech" with "Forum Decorum" and also align the content on our site with the core values of ATS.

While I really like this concept I will forever be both a skeptic and believer in denying ignorance, like you I have seen it all here. While the "Deny Ignorance" slogan has definitely lost the edge it once had, I will always brandish it like the shiny sword it once was.
As a former raver from the early 80's to the late 90's I know PLUR well and ATS definitely needs a dose, no pun intended.

Im also curious if you have considered another of "ATS Live" or other such format in the future, in any case I cant wait to see what is come.

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:17 AM
a reply to: Darko

3. Is the post written to inform, create a historical records, or is it written in a way and at a time that is meant to further the establishment's agenda? (currently trying to link anti-vax to anti-trans or in other words: "truthers" to "bigotry" (like they did with Trump).

I can see why the mods have some issues. The word truther has come from the 9/11 mess. For ATS to even be alive and keep that topic on the table was a very serious head banger with the previous owner. To keep that forum alive while so many other places on the internet failed is a tough job. To use the word truther in a derogatory way raises a lot of red flags here.

Trying to resolve 9/11

As for being anti vax, did you miss these threads?

Corona Virus Updates Part 6

Vaccinations and Autism

With the trans stuff, what any consenting adult does is there decision. How most are autistic kids are falling in this trap, the gene pool will sort it out. As for where all this goes with clones and technology?

posted on May, 23 2024 @ 06:19 PM
As ownership is MIA, thread closed.

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