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A note on Censorship, Misinformation, Disinformation, and Cointelpro

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posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:06 AM
Greetings ATS!

Mrs. Darko and I have done extensive research into Cointelpro (counter intelligence operations), misinformation, disinformation, and we are both well read in terms of George Orwell. I'd like to share a bit of our knowledge but we will post a full deep-dive soon.

Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence) is most famous from the 1960's and beyond. Essentially it began as infiltration of political groups and still being used today in Alt Media. Because this is a user-based forum, it's important to understand what Cointelpro is, how it works, and how misinformation/disinformation is propagated.

The most note-worthy Cointelpro Operation had to do with the Bloods (or Crips, I don't remember which one came first). The group started as a neighborhood watch to protect the black community from police brutality. The FBI infiltrated this group and when we did a "Deep Dive" into the subject we actually found a Cointelpro manual.

It's been about 15 years since we've discussed these subjects so the material is not readily available. I'll just go off the top of my head:

In the manual it discusses some of the tactics they use including:

1. Infiltrate the ranks of organizations
2. Create distrust among the ranks of an organization
3. Create rivalries wherever possible, especially if they will lead to death

After being infiltrated and controlled, the two groups broke off into the Bloods and Crips. They injected crack coc aine into the black communities and moved the members towards drug dealing which eventually spawned turf wars and their mission was accomplished: break up the group and radicalize/criminalize them.

Another example would be the Weather Underground. I can't say with certainty this was a Cointelpro operation but what I can say is that Antifa/BLM was a play-by-play repetition of the Weather Underground. The WU was a group of White Liberals who attempted to recruit the Black Panthers to cause violence and chaos in in the streets in "protest of the Vietnam War" but in actual fact they were trying to push Marxism. The Black Panthers at the time were smarter than to be used by them. Yet, everything we saw with BLM and Antifa was pretty much play-for-play and chant-for-chant identical.

BLM lost their steam when they were exposed and dubbed "Buy Large Mansions" but it's worth noting that most of the Weather Underground members went off to become government workers, politicians, and University Professors. Bill Ayers is a noteworthy WU leader who is good friends with Bill Clinton.

Susan Rosenberg is the most noteworthy name as she was convicted for domestic terrorism for bombing the US capitol building in the 1980's. She was on the board of BLM (after being pardoned by the Clintons). When BLM posted their mission statement on their website, it was pretty much word for word the same goals as The Weather Underground.

By understanding history we can understand the present and the future. This is why every 4 years they galvanize BLM and use Antifa for violence then they all get tossed to the wayside until they are needed again. I'm sure we'll see a resurgence during the next election cycle.

So these agendas come from the Bolshevik Revolution. Another noteworthy Cointelpro Operation was Q-Anon. Q was a play by play repetition from the Bolshevik Revolution called "Operation Trust" (Trust the plan. Exact same MO: the "cabal" is being taken down by members of the "party" and Generals and the President are "in on it". I really stood by Trump because he ran the country as it should be, declared no wars, etc. etc. But now he's shown his true colors by praising China for their "quick trials", "public executions", and pushing for "reeducation camps" which is NOT the Trump I supported! But that's another story. Q Anon was an Op from day 1, but Trump may or may not have been. Who knows?

So misinformation and disinformation works a couple of different ways. First, they might put out bad information through good sources. In 2020 this was just so apparent, especially with the Twitter Files revealing that their internal TOS was to ban all information that goes against the WHO, EVEN IF IT'S TRUE. So they really ramped it up with "Fact Checkers", so much so, that Fact Checkers became a joke and it started to work to the contrary where more people were clicking on social media posts with "FACT CHECK" flags on it.

Another way of propagating disinformation is to put good information into bad sources. So let's say you have a really unreputable website.. like.. (I don't know, in 2023 I can't think of any other an MSM lol)... let's say (made up site, if it's real, it's purely coincidental).

So this site has put out article after article that is debunked then comes out with some ground breaking information about corruption and no one believes it. Then the detractors, paid ops, or useful idiots all (or with multiple accounts) start attacking the source of information.
This is called a "logical fallacy" "attacking the source". But a full explanation of "logical fallacies" is better suited for a post about the Trivium and Quadrivium.

When enough people see a "thumbs down" on a post or Youtube video (formerly on Youtube) then group think kicks in and they don't bother to click on an article.

Cointelpro Operations are run by the CCP as well. I will link to a great documentary about a Chinese Spy who defected to Australia and he lays out the tactics used in 2020 throughout the world, censorship of info, etc. etc. He discusses how he would infiltrate pro-freedom groups in Taiwan, recruit people to the CCP, or recruit people to the Democracy groups for the sake of cataloging. With this small army of trolls, (and bots), he talks about how he could manipulate social media and the way people think by boosting up or thumbing down social media posts. Likewise, blasting comments all over the place to trigger group think.

I am running out of room to type the rest so I'll get to my point.

Right now the mainstream media is planting story after story about how "Trans" people are the most "vulnerable protected groups". They are stoking the flames of hate by posting the most outlandish antics of "trans people" while linking Anti-Trans to Anti-Vax, meaning they are coming for everyone who was smart enough to not wear a mask or get a vax.

I noticed a few (now banned) users pushing the anti-trans agenda and their accounts consisted of posting nothing but anti-trans posts, multiple ones per day. It became suspect when there was an uproar about moving the pit off of the front page and that's when their agenda became that much clearer. Leftists', cointelpro ops, useful idiots, (and flat out morons), will often pose as conservatives and post racist/homophobic, etc threads on message boards like ATS. While we are all about Free Speech, we're also aware of their tactics. They try to create a problem or even the illusion of a problem so the public demands a reaction and they bring in their solution. (I'm sure you are all aware of the problem-reaction-solution formula).

(continued on next reply)

edit on 7-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:07 AM
It felt like ATS was being primed by a few bad actors to be scapegoated after some kind of attack on Trans people. It reminds me of John Sullivan from J6 who prompted Ashley Babbit to go through the window. As I was watching live I pointed him out as Antifa right off the bat and then alt media platforms were quick to post his identity and the identity of many faces of the J6 situation. They were all Antifa activists posing as Trump Supporters. The "fact checkers" on FB had the gull to say "John Sullivan is Antifa: FALSE. Just because he often used the hashtags ANTIFA and BLM doesn't mean he was part of the group, he was a Trump Supporter". It was so comical! He was even on bail (or probation or something) for getting arrested at an Antifa riots.

Oh the MSM was REALLY doing a TON of mental gymnastics trying to spin that one! And the leader of the Proud Boys too! He was as brown as they come but he was labeled a "White Supremacist.

Now that we know a bit of history, I'd like to share some thoughts about ATS and moderation on the board. We will write new User TOS reflecting all of this but now that ATS is under new management (active management), we need to determine our core values.

"Uncover Truth " is a much better slogan than "Deny Ignorance". It's a positive action rather than a negative. But that's not quite the new slogan. However, we have to balance "Free Speech" with "Forum Decorum" and also align the content on our site with the core values of ATS.

What are the core values? Well, as an old-school raver, I really love PLUR.

Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect.

Those words really say it all!

So we'd like to see ATS move into an era of Peace, Love, Unity, and Respect with Truth being the foundation while warding off trolls, ops, and useful idiots.

Right now the 'powers that shouldn't be" are trying to set the stage for an attack on trans people, so we have to keep this in mind and balance the content on the site. When it comes to agenda driven content, I think a good measurement is to ask ourselves:
"What does this post do? What is the intention?

A few people say they come to ATS to "vent". We might start a forum and charge $50/hour per user for "venting" and "therapy" (not really just making a point) but until we do, ATS isn't a place to "vent". It doesn't align with our core values.

So, the questions we will be instructing the mods to ask when moderating the forum are:

1. "Is the post news worthy"

2. "Is the post titled in a way to incite an emotional response (particularly violence)?
note on point 2: 90% of people don't click on the link, the title is all they read so the title is even more important than the body itself).

3. Is the post written to inform, create a historical records, or is it written in a way and at a time that is meant to further the establishment's agenda? (currently trying to link anti-vax to anti-trans or in other words: "truthers" to "bigotry" (like they did with Trump).

4. Is the user being genuine in their post or do they have a history of posting the same thing over and over again?

I am going to add a "merge thread" feature to start merging some threads because we have a lot of repetitive threads on the site. In fact, I think a it would be beneficial to add a feature that shows "similar posts" to allow users to comment on already established threads instead of creating new ones.

So yea, I want to say that I really appreciate all of you because the board has been so CHIIL over the last few days! It was a nightmare for a couple of weeks and it seemed like a handful of users were dominating the board with hate, racism, etc. However, I am seeing more and more people becoming active in the forums and more people posting in forums that haven't been active in a while.

I think it's a HUGE upgrade to the community because the community is becoming diverse in the sense of topics and interests (not diverse in the "leftist" BS way they're trying to promote.

I take a political stand sometimes but it will always be on the side of freedom. If Joe Biden legalizes Cannabis throughout the US I will applaud him. Likewise, I am wary of a dystopian leftist future where speech is silenced, opposition is cancelled, men are women, and women act like men and if you fall out of line you get "cancelled". I am just as wary of a a Right Wing Conservative Handmaid's Tale theocracy where morality police are all around.

So just because I speak out a lot against the leftist agenda's, don't feel like the new ATS ownership doesn't welcome everyone. We don't discriminate and we are 100% against RACISM of any kind. Doesn't matter if it's White Supremacist "Storm Front" propaganda or Lefit-Wing "diversity" and CRT against White People.

I have no problem with homosexuality, transgenderism, etc. because everyone is free to be themselves. However, I do have a problem when these issues interfere with Women's Rights (like Sports and Bathrooms), and when they target children.

But I don't get outraged. The only thing that outrages me is CENSORSHIP! Everything else I put into perspective.

Are ALL Trump Supporters racist sexist backwoods hillbillies? Of course not. But there are a few and the MSM will focus in on them.

Are ALL trans-people after your children?
No. It's actually white liberals who are teaching LGBTQ to the kids, not trans people. But the MSM will focus in on the one teacher in Canada who is wearing these HUGE fake breasts (who I think is just trolling everyone) .

So yea, I don't let the MSM control my emotions and I don't get "outraged". That's EXACTLY what they want. Just think when you post. WHY are you posting? Is it to inform? Is it to get truth out? Is it to vent?

Don't play into the OTHER SIDE's agenda by taking their bait but don't ignore the issues either. Just keep yourself balanced and grounded and we'll see the board evolve.

I want people to think of ATS as the Ivy League source of truth. Once you know all there is about the NWO and Agenda 21, then you come to ATS for the ADVANCED level stuff. It's a long way there but I know we can draw the right community to do so!

Let me give you a quick example:

Trans person does this and this: OUTRAGED


MSM is reporting on MORE trans issues. Looks like they have something brewing.

Ooh the second type of post would be so thought provoking! Unraveling the Agenda instead of being a part of it.

Cheers! And thank you for reading this much. I know it was a long post but I'm just in a really great mood seeing the board evolve so much in just a few days!!!!

Love you all!
edit on 7-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:08 AM
Oh. I forgot to mention Project Mockingbird... but i'll save that for another time. Feel free to mention it (I'm just tired of typing lol)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:14 AM
Wow, great post, I always believe we are bombarded by bad information all the time, the same way that resources and tax payers money goes into the federal agencies to control information and promote the status quo it's also used to control any media site like ATS, is not new, we all know it, but to what extent that is the key.

Truly I find it amusing, after a while with the same people and same like post you pretty much can thin out who is who in the boards and what topics are assigned.

This is a great topic I hope everybody read it and try no to derail the message, because that is been going on a lot in some post great threads.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:18 AM
added info from here to original post
edit on 7-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:22 AM
a reply to: Darko

Another noteworthy Cointelpro Operation was Q-Anon.

Confused by this statement.

To begin with, there are three elements here: Q, the anons, and "Q-Anon".

"Q-Anon" is a BS term generated and propagated by the media. Real anons (who existed well before the source called "Q" dropped information) never termed themselves "Q-Anon".

What/who was Q ? No idea. May have been one thing and got co-opted into something else. May still be the same thing it started as, but with a different mode of operating now.

So which of those three elements do you think are part of disinformation programs ?

ETA: Just saw your latest comment.

edit on 7-5-2023 by F2d5thCavv2 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:36 AM
I vistited ATS damn near 20 years ago for the ufo and 9/11 post.. Getting older and busy with life I moved away from it. But the last year or so I had an awakening and started to question things again. Came back to ATS about 9 months ago and saw the # show it became. Thank you for bringing sanity back to it and getting out the underminer types and trolls.
Going down the Marxist/socalist rabbit hole and doing a lot of reading on the issue has really opened my eyes to what is going on. seeing Yuri's videos on it put the iceing on the cake, even tho I believe something more sinister is at play 'Subject for another time'. Good luck on your endevor Darko

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:46 AM

originally posted by: MaximusParvus
I vistited ATS damn near 20 years ago for the ufo and 9/11 post.. Getting older and busy with life I moved away from it. But the last year or so I had an awakening and started to question things again. Came back to ATS about 9 months ago and saw the # show it became. Thank you for bringing sanity back to it and getting out the underminer types and trolls.
Going down the Marxist/socalist rabbit hole and doing a lot of reading on the issue has really opened my eyes to what is going on. seeing Yuri's videos on it put the iceing on the cake, even tho I believe something more sinister is at play 'Subject for another time'. Good luck on your endevor Darko

That is SO motivating to hear! I really appreciate that because you are EXACTLY the type of people we'd like to see more of at ATS, the old-school truthers who've seen it all, been lurking, and didn't post because of the BS! Thank you so much because it's confirmation that we're seeing the change and our energy is spent wisely.

I've wanted to just walk away but my wife said "Elon Musk changed the world by changing twitter, maybe we are supposed to change the Alt Media by changing ATS back to a free speech classy platforum?". That kept me going and comments like this keep me going! Cheers!

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:50 AM
a reply to: Darko

Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence) is most famous from the 1960's and beyond.

Hi Darko,

I appreciate you were putting out a ton of text in your comment, but I thought a bit of clarification might be useful in this case.

"Counter Intelligence" (CI) is, for those unaware, a group of intel activities with the aim of detecting the espionage of others as well as misleading and manipulating people or groups considered hostile to national interests. Any country with an intel apparatus engages in CI as part of their national security operations.

As @Darko mentioned, some CI operations are ugly and convoluted. COINTELPRO was one of those. Britannica has a basic summary of it:

COINTELPRO, in full Counterintelligence Program, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political struggle and derail several social movements, such as those for civil rights and Puerto Rican independence.

Regrets if I sound like I'm preaching to the choir, not my intent.


posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:52 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Darko

Another noteworthy Cointelpro Operation was Q-Anon.

Confused by this statement.

To begin with, there are three elements here: Q, the anons, and "Q-Anon".

"Q-Anon" is a BS term generated and propagated by the media. Real anons (who existed well before the source called "Q" dropped information) never termed themselves "Q-Anon".

What/who was Q ? No idea. May have been one thing and got co-opted into something else. May still be the same thing it started as, but with a different mode of operating now.

So which of those three elements do you think are part of disinformation programs ?

ETA: Just saw your latest comment.


Cheers! I go off the top of my head and often I forget the point I'm trying to make! lol. But yea, it's Operation Trust. I was shocked when I read it, like WTF! But I never trusted Q because iirst: who is posting? How do we know it's the same guy? 2. None of his stuff ever panned out. But the big one for me was "Trust Sessions"., That guy was Harry Anslinger reincarnated! (The anti-cannabis crusader).. Dinosaur world- views. He tried to go after Cannabis Dispensaries and Colorado and Washington sued and then he realized they only have 4,000 DEA agents and about 400,000 dispensaries lol (maybe not that many but WAY too many to enforce anything. The genie is out of the bottle. Even during prohibition a lot of bars didn't shut down, they just ignored it and no one enforced it).

Anyway my point is that he was a totalitarians. It was crystal clear he wouldn't last long and he didn't.
edit on 7-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:56 AM
Up the energy, good vibes, keep to your core convictions and this site will shine like a beacon for truth seekers. The antithesis will come around and try and destroy it. You are well aware of the tactics and motivations of these types. Stay stong for us and we shall do the same for you Darko.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:58 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2
a reply to: Darko

Cointelpro (Counter Intelligence) is most famous from the 1960's and beyond.

Hi Darko,

I appreciate you were putting out a ton of text in your comment, but I thought a bit of clarification might be useful in this case.

"Counter Intelligence" (CI) is, for those unaware, a group of intel activities with the aim of detecting the espionage of others as well as misleading and manipulating people or groups considered hostile to national interests. Any country with an intel apparatus engages in CI as part of their national security operations.

As @Darko mentioned, some CI operations are ugly and convoluted. COINTELPRO was one of those. Britannica has a basic summary of it:

COINTELPRO, in full Counterintelligence Program, counterintelligence program conducted by the Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) from 1956 to 1971 to discredit and neutralize organizations considered subversive to U.S. political stability. It was covert and often used extralegal means to criminalize various forms of political struggle and derail several social movements, such as those for civil rights and Puerto Rican independence.

Regrets if I sound like I'm preaching to the choir, not my intent.


No np... I absolutely love constructive criticism. Don't get me wrong, I love praise too lol, (or my ego does) but I value comments like this the most because they help me become a better version of myself (in this case a better speaker/ communicator). Thank you very much!! Ypu are 100% spot on and I LOVE the way you phrased that!
edit on 7-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 08:59 AM
COINTELPRO today is not what it was back 40, 50 years ago, America is no longer an isolated entity, our nation has now been manipulated by foreign interest thanks to our willing politicians.

Sorry but things are not what it seems in our nations politics these days.

I am not as savvy as most of you guys when it comes to information manipulation, but as a conspirator I feel is a growing monster hiding in the closet.

And yes I know and agree that presidents are selected, no elected and Trump was an anomality that still needs to be neutralized even if he is no longer president

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:04 AM

originally posted by: Darko

..But a fill explanation of "logical fallacies" are better suited for post about the Trivium and Quadrivium , So when enough people see a "thumbs down" on a post or Youtube video (formerly on Youtube) then group think kicks in and they don't bother to click on

Actually, the expression gets used in debate circles, but it is a different circumstance than in a conventional conversation because it's not "debate-ing" but "debate." Participants will pick some completely unpassioned myopic subject and look like they are debating it to the death with what sounds like calculus and it doesn't make sense to anyone listening in. It's just one of the oddities of classical debate, but yes if it were even a thing, I guess it would run the risk of sounding gauche on a message board were people to pick up the habit and just start doing it. That is because when participants at at a debate circle do it, it isn't about proving one's "point" because it's not a "discussion" as one might view it. I'm also not talking about the kind of "debate" (that might happen at schools) where they speed run issues, different subject,.

Just thought I'd clarify, no this doesn't have anything to do with the topic but I found the subjects together kind of a jarring mishmash. One doesn't have to do with the other. I might do it if I didn't think people would view it as a mic drop. It's not a point making thing really. Or anything to do with any of the subjects discussed here for that matter. Keep in mind this is not a critique of your OP. That is fine as far as the layout is considered. Anyways..😳👀😯, continue. 😊
edit on 7-5-2023 by TheReaversChain because: (sorry all!) :•D

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:12 AM
a reply to: Darko

You've lost me with the neutral / not a problem stance to transgenderism.

Transgenderism as also other things today are influenced by social engineering, manipulation, brain washing, chemicals ( gay frogs! )

So ok...let me think this like general way of modus operandi . TPTB come up new crap , multible craps to change human change human behaviour , what used to be , being human ? But we should just feel like okey it`s fine ...not a problem, not my headache, " hold my beer..

This is how societys break up . People will let society to change to worse with not having
stance to defend traditional family meanings, traditional meanings of men and woman .

For comparison, evil dictatorships have allways managed to do the bad things when people just go on with the herd mentality, or are too neutral , dont care..

The " everyone is free to be " is questionable maybe itself? because in this mind controlâ„¢ society litle kids are psychologically assaulted by adults and also chemically by toxins .

It`s not necessarily at all pure own choise , outside forces are in play IMO so why should i have neutral stance ...i am not for " normalizing " abnormal ...i dont want " the new normal " .

just my 2 cent

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:20 AM

originally posted by: Darko
Oh. I forgot to mention Project Mockingbird... but i'll save that for another time. Feel free to mention it (I'm just tired of typing lol)

This is ATS !!

I know about project mockingbird!!

All they need now days is the journalist/newsmen
phone number with the almighty ISRAEL Project Pegasus !!
(maybe save that one for another thread too )


edit on 7-5-2023 by starfoxxx because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 10:40 AM
a reply to: Darko

not being in favor of calling the popo, I've been trying to call them out red handed in the threads for far too long.

I'm glad to see, I'm not the only one noticing.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:02 AM
OFF TOPIC - removed to prevent thread driftingunctuation

edit on 9-5-2023 by Darko because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:10 AM

originally posted by: Boadicea
a reply to: Darko

I read all of your OP. I found your invocation of "anti-trans" posters curious in this context. Except for the "now banned" part, I am/could be one of those posters. So being one of your "anti-trans" posters who is still here (for now anyway), I have some questions.

For ex.

Yeah, me too, I just ignored that for later discussion as the thread progressed, still very good thread over all.

I am a very vocal trans and gender dysphoria poster.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:11 AM
a reply to: Kenzo

Let me get this straight.
Because something seems foreign to you and is a change you don't like, you refuse to accept?
What may seem traditional to you may be extremely oppressive to others.
All just a matter of perspective really.
I have never met a person that is ok with mutilation.
I have never met someone that has ever talked about it.
The only people talking about that is the right, and paid provocateur.
And the reason behind it is simple, oppression.
It ok not to like something you don't agree with. It is not ok to shame and belittle someone or a group of people because of how you feel.
If someone does something wrong then your grievances are solely with that individuals.
Live and let live mate

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