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Transwoman cyclist Austin Killips wins women's race and causes outrage!

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posted on May, 5 2023 @ 07:21 PM
a reply to: Terpene

In the case of sports we are talking about the physical which is unavoidable. Sports depend on physical ability and athleticism.

Now, what is also unavoidable is the unescapable truth that humans display some degree of sexual dimorphism. That means real, observable physical differences that differentiate the male of the species from the female. It is a relatively common thing in the animal kingdom. That sexual dimorphism is what causes the marked differences in overall athleticism between the male and female of the human species and it's why it's not sufficient for a male of the species to simply declare himself mentally female to make himself a fair competitor to the females.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 12:57 AM
a reply to: Boadicea

That was specifically garnered to Asmodeus and his line of reasoning. Your approach is much more differentiated.

I think sports is really simple, no emotional approach need, chromosomes are the one defining factor.
As long as the application of your arguments apply to the playing field we don't disagree.

But once they leave it, sociology and psychology can not be dismissed in the intent to find solutions to the apparent problems.
In reality the problems aren't even the crimes committed as they are regulated already, it's the loopholes in the social dynamics that lets perverts have their time.

What do men who identify with women have in common with all women?

Want to make a bet that the list of commonalities are longer than the difference... We're talking about humans doesn't matter what you think you are.
It matters on what you want to focuse... Differences or commonality.
we can always make one diffrence, among a sea of commonalities, an insurmontable one if we choose to.
but for now the only insurmountable diffrence I undoubtedly see, smell and feel, is the reproductive tract.
everything else are ideas and concepts in the head.

If we don't go to the women are so special and vulnerable and need protection by default we dont disagree.
women are not special not anymore then man. Theyre just humans. Fears and hopes...

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 01:37 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Boadicea

That was specifically garnered to Asmodeus and his line of reasoning. Your approach is much more differentiated.

I think sports is really simple, no emotional approach need, chromosomes are the one defining factor.
As long as the application of your arguments apply to the playing field we don't disagree.

But once they leave it, sociology and psychology can not be dismissed in the intent to find solutions to the apparent problems.
In reality the problems aren't even the crimes committed as they are regulated already, it's the loopholes in the social dynamics that lets perverts have their time.

What do men who identify with women have in common with all women?

Want to make a bet that the list of commonalities are longer than the difference... We're talking about humans doesn't matter what you think you are.
It matters on what you want to focuse... Differences or commonality.
we can always make one diffrence, among a sea of commonalities, an insurmontable one if we choose to.
but for now the only insurmountable diffrence I undoubtedly see, smell and feel, is the reproductive tract.
everything else are ideas and concepts in the head.

If we don't go to the women are so special and vulnerable and need protection by default we dont disagree.
women are not special not anymore then man. Theyre just humans. Fears and hopes...

So a transwoman is regarded as a man when it comes to sports (and you seem to agree with it) and not a man elsewhere and therefore he must have the same rights as a woman and being able to access women's only spaces.

Ha! That is so absurd just as the entire transgender ideology.

The rest of your text is just word salad.

Men who identify as women have nothing in common with women. They are either disingenuous and they know they are not women or delusional if they believe they are women.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 01:56 AM
a reply to: igloo

Did I get a little emotional there... Sure did... Sometimes I enjoy being crass, but forget the emotions I might trigger in others. That was indeed a little too close to being violent, heck one could even read inciting into it. So my apologies to women in general and boadicea, I wish none of that onto any human, no matter their chromosomes and mental violence.
Did you use the opportunity to slip those victim role slippers on?

I'd rather use the violence I'm prone to, but society forced me to play on the mental violence playing field that # can hurt too. It's funny how quickly we spot it when we're hurt but can brush over an incredible amount, if it doesn't...

Honestly it's the internet, its psychological violence accross the board. Grow a pair, Or cut it off or whatever is the bravery of the day...

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 02:53 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: igloo

Did I get a little emotional there... Sure did... Sometimes I enjoy being crass, but forget the emotions I might trigger in others. That was indeed a little too close to being violent, heck one could even read inciting into it. So my apologies to women in general and boadicea, I wish none of that onto any human, no matter their chromosomes and mental violence.
Did you use the opportunity to slip those victim role slippers on?

I'd rather use the violence I'm prone to, but society forced me to play on the mental violence playing field that # can hurt too. It's funny how quickly we spot it when we're hurt but can brush over an incredible amount, if it doesn't...

Honestly it's the internet, its psychological violence accross the board. Grow a pair, Or cut it off or whatever is the bravery of the day...

As we said a few times in the past it is you who gets emotional and anxious over a matter which is quite straight forward and not even subject to a debate. Transwomen are men and therefore they should not be taking part in female competitions. The story above clearly shows what happens when you include men in female sports. They shouldn't have done in the first place. Moreover they should have never recognised that transwomen exist (in terms of the law). There is no such thing as trans, this is a delusion that has affected a tiny part of the population.and society must deal with this condition rather trying to affirm someone's delusions.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:01 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

In case you missed, I haven't adressed you.
Your opinion is interesting although a little shortsighted, but still just your opinion.

Thanks for interjecting it.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 06:10 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Asmodeus3

In case you missed, I haven't adressed you.
Your opinion is interesting although a little shortsighted, but still just your opinion.

Thanks for interjecting it.

This is an open conversation in one of my threads...

It seems difficult for you to address certain points. In addition you can't have transwomen in female sports. If you ban them from female competitions then you recognise they are men. Men cannot have the rights women have in our society and cannot and must not use the spaces that are only used by women.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 06:55 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: Asmodeus3

That's your argument, kiddo....

Sexual reproduction is the only place a binary setup is necessary for nature to work.

Your argument is reducing humans to sexual reproduction... It's your logic.

You agree its faulty! That's a good step in the right direction, not all your conclusions are faulty but the logic you base them on is... Thanks for noticing...

Binary is simply the basis of society, in all cultures.
For procreation and the traditional family, to endless studies and proofs that children benefit most by far, with a traditional male and female set of parents.
And I couldn’t care less if there are bizarre male mommies or female daddies out there. No law against such low level child abuse, I can’t stop you.
Just accept that binary couples / parents have been the basis of society for thousands of years back to the cavemen.
All else is mentally, socially, morally retarded claptrap. And juvenile lying.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 07:30 AM

originally posted by: Asmodeus3

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: igloo

Did I get a little emotional there... Sure did... Sometimes I enjoy being crass, but forget the emotions I might trigger in others. That was indeed a little too close to being violent, heck one could even read inciting into it. So my apologies to women in general and boadicea, I wish none of that onto any human, no matter their chromosomes and mental violence.
Did you use the opportunity to slip those victim role slippers on?

I'd rather use the violence I'm prone to, but society forced me to play on the mental violence playing field that # can hurt too. It's funny how quickly we spot it when we're hurt but can brush over an incredible amount, if it doesn't...

Honestly it's the internet, its psychological violence accross the board. Grow a pair, Or cut it off or whatever is the bravery of the day...

As we said a few times in the past it is you who gets emotional and anxious over a matter which is quite straight forward and not even subject to a debate. Transwomen are men and therefore they should not be taking part in female competitions. The story above clearly shows what happens when you include men in female sports. They shouldn't have done in the first place. Moreover they should have never recognised that transwomen exist (in terms of the law). There is no such thing as trans, this is a delusion that has affected a tiny part of the population.and society must deal with this condition rather trying to affirm someone's delusions.

When you include trans women in women’s sports you get -
Busted faces
Broken bones
No more wins, championships, scholarships for normal girls / women
Amazing that this doesn’t logically outweigh the big selfishness for some people.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 08:30 AM
a reply to: stevieray

Binary thinking is the base of every conflict... The inevitable evolution of every binary system is either mutual annihilation or a synthesis...

Dualism is a very fundamental philosophical concept that when transcended gives one a much broader understanding. Most never reach those fundamental principles of reality and manage to transcend them.

Annihilation or synthesis, what will it be?

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 08:52 AM
a reply to: Terpene

You go tell mother nature that.

Sexual reproduction is a very, very old binary. It has been around longer than the dinosaurs, and things in evolution don't change if they aren't broke. That's why sharks are still swimming around with the same basic body plans and mechanics too. If they aren't broke, nature doesn't tend to fix 'em.

If sexual reproduction wasn't working, the binary wasn't working, it wouldn't still be evident in the natural system. It would have been selected against. That it hasn't is a strong counter-argument.

Of course you are arguing philosophy against nature. Philosophy is entirely mental and human created. Sexual reproduction is in our genes, hard-coded, despite what we might prefer to want to think about it.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:00 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: stevieray

Binary thinking is the base of every conflict... The inevitable evolution of every binary system is either mutual annihilation or a synthesis...

Dualism is a very fundamental philosophical concept that when transcended gives one a much broader understanding. Most never reach those fundamental principles of reality and manage to transcend them.

Annihilation or synthesis, what will it be?

What are you talking about?? In what science class did you learn what you described above??

What synthesis?? After millions of years of evolution after the first ancestors of humans appeared on earth the sex binary is what brought us here.

We haven't merged or synthesised....

Still this binary is responsible for the reason our species has survived.

If you want to see an extinction even is better if you look at the Y chromosome and see what could happen to it in the future. Then we will be in trouble.
edit on 6-5-2023 by Asmodeus3 because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:05 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Terpene

You go tell mother nature that.

Sexual reproduction is a very, very old binary. It has been around longer than the dinosaurs, and things in evolution don't change if they aren't broke. That's why sharks are still swimming around with the same basic body plans and mechanics too. If they aren't broke, nature doesn't tend to fix 'em.

If sexual reproduction wasn't working, the binary wasn't working, it wouldn't still be evident in the natural system. It would have been selected against. That it hasn't is a strong counter-argument.

Of course you are arguing philosophy against nature. Philosophy is entirely mental and human created. Sexual reproduction is in our genes, hard-coded, despite what we might prefer to want to think about it.

It's mainly pseudo-philosophical arguments that try to promote transhumanism.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:38 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: stevieray

Binary thinking is the base of every conflict... The inevitable evolution of every binary system is either mutual annihilation or a synthesis...

Dualism is a very fundamental philosophical concept that when transcended gives one a much broader understanding. Most never reach those fundamental principles of reality and manage to transcend them.

Annihilation or synthesis, what will it be?

With all this woke nonsense you forget the actual topic of this thread. A biological reality that cannot be dismissed in the name of an ideology of baseless assumptions, dogma, and delusions.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:42 AM
a reply to: ketsuko

She told me...
I was like yall, WTF are you on about?
It took me about 13 years till it dawned

It's the biggest step any evolution has to master...
Good times

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:45 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: stevieray

Binary thinking is the base of every conflict... The inevitable evolution of every binary system is either mutual annihilation or a synthesis...

Dualism is a very fundamental philosophical concept that when transcended gives one a much broader understanding. Most never reach those fundamental principles of reality and manage to transcend them.

Annihilation or synthesis, what will it be?

So, I’m trying to be nice to you, mostly for the intervention of others ……
But you make it difficult with nonsense like this, where you just make stuff up and deem it “the truth”.
There’s no annihilation, no inevitable evolution …. any more than the “trans genocide”.
Please try another approach besides the big fantasy and the big aggravation.
You literally just announced that it’s “inevitable” that synthesis of the genders is the only possible outcome.
L….. M……. A……. O…….
edit on 6-5-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:46 AM

edit on 6-5-2023 by stevieray because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:52 AM

originally posted by: ketsuko
a reply to: Terpene

You go tell mother nature that.

Sexual reproduction is a very, very old binary. It has been around longer than the dinosaurs, and things in evolution don't change if they aren't broke. That's why sharks are still swimming around with the same basic body plans and mechanics too. If they aren't broke, nature doesn't tend to fix 'em.

If sexual reproduction wasn't working, the binary wasn't working, it wouldn't still be evident in the natural system. It would have been selected against. That it hasn't is a strong counter-argument.

Of course you are arguing philosophy against nature. Philosophy is entirely mental and human created. Sexual reproduction is in our genes, hard-coded, despite what we might prefer to want to think about it.

Not even philosophy….. but rather fantasy.
Aristotle would kill himself if forced to read this stuff.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:54 AM

originally posted by: Terpene
a reply to: ketsuko

She told me...
I was like yall, WTF are you on about?
It took me about 13 years till it dawned

It's the biggest step any evolution has to master...
Good times

Can you elaborate ?

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:23 AM
a reply to: Terpene

It's very simple.

We exist to pass on our genes, and sexual reproduction is so far the most efficient way to do that. If it weren't we wouldn't still be doing it that way. Sexual reproduction is, in fact, so good at it that we have an entire body system devoted solely to that one purpose and no other. If we weren't reproducing ourselves sexually, all the little bits and pieces that produce happy, sexy fun time would cease to have any function to us and we would be as sexless and androgynous as our toy dolls. Those reproductive systems are, in fact, very expensive to maintain.

Look at the antlers on deer, moose, and elk - entire systems grown solely for the purpose of impressing females and proving reproductive fitness and shed after the season is done only to be regrown again for the next year. No point to it, if we weren't still reproducing sexually.

And all of that is based off a hard-coded male/female binary that evolved in organisms before we got up out of the oceans. That's how many millions ... billions of years it has been around.

If we were really going away from it, it wouldn't happen in a few decades, and we wouldn't need medical science to mutilate our bodies and try to slip-shod medicate over our bodies' own hormonal imperatives to do it.

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