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Breaking: Idaho lawmakers introduce legislation to criminalize those who administer COVID vaccines

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posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 10:34 AM
a reply to: Oldcarpy2
Thank you

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 11:11 AM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

No, it's not. From your own source:

"No person may provide or administer a vaccine made using messenger ribonucleic acid technology in this state for use on a human or any other mammal.”

Much wider than you apparently think.

This is clearly for the mRNA products that are used as vaccines. In case other mRNA products are candidates for other diseases then they should pass the safety and efficacy tests before distributed into the market. I see nothing wrong with this legislation as ordinary people must be protected from the bogus and potentially dangerous products and not being at the mercy of criminal enterprises.

In a different continent, the woke country called UK, after the withdrawn of their own Astrazeneca vaccine, they are making the mRNA products no longer available for the under 50s.

In the meantime, here, the Great State of Florida is trying to suspend the 'vaccines' and has issued a major health alert.

Regardless of whether the States will be successful with their legislation, there is no more trust when it comes to these products, the CDC, the FDA, the pharmaceuticals, etc. Awareness is very important so to achieve the aim.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 11:29 AM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The actual wording of the proposed Bill is as quoted from your own source.

Once again, you are rowing back and moving the goalposts. I remind you that you said this:

"The bill is mainly for the mRNA junk from Pfizer and Moderna."

Clearly, that is simply untrue and it goes much wider than that. A position that you now seem to be rowing back from.

My simple point is that this is poorly drafted and would criminalise the provision or administering of any mRNA vaccine, not just the ones you keep claiming it covers, including potential ones for cancer treatment.

It's there in black and white in the wording of the proposed Bill.

Let's see if it even gets passed?
edit on 26-2-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

edit on 26-2-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:02 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

The actual wording of the proposed Bill is as quoted from your own source.

Once again, you are rowing back and moving the goalposts. I remind you that you said this:

"The bill is mainly for the mRNA junk from Pfizer and Moderna."

Clearly, that is simply untrue and it goes much wider than that. A position that you now seem to be rowing back from.

My simple point is that this is poorly drafted and would criminalise the provision or administering of any mRNA vaccine, not just the ones you keep claiming it covers, including potential ones for cancer treatment.

It's there in black and white in the wording of the proposed Bill.

Let's see if it even gets passed?

First of all, the products are not vaccines. The definition of the vaccine had to change so they can qualify as vaccines.

More importantly any such products must pass the safety and efficacy tests and then we will see whether they can be approved.

The Bill is clearly targeting the current mRNA 'vaccines' for the virus.

I don't know whether the bill will pass but there is so much concern about these products that even if it doesn't there would be no more of this anomalous situation in the future as there is a critical mass that doesn't accept them anymore.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

"The Bill is clearly targeting the current mRNA 'vaccines' for the virus."

Clearly not, as it doesn't actually mention either "current" vaccines or "the virus".

It says "a vaccine".

It's there in black and white but if you want to try to argue that black is white, carry on.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:18 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

"The Bill is clearly targeting the current mRNA 'vaccines' for the virus."

Clearly not, as it doesn't actually mention either "current" vaccines or "the virus".

It says "a vaccine".

It's there in black and white but if you want to try to argue that black is white, carry on.

That's your own interpretation by the way.
It is clear which products are targeted.

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 12:22 PM
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Yes it is clear. It says "a vaccine", it does not mention or target any specific "products".

You have linked to and quoted the actual wording of this proposed Bill.

It's there in black and white so, give it up, man.

You can carry on but without me.

I'm done with this.

edit on 26-2-2023 by Oldcarpy2 because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 26 2023 @ 04:18 PM

originally posted by: Oldcarpy2
a reply to: Asmodeus3

Yes it is clear. It says "a vaccine", it does not mention or target any specific "products".

You have linked to and quoted the actual wording of this proposed Bill.

It's there in black and white so, give it up, man.

You can carry on but without me.

I'm done with this.

You seem to think that they will ban the mRNA technology altogether. That's very unlikely to happen. What they are trying to do is to make it very difficult to administer the mRNA products for Covid-19.

Florida has made issued a major health warning against the use of these products.

posted on Feb, 27 2023 @ 04:44 AM
And on YouTube the story is covered here:

Some of the comments made

1) Another reason to love Idaho

2) This is great

3) Time for Nuremberg 2.0!

4) We've been waiting for this day, too bad 70% of the world already got this!

5) A misdemeanor? For a life altering side effect? Anybody look at the VAERS reports?


6) It's shocking to see unadulterated ignorance from the people in the comments. All Trump voters without a doubt. They are the only ones that exhibit such ignorance.

Stellar comment!!!
Only the Trump supporters have issues with the mRNA products said the leftist/leftie who apparently doesn't see an issue with the harms caused by them and I am sure he/she doesn't seem to have an issue with the child mutilations and the 'transitioning' of kids...

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