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Government wants to Ban Gas Stoves

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posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Uphill -- for questions on sources of building codes, in the USA those include local government (+ sometimes state government), but your local contractor is your best source of information on any such codes for new home construction, home repairs, etc.

Here is a US news article ( from January 10, 2023) on gas stoves that contains some technical analysis as well:

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 01:48 PM
a reply to: Uphill --- on the issue of the radioactive isotope thorium which is found in coal, here is a science reference on thorium from the Wolfram Alpha website:

Scrolling down that page, values are given for the radioactivity of thorium.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 02:00 PM
Next thing will be to ban all forms of fire.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 03:09 PM
a reply to: DerBeobachter

I wasn't originally going to post, because I don't want to be accused of being a brainwashed idiot.

Manmade warming is probably about 2%-5% due to pollution, but rest has to do with solar shift and spacial heating/radiations, volcanic gases, and more. Both Biden and Trump can suck my nuts(if I had them).

Now with that said, I will drop a theory that I have been seeing that to me makes sense on a grand scale.

I know oil is used in almost everything, from cars, to clothing to electronics and more. So I am not an idiot who thinks oil doesn't get used in 90% of the products we use daily.

But I do believe the consumption of oil on the scale we are using it is causing a problem.

Now hear me out, oil harvesting has caused huge damage to our planet. Think of it like this, you remove liquid from under the surface it gets replaced with air increasing the instability of the land around the oil. When the dirt/sand/rocks around said oil dries it. It crumbles causing sinkholes, and collapses the massive weight of land above it. (This is true because wet packed soil traps gases and other things allowing it to support itself. Dry soil becomes lighter, and allows air to pass through easier. You can try your own experiment with waterboarding, breath through a wet towel vs a dry one. While realizing oil is thicker.)

Secondly, there have been serious consequences to drilling. Including earthquakes, which has already been scientifically proven.

More sinkholes have appeared over the years simply because the matter beneath them has been relocated to factories in the form of oil.

Oil is not just an essential resource it's the lifeblood of the planet. Any ways we can come up with to make the change should be done. Feel free to use Google maps and an earthquake tracker to verify yourself that at the epicenter of an earthquake there is always a nearby drill.

If you enable all of the earthquakes for the past 10+ years you will notice they draw a line across the planet several, these are fault lines. The places where the quakes happen. But if you look extra close on a map you will see that every oil rig is always within 1 mile of those lines surrounding them in every direction.

Right now, as oil gets pulled from these fault lines it's causing earthquakes in land that was stable for 10,000+ years, and new faults are forming because we removed the support.

If we don't come up with a better way, we will all be in trouble. So for once I think they actually might be trying to save humanity as a whole. However, they are going about it all wrong and only see a mass kill off as a way to handle the dwindling resource.

Oil takes millions of years to produce, and we were on the verge of fusion energy discovery anyway. So yes, the change will scare off some people, but it has to be done.

Waters rise when the land collapses, as land itself is thicker and heavier then water. All land rests on water ways, meaning dig down far enough and you will always find water.

The problems we face today is from oil displacement. Yes earthquakes happened on their own for thousands of years, however, the stable shelf has never been compromised until today, and that stable shelf is getting smaller. Which if we keep at it will eventually destabilize 4/5th the US.

Ever think that the US selling oil to China the world's largest supplier is literally ment so we can continue to have products and items crafted during the upcoming switch?

Have we not learned anything in how the leaders of the world are all on the same page. Think about how many "big" countries didn't lock down for covid? None, I think the puppet show we have going could be more then that.

Example Russia is known for oil, they are further north. Ever think if they were forced to stop producing oil millions would die? I mean they can't exactly use solar energy and wind only produces so much. Realistically it's a direct threats to Russia and their way of survival, on the grand scale.

If you ever been to places like Alaska then you know half the year is nothing but nonstop night. Some countries people need oil to survive these, as solar is no usable when there is no sun for half the year.

I think we shouldn't ban oil, but figure out how to reduce consumption in countries where other sources are available. Worst part is most of these EVs can be self charging after initial startup for long gate travel - but profits come first, as once something starts moving it uses energy that can be reclaimed.

P.s outside of common sense when it comes to solar, I have solar lighting and am located in the US. Solar technology hasn't really changed in over a decade, and has been 98% efficient from the start leaving very little room for true improvements to the tech itself. Most improvements come from the application of said technology. Like street panels for roads and houses instead of smaller scale lighting, the new paint anything to turn it into a panel... etc. With that said it really remains limited during various weather conditions and seasons - also requires the stripping of trees and more.

Our best options would be to redo the main highways across the US, and the straight aways with panels. As well as setting up skyscrapers for generation. However that would be insanely costly to do.
edit on bWednesdaypm2023-01-11T15:45:38-06:00kpmWed, 11 Jan 2023 15:45:38 -0600Wed, 11 Jan 2023 15:45:38 -060020233 by BlackArrow because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 04:12 PM
This makes no sense unless we need to preserve these resources for “other” uses.

US Territories and Hawaii has a deficiency of natural gas. Most ovens/stove top ranges are either propane or electric. Natural gas is a luxury where available.

This would be an odd enforcement unless exceptions were made or the government foots the bill.

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
This is a conspiracy site, so here is a conspiracy theory for you.

Suppose you were certain of WW3. Or suppose you were determined that WW3 should occur.

There's an old adage, "Everyone is prepared to fight the last war." I don't remember who said it. The Maginot line is a good example.

In the previous World Wars, the key factor was petroleum products. Whoever controlled them was the winner.

So how do you prepare for the upcoming war? Well, you make sure that you have control of petroleum products and your enemy doesn't. You don't use yours, you hold on to them until the war starts. You get your opponents to use theirs, so they won't have them when the time comes. You even take advantage of "allies." Alliances can change in a war. Give them paper or computer bits in exchange for their more valuable resource. Keep as much of the real energy for yourself.

That also means limiting domestic consumption not dedicated to the war effort. During the wars, civilians would get ration cards limiting the purchase of essential materials. As a preparation for war, you might price essential materials out of the budget of most people, or otherwise limit their ability to obtain them.

Consider what's happened since Biden took office and think it through from there.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 04:23 PM
a reply to: JinMI

I just joined the GSOA and the NGSA

Gas Stove Owners of America and the National Gas Stove Association

Come and bake it indeed, from my cold buttery fingers.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 04:32 PM

And as a matter of fact, I will be buying six more gas stoves, only to leave the gas running when not in use because I for one, climate activist against climate activists and love pumping the air full of noxious gases. And there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it, especially government! Ha ha… dorks!

Watcha gonna do? Throw paint on me?? Ya dopes!

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 04:35 PM
a reply to: Salamandy

Every time a stupid fake climate emergency post is made on the internet somewhere, ten normal people leave their cars idling overnight in the driveway. Eat my shorts with this fake emergency stuff and governments telling us what we can and cannot buy. NOPE… we are moving towards much much much less government, not more ya silly clowns

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 05:08 PM
I lost my stove in a boating mishap.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 07:09 PM

originally posted by: VictorVonDoom
This is a conspiracy site, so here is a conspiracy theory for you.

Suppose you were certain of WW3. Or suppose you were determined that WW3 should occur.

There's an old adage, "Everyone is prepared to fight the last war." I don't remember who said it. The Maginot line is a good example.

In the previous World Wars, the key factor was petroleum products. Whoever controlled them was the winner.

So how do you prepare for the upcoming war? Well, you make sure that you have control of petroleum products and your enemy doesn't. You don't use yours, you hold on to them until the war starts. You get your opponents to use theirs, so they won't have them when the time comes. You even take advantage of "allies." Alliances can change in a war. Give them paper or computer bits in exchange for their more valuable resource. Keep as much of the real energy for yourself.

That also means limiting domestic consumption not dedicated to the war effort. During the wars, civilians would get ration cards limiting the purchase of essential materials. As a preparation for war, you might price essential materials out of the budget of most people, or otherwise limit their ability to obtain them.

Consider what's happened since Biden took office and think it through from there.

Do you tap into emergency oil reserves to lower gas prices?
What you said was very thought out and conservative.
I rarely see that in leadership today.

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 07:22 PM
Ummm...Natural Gas Stoves are bad...But the 15 factories in a 5 mile radius pumping who knows what into the air, into the ground and into the water are Ok. Sometimes, the stupid runs deep....SMH

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 07:40 PM
wasn't there a thread
on how we been cooking for 780,000 yrs?

did we use gas or electric?

and why didn't anyone tell the brits?

do people really get paid to come up with this #?

they can pry my 12 burner vulcan out of my
cold dead hands!

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 09:27 PM
I don't know who made this but it's genius!!!

Somebody, somewhere has an awesome sense of humor!!!

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 09:31 PM
Hows that polytetrafluoroethylene treating you?

posted on Jan, 11 2023 @ 09:45 PM
I keep a few 4l jugs of mercury around just to spite these control freaks, you want us to live like that then we will spend our last days salting the earth for you people, you stupid effing commies can inherit a dead planet.

I am in total agreement with your sentiment.
The government steals from the poor, it manipulates everyone, it violated the social contract and the nuremberg code, and wants us to submit to their plan of turning this earth into an open air prison. If i didn't have to stay pg rated i would say something like f*** you elites, environmentalists, commies and leftard fodder, eat $h*t and please hurry up and die from your clot shots, stupid reeeets.

originally posted by: Salamandy

And as a matter of fact, I will be buying six more gas stoves, only to leave the gas running when not in use because I for one, climate activist against climate activists and love pumping the air full of noxious gases. And there isn’t a damn thing anyone can do about it, especially government! Ha ha… dorks!

Watcha gonna do? Throw paint on me?? Ya dopes!

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 08:19 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

Yeah it's all BS..!!

They are trying to make the people energy dependent on them as a means to coerce them into total obedience.

Logic dictates that in order for gas to effect people with asthma or any other ailment, the gas has to be leaking into the home. If that were happening, there's be more than asthma to worry about.

Once gas appliances are turned off, they are off..!!

However, most leftists are so dumb by design (because the Dems have been using various methods to dumb down their constituents for years), they will fall for it and even welcome it. Just look at all the other recent ridiculous stuff they have managed to convince the left of.

If the Dems came out with some illogical reason that breathing in general is bad for your health, you can bet your bottom dollar that half the left would fall for it..

edit on 12-1-2023 by Ironclad1964 because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 11:52 AM

originally posted by: MykeNukem
a reply to: JAGStorm

They must think we're all mentally deficient.

Anything that can maintain you off-grid or in a SHTF situation seems to be a target.

Asthma my ass.

Home owners insurance already targeting wood stoves, as well.

Yep. Wood stoves have been banned is some areas of some States already.

No gas. No wood. Just iffy electricity. What a horrible way to go.

I guess we will just go the way of the dinosaurs, or more folk will be pushed South.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Uphill from VOX today on Twitter, which I also re-tweeted to ATS on Twitter: Methane leaks are a big issue in gas stoves:

Rebecca Leber
when I started reporting on this years ago, no one really suspected gas stoves to be a source of methane emissions. It turns out that might have been wrong. Methane leaks are more common than we realized, even when the stove is off.

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 01:23 PM
a reply to: Uphill

Yes and they are an issue out of cow's butts and not significant enough to make a statistical difference.

edit on 12-1-2023 by ketsuko because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 12 2023 @ 01:55 PM
a reply to: Lysergic

At one point these people told you smoking cigarettes' was good for you lol.

Getting off topic just a tiny tad.
Way way way back when cigarettes actually had natural ingredients, I actually believe they might have been helpful to certain people with certain conditions. Not to everyone. Short lived though, they quickly added all kinds of bad stuff and hooked an entire generation of boomers.

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