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Pro-life activist arrested for praying silently near an abortion facility

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posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Terpene

all I'm asking, you lead by example and leave your bullsh1t morals and dogmas at home

Strange. That's all I have been asking of you.

Every time I watch a movie now, there is a gay scene. Every single time. I cannot think of a single movie that has come out in the last 5 years that did not have one in it. It's in my face, day after day after day. I turn on the news and there's this big exhibition and it includes a "gay pride" exhibition, otherwise known as "men dancing around in women's underwear in public making fools of themselves." Send my kids to school? There's a drag queen show where they talk about learning how to masturbate and spend the day counting genders.

That is completely in my face; I cannot avoid it unless I become 100% hermit. I have no concern over what two consenting adults do in the privacy of their own bedroom... doesn't affect me. But why am I forced to watch demonstrations? Why are my children taught how wonderful it is before they are able to understand it in the first place?

Now I hear how this woman happens to be standing in front of an abortion clinic and is arrested after the police ask her if she was praying. Well, praying is not something anyone can see... it is a purely mental process that requires no sound to come out of one's mouth, no movement of one's body, no outward indication of any kind that anyone could see. it's obvious from the description that the police had to ask her if she was praying; they couldn't tell! And the fact that the police asked her that means it had something to do with the reason why she was arrested.

So I ask, why are the police in the UK arresting people for praying? What answers do I get? "Because it's offensive and she had been previously told to stop."

Now I want to know, why is it that something that cannot even be sensed through any of the 5 senses offensive to anyone? And I hear "Because Christians like to force their views on others."

Every step along the way, I am hearing that simply believing in Jesus and following His examples in one's own life should be illegal. One poster even mentioned that if someone wants to pray they should stay home. What? One cannot now think what one thinks without being in a specified area? We have "thought zones" now? But overt actions like I mentioned above cannot possibly be offensive to anyone, right? I should be fine and dandy with some half-naked dude shaking his bare buttinsky in my face on the news, but if I think the wrong thing I should be arrested?

Look, I get the story that this woman had been involved in blocking access and intimidation. I'm not arguing with that. If she was being a public nuisance, she should pay the consequences. But when those consequences are conflated with her praying silently in the "wrong" area, I am always going to have a MASSIVE problem with that. When thinking the wrong thing in the wrong area is a legal offense, I am going to have a MASSIVE problem with that.

10 pages and I have still not received a reasonable response to why praying silently in front of a building that wasn't even open for business is a problem. But I have heard plenty of excuses.

How about you lead by example? How about you tell me, once and for all, why you think a person's silent thoughts are so offensive and such a apocalyptic scenario for polite, peaceful society, but others can do whatever they want and not a word is said?


posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: Terpene

Thanks for your concerns... My soul is not bound like yours, i never sold it to anyone

That is good! .. there is still hope for you yet. don't leave it too long though. You don't have much time.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:00 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

extremely convenient how anyone who says anything you disagree with is a lost soul or under demonic control so you don't ever have to listen to anyone about anything or acknowledge anyone else's perspective, isn't it

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:06 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

Don't join live free...
Not going to get dragged into a war of lunatics...

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:13 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

extremely convenient how anyone who says anything you disagree with is a lost soul or under demonic control so you don't ever have to listen to anyone about anything or acknowledge anyone else's perspective, isn't it

Well if your perspective is that Satanism is good, along with all the evil that presents, including child murder, SRA, rape and torture, cannibalism and adrenachrome harvesting. I am really happy with my perspective and I have zero interest in yours.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:19 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

that's the choice, huh? do exactly what you say, live in lockstep with every one of your values, or i'm a raping torturing cannibal? you don't mess around with black and white worldviews do ya

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Yet, every other thread still gets infused by some ridiculous theory that only make sense following some deluded logic, I guess that's where we are, getting on the others nerves because my deluded ideology is bestest...

Don't blame me, I change ideologies more than my underwear, just giving back some of that though love...

If you can't see the setting this little publicity stunt has transpired i can't help you,m to see why people care less and less for your opinions.

I'd like to see you folks if Satanist would gather in front of your church and just be there silently casting hexes. I can guarantee you they will be molested by authorities very quickly.
It's just uncomfortable, to have individuals constantly and publicly marking their presence, you think it's cool to make people uncomfortable on purpose? She couldn't have gone anywhere else?
It's obvious she has that confrontational mindset, that's fine with me, but at least don't play victim when you get busted for something you very well knew was at least a provocation.
and seriously you never admit anything, that can't be proven, to authority, that's just the first rule of civil disobedience. She needs another workshop at that soros camp.
edit on 22-12-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

edit on 22-12-2022 by Terpene because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:20 AM
a reply to: kennyb72

One can look directly at the original Hebrew texts, preserved by historians. They precede the time of Constantine and Nicea by centuries, many verified by scientific analysis. There are translations that allow one to look up each individual word in those manuscripts and learn not just the definition, but the meaning and normal context implied in ancient Hebrew and Greek; Strong's Exhaustive Concordance is one of my personal favorites. There is no editing that cannot be clearly seen in today's world if one studies.

There has been editing, and the meanings of many of the original words in the King James Version have shifted with time. "Thou shalt not suffer a witch to live" was once understood to mean "Kill all witches." It never meant that; it means, loosely paraphrased in the vernacular, "Don't subscribe to the Psychic Hotline"... a good piece of advice for anyone. Even in the Old Testament days, there were fortune tellers and mediums who sold their services; that verse simply said to not let them have at one's own resources, for they were swindlers and would lead others astray. The English-translated words changed meaning and those who incorrectly understood that verse did not take that into account.

But none of that changes the fact that the Bible, the original scriptures penned thousands of years ago by the ancient Hebrews, including those written in ancient Greek, are the actual words of God as dictated to His chosen messengers. Anything else is an excuse to sin.

One also cannot trust in their own experiences and also trust completely in God's word. We do not know what the context always is behind those experiences; we see the world through physical eyes that cannot pierce the veil of the past or the spiritual. You have a choice before you: will you trust God, or will you trust you? Devotion to God means you trust God; pride says to trust you. They cannot co-exist.

With that, I will exit this sideline topic. My best to you.


posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:33 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

Every time I watch a movie now, there is a gay scene. Every single time.

this is wild, can you tell me about the movies you're watching? See it's just that i am gay so that's kind of the sort of thing i look for and yet i find there to be frustratingly little actual gay representation in mainstream media. So either you just have terrible luck and you're accidentally renting, like, lesbian arthouse indie flicks, or you're getting upset about things like a two second shot of background extras embracing. Or you're talking about porn? no judgement, i'm just sayin' my girlfriend would appreciate some recommendations
edit on 22-12-2022 by continuousThunder because: not porn recommendations, we're good on that front thanks

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:36 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

that's the choice, huh? do exactly what you say, live in lockstep with every one of your values, or i'm a raping torturing cannibal? you don't mess around with black and white worldviews do ya

Duality is a necessary evil that we all have to endure each life, every time we manifest into the physical

I try not to do black personally but we all have free will to explore this world. The choices always come down to selecting between good and evil and there are very real consequences for selecting evil as your path.

You certainly don't have to do as I say or be in lockstep with me. As The Redneck pointed out we are all Gods children and so you are my brother or sister .. only two options by the way! .. and as my brother or sister I would love for you to experience what comes next for those who chose to be a good person.

Our consciousness is eternal. This life passes in the blink of an eye. Our future lives are determined by the outcome of this one.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:37 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

You know there is another reason why ones attention might be especially attracted to gay scene?

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:41 AM
It’s okay to be gay.

And no one was arrested for praying. They were arrested because they were in an (small) area they were banned from for spending 9+ years constantly harassing and throwing stuff at people, garnering thousands of complaints.

This thread should be moved to disinfo or hoax bin.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 06:47 AM
a reply to: Terpene

I'd like to see you folks if Satanist would gather in front of your church and just be there silently casting hexes.

Those "hexes" won't work. I'm not worried about that in the least. It's akin to a grub worm challenging a bear.

That aside, people here are allowed to gather where they wish (on public property or with the owner's permission) when they wish. Your assumptions are completely invalid. You're talking to a guy who has Jehovah's Witnesses come by regularly, and unlike most others, I invite them in. You want to talk about Jesus? FANTASTIC! Let's talk!

I've actually converted a few of them.

Other religions do not scare me. I know too much now, after a lifetime of stumbling around blindly. People, now? They do scare me... people kill each other over green paper, destroy entire civilizations over false ideologies, corrupt nature itself over ignorance, and oppress over the pleasure of oppressing. Humans try to control what others are thinking, which leads back to my point. Why is a silent prayer so offensive?

It's just uncomfortable, to have individuals constantly and publicly marking their presence, you think it's cool to make people uncomfortable on purpose? She couldn't have gone anywhere else?

That is, to be blunt, patently ridiculous. People have the right to exist. In order to exist, people have to inhabit space somewhere. What makes you think you have some right to tell me where I can and cannot be when I have done you no direct harm?

I understand someone with a history of violence and antagonism not being welcome hanging around a place where their victims live or work. That's why we have restraining orders. But she was alone; the business was closed. There wasn't anyone else around except for her and the cops. Who exactly was she intimidating by existing in that specific place?

I live in a very isolated area. My nearest neighbor is 1/4 mile away. If there's a problem, there's no one to call for help, only to come help clean up afterward. Yet, people drive up and down the road in front of my house every day; some people walk up and down the road in front of my house every day. Why do I care? As long as they are on public land, the roadway, it's none of my business. I might keep an eye on them just in case, but I would never try to challenge their right to be there. That's just silly! The most I might do is walk out front so they can see they're being watched if I suspect a nefarious intent.

And that, I now believe, is the crux of our disagreement. You want to control where others can be; I do not. You will never achieve that goal. One of the most poignant lessons in life is that this world is full of all kinds of different people with different beliefs and different goals in life and different customs and different outlooks... and you are no better and no more precious than the least of them. You get to live your life; others get to live their lives. If they want to silently pray where you can see them standing there, dude, you might as well just get used to it. That's life, and you can't change it.

Pride takes many forms... I see it in you as much as I see it in kennyb72.


posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:06 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Dear friend, I wouldn't ever want to sway your beliefs in any way. My only response to what you submitted is that God and Jesus didn't go away and that we all have a living relationship in real time. It is not from thousands of years old texts that we discover the reality of life. The bible is a guide to help us live our physical lives correctly and to reintroduce us, each life to how we should conduct ourselves.

It is up to each of us to talk to God and ask for inspiration and God talks to us through nature and through his creations.

If I have got this wrong .. I know that God will forgive me. (The God I worship is a loving God) It is not possible for a human being to reach the the level of purity that Jesus displayed during the course of a single life here in the physical world.

We return over and over to purify our souls so that we can progress in the evolution of consciousness and attempt to follow the path of our divine brother Jesus, and as we advance in each subsequent life we become closer to God.

Good wishes to you also!

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:07 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

What if they not only pass by but stop for 10 minutes every time and just stare at your door? You cool with that too? I'm sure you'd try to get a restraining order, who in their right minds want such loons close by? It doesn't even matter what you do or think, it's a little obsessive if not downright sick.

Them being on public property ties your hand in solving the issues unless you want to make yourself guilty. So you'd probably resort to authorities too. They have the means to put a stop to that antisocial behavior, and one day you'll be mighty happy they do.

You would always condemn such behavior, but because she was praying you are willing to look away from everything that lead to to her arrest. Let's hope this doesn't become the modus operandi for the loons in your team, it would backfire tremendously.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:08 AM
a reply to: continuousThunder

See it's just that i am gay so that's kind of the sort of thing i look for and yet i find there to be frustratingly little actual gay representation in mainstream media.

You want some examples?

Black Lightning - awesome show on Netflix,but damn if they didn't have Black Lightnings daughter in an obviously physical relationship with another girl. I never figured out what that added to the plot.

Star Trek: Discovery - The Chief Engineer and Chief Medical Officer, both guys, are married and they spend a lot of time emphasizing that point quite clearly. Also, the resurrected dead Krill guy is extremely feminine for a man and his girlfriend is extremely masculine for a woman. Oh, and while we're here, that masculine girlfriend makes it a very blatant point that she doesn't like the pronouns "she/her." She prefers "they/them," which I can only assume means she is schizophrenic since those are plural pronouns. The writers spent a lot of time driving that home. Maybe they're setting up a plotline for next season?

WWE Monday Night Raw - I'll just mention one because there's several... one of the up-and-coming tag teams is the Alpha Academy, composed of Chad Gable and the human bulldozer simply known as Otis (my description; not WWE's). Chad seems to spend an inordinate amount of time kissing Otis on the lips.

There's you three glaring examples. Others are usually a bit more nuanced, but every single show has them. The thing is, I would have no problem with a movie being gay-oriented; I never griped once about "Brokeback Mountain." Didn't watch it either; not my thing. It would be better IMO if there were more movies that suited your tastes instead of trying to get every one inclusive of everyone. You'd get more of what you want, and I wouldn't have to watch things I didn't want.

Oh, and there's plenty of gay porn out there; I'm not sure how you've missed it. I just don't complain about that, because there's plenty of straight porn as well.


posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:09 AM

originally posted by: TheRedneck

She'd been harrasing and intimidating local residents too and was causing 'detrimental effect in the quality of life of local people' hence the order in place- such orders require a lot of evidence over a sustained period - i.e six months of decibel readings from inside property proving persistent anti-social noise and behaviour showing over 70Db or ovber 60Db between 10pm and 7am.

It's not about controling where others can be, it's about her spending a decade travelling to the area to cause a nuisance to local people to such an extent that a PSPO had to be granted after they refused to follow prior advice from police and safetty officers then repeatedly ignoring the order hence why she's one of a handful of people who've been charged with breaking one.

edit on 22-12-2022 by bastion because: (no reason given)

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:11 AM
a reply to: Ohanka

It’s okay to be gay.

Of course it is. Did you think it wasn't?

And no one was arrested for praying.



posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:16 AM
a reply to: TheRedneck

Just one of those questions the police ask. Presumably they followed it up by informing her of the ban and asking her to move on and arrested her when she refused.

posted on Dec, 22 2022 @ 07:20 AM
a reply to: bastion

So was she arrested for breaking the restraining order or for praying in the buffer zone? The former is legitimate, the latter is not.

The contention throughout this thread *on both sides* is that she was arrested for praying - because that's what the police asked and then arrested her for based on the answer.

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