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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 09:36 PM

edit on 28-11-2022 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Do you have any idea what the CONF_WHITE_WHITE could mean in drop #459?
Maritime Rules of the Road -- White over white means the ship displaying the lights is towing a vessel. It is a short tow, less than 200 meters behind the towing vessel.
edit on 11/28/2022 by pteridine because: clarification

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:24 PM

The Great Awakening

How do you protect DNA?

polymerase ζ ?


DNA glycosylase?

I guess he is trying to get at the idea that DNA represents a crystallized blueprint of a person and perhaps even their soul.

That's why the old time Black magicians would want to get blood or hair of someone that they wanted to hex.

Today these practitioners have the whole blueprint.
Perhaps that gives them power over people if they don't actively oppose it.

Perhaps he's getting at the suggestion that we should do everything to avoid mutating or re-engineering our genomes.

That's just good advice if you ask me

edit on 11 28 2022 by dashen because: Q

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 10:44 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman
Idiocracy was "1984", a playbook for the generation to follow.

edit on 28-11-2022 by FlyingFox because: Right?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 11:07 PM
That…is making me put zombies back on my apocalypse bingo card!

originally posted by: Guyfriday
As I pointed out HERE

What was that again about thinking someone was dead but they came back or something like that?

"Researchers have restored1 circulation and cellular activity in the vital organs of pigs, such as the heart and brain, one hour after the animals died. The research challenges the idea that cardiac death — which occurs when blood circulation and oxygenation stops — is irreversible, and raises ethical questions about the definition of death. The work follows 2019 experiments by the same scientists in which they revived the disembodied brains of pigs four hours after the animals died, calling into question the idea that brain death is final.

The latest experiments are “stunning”, says Nita Farahany, a neuroethicist at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Although this study is preliminary, she says it suggests that some perceived limitations of the human body might be overcome in time."

We need to ask ourselves the basic question of, "How much time has to pass before your dead body can be reanimated and used for whatever others want?"

Will that even be you anymore, even if you have all of your faculties?
Will the average person be able to tell a reanimated person from a still living person?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 11:56 PM
a reply to: Caled

Whatever happened to calling it "Zom'pocalypse"?

I always find it weird when something is named one thing, but then the media turns around and changes the name due to their backers saying so. SARS Corona Type-2 became "Corona Virus" then Covid. Nobody really questioned why either. I often wonder if there might be some kind of cultic reasoning behind these mysterious name changes.

I still wonder what happens to a person that is born to a dead or nonexistent parent. Without getting all "New Age" about the idea, doesn't it need a little life force from both male and female to make a person whole when born? So, if one of the people doesn't exist anymore, like being dead or just frozen sperm, how does the child being born compare to a person born from two living RNA donators?

I once asked my Rabi friend about that, and he said he doesn't know. He guessed that it would make a generation of Golems, but then he got this sick look and realized that this exact situation is happening every day. Now when I see him, I might ask him if he found out anything, and I only get a head shake and sad look over it. I don't bug him about it, I just ask every now and then when he tells me about certain things.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 01:16 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Caled

Whatever happened to calling it "Zom'pocalypse"?

I always find it weird when something is named one thing, but then the media turns around and changes the name due to their backers saying so. SARS Corona Type-2 became "Corona Virus" then Covid. Nobody really questioned why either. I often wonder if there might be some kind of cultic reasoning behind these mysterious name changes.

I still wonder what happens to a person that is born to a dead or nonexistent parent. Without getting all "New Age" about the idea, doesn't it need a little life force from both male and female to make a person whole when born? So, if one of the people doesn't exist anymore, like being dead or just frozen sperm, how does the child being born compare to a person born from two living RNA donators?

I once asked my Rabi friend about that, and he said he doesn't know. He guessed that it would make a generation of Golems, but then he got this sick look and realized that this exact situation is happening every day. Now when I see him, I might ask him if he found out anything, and I only get a head shake and sad look over it. I don't bug him about it, I just ask every now and then when he tells me about certain things.

I've talked about the name changes extensively here, especially related to the Rona's shift. It signals a change in narrative. Sometimes, as in the case of The Rona, the narrative needed to be shifted as folks were more easily manipulated by the confusion, it also helps them stay ahead of the collective as it moves things to a new timeline. There is a percentage that register the change as a "new" thing, or, like Omicron, a deeper problem. It also allows for the refresh in talking points, they'll do this if they feel they are losing control.

As for the human born. In super short clifs notes style. The birth is an agreement triad, the Souls agree, mom, dad and soon to be child which is an aspect of a Soul, or even Soul Collective (it can be more complicated and often is). Those agreements can change at any time up until baby hits the floor. Meaning, baby can back out, swap with another Soul's aspect, or still birth even.

It helps here to understand that most Earther Humans are not The Soul, as in Soul in a Body, but more an aspect of A Soul created for the body. Some do go from body to body, yes, but not many, as it is cumbersome and time consuming and not necessary. Regardless of how one arrives, we have the illusion we are separated from Soul and Source regardless, once in the body which is a key point. We are not, but we think we are.

DNA's are merged, per the Soul's choice, the parents are not needed after that merge (DNA's are usually chosen because they fulfill a need).

Gestation is NOT cold storage, it is in fact life. Life on Earth starts second one of conception and that is not up to debate in the higher realms. The reason it is up to debate here is they are trying to break the bonds, dehumanize, and so on. There is no debate.

Merger of essence and body happens at birth, and, strangely, swaps can be done last second. Or, disturbingly, the birth can be so effed up, the essence and body link is damaged.

In fact, your birth-day, if you stayed as the original contributor to the process and merged with the body when the body hits the floor, is on the date of conception: Used to be folks chose conception dates based on stars and all manner of things to improve the process, easier to do with the lunar calendar.

All of that said, the way folks arrive on Earth is shocking. Hell, you can "agree" to a triad and one or two of the three can talk about running your precious body through a cellular redistribution machine for baby parts after a "doctor" rips out the body you committed to = it emotionally imprints, as does everything else the mother does: smoke, drink, worry, stress, hate etc.

Consider: New Human hears parents fighting, screaming, talking abortion, drinking, smoking, raging weeks on end. Guess what? New Human has no effing idea what the hell they are talking about, but it "feels" horrific. They don't know from "laws" or "Roe V. Wade" or "let's fight and have make up sex." It's just awful emotional imprinting. Now, add tv programming to the process.

Arriving here should be a sacred process, instead it is factory work in a prison labor camp.

Now, here is where your question is interesting. The goons and ghouls have worked every which way to destroy the mother child bond in any way they can = kill true mom energy. So are moms even really moms in the true sense?

Fun one, taking New Human from mom in the hospital, poking it, prodding it, jabbing it, weighing it, and finally selling it (Birth Cert) and then putting it in a room with other separated new arrivals is a designed to break the bond. In case of confusion, hospital births are DESIGNED to eff US UP!

By breaking the bond it creates a fearful child = wtf happened to the person responsible for caring for me, what's the plastic bin, fluorescent lights, who will feed me, what's with the masks, where am I? After nine months hell and a major mistake.

Dead parents are a problem, not from the soul's POV, it gets it, but from the Earther Personality POV, because the lack of the ability to care for one self and how we deal with it as a culture.

Consider: On Earth we can put a baby in a trash bin, a forest, a doorstep, and said baby has to pray someone will come and help them = they are in fact helpless. Imagine you, the adult you, being stripped from your home tonight and just being left on Mars, boom, that's it. What would you do? Now, what would you do if you were an invalid?

Our treatment of New Arrivals is criminal at best. New Human is introduced in the most money consuming system on earth, the Medical Establishment. We are born in places with sick people and where PEOPLE DIE!!! That's insane.

At one point folks knew this about New Humans and their arrival, but it was stripped out because it breeds beings that won't tolerate any of this. Our way lends itself to orphans, broken homes, despondent beings, fearful-fearful-fearful beings and worse.

This allows for all we've explored to happen. Remember, JE and Gmax looked for SPECIFIC TYPES, profiles = fearful, insecure, broken homes, motherless or worse, etc.

And now, completely insane people are saying a fetus (term used to dehumanize) knows it's in the wrong body in mom's belly. That POV isn't even insanity, it is simply bot programming.

The issue is really complicated because of Freewill here. Once here, you are on your own. The idea is you'd be protected, loved, educated etc. and experiencing separation would be tolerable, and serve the purpose.

Instead, we are on our own from day one at this point, yet no skills, not useful body, no understanding of how this place works = pretty much hell by any definition.

That's the short version, it gets much more complicated based on a ton of factors. One such factor, at some point many from the Animal Kingdom try their hand at being Human, learning to individuate and become self-reflective, attempting to rise up the progression. It's a poor comparison, but imagine your dog leaving dog body and jumping to baby, how mentally prepared would that animal be for earth? Now, torture it at birth, and strip it of ANY loving guidance at all after it arrives.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 02:05 AM

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: Caled

Whatever happened to calling it "Zom'pocalypse"?

I always find it weird when something is named one thing, but then the media turns around and changes the name due to their backers saying so. SARS Corona Type-2 became "Corona Virus" then Covid. Nobody really questioned why either. I often wonder if there might be some kind of cultic reasoning behind these mysterious name changes.

I think in some cases it can be used as a social engineering tool. By changing the jargon periodically, the thoroughly indoctrinated will absorb those PC type language changes in the process of absorbing the programming material that they are being fed. Many with contrary viewpoints to the topic of discussion will not absorb the new jargon, since from their perspective they have detected crap, and so have slowed or stopped their absorption of the programming material.

The thoroughly indoctrinated individual will notice the lack of PC jargon from the contrarian participant. This can often reinforce the programmed viewpoint, because the victim will assume the contrarian participant to be uneducated or ignorant due to their not being up to date on the current jargon.

I don't think that it's always for this reason when these jargon changes occur, but some times it probably does serve this or perhaps some other social engineering purpose.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 02:30 AM
How is not certifying the election a felony?

Ron Gould of the Mohave County Board of Supervisors was told he would be arrested if he did not certify the election: "I vote aye under duress...I found out today that I have no choice but to vote "Aye" or I will be arrested and charged with a felony".

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 03:55 AM
a reply to: RookQueen
It isn't a felony but seems it could be a class 3 misdemeanor.

According to this there is a deadline:

16-642. Canvass of election; postponements

A. The governing body holding an election shall meet and canvass the election not less than six days nor more than twenty days following the election.

And according to this failure to meet that deadline would result in a class 3 misdemeanor:

16-1009. Failure or refusal to perform duty by election officer; classification

A public officer upon whom a duty is imposed by this title, who knowingly fails or refuses to perform that duty in the manner prescribed by law, is guilty of a class 3 misdemeanor.

That would carry a sentence of up to a month in jail and $500 in fines.

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 03:57 AM
This from Drop 4966 I consider mistaken.

Information is knowledge.

IMO, the hierarchy,

Data -> Information -> Knowledge -> Wisdom

is a more accurate way to consider those words. Each is a level and carries with it a different level of understanding. Information is part of knowledge, but not knowledge itself.


posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 05:08 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Along with China having "police depts. in the U.S., makes me wonder if we will go to war with China here in the U.S.

bolded part mine.
Omg! When I read that, I was reminded of a channelling I did just before the second Iraq war. It was absolutely spot on, right down to the date "shock and awe" was to start!
In amongst the channelling was this when I asked if America was safe from reprisal attacks in their own country. I swear that this is exactly how it came through: "The enemy is already within. It is not who the American's are attacking". That could be interpreted in many ways by today, however, this was very specific to that time frame.
The Chinese have been 'infiltrating' countries for decades. I only need to think about all the China Town's scattered across here in the UK. This has always puzzled me for many decades. I keep asking myself why are the Chinese allowed to have specifically designated China Towns, those fancy arches at each end of the area designating "you are now entering China", in almost every major city in the world and no other 'race' is allowed to do that?
Twenty five years ago I was married to a lawyer. One day whilst driving past a well known Chinese Restaurant on our tiny little island of Anglesey off the North Wales coast, he happened to say this because I mentioned a fight that had occurred there a few night's before, which was unheard of in our area. He said "Yes, well, it was the Triads having a punch up." First time I had ever heard the term Triad and asked him to explain. He said there had been a big meeting there between different factions. He likened them to different Italian mafia or Hell's Angel's chapters. The restaurant in question was owned by a Triad group. Well, you could have knocked me down with a feather as so many thoughts went around in my head, not least...... how did he know?


posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 05:29 AM
I did a thread about the Brunson Supreme Court case:

I liked this Conservative Daily Rumble vid that I found while looking for more information on it. They get through most of the detail of the case and its current disposition in the first half of the video. Thought I'd throw a link to that up here in case anybody wants to have a look:

Zero mention of this by MSM so far, as far as I can tell.
edit on 29-11-2022 by TheBadCabbie because: to add the msm part

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 05:59 AM
Anyone see how the White House is decorated for Xmas this year?????
This photo is I guess too large to upload so here is the link....
edit on 29-11-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:19 AM
Coffee and 8Kun in the morning........

What is coded in your DNA?
The fingerprint of GOD....
What happens to all those who have polluted their DNA with MRNA jabs?
Are they only physically affected or spiritually also?

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:29 AM
Here is another whopper.....The new Merck pill is nothing more than Acetaminophen and Caffeine?!?!?!
A savvy anon has linked it to the very first Q post.....

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:43 AM

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Coffee and 8Kun in the morning........

What is coded in your DNA?
The fingerprint of GOD....
What happens to all those who have polluted their DNA with MRNA jabs?
Are they only physically affected or spiritually also?

From 8....

Each strand of the human DNA sequence is exactly 72000 molecules. Each strand. The entire assembly is 144000.

Are you of the order of the 144000?

Post Covid-19 vax adds a center strand to the assembly. 72000 72000 72000=216000


Can anyone confirm this? Implications??

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 06:59 AM
a reply to: crankyoldman

To be born into a mortal world, without memories, and at the mercy of strangers is considered reckless. ~ one of the unseen folks.

Afterthought: The maternity ward is the perfect bottleneck . . .
edit on 29-11-2022 by NobodySpecial268 because: I'll go away now ; )

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 07:03 AM
From 8.....A MILITARY EXERCISE with U.S. and Brazilian forces....shortly after a contested election and warnings of possible Military takeover....surely you jest.............LOL.....

Timestamp 10:52
Q Drop 1052

posted on Nov, 29 2022 @ 08:36 AM
musk pic decode?

theREAL Ih8uJACK POSTED: 357 (gun) + 3 (coke cans) + 1 (coke can) =. 357+31=388
If the Justices vote in favor of the petition:

= Will the U.S. Marshals and Secret Service remove the 388 members?=="

Here is your 388: Musk's photo represents the 388 who are about to be arrested or removed:

too important
Battery almost drained toodles

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