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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:05 PM

originally posted by: CrazyFox
a reply to: Ektar
Very strange, the whole China thing is horrifying. Pretty sure I wouldn't survive in those conditions.
Then again it could just be reused footage like we have been seeing a lot of lately.

Every country does disinformation a little bit differently. Remember early on, they were showing people dropping dead from Covid in the street. Seeing isn’t always believing.

Interesting to note, China has a vaccination program but it isn’t mRNA based. Does that mean their agenda goals are not the same as the Western agenda? Our government seems fixated on the mRNA vax as the keystone to whatever it is they are trying to do.

And if the Chinese program is not driven by the same motives, I wonder what their position on Ivermectin is...

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:07 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Too many weaklings got promoted to positions of authority across much of America over the past 30 years. It's going to take a huge shock of some kind to bring the country back to being conservative/patriotic/normal.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: cimmerius
I agree. Quite literally I posted on the China in a state of revolution thread just before I saw your post here.
I've copied and pasted for you:

I most definitely think Xi is allowing this to happen. I couldn't post my thoughts and feelings clearly this morning, but I shall try now.
Every time I 'tune into' the energy of the protestors when I see footage on tv, all I keep seeing is Xi with that 'fixed' smile of his, but bigger.
I then started reflecting by going back to the beginning. China made sure at the beginning of the 'pandemic' that the West saw footages of people dropping dead in the street, people being welded shut in their apartments and to top it all 15 rows of 5 abreast trucks, driving down a city street spraying disinfectant! Nobody thought to ask why, when everybody was in lockdown and this was before they could decide if it was even airborne! Oh, and let's not forget that super sized hospital they said they would build in 10 days, and they did! Whilst the rest of the World said, "if anyone can build a fully functioning hospital in 10 days, the Chinese will". They generated the the World fear. They made sure they had our backs against a wall.

The whole World was heading for another recession, C19 was a distraction from that, and is now being used to partly blame for the recession (heading for depression, but what do I know of World economics?). So, it suits China just fine that they can slow down their exports to other countries "because of Covid", to speed up, or rather turn a recession into a depression. China is a nation born of traders and exporters. Go back in history to the Silk Road, and now the 'whatever the name is' road (the name escapes me just now) is going to be the modern day equivalent. China knows no other way of being than being exporters to other countries. I could say America was 'born' with a 'gun on its hip' if you look back historically.

Xi looks around and sees these protests against Governments popping up all over the place, all for different reasons. So, he joins that merry band saying, "Look! We've got protests going on here too!" I'm not saying the lockdowns/zero tolerance isn't happening, clearly it is. But to say it's because of C19, which has mutated itself out of existence with variants now, is simply not washing with me. It worries me that Xi has lifted the 'one child' law and changed it to 2 and in 5 years there will be no restriction on the amount of children people can have. What does he knows that's coming where China will need an increase in population in a generation from now?

That futuristic costume Schwab wore at some WEF meeting some time back, might have appeared futuristic to most, but to me, if you popped a helmet on his head he reminded me of some Mongol warrior. Is Xi singing to WEF's tune? Or is WEF under Chinese control too. Think about it. We are already calling Biden 'China Jo' and other. We know Xi dressed down Trudeau recently. Most of Western countries are in debt to, or heavily invested in China. China has that ace up it's sleeve of calling in thise debts, regardless of what MSM keep telling us that China's economy is failing. World economy is failing FFS!

That's all I've got right now, but I stick to "something just ain't right about the Chinese protests".


posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I'm Looking forward to the "Suicide Weekend" of Liberals and Corrupt top-tier individuals that Qanon promised. Biden souped up the "988" Suicide line a few months ago. That was an encouraging sign, from my point of view.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:20 PM
At 5:20pm Eastern, "Election Wizard" says:

BREAKING -- ELON MUSK: The Twitter Files on free speech suppression soon to be published on Twitter itself. The public deserves to know what really happened.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:25 PM
I don’t think he’s living there. I think he is just sleeping there sometimes.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: Caled
I really feel like that picture is in an inn or friend’s place with a “theme room.” In this case, “founding fathers.” The prop gun is probably his and was broken by his two year old. The Tibetan Varja might be his too. What a weird way to live.

originally posted by: EA006

originally posted by: Caled
Those aren't the only interesting things in that picture.

The books.

I can't find that exact set of (three) books in a blue box, but you can see "Washington's Rules of Civility" in red, "The Constitution of the United States of America" in blue, and a book turned backwards in the box. Likely the Declaration of Independence.

There is a four book set in a black box that also includes "The Way to Wealth."

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Posted on Truth by Florida Man.....Nice observations.....

"Mirror" "Reflection" "Repeat".. < Used in gematria.

Anyone type the image names into a gematria calculator and look for EO post matches or other useful info?
(Say what you see)

"There is no excuse for my lack of coasters" = EO 415

Post- 415,

We are in this together.
No one person is above another.
We stand together.
Watch the news.
Godspeed, Patriots.

Maybe this has been covered already.

Just to add.. the ring pattern looks like 'the flower of life'.. which is EO 165.. a post about patterns n twitter..

Allegedly he's living at the Twit, so the nightstand being where? Odd things to take with you.

Allegedly he lives in a weee house, so the nightstand being where?


Stand firm, tonight?

Taking a Stand, at night, tonight?

Gematria Night Stand 399, 696, 116

Among other interesting results: Flower of life, Meaning of Life.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:26 PM
So here is my more useful observation about the cans and guns pic. Hopefully more useful than my last post.

The cans are aluminum, there are two guns old and modern, and we have the coaster comment.
Coasters catch the sweat from drinks.

Is there something to look into regarding the history of aluminum in guns, and perhaps there is something about aluminum and sweat.

Forgot to mention the water bottle, so aluminum in water (watch the water)

Aluminum in guns search:

Aluminum used to be very expensive to work with, prior to World War II. It was difficult to find and refine the raw material. Then, advances in technology in the 1940s and 1950s however made it cheaper to find and use aluminum. In 1949, Colt released the Lightweight Commander gun, reduced in weight by 30% thanks to aluminum. The popularity of this weapon meant adapting aluminum to other gun models and types, eventually leading to many handguns and rifles manufactured from the material.

Turn up this interesting find, as I researched aluminum and sweat.

For ingested aluminium, the poor solubility of aluminum compounds allows for its effective excretion by the kidneys; with only about 0.25% of the ionic aluminum getting absorbed into the blood for those with normal kidney function [24,25]. Sweat is another major route of aluminum excretion[26]. However, almost 100% of the intramuscularly injected aluminum (as in vaccine adjuvants) is absorbed into the systemic circulation and travels to different sites in the body such as the brain, joints and the spleen where it accumulates and is retained for years post-vaccination [8,9,25].
Science Direct

We know there is aluminum in vaccines, maybe gun manufacturers and Pharma working together.
Thats my 2 cents
edit on 28-11-2022 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

edit on 28-11-2022 by Observationalist because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:40 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday

Well after getting a nice nap in, I have to say that I don't think this Tweet by Elon matters.

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 000000 No.17830238 📁
Nov 27 2022 19:58:52 (EST) NEW
Be aware of false prophets.
I am not a prophet.
You are not a prophet.
We are not prophets.
Focus on the mission.

this was yesterday, so was it a warning that Elon (or someone) was going to be posting a cryptic posting that might entice us to follow instead of staying focused on world events?

If Elon is a member of -Q-, like some attest, then did he warn us before to ignore the post, hence the "I am not a prophet" line in that post. I mean if we're decoding it, then you can bet someone else is spending money to figure out what it all means too.

Oh, and in case anyone wonders, I assume that if I came to this realization, then those with economic means most likely figured this fact hours ago. So, I'm not worried that I tipped them off.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 05:41 PM
a reply to: MindBodySpiritComplex


"Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 39ab48 No.17830326 📁
Nov 27 2022 20:06:20 (EST) NEW
What is coded in your DNA?
Who put it there?
Mankind is repressed.
We will be repressed no more.

There is a war for your DNA.
Protect your DNA.

This might refer to the idea that an off switch or some kind of limitation was placed into Mankind’s DNA to prevent the manifestation of our higher powers.

If a mRNA injection were beneficial, it could possible remove this block and allow Ascension, but that doesn’t seem to be the case with the current vax. The current vax seems more likely to be introducing some additional spiritual blockage.

I’m not sure how this all fits together. Maybe Med Beds would be the way to remove the block. But I thought it worth mentioning that there is the idea that an extraneous insertion into our DNA by nefarious parties may have artificially stifled our evolution.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:11 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: crankyoldman

Too many weaklings got promoted to positions of authority across much of America over the past 30 years. It's going to take a huge shock of some kind to bring the country back to being conservative/patriotic/normal.

Millennials put the world in a coffin, GenZ will bury.

GenZ, no more letters after Z.

Idiocracy was "1984", a playbook for the generation to follow.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:17 PM
Something of interest.

An interesting take on "Catcher In The Rye" and the symbolism therein.

The Freemason in the Rye

I have to say, I dodged this in pewblick school, read it in college during the "what'd I miss..." reading festivities. I was appalled. Could not find a single reason this should be read by young folks, I also hated every bit of it. That said, this explanation makes more sense than it being a classic must read for kids.

RE: my comment to CWM, GenX was the group this process of miseducation was shoved into first. So, GenX created Millennials, and are the grandparents to world killers GenZ, I guess we need a serious rethink about our contributions, as the current must reads for kids involve exclusively sex related gender inversion stuff

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:38 PM

edit on 28-11-2022 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:46 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

The shot heard around the world?

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 06:50 PM
QTSR Nov 28:

United States Secretary of Defense

QTSR Nov 28:

edit on 11/28/2022 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 07:42 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel a reply to: cimmerius
I agree Jane, something just isn't right. I wonder if this has anything to do with it?

Along with China having "police depts. in the U.S., makes me wonder if we will go to war with China here in the U.S.
I'm sure they will need fighters and people to replace those that don't survive the war????

edit on R20222022kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago11 by RookQueen because: Q

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 07:43 PM
This is interesting, but not for the reasons you might think at first.

Controversial energy official charged with stealing woman’s luggage at MSP

He said he is not a Biden appointee but instead was hired as a career employee in the Senior Executive Service. Brinton accepted the job in February and began in June, according to media reports.

One of the deepest dives in this thread in 2018 was the SES, and renOgade's stacking of that country controlling network to destroy MAGA etc. Little known, little understood, but beyond powerful and evidently this one came from it? Explains soooooooooooooo much if true.

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

NOW...after reading all that from QTSR there is

ALL the Swiss gold has been moved to a bunker in the mountains.....

Ben Fulford reported this in the last few weeks and then this is from todays Fulford....

Anglo German and Russian forces preparing to move on Switzerland

A decision has been reached by the military and intelligence agencies of the West to militarily occupy Switzerland in order to arrest the top leadership of the Khazarian mafia, multiple sources agree. The Swiss armed forces are asked to stand by and not resist since this operation is not targeted at the Swiss people or nation. The target of the attack will be the BIS, the Various UN agencies with extra-territorial powers (i.e. their headquarters are not Swiss territory), the Rothschild complex in Zug and the huge underground base complex along the Swiss Austrian border, they say.

Anyone see in the news today about an Austrian railway strike???
Keep them from running.....ROFL.....

VERY interesting times indeed..........

edit on 28-11-2022 by SMOKINGGUN2012 because: (no reason given)

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 08:40 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

This may have extra benefits such as taking out the International Police Association who are controlling most Police Forces in the Western World.

Take em down!

I hope we get a list of take downs after the fight.


posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 09:05 PM
8K is hopping tonight after the Q drops....

This fascinating link about symbolism is found there.....

posted on Nov, 28 2022 @ 09:33 PM
This story has something in it that people should think about.
From: Fox news, but the link was pulled from MSN News since the Fox site either removed the story or made it harder to find

NBC News correspondent Miguel Almaguer still has not appeared on air since his Nov. 4 report was retracted without explanation after it suggested Paul Pelosi may not have been in immediate danger when police arrived the night he was assaulted in the San Francisco home he shares with his wife, House Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

So the story tells of the last story this guy did and the issue that was present. As seen below:

Almaguer reported Paul Pelosi opened the door himself but didn’t attempt to escape or declare an emergency before walking away from cops and back toward alleged the attacker. Almaguer also put a spotlight on what Pelosi and DePape were doing for roughly 30 minutes before police arrived, which nobody seems to know.

NBC News retracted the shocking report by that afternoon as it began to go viral, scrubbing it from the internet in the process.

Almaguer’s report seemed to coincide with theories that key details are being withheld from the public. For nearly a month, NBC News has refused to explain what was wrong about Almaguer’s report aside from a vague line that it didn’t meet company standards. NBC News hasn’t even admitted Almaguer is suspended with an on-the-record statement.

Ok so that was interesting, but the key part is in the video at the 1 minute 6 seconds mark, when it shows the texts/report of the event. The page states that DePape hit Paul Pelosi in the head at full force with the hammer. The report goes on to state that Paul Pelosi was unconscious on the floor in a pooling of blood after that.

At age 82 getting cracked in the head, wouldn't he be either dead or severely handy capped after that. SO then why was it that only after 6 days he was released from the hospital?
From: ABC channel 7 News

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's husband, Paul Pelosi, has been released from the hospital after being seriously injured during a targeted break-in at their San Francisco home last Friday.

On Thursday night, all was quiet at House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's San Francisco home hours after a white van backed into the family's garage. A short time later, it was confirmed that Paul Pelosi was home recovering. His arrival there comes six days after last Friday's early morning hammer attack in his home.

Burt wait...
From: People Mag

Paul Pelosi is expected to make a full recovery despite sustaining "serious" injuries after undergoing brain surgery following an attack in the early hours of Friday morning.

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi's spokesperson Drew Hammill announced Friday afternoon that her husband, 82, had a "successful surgery" to repair a "fractured skull" after he was violently assaulted with a hammer in their San Francisco home.

"Mr. Pelosi was admitted to Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hospital where he underwent successful surgery to repair a skull fracture and serious injuries to his right arm and hands," Hammill said in a statement. "His doctors expect a full recovery."

Paul was transported to Zuckerberg in stable condition earlier Friday when he was treated for facial injuries before undergoing brain surgery. Secret Service agents were stationed at the hospital.

So after having brain surgery and a skull rebuild Paul Pelosi gets released from the hospital after only 6 days? I'm going to say NO.
This link is to Healthline, but I know from personal experience that a head injury takes a hell of a lot longer than 6 days before a hospital allows a person to leave.

Most skull fractures heal on their own over time. If the brain was injured or surgery was required to treat the skull fracture or underlying brain injury, it may take weeks or months to fully heal.

If you’ve had a serious brain injury, you’ll most likely need help to regain full brain function. In some cases, physical, occupational, or speech therapy may be recommended to help with recovery. Other factors such as age and overall health can also affect recovery.

A 2018 study, found people with depressed skull fractures were more likely to make a full recovery if they were younger, had a mild head injury, were brought to the hospital for treatment right away, and had little to no injury to the brain.

As I pointed out HERE

What was that again about thinking someone was dead but they came back or something like that?

"Researchers have restored1 circulation and cellular activity in the vital organs of pigs, such as the heart and brain, one hour after the animals died. The research challenges the idea that cardiac death — which occurs when blood circulation and oxygenation stops — is irreversible, and raises ethical questions about the definition of death. The work follows 2019 experiments by the same scientists in which they revived the disembodied brains of pigs four hours after the animals died, calling into question the idea that brain death is final.

The latest experiments are “stunning”, says Nita Farahany, a neuroethicist at Duke University in Durham, North Carolina. Although this study is preliminary, she says it suggests that some perceived limitations of the human body might be overcome in time."

We need to ask ourselves the basic question of, "How much time has to pass before your dead body can be reanimated and used for whatever others want?"

Will that even be you anymore, even if you have all of your faculties?
Will the average person be able to tell a reanimated person from a still living person?

and HERE
and HERE

So, this reporter has been removed for the time being, but did he report on something else and not know it? Could Paul Pelosi be one of these brain dead, but still alive people I talked about?

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