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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:15 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Holocaust Survivor Kitty Werthmann's Speech

She is a must listen. Finally I understand Melinda French Gates agenda. I thought that her goal was about breaking the family unit but it is so much more.
Childcare Agenda
Same playbook.

World Bank and the Melinda Foundation Team Up

Part of the plan another fund, the global Childhood Incentive Fund to provide "scaled, universal childcare fund for developing countries."
Keep everybody busy, busy, busy.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 11:34 AM
a reply to: RookQueen

Have you ever wondered why all these government officials race over to meet with the Pope and hold confidential meetings?

Speaker McCarthy Meets With Pope Francis
Who knows if he really did because the link for pictures doesn't have any pictures. The timing is somewhat odd...May 4th, may the fourth be with you.

Maybe this links to the ku post referring to the Pope having a terrible May.
But wait there is more.
Vatican to send representative to the coronation

"Cardinal Vincent Nichols, Catholic archbishop of Westminster, will give a blessing during the first coronation ceremony. It will mark the FIRST TIME since the Reformation that a Catholic prelate is formally participating."

Why didn't the Pope attend since this was just such a big event? Instead he was meeting with McCarthy?
Something doesn't feel right. Then add to the mix Biden not attending either.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 12:04 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
We can probably file this under weird but that X-Files Home revolves around a deformed baby and deformed people.

I can't believe or maybe I can believe that Pfizer and the FDA knew that the jabs caused fetal damage.


The most horrifyting Pfizer document to date

"This document is among the most horrifying yet to emerge in the public view. It reveals both Pfizer and the FDA knew by early 2021 that Pfizer's mRNA Covid vaccine, BNT 162b2 resulted in horrible damage to fetuses and babies."

Just speculating but maybe this connects to the abortion pill by mail. We will have no evidence of just how serious the situation is.
Planned Parenthood Speaks
"Depending on where you live, there may be restrictions if you're 17 years or younger, or waiting periods to get an abortion."

Legal Abortions "Under Ground E" has an odd feel to it.
Gematria Under Ground E
First hit Joe Biden.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 12:28 PM
Nothing says "make the empire sexy again" like this doofus getting a crown with stole goods, some BS divine legacy something blah blah blah.

Making the rounds, kind of funny.

This is not even peak stupidity. What is interesting to me is WaPravda and NYPravda are the proven nexus points of information distribution for the Old Guard, so either they've lost complete control of their own system or this signals a problem.

Worth noting on the Micro To Macro.

Darko to Light
ATS transformation

Are we looking at an eneMedia flip shortly. They are just one Biden family arrest from being put in a corner.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 12:30 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Not big pharma's first rodeo.


posted on May, 7 2023 @ 01:13 PM
Arab League Agrees to Readmit Syria With Conditions

Arab League foreign ministers, meeting in Cairo Sunday, have agreed to restore Syria's membership in the League after a suspension of over 10 years due to the country's civil war. The ministers also agreed to support the U.S.-Saudi peace initiative to resolve the conflict in Sudan.

An Arab League statement noted that the "resolution of the Syria conflict is a step-by-step matter," and that the first step was the resumption of Syrian participation in Arab League meetings. The group supports the "territorial integrity of Syria," and the "withdrawal of all foreign forces" from the country.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Super long post sorry timed out (it would have been longer lol)
By no means was this a call to hasten the newly crowned monarch's demise. Long live


Fun with 20k

edit on 2023/5/7 by CrazyFox because: Typo

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:08 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
Nothing says "make the empire sexy again" like this doofus getting a crown with stole goods, some BS divine legacy something blah blah blah.

Making the rounds, kind of funny.

This is not even peak stupidity. What is interesting to me is WaPravda and NYPravda are the proven nexus points of information distribution for the Old Guard, so either they've lost complete control of their own system or this signals a problem.

Worth noting on the Micro To Macro.

Darko to Light
ATS transformation

Are we looking at an eneMedia flip shortly. They are just one Biden family arrest from being put in a corner.

This in reply to the shadowy figure walking past the lit opening at the "coronation".
I just want to point out the staff...

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 02:54 PM
Imagine fighting in Ukraine for these guys.

For those interesting, @TheRealDarkJudges are officially back. Very interesting how Team Muskinator has strung out the returns to the twit, almost as if there is a plan or something.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 03:05 PM
Half of US Banks on Brink of Insolvency

Stanford University's banking expert, Professor Amit Seru, stated that around 50 percent of United States lenders are currently underwater. He added that this issue is not limited to just Silicon Valley Bank and First Republic; rather, the entire United States banking system is potentially insolvent.'s%20banking%20expert%2C%20Professor,banking%2 0system%20is%20potentially%20insolvent.

$10 trillion could be 'wiped' from banking sector as more banks collapse

Foss cited Elon Musk who claimed, in an interview with former Fox News host Tucker Carlson, that more banks will fail as commercial real estate loans default . Foss said "a lot more" banks could collapse.

"The biggest banks are too big to fail, which means they will get bailed out," he observed. "But that doesn't mean that shareholders get bailed out, and this is where a lot of money can be lost. There are probably, by my estimation, at least $10 trillion of bank equity globally that can literally be wiped out if the system fails." sis-Greg-Foss.html

Swedbank Strategist Says US Banking Crisis Is Spreading — Warns of More Banks Failing in 'Vicious Spiral'

The U.S. regional bank crisis is spreading. With every bank that succumbs to shrinking deposits and/or market distrust, the probability of more banks falling victim to similar fates grows. A vicious spiral may be about to take hold.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 03:18 PM
Recession is a done deal': A renowned market bear who called the dot-com bubble warns a deep and long downturn will destroy corporate profit margins — setting stocks up for disaster

Albert Edwards says the US economy is already in recession.
"The official US leading indicator tells us a recession is a done deal, not tomorrow, not next week, but today," the Societe Generale strategist who called the dot-com bust more than 20 years ago said in a note to clients on Thursday.

Fed Reveals 722 Banks Reported Unrealized Losses Over 50% of Capital as Concerns Over US Banking Crisis Grow

Many people took to social media Saturday to voice concerns about the U.S. banking crisis. Some stressed that this is a clear indication that the banking crisis is far from being resolved while others warned that the banking crisis in the U.S. is just getting started.

Gabor Gurbacs, director of Digital Assets Strategy at investment management firm Vaneck, opined:

The Fed had the data, knew what could be coming after their reckless interest rate policies yet they didn’t meaningfully warn either the government or the public.

US Government May Freeze American Bank Withdrawals As Currency Panic and Capital Flight Mounts

“Sometimes it’s kind of relevant to panic. I would recommend you panic… You’ve seen the biggest waterfall decline in M2 right now. M2 is deposits, not loans. That’s the deposits fleeing the system and going into money market funds.

That could reach a crescendo where the Treasury and the Fed may have to come in and actually restrict your right as a US citizen to pull money out of the US banking sector.” endry/amp/

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 03:28 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise


BREAKING: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. claims that the CIA has a history of rigging U.S. elections and assassinating leaders who refuse to comply with their ‘New World Order’ agenda, via his interview with Freddie Sayers of Unhurd

edit on 2023/5/7 by CrazyFox because:
not directed at you

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 03:40 PM
White House warns debt default could wipe out 8 million jobs, plunge stock market

A protracted default would likely lead to severe damage to the economy, with job growth swinging from its current pace of robust gains to losses numbering in the millions,” the White House economists said.

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen said the US could default on its debt as soon as June 1 if Congress doesn’t act.

Yellen calls invoking 14th Amendment a ‘constitutional crisis’

Treasury Secretary Janet Yellen on Sunday called the possibility of invoking the 14th Amendment a “constitutional crisis” after President Biden left open such an option amid stalled debt ceiling talks.

There is no way to protect our financial system in our economy, other than Congress doing its job and raising the debt ceiling and enabling us to pay our bills and we should not get to the point where we need to consider whether the President can go on issuing debt. This would be a constitutional crisis,” she said

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 04:10 PM
Worse Than 2008’—Bitcoin And Crypto Now Braced For $540 Billion Crisis, Ethereum Cofounder Warns After Price Boom

Now, another ethereum cofounder, Charles Hoskinson, who went on to create ethereum rival cardano, has warned the banking crisis is going to be worse than the 2008 global financial crisis that led to the creation of bitcoin. rns/amp/

Expert warns of severe economic reset amid fastest PPI drop in 75 years

Bloomberg’s senior commodity strategist Mike McGlone has issued a stark warning of the possible “severe economic reset” by this time next year, as he told the host of the finance YouTube channel Wall Street Silver during an interview published on May 4.

According to McGlone:

“By the time we speak next year this time, I fully expect we’re going to be in a severe depressionary environment. Unemployment going up, deflation continuing to tick down, and in this current trend, is PPI is dropping at the fastest rate in history.”

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 04:33 PM
California reparations panel OKs state apology, payments

California’s reparations task force voted Saturday to approve recommendations on how the state may compensate and apologize to Black residents for generations of harm caused by discriminatory policies.

The nine-member committee, which first convened nearly two years ago, gave final approval at a meeting in Oakland to a hefty list of proposals that now go to state lawmakers to consider for reparations legislation.

California reparations panel approves payments of up to $1.2 million to every Black resident

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 05:10 PM
Quantum Computing Supremacy Unleashed: AI Chatbots Are Doomed

Artificial intelligence (AI) has become commonplace, and quantum computing is set to alter the landscape radically. The potential of quantum computers to process vast amounts of data at unprecedented speeds could render existing AI chatbots, such as ChatGPT, obsolete.

Quantum computing, a revolutionary technology that leverages the principles of quantum physics, holds the potential to alter the landscape of AI and computing in general drastically.

The advent of quantum computing could precipitate the “demise” of current AI chatbots like ChatGPT. The raw computational power of quantum computers could enable a new generation of AI systems that are far superior in terms of processing speed, efficiency, and the ability to verify information.

Quantum Computers: What Is Q-Day?

The day quantum computers can render all current encryption methods meaningless. Q-Day was also coined for the dress rehearsal of the first atom bomb test in 1945.

Quantum Computers: What Is Q-Day? And What’s the Solution?

As I was scrolling through my LinkedIn feed a few weeks back, I became captivated by a post from Michael McLaughlin, a cybersecurity expert who has been interviewed several times for this blog on various topics. Michael was highlighting an excellent article by Chuck Brooks in Forbes on the impact that Q-Day — the day that quantum computers will have the power to “break the Internet” — will have on the global cybersecurity industry

Michael’s post began this way: “Think of China’s spy balloon as a giant vacuum sucking up all communications in its path. Encryption protects us, right? Wrong. The Chinese government is collecting as much data as possible — both encrypted and unencrypted — because of the coming era of quantum computing.”

This event has been referred to as Q-Day by quantum researchers where large-scale quantum computers will be able to use Shor's algorithm to break all public key systems that employ integer factorization-based (and other) cryptography.

With a large quantum computer, China will be able to crack communications, stored data, and networks currently secured using conventional encryption techniques (RSA, DSS, Diffie-Hellman, TLS/SSL, etc.). This means financial transactions, trade secrets, protected health information, critical infrastructure networks, classified databases, satellite communications — everything — will be vulnerable.

Chinese hackers will no longer need to deploy malware to break into a system because they will have the keys to walk right in the front door.

While experts may disagree about the exact timeline for Q-day, it is coming. And when it does, the world as we know it will be rocked to its core.

Quantum computers could simulate a black hole in the next decade

There has been a long-standing theory that the motions and accelerations of the particles directly above a black hole might be a two-dimensional projection of what the black hole itself is doing in three dimensions.

This concept is called holographic duality and might offer a way to look for that critical interface between relativity (i.e., black hole physics) and the Standard model (i.e., particle physics).

In this case, Dr. Rinaldi and his team used an algorithm running on a quantum computer to simulate the particles that make up the project part of the holographic duality.

edit on 7-5-2023 by socialmediaclown because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:31 PM
Another fake shooter, yawn. Sign that it's all fake "AR15" or "AR-15 like" but also White Supremacy. m.A.L.I.C.E goofed on this one, mixing and matching and then trying to cover the goof - I said a year ago she'd be mashing it up and thereby screwing it up and she has not dissappointed.

That said.

It's interesting what Team Muskinator chooses to comment on. 33 timestamp = our old friends Q Masons

I've made this point in another thread, this is going to happen with the trans kids, insurance is paying now but they will absolutely NOT cover the millions needed over a lifetime = destruction. Inversion here, "trans kids are killing themselves" is Inverted, is the desired outcome, not what is happening now. It is both an experiment, and, the gateway symbology into the BorgVerse - TransHUMANISM.

I've not seen one person address why the addictive chemicals are being covered by insurance, adderall, trans chems etc. they are going to pull the plug.

BTW, see it? Add-er-All.

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:32 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox

There seems to be a lot going on -Q- wise with the choice of books behind RFK JR. Each shelf tells an interesting story.


Given that the GOP will be announcing charges and criminal charges against Hunter and the rest of the Bidens on Wednesday, I would expect to see something posted by -Q- if we are to continue to take this with any seriousness.

edit on 7-5-2023 by Guyfriday because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 06:51 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
Yeah it definitely appears that he like ducks wow.

Kennedy’s claims of being “silenced,” though, were given a truly ironic little helping hand by ABC News’ decision, which Davis explained in a brief address after the interview aired, to completely cut his comments on COVID vaccines.
Total hit pieces because a-v.

R. F. K. Jr. challenges Biden to debate as many Americans have 'major' concerns about president's age
Biden announced he's running for a second term in office on Tuesday
Odds on it happening?

The Biden administration is riddled with Neocons, war hawks, Wall Street people, and former corporate lobbyists. That's what the party elite has become.

Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Says CIA Killed President John F. Kennedy
Tucker did it 1st?

Kennedy responded by saying “Yes, they were definitely involved with the murder.”
Watch the Moment RFK Jr. said it here:

The Very Strange New Respect for Authoritarian Democrat Robert F. Kennedy Jr.

Kennedy's announcement rally. "As [a] Democrat he must be bad on all sorts of things," tweeted's Scott Horton, "But not the ones that matter the most." The Libertarian Party of Colorado tweeted (and then deleted) 

His conspiratorial thinking spreads much further, as he’s also been on a crusade against 5G. In the mainstream, he’s long been cast off as a kook. But kooks have followings tools

One playbook
But we are watching a movie?
How bout both?
edit on 2023/5/7 by CrazyFox because:

posted on May, 7 2023 @ 07:30 PM
I get more news and incite from this particular thread and these particular contributors than any and all news programs combined. I really appreciate the incredible contributions you all make, it is a very civil group who have a knack for getting stories that would otherwise be unknown to me and mind you i share them. It has helped me see things much clearer, even if most people would think I am " out there" they have not seen as many pieces to the puzzle as I have, as we have.
It's been a while since I first declared the storm has arrived, lol, I've been off more than I care to count but May 11th seems like another doozy with title 42 coming to an end, so I'll buckle up.

edit on 7-5-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

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