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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on May, 6 2023 @ 01:32 AM

originally posted by: Thoughtful2
a reply to: Guyfriday

Truth Justice has just posted an amazing video with Dr. John Coleman about the Committee of 300.
The Committee of 300

He does a very good job at explaining how all of this works. How are we ever going to undo all of this?

The depopulation of cities will continue faster n faster naturalllly, is happening as many wake n leave cities, so do not get the appeal of that one from our lovely soul deaded ones, ?.
edit on 6-5-2023 by 13Kiwi20qYes because: NOvv-vvON WOz-zOW

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 01:44 AM
Trust Kansas? Q-Trust Kansas

James Comey/Corney and his fixation on Star Wars nicknames?

Well, it might be connected. This was from a story put out there last month.
From: dated;17 Apr 2023

With the federal government spending at least $1 billion annually on defense and civilian agency programs to neutralize 'insider threats,' it’s no wonder that people are asking how it was possible that secret documents posted by Jack Teixeira, a low level 21-year-old Massachusetts Air National Guard airman, were able to circulate through the backwaters of the Internet for months before authorities even became aware of their existence.

After the massive document dumps by Chelsea Manning and Edward Snowden, new systems were put in place to prevent, or at least rapidly track, such unauthorized access to top secret files. The shiny new application touted to detect insider threats was artificial intelligence. Obviously it didn’t work in the Teixiera case.

Today, defense contractors make millions of dollars selling AI insider threat systems that are meant to predict which government employee might pose a potential national security threat. These tech entrepreneurs make big claims about their AI’s accuracy in identifying leakers, and claim an urgent need both for their systems and for access to ever more data.

Ok so there's the main feature on the story, but the part I want to bring to your attention:

To a similar end, last year the Pentagon awarded a “multi million dollar contract” to Torch.AI, a Leawood, Kansas-based data infrastructure artificial intelligence company, “to support the Pentagon’s efforts to combat insider threats,” known as the System for Insider Threat Hindrance, or SITH.

Bolded words are by me in order to draw attention.

Also, From: dated; Aug 15, 2022

Torch.AI, a data infrastructure artificial intelligence company, said it won a multi-million dollar contract to support the Pentagon’s efforts to combat insider threats.

The Pentagon will use the company’s NEXUS software to implement the capability, called the System for Insider Threat Hindrance, or SITH, an apparent Pentagon reference to the “Star Wars” film franchise. SITH aims to track insider threat risks and bring awareness to them before they become detrimental to the department.

The exact value of the contract was not disclosed, however, representatives from the Leawood, Kansas-based company valued the contract at “multiple millions” of dollars. A Pentagon spokesperson did not immediately respond to requests for information.

Could this system have been used before the date listed, and even more, could this system have been used before 2022?
I'm looking at Q-4153 that was posted May 8th 2020. Could Comey/Corney and friends been using this system to track and trace people. It would explain their HAM enthusiasm in passing intel to each other.

Maybe I'm just reaching here though.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 08:42 AM
a reply to: socialmediaclown

Please, break these down to smaller posts so people will read them. Most people need the short bursts instead of long reads to fully comprehend. If you try that with your posts, people would be patient enough to read them. Thank you for your contribution. I get the same feel with other posts besides yours. A lot to digest when trying to catch up on things. I am usually in the catchup detail....

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 09:40 AM
I am 100,000% convinced JE is a billionaire heiress tranny.
Mark Epstein secured this thought. Gislaine trans as well.
The Epstein's are Christina and Alex Onassis. Ghislaine is a Glenn. 100,000%

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

a greater possibility is that that could be explained to why Epstein had plastic surgery done. Don't all "Emperors" have their faces on money and coins? Epstein might have had plastic surgery to show "somebody" that he was in charge by showing them the money.

Just a thought.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 10:07 AM
Joe has a strange childhood.
His father looks to me to be a place sitter to raise Joe. He was greased for success in order to finance Joe's lifestyle.
I suspect he is a bastard child of someone important.
Maybe Senator Byrd.
Byrd was their to either mentor Joe as his actual father or mentored because Joe was bloodline for someone powerful.
Jill is a killer IMO.
She is an Italian mob bosses daughter.

What I have been waiting on from all of yours guys is.....
Who the heck is the neighbor that was raping Joe's daughter at night?
This was addressed by Q when they started posting again.
The neighbor in Ashley's diary.

I thought the sleuths in this thread was going to break this open.
Who is the guy?
IMO it was going to be the mkultra handler that was in charge of grooming the kids for Joe.
Joe has always been in the child sniffing, uncontrolled-didlling-for-fun-uncontrollably guy and not the handler-trainer do the work guy.
I believe the neighbor will show the connection to Jill and Joe's family ties.
Jill was a drop- dead one of a kind beauty who just happened to be the daughter of one of Italys most powerful mob bosses.

What is she doing being placed in that neighborhood?
Her dad was super-uper-duper powerful.

Their entire neighborhood does not seem accidental to me.
I get the feeling Jill orchestrated the set-up, with logistics help, for Nylias car crash.

Joe has 2 brain surgeries out of college.
Who paid for that?
Was Joe that important to someone?
Joe and Jill are the union of 2 mob families imo

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: crankyoldman

That's a strange connection. If this is true, then anyone that got married to Jill would have been made President. What is Joes connection to anyone important (besides Hunter apparently)

So, I don't see how Jill being connected to the King of England through tricky geno-connections matter. If on the other hand, Joe had the connection then maybe it might matter if Joe was also groomed from childhood. That didn't seem to have happened, in fact the only thing Joe seems to have been groomed for was being in the KKK.

If the importance was people getting married to the women of great families, then all you would have is branch families ruling the world. Would one want the main family to be in charge?

From what I can gather, if you are not part of the Swiss Aristocracy, then it doesn't matter who or what your connected to. Your just a tool for the ruling elites, me included.

edit on 6-5-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:13 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

We have something happening with the Covid-19 test kits.
Some manufacturers have used Sodium Azide in the liquid used in the vial.
Poison control has a warning about this...
Poison Control Warning

This is quite toxic with serious poisoning potential which can lead to death. The FDA has pushed for children as young as two years of age to be tested. How many people have been harmed or killed because of this under the guise of Covid?
FDA At Home Testing Guidelines

Four companies are identified BinaxNow, BD Veritor, Flowflex, and Celltrion. Maybe this is a stretch but I went through the post for "Test". I found Test 3,5,6,7,8,10,11,12. Test 4 is missing along with 1,2 and 9.

#4620 C19_stage 4 is about testing.
C19_stage 4: Push testing, testing, testing to spike 'infected' rate incline due to daily testing inc [the political 'set up]_controlled
MSDNC failure to report death count [rates] proportional to 'infected' rate_ deliberate miscounting
of infected numbers [%]_ change non_ positive to positive_ label death of non_ C19 as C19 ect.

Now there is a recall of Test kits from Amazon and CVS due to bacterial contamination.
Covid-19 test Kit Recall

500,000 test kits not only can make people ill but "can produce false test results."

Watch the water? "The liquid solution should not be poured down the drain."

Just how safe were the government issued made in China Covid test kits?
Jen Psaki Defends $1.3 Billion Purchase of Test Kits From China

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:20 AM
If you run into anything related to them Revaluing the Zim notes that went out that were to be rv'd and if and how they are to be converted into tokens I would like to know.
Zim and IQD are key indicators for the RV crowd.
It makes sense this happens through Blockchain IMO.

I have IQD but not Zim.
Zim backing their currency in gold says it is on as far as I am concerned.

The USD has taken it's 2-40% hits in devaluing already.
NESARA for the win.

a reply to: socialmediaclown

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:36 AM
Good Morning All…..

Very Interesting how more and more it’s becoming apparent how the so called “elite” families have hid their kids along with all their ill gotten wealth and power.

On another note, something you guys might find interesting. Last night Budweiser sent some Clydesdale Horses to our smaller town’s minor league baseball game, lol, they’re trying hard to win back small town America ! The horses are really big and beautiful. 🐴

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
This may be important.
The timing of this announcement is rather odd considering the focus is on the coronation. Princess Diana's diamond necklace is to be auctioned.
Princess Diana's Diamond Necklace is to be Auctioned.
"Diana and the 178 diamonds and 5 South Sea pearls in the necklace, were photographed endlessly when she wore it to a performance of "Swan Lake" in London on June 3, 1997."

Gematria for Swan Lake first hits are Black Swan and Pfizer. Didn't Loop post two black swans?

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:44 AM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Heck, they should have had Dylan riding one of the horses. At $7 billion in losses, they might as well double down on their mistake now.


posted on May, 6 2023 @ 11:47 AM
Crikey, that guy buying Epstein Island to build a resort.

I can imagine the tours, "over here children were subjected to ___________________ "


posted on May, 6 2023 @ 12:16 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
Fauci must be feeling the pressure.
He was the keynote speaker @ Michigan State University yesterday. He's still pushing the jabs but he is shocked, just shocked that the conspiracy theories have gained so much traction.
Fauci at MSU

Ha... Trust the Science. He has done so much to undermine it. It would be fun to see him debate someone like Robert Malone.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

Really? I've seen some extremely long posts on ATS. Some double even triple the length of mine, including the Q threads. But I'll consolidate less.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 03:46 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: Justoneman
I like Norris too but we might need to find a younger option for you just in case it could take a minute to start
Tim Magraw maybe???

Well, I can keep his be humble and kind song in play then. Good thinking.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: FlyingFox
a reply to: dashen

This is my frame of reference...

FF If i could I would give you a minus 5 star on this one for making us listen to her voice. Cankles is rough on my ears.. I had to mute it and hit "cc"....

I laughed great at the end, thanks for sharing.

edit on 6-5-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:13 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
a reply to: Justoneman

I can't say this is impossible because with enough ingenuity anything is possible. I'll just say this isn't for me. Others may want to implement this type of infrastructure. I myself will never participate in these types of systems again.

I am open to ideas to do just that.

So, far I have make sure I have the essentials.... a way to obtain things in the future is important. After a time we all would be out of food if the system says you can't purchase a thing without their permission to buy or sell. Not one thing.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:20 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
I am 100,000% convinced JE is a billionaire heiress tranny.
Mark Epstein secured this thought. Gislaine trans as well.
The Epstein's are Christina and Alex Onassis. Ghislaine is a Glenn. 100,000%

originally posted by: Guyfriday
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

a greater possibility is that that could be explained to why Epstein had plastic surgery done. Don't all "Emperors" have their faces on money and coins? Epstein might have had plastic surgery to show "somebody" that he was in charge by showing them the money.

Just a thought.

ok if Vegas was to handle this, what would the odds be you are right?

I suspect I would want in on that action... JK

I can't be sure of a damn thing but some people are clearly imposters/actors we are being shown in the media. I sound like a loon trying to explain it for one second to those who aren't reading the reports on people nor caring to figure out much at all really. This stuff is way out sci fi to them. The Science was Science fiction before it was "the science"....Others are in tune with the possibility this is all happening as crazy at it sounds.

edit on 6-5-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:25 PM

originally posted by: MountainLaurel
Good Morning All…..

Very Interesting how more and more it’s becoming apparent how the so called “elite” families have hid their kids along with all their ill gotten wealth and power.

On another note, something you guys might find interesting. Last night Budweiser sent some Clydesdale Horses to our smaller town’s minor league baseball game, lol, they’re trying hard to win back small town America ! The horses are really big and beautiful. 🐴

Probably also looking for who might be willing to take them in later in case they can't right the ship.

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 04:30 PM

originally posted by: socialmediaclown
a reply to: Justoneman

Really? I've seen some extremely long posts on ATS. Some double even triple the length of mine, including the Q threads. But I'll consolidate less.

I am not singling you out here, I am saying you have a lot of GREAT things to say. Rel does it, and Cranky too. No offense to any of you. I am thinking fence sitters need to read that. Most aren't patient enough to do so. Some subjects are just too long for the average thinker, and God knows we have the well above and the well below on that average thinker one!!! For those in the middle of the spectrum who maybe should be reading every single word of it is who we should write to here. Not like I am a hall monitor. Please, forgive me.

edit on 6-5-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on May, 6 2023 @ 05:19 PM
a reply to: Justoneman

You're right, it's too much information all clumped together making it confusing to read. What happens is I find 5 or 6 headlines based around the same theme so I toss them all in together but I don't want to overwhelm anyone so I'll break it up in the future, thank you.

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