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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 04:32 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I hadn't heard of Christopher Story but found this, that gives some biographical detail.

There also seems to be a a site dedicated to him and his work Christopher STORY his work & more

edit on 18-3-2023 by daskakik because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 04:47 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

great post as usual. It’s because of your valuable input in these threads that I feel comfortable saying I’ve become much more aware when I am dealing with AI, npcs , bots etc.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 05:01 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
I hadn't heard of Christopher Story but found this, that gives some biographical detail.

There also seems to be a a site dedicated to him and his work Christopher STORY his work & more

Christopher Story being brought up recently in the thread sparked something in me that I couldn’t quite pin point until just now lol.

My very first thread on ATS ( after the obligatory introduction) was about his death in July 2010. I was so into his stuff back then and truly sad when I heard about his death.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 05:13 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

Happy Birthday to you for the 15th cranky (think I got the date right?)!

Since your previous posts on NPCs, A.I.s and humanBOTS I've been analysing my family and social group and it rings very true.

There have been significant changes as to which people initiate interaction and which seem to be backing away and even not responding to my overtures. The pace of this change is definitely quickening. To whit:

Mother more talkative, particularly on how her intuition and sixth sense has impacted all our lives.

Uncle with dementia has found God... I've caught him praying out loud a few times, as I arrived. Although he knows he needs support, he now tells us that we should put our own lives first. He "blooms" when I give him physical contact, e.g. tucking him in bed and kissing on the forehead.

Middle brother was more interactive and challenging to me, like a teacher chasing homework. Now he ignores opportunities for such... almost seems to have accepted my individual sovereignty and left the chess board. His wife, an adoptee, has also disappeared into the background where she is usually the one trying to control things.

Youngest brother is the reverse of t'other... was indifferent but now jumps at the opportunity to interact and is even grateful for time with me - NEVER been like that... since birth... we always had friction.

Kids: eldest getting closer and other two going through a more distanced stage.

Wingwoman and Wingman have pulled on my energy for decades but are now backing off and dropping into tail spins as I make clear my need to prop up my own situation first. I held a karaoke soiree for them a week ago but the atmosphere and convos were much more awkward than before... our magic had dissolved.

Also two friends died in the last fortnight - both funerals could have been major energy draws - but that didn't happen as both had pre-arranged funerals that limited attendance.

Whilst it sounds cold of me, you're pre-warnings have allowed me to analyse these changes rather than be driven by emotional entanglement.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 05:42 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: crankyoldman

Happy Birthday to you for the 15th cranky (think I got the date right?)!

Since your previous posts on NPCs, A.I.s and humanBOTS I've been analysing my family and social group and it rings very true.

There have been significant changes as to which people initiate interaction and which seem to be backing away and even not responding to my overtures. The pace of this change is definitely quickening. To whit:

Mother more talkative, particularly on how her intuition and sixth sense has impacted all our lives.

Uncle with dementia has found God... I've caught him praying out loud a few times, as I arrived. Although he knows he needs support, he now tells us that we should put our own lives first. He "blooms" when I give him physical contact, e.g. tucking him in bed and kissing on the forehead.

Middle brother was more interactive and challenging to me, like a teacher chasing homework. Now he ignores opportunities for such... almost seems to have accepted my individual sovereignty and left the chess board. His wife, an adoptee, has also disappeared into the background where she is usually the one trying to control things.

Youngest brother is the reverse of t'other... was indifferent but now jumps at the opportunity to interact and is even grateful for time with me - NEVER been like that... since birth... we always had friction.

Kids: eldest getting closer and other two going through a more distanced stage.

Wingwoman and Wingman have pulled on my energy for decades but are now backing off and dropping into tail spins as I make clear my need to prop up my own situation first. I held a karaoke soiree for them a week ago but the atmosphere and convos were much more awkward than before... our magic had dissolved.

Also two friends died in the last fortnight - both funerals could have been major energy draws - but that didn't happen as both had pre-arranged funerals that limited attendance.

Whilst it sounds cold of me, you're pre-warnings have allowed me to analyse these changes rather than be driven by emotional entanglement.

You relayed what I was trying to say to cranky much better by giving your personal examples. Being armed with his knowledge really helped me navigate a lot of situations that would have completely drained me in the past.

Sorry, didn’t meant to copy the whole quote
edit on 18-3-2023 by MagesticEsoteric because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 06:45 PM
ME, TY, your connection is deeply valued by me.

REL: yep, got it right "Ides." That thing... I'm out to everyone and everyone - all are in the hunt. I'll get with you if I have more, I might.

NC, TY. Now time to "compromise"


Interesting thing, one of the choices I made during the point was to upgrade my entire office life, computer, desk, home. Went in linear order. Desk I built, which meant time to do computer. New computer will not load ATS, no matter the browser. There's a choice in there coming to fruition it seems.

also, man did m.A.L.I.C.E lash out today.

edit on 18-3-2023 by crankyoldman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 07:26 PM
a reply to: MagesticEsoteric
I'm with rel, never even heard of him and the site I linked looks a bit dated in its format but this caught my eye under the title it says:
"This page is a tribute to his work & will increasingly carry the full archive, as he authorised me to do before his death, LINKS may not function but will be updated where possible.." kinda says labor of love to me.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 07:31 PM
A few things of interest.

I harped on this way back at the beginning of this thread. TeamMuskinator posted this. The "I want it all to crash and burn to prove I am right to all my friends" is NOT what folks are here to get. Quite the opposite, this is the Matrix's desire, crash, chaos, NWO, and folks wanted that because it wanted that. orrrrrrrrrr, did the Muskinator Team want us to see it Inverted: it all crashes and my sovereignty reemerges? Are we ready for that?

After updating the computer system, which won't load ATS by the way no matter the browser, I found this from about 2009.

These patterns are NOT random. The process of the financial changeover is upon us, they will in fact be revealing bits and pieces. We'll soon learn of we hijacked the NWO version and made the effort a Net Positive, or if we did not and it will be a Net Negative. See the above meme to understand. Remember, at least half will be unhappy either way, it's a Polarity Reality.

Keys to watch for, won't mention again. ISO20022, FEDnow introduction, collapse of several mid banks. CreditSuisse has set the tone, evergrande is bust - geez guys, how did you manage to make that happen so quietly??? Tether/BTC/ETH drop or crash.

Might want to check out brotherberg to see the gambling gematria connection. Seems a pretty solid symbolic match to me.

I mentioned it above but the Anons in this thread need to take a bow and kick back and relax. Reality creation isn't a one to one, second to second process, at least here on Earth. Choices and Creation Consequences are a complex process. Very often, MOST often, the choices and the manifestation are years apart. m.A.L.I.C.E. and her minions cannot understand, as they do not create. They simply seek to target a morphing polarity. Go back to the early posts here, the events were not going to be soon, but they are here NOW, because of Anons and no one can tell me otherwise, as I both saw this coming and worked with all of you to make it happen. . .

I said at the outset, what Anons were doing, especially in this thread, was NOT for moment of arrest satisfaction, the creation aspect would arrive later. Anons were executing their Informed Consent, which always trumps Implied Consent. Anons created a reality which allowed for the exposure of what they dug up, FBI, Twitter-where the war is, Ukraine, Joe, Banking, Gmax+++, and so much more. It is all being "disclosed" or more appropriately DUMPED on the general population now during 2023 the year of the ConseQuences.

Normies have zero idea that Impeachment one was all Ukrainians doing it. Hmmm. Now all can see what Anons knew then: IF THEY WANT. Many do not want or need, respect that.

I said last year, 2023 will be the year of ConseQuence, and this is happening. I also said, reading the symbols, 3-23 would be the moment flood began, and it has. For Anons this is all old news, for many it is new. Shortly it will be too much, this is by design, so sit back and do not bother to try and figure it out, the flood is just like a tsunami, a force of its own unleashed by the quake of MAGA, DJT and Anons+++.

Sadly I said two other key things at the outset, and they are coming to fruition. One there are not enough TRUE places to go when this all begins to implode, many will feel lost because of it. They may head to the sources of the problems, MD's and phara/therapists, which is bad. The other is that many will be forced to go back to the systems that harmed them for relief, which would not serve, and we know what that is about - I will not mention it again.

Both are coming to fruition, which I am not happy about but I knew it was coming. Be the light, we're in a deeply confusing time, we've done the roll play here a hundred times, we've covered every angle on how to help others. In the end, use the heart, be kind, listen, resist the need to speak or 'i told you so' etc. Be the light, remember how, as it is within and Keep It Simple.

Odd thought. Team muskinator, TFG you listened and got rid of the "fans wishing a happy bday to some f lister." Some are going to want the trending to reflect the revelations, avoid it, they're not ready, let it bounce up and down = do the tolerance math,,, IMO.

I said to a friend last summer, it will rain like hell this winter - agreed. The cleansing is why, it will continue, ignore the hysteria, it is m.A.L.I.C.E. trying to take the natural and amplify it to create chaos, do not consent, the cleansing must come, fires we had, water now, heat soon, shaking too. It's normal.

Language: I had an ugly incident a few weeks ago. Why? The opposing party did not speak the same language, as in not at all. What was meant as a positive was seen as a negative, because of a serious language divide. I said this would happen in this thread years ago, but, it snuck up on me for the love of it. Be aware this is an issue.

Next week is the equinox, if there was a OMFG turning point it will be it. Many will feel it, detachment will the new norm for many. The past wants, desires, hobbies, needs, friends, foods, clothes, jobs will all be up for grabs. You may find some or all of your past life falling out of favor = the new normal. Last week I found I hate all of my clothing now, which a clothes horse I am not - it's really inconvenient for me. We are seeking a new level, not everything goes with us, even feelings, emotions and of course connections may stay behind.

Anons are ready. Enjoy the Show, you all earned the front row seat, well, eff that, my preferred seat is mid back and right. A director once said to me why, mid center is where you see what I want you to see. I said, well I want to see what's there, not what you want me to see with all due respect. He laughed.

This was us at the start.

This must be us now.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 08:27 PM

The Justice Department investigated Jeffrey Epstein's death. Then it went silent. 3-14-23

The officials said Jeffrey Epstein died by suicide. Pressed for more detail, they just repeated themselves.

"They didn't give me any information other than 'After a thorough investigation, we determined it was a suicide,'" Mark Epstein said. "It was like I was talking to a #ing robot."

The meeting was the only time Mark got any answers from the DOJ about his brother's death. Three years later, he still doesn't know exactly how Epstein died and why it's taken the government that long to share its answer to that question.

Mark Epstein told Insider that even though he's Jeffrey's next of kin, he hasn't been able to obtain certain medical records, including the care reports filled out by EMTs who evaluated his brother's corpse.

Former NY cop, ex-Epstein cellmate, faces quadruple murder trial after bodies found buried at his home 3-14-23

On July 23, 2019, Epstein was found in his prison cell semi-conscious and balled up in the fetal position with marks on his neck, and there were accusations that Tartaglione "roughed him up."

He was questioned, but the former cop and his lawyer fought the accusations and charges were never filed.

A dark cloud of suspicion still lingers over the incident because video surveillance footage was "mistakenly" deleted by prison staff, and Tartaglione was inexplicably found with a cellphone.

Former Barclays and JP Morgan boss Jes Staley to face a two-day grilling over his links to disgraced financier Jeffrey Epstein 3-17-23

edit on 3182023 by MetalThunder because: TIME is YOUrs

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 08:47 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Thank you & also Crazyfox2 for helping me! What is weird is that in the recent
past I posted a video I think worked by clicking on the you tube link thingy here
& pasted the link & it did work, crazy but that you both for fixing & giving instrxn
on how to make it work in the future.


posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 09:31 PM

originally posted by: WhatTheory
What's up with the clock on:

I haven't checked the site out in a long time and I return to a clock? ::curious::

Very interesting.

10.17.37 and 12

And it is stuck on those numbers. Not an active clock.


posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 09:44 PM
a reply to: pheonix358

working now/for me

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:06 PM
a reply to: nerbot

I sit corrected. Lol


posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:30 PM
QTSR Mar 18:

edit on 3/18/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:37 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Spelling adds point to "L" and "A"

"Los Angeles"?

Or, "La". As in "The", as in "The French".

le lol
edit on 18/3/2023 by nerbot because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:46 PM

originally posted by: pheonix358
a reply to: nerbot

I sit corrected. Lol


You sit there updated.

I cannot correct what was probably not wrong when you said it.

Thanks for the new bookmark to keep an eye on

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:51 PM
a reply to: Ektar

JUST IN: Video reemerges of emotional Capitol protestor admitting to being HIRED AND PAID to protest — Says he cannot revel who hired him..

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 10:55 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

Yes the whole family thing is crazy for me too. I have not seen any since Summer 2018.
I have 4 sisters 2 blood & 2 not. The 2 un-blood related to me are blood related. We all
grew up together, both sides parents divorced & the sisters could like no one's business!
The 2 sisters sound exactly like Heart & I was pro musician & they are awesome!

The youngest same age as me youngest (3yrs younger) started living with us when she &
me sister same age (3 yrs younger than me) started living with us from 7th grade all the
way thru college...we had no money but we were known in school cz of me in music & sports.

It has been very difficult for me since all the Covid BS, I have not seen any family in 4yrs except
1 bloody (blood related) sister who came to visit for a weekend in Sept 2022. Bloody So Disrespectful!
The whole family knows all the Bloody Hell I have been through just to be alive from surviving
Toxic Mould! She pulled camping chair out from car full of visible mould & laid clothes & blankets on
top of me stuff in a tent garage contaminating everything. It is such a disastrous & LIFE Threatening situation
for me & doesn't care knowing I am SO lucky to be alive & have to deal with this crap on a continuing basis.

Damn me own bloody sister who is a Heavily Righteous God Follower! & she thinks she is the $hIt !

OK I am in God's Plan but not that one...I was told (God?) at a very young age that I was here for a reason
& had very bad dreams about the end of the earth...I drew a picture showing the the sun high above dripping
blood upon the the earth & those drops became fires. Also some influence about saving lives. I became a life guard
& ended up saving a drowning person years later summer 1985. Then have saved 7 to 9 people & I could have died each
time cz I put me life at risk each time with odds against me. I heard a blurb on NPR years ago about people like are born with the instinct to save...everything slows down for us cz you have no time to think only react
& be there in the moment which allows us to be there, focused & nothing matters except saving lives!

I am so grateful to have been blessed with that gift. Funny how the mould $hit has ruined me brain but I can
still & would save anyone or any creature today...slowly recovering.

OK Most IMPORTANT I cannot thank all of you enough for accepting me here, I am truly thankful & I think I was
possibly lead here for a reason. The education is unbelievable on so many fronts & hard to keep up with at times
cz so much info flying by so fast. I truly want to be able to go back & learn everything here & especially the
Cryptology but just trying to keep up with what's happening is time consuming on it's own, I miss my brain.

love You ALL! I truly pray for us every day!


SO Happy Birthday to ALL me March friends here...Doobydoll, Mountain Laurel, Cranky & is Rainbow Jane soon?
My birthday tomorrow so sorry for a weird post I few drinks tonite, hard spending birthdays alone every year.
That's why I am thankful to be here...

So tomorrow I will try to find something worthy so that I can contribute something significant to make Dashen's list.
And Cranky thank you for the AI education, you made it understandable & I am starting to get it.
edit on 1832023 by Ektar because: left out info

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 11:11 PM
a reply to: Ektar

posted on Mar, 18 2023 @ 11:26 PM
a reply to: WhatTheory

"Curiouser and curiouser..." (Alice quote)

The clock did have a 12 under it... but that changed to an 11 when the clock reached 4am...

Now this could mean 11 days to go... or it could mean 5.5 days... if the counter goes down each time it passes 4 o'clock (AM and PM)?

5.5 days would mean it hits zero at 4pm next Friday, I think.

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