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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 12:08 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Now that Fauci's feet are being held to the fire we need to look back at Operation Warp Speed.

Deborah L. Birx was Fauci's #2 criminal conspirator. President Trump expected accurate and honest conduct with the team's goal to as safely as possible guide the public through the plandemic.

Undermining the CDC
Birx had a long and close relationship with Fauci and Redfield, who as of yesterday was busy throwing Fauci under the bus.

"Birx replaced a functional, if imperfect CDC data system- well understood by hospitals and state health departments with an error- ridden and unreliable filter on hospital needs that sometimes displays nonsensical data, such as negative hospital beds."
"There was an attempt to replicate something that we built over 15 years and they are failing."

Tin foil hat time- She made the decision to deploy an new system in the midst of a plandemic. A system that hospitals were not familiar with. It was less efficient and less accurate. It gets worse if that is possible. "Rather than reject incorrect data outright, HHS allowed it to flow into the system- an admission of faulty data practices."

Birx actions also encouraged hospitals to falsify data because 100% reporting was impossible. Then she doubled down imposing financial sanctions if hospitals did not comply.
She also supported the use of masks and advocated for testing.

Why was she selected when her performance in PEPFAR HIV/AIDS was so very, very poor? Maybe for that very reason. She would create unrealistic demands and chaos over data collection. Plus she was very loyal, part of the team.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 12:10 PM

originally posted by: carewemust
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

The news media and Democrats are definitely mad about Tucker airing the Jan 6th footage. In fact, they're irrationally mad, considering the videos are NOT not a "smoking gun" pointing to who/what ordered the deceptions and setups of that day.

i.e. Schumer directly told Murdoch to fire Tucker Carlson from FoxNews.

Thread on the Subject:

Why so angry and afraid?

Some Senatorial RINO's showed their true colors too Care.

Frickin' McConnel looked like a plucked Turkey over Carlson letting "lies out that make our top police leaders look bad" to paraphrase. "How dare Carlson allow this out to contradict the testimony" of their lackeys who are busted lying too. As usual Romney was on Mcturkeynecks RINO starting team on this one all the way.

edit on 9-3-2023 by Justoneman because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Replying to self.

I really question Mike Pence's role in Operation WARP SPEED.
According to Birx "She credited Pence for being open to her advice on what worked in PEPFAR."

I'll concede that he was not knowledgeable about plandemics but surely he would have questioned why she was circumventing WARP SPEED and going directly to state governors and city mayors about the plandemic.

"I wasn't going to change the president's rhetoric, but I found I could change how we programmed on the ground."

Birx- U.S. Covid-19 Data Ws Worse Than what I found Oversees

After her stellar performance she landed a position as Senior Fellow at the George W. Bush Institute.
Birx Joins George W. Bush Institute

Not wasting any time Birx capitalizing on her fame...
ActivePure Technologies Announces Deborah Birx as Chief Scientifc Officer

She has that book as well. Silent Invasion.
Silent Invasion
V's Thoughts Review: "In reality she was making her judgements first, then using data to support her preconceived suppositions. She unashamedly admits on several occasions she misrepresented the evidence in order to obtain her objectives."

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 12:45 PM
Good Morning All…..🥰

Wanted to give a quick re-cap of the Senate hearing today with the Journalists Shellenberger and Taibbi on the Twitter files, lol, yeah I listened and multi-tasked too ! Just want to at least let these folks know we’re watching ! Shell and Taibbi were top notch witnesses, the democrat shrews that tried to discredit them came off as the jerks they are. What really stood out, aside from the obvious baiting questions and continuing willingness to sight absolute BS as “proof” is astounding, is that more than once, these Men were scolded by these bullies when they sincerely tried to answer their questions ! At least three times, they were told “ This is MY time, that’s NOT how it works here ! “ There was no good faith attempt from the left to address a Really Big deal about Freedom of Speech and the FBI back door’in our Constitutional protected rights by using private companies to do things they Legally Can’t do !

Below is the link to hearing, not sure who the lady is on the left of Jim Jordon, it looks like her name plaque reads “Counsel”, not sure ? Anyways she’s very outspoken

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
I for one was really disappointed that Senator John Kennedy spoke out against Tucker. I always thought he made so much sense when he spoke and he does have a way with words. Maybe he is confused? Another surprise was Senator Crenshaw from Texas.
Full List of Rebulicans to Speak Out Against Tucker Carlson

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel

Hi, those commercial filters are the worst, especially the ones in cheap cigarettes. They can contain things like ACETONE residues from the manufacturing processes. It's one of the chemicals that registered in an alcohol test I had on one of the "LION" breath analyser machines in a cop shop many years ago.

Remember, you are burning, melting and inhaling those hot fumes from more than tobacco folks!

There are many natural substitutes now used for filters. Try "OCB", they are good for eco smoking stuff. Gum Arabic glue on natural papers etc.

And growing your own tobacco does NOT mean you have to "roll" your own cigarettes as it's possible to buy different sorts of pre-made "tubes" with filters and a simple machine to load them. A good choice of ingredients is the only way to make a great cake, so choose wisely.

It's a no brainer for me now and the only time I can imagine buying tobacco is if I'm away from home and run out.

For reference, I smoke a 50/50 mix of home grown tobacco and fairydust flowers gifted from Heaven.


posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 02:19 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel
I have been watching the Origin of Covid Q&A. What I found striking was that no one seems to question ex CDC Director Robert Redfield's role in the plandemic. I mean everyone is after Fauci, which satisfies the lust for holding someone accountable but Redfield is not as innocent he tries to project.

Covid Origins Hearing with Robert Redfield

Once again we have someone placed in a position preplandemic 2018. There was a lot of controversy about his appointment because of some very questionable data manipulation in an HIV/AIDS clinical trial.

"Either he was egregoriously sloppy with data or it was fabricated." According to Lt. Col. Craig Hendrix "It was somewhere in that spectrum, both of which are serious- raised questions about his TRUSTWORTHINESS."
One would wonder why the army didn't investigate this more. I would suspect that this would place him in a comprised position.

Research Misconduct Allegations Shadow New CDC Director

There are just so many maybe on purpose flaws in the system. He was able to be placed in the position without any Congressional say despite his questionable past practices. Not someone who should be trusted to ensure research integrity or anything else for that matter.

Defiant Robert Redfield
This shows he already had an axe to grind with Fauci but what about this?
That might explain how she was able to get away with the unusual response to the Covid plandemic. I wonder if he is going to stick by his pledge now that he has headed off to greener pastures.

American Gene Technologies Announces Robert Redfield as Special Advisor to the CEO
Wow another link to HIV treatments.
AGT is in phase 1 clinical trials for a cell and gene therapy. Focus> "repairing the key immune system damage by HIV."

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 02:43 PM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD
I still find it odd how The Storm Rider keeps the Focus away from the perils of planned pandemics. The WHO may have hit a stumbling block with Bill Gates dream of the Pandemic Treaty but he is not going to give up his GERM Team vision for the future that easily.

The WHO/NIH/CDC/GAVI and various science journals have set up a number of different diseases that can be used as plug and play. The infrastructure is all set up including our world in data for tracking disease mortality. In the case of RSV [Global Gold] pregnant women need to push back and use some common sense. When has it been okay to start taking all kinds of medications and jabs while pregnant?

Brook Jackson has just identified Marburg. A different approach is being used but still the same game plan.Brook Jackson Tweet
One more way to get people to take the jab> Vax before you travel.
We may need to be our own emergency alert system. Jesse Watters issued one last night about travel to Mexico since the Biden administration has given up giving any guidance at all.
But wait the State Department has just issued a travel alert.> 6 States in Mexico Under State Dept "Do Not Travel" Alert

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 03:32 PM
a reply to: nerbot
You'll enjoy this article> Treason of the Science Journals
It might have been more appropriate to attach some blame on the editors rather than just the journals.

Some good points brought to surface as to how Fauci was able to use specific journals like Nature, Science and the Lancet to act as gate-keepers of the science. I am having more trouble trusting the science these days. The new yard signs are now "Science is Real."

Somehow this shouldn't be permitted where they revise past articles to fit the current science.
"Today the 2015 paper resulting from that study [gain of function study funded by the NIH], resembles a kind of Frankenstein, with a series of amendments, including an editors note, author corrections, "Corrigaendium", and update all stitched into the original version. On its own, any one of these features would be noteworthy. Together they are almost comical."
Anonymous source had a few questions. How could Fauci and friends write the Proximal Origin paper if none of them had ever worked on coronaviruses and yet had such "detailed arguments about why Covid was not engineered?"
Appears these arguments were outsourced by the very people involved in gain of function, " and in some cases partnered with the Wuhan lab."

Meanwhile we have the enemedia sourcing the talking points from these very journals. Like I say everything is just so broken. I seriously can't wait for the next sign rotation. I can't imagine what they can possibly say about the science. Maybe
"Save the Science"?

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 04:04 PM

originally posted by: 38181
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Sorry mate, forgive me, but IMO I’m thinking that this storm rider is some sort of role playing poster. I’m not seeing anything 100% absolute and of substance he says come to fruition for the last how many years. Nancy and HRC are still drinking coffee and eating ice cream off their back patios by the pool.

While I pretty much agree with you on this, I still appreciate OveRcuRrEnteD posting these for those of us who do not have Telegram. The majority of SR's posts seem like he's taking real current events and weaving a mostly entertaining but fictional account of what's going on behind the scenes, like a fictional reality.

While I do hope that some of the good stuff he posts comes to pass, I don't realistically believe it's the truth. Still usually fun to read though, although to be a little nitpicky - I don't know why it bugs me that he always writes about all these evil "regimens" instead of "regimes" (the deep state regimen, world banking system regimen, Rothschild Vatican regimen, etc.).
Regimen = behavior or treatment meant to improve your health
Regime = a system of rules or type of government (usually dictatorial).

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 04:27 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

edit on 3/9/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: SR post

(post by underpass61 removed for a serious terms and conditions violation)

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 06:33 PM
a reply to: tallcool1

Copy that, me too, my brotha.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 07:25 PM
a reply to: crazyfox2

Thank you so much for making the videos work better!!!


posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 11:03 PM
Sorry guys but I have to delete my archives dropbox account tomorrow!

Hopefully those of you who wanted to keep the data have already downloaded.

Things just too tight at the mo to justify the continued spend - I've spent over a thousand on it over 5 years.

Obviously I retain offline copies of the data.
edit on 9-3-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 11:06 PM
I follow Stormrider on Telegram, and other than his atrocious grammar and spelling, he provides some insight. But someone who IS really knowledgeable about military law, US codes, and all the rest of it, is Derek Johnson. He is on top of things, and he's i think one of the more reliable guys for information as far as Q ops go.

Here's his website if you want to follow him. I highly recommend reading and/or watching the video on his blueprint. That will clear a lot of things up for people. All his sources are from reliable sites, ie: .mil .gov etc.

He has a channel on Telegram, and several other sites as well.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 11:13 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

If those files were printed off, I wonder how many pages they would add up to?

In the future, Historians will remember you for all that kept during this time.

posted on Mar, 9 2023 @ 11:40 PM
From the horse's mouth...


Russia launches six hypersonic missiles in massive barrage against Ukraine

edit on 10-3-2023 by FlyingFox because:

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 12:22 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

That Acosta interview made me puke.

posted on Mar, 10 2023 @ 02:31 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi


No worries on my part. You've rendered signal services to these discussions over the years. Please proceed as you see fit and deem necessary.


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