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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 11:47 AM
Again I get to remain a pure blood. First no shot and now my original profile
I say this with only partial sarcasm since my father who had taken the vaccine has been in the hospital for three weeks now and counting. My tin hat thinking is in overdrive since the big issue is his oxygen levels. His health took a dive after catching covid after getting his shot. I say it sucks keeping my observations quiet, since I don't want to add to my families frustration. The real irony was that I didn't catch it when my family did. But I smoke and I smoke, cigarettes and THC. Tested negative during the whole thing. But my observations and experience pales before all the "experts." Such a frustrating world we are living in now. But this felt good to vent on here to you gals&guys. I know some of you have had similar experiences and well all of us have our issues with all of post pandemic information contradicting what was held as "settled science". Thanks for the opportunity to vent and keep up the good work people!

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 12:14 PM
a reply to: RookQueen
I went browsing through Pfizer commercials. You won't believe what I found.
John Legend Pfizer Commercial
Ku post #1276 specifically mentions him so I am following the star.

There is sooo much symbolism in this creepy commercial. Here he is playing the piano and singing while bees are flying around and honey is dripping everywhere. It's worth looking at some still frames.

The very first frames could not be more symbolic of a butterfly!
Butterfly Symbolism
This smacks of the Transhumanism agenda where we ascend from our present human state to the next human evolutionary step.

Then there is the honey and the honeybees.
Bees Symbolic Meaning published October 17, 2022
1. Global
2. Symbolic of FERTILITY and LIFE. < We know their plans here.
3. Immortality
Then we have our connection to the sun god RA.
Symbolism of Bees and Honey
"In ancient Egypt tears of the sun god Ra turned into bees upon touching the ground."

This is where it gets wild. Stop around the .19 mark and look at the reflection on the piano. That looks like Epstein Island! along with Little St James and another island, which may be the island that Biden's lobbyist friend bought. You can see what I mean when you look at the wiki map.
Great St James Island WIKI
Ku # 196 refers to gold and # 197 is about Ra.
James Biden Land DealLand Deal

Time to dust off #3963
An informed [awake] public holds all the keys. < And here he is playing the "keys" of a piano.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 12:33 PM
a reply to: hangedman13
Hang in there. I hope he is being given good treatment and recovers soon.
Have you been following the Matt Hancock Leaked messages?

Matt Hancock Leaked Messages

I have no idea how he is going to walk this back.
H: "We frightened the pants off everyone with the new strain."
A: "Yep, that will get the proper behaviour change."
And then he announced the new strain the net day. Well there you have it and he can dither on about this being taken out of context but it looks quite clear to me.

Gematria has some interesting connections> Gem_ when do we deploy the next variant

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 01:01 PM
a reply to: hangedman13
Another source for the Hancock leaked messages.
John Campbell Episode Matt's Messages

Now we know that the sourced material for his book "The Pandemic Diaries: the Inside Battle of Britain's Battle Against Covid" provided the details.
The 14.37 mark deals with another very controversial part of the leaked messages.
Damon Poole: "Have you spoken with tedros about nvap"
H: Yes.
D: No promises but I'm trying to land a Bill gates endorsement of the platform.
D: HaHa.

Compliments of Woofmelb...
Woofmelb tweet
"Bill Gates connecting users of Covid "vaccines" to "Internet of things."
Just what if this is true because still out there is that Transhumanism agenda of the WEF.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 01:20 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

Yes I have! I credit ATS keeping me ahead of the news. The whole thing reeks. Interesting how now Britain is playing a part in shredding the narrative. Seems the memes have been on point, at least the Austin Powers one for when something news worthy needs to have attention taken away from it.
As to my dad, yes he is being treated but he takes one step forward then two back. It's a wait and see thing currently.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 01:30 PM
a reply to: Guyfriday
If you get a chance to watch the videao from woofmel I just wonder if there is something more going on.

July 9, 2013 Billy the investor invested in a satellite tech company called Kymeta. This start up so impressed Gates that he joined the board but look at what they do...
"pioneering the use of patented metamaterials technology that dynamically steers antenna beams with no moving parts, resulting in a thin, light, and highly adaptable antennas and communication terminals."

Satellite Startup Kymeta Announces $50 Millionin Funding From Bill

He hasn't lost interest. March 17, 2022
he joined another round of funding for the company.
Bill Gates Leads Kymeta's $84 Million Funding Round

I would imagine that over this span of time Kymeta would have made some significant advances, possibly to the point where they could do surveillance on each individual that has the nano chip that has been given by way of the mRNA jab.
There may be some disturbing elements possible such as downloading information to specific individuals, groups or populations. The unvaxed would be a huge problem.
I don't think I like this brave new world.

But he would need something more. Introducing EarthNow 4/21/18. The plan is "to launch a large constellation of advanced imaging satellites to provide real time images of almost anywhere on Earth."
And this was preplandemic.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 01:45 PM
a reply to: hangedman13
So many people have been harmed and Bill Gates always seems to be at the center.
I came across this, so hopefully it has a seed of truth, non GMO.

Philippines Arrest Warrant Issued For Bill Gates

If Interpol is compromised, like so many other institutions than our hope may lie with his unjabbed pilot. He just may need to make an emergency landing in the Philippines because of a..a..a technical difficulty.

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 08:09 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox

posted on Mar, 6 2023 @ 08:13 PM
It could have been Mike Bloomberg.
It could have been Mark Cuban.
It could have been Bill Gates.
It could have been a number of billionaires who were willing to disregard a few hundred million or even a billion to run for president and challenge the political machine that is taking our country down the drain hole.
None of them did, save one.
Donald Trump.
Decades of media cinema and any other venues for whom sought his allegiance, politicians sought his support $$, and a business community that sought his advice finally decided he was an evil racist, misogynist, xenophobic cult figure whose extreme views would tear the fabric of the nation...a fabric that only Hillary Clinton could weave, weave us into a new Era and then Joe Biden.
Donald Trump’s worst error was being a populist, gaining the support of a nation thirsting for change, accountability, a sovereignty that was mysteriously absent. Finally a voice that resonated with the silent majority.
MSM, and the deep state coupled with rinos and swamp opportunists were too strong to overcome eventually Trump was succumbed by the covid-19 virus and the policies that ensued.
Was this the plan, to fall before a nation ...only to get back up and finally have the justification, the permission, to drop the hammer and ultimately be the storm.

Write the ending as you see fit....but this is where the USA is right now and by extension the world.
The final chapter.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 10:13 AM
a reply to: Guyfriday
I just came across something that puts the nail in the coffin of AI. Right from the beginning I have believed that AI has too much room for data manipulation.
Compliments of Brook Jackson- she has tagged Saama Technologies.
After Helping Pfizer Speed Up Its Vaccine Trials

"the AI algorithms reduced the time required to inspect and 'CLEAN UP' the trial data before it was sent to the FDA. This process took 22 hours."

I just wonder how independent Saama Tech could be when Pfizer's venture capital division is an investor in the company.

Pfizer Teams Up With Saama Tech

"Pfizer will feed its clinical data and domain expertise to "TRAIN" Saama models to "ACHIEVE THE REQUIRED ACCURACY."

I went hunting for Gates because he is always in the mix somewhere.


Well if the Gates Foundation is suing them for fraud then I would be concerned about data integrity.

Saama Technologies
They also monitor drug safety.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 10:23 AM
a reply to: FlyingFox

Vigilant Fox "Foul Play With Death Certificates: Hospitals Made Record Profits
We knew something was up with the death with Covid vs death of Covid. Dr. Henry Ealy does a really good job breaking it down on how they managed to manipulate the system to get the "numbers" they wanted.

At the end of the day the hospitals went along because of the $$$.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
I understood there was an arrest warrant on him in India too..... yet there he was just a week ago.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 11:38 AM
a reply to: angelchemuel

That's right but he isn't worried because he believes he is above the law.

As Pfizer goes so will he. I just finished listening to Brook Jackson's lawyer Attorney Robert Barnes. Attorney Robert Barnes Brrok Jackson Whistleblower Pfizer Clinical Trials

If Pfizer somehow manages to avoid this lawsuit they are in serious trouble with their shareholders. There is no protection of any kind that they can hide behind.
Listening to the lawyer suddenly made me remember the new Pfizer slogan "Science Will Win". This sounds like some subliminal communication going on.
Science Will Win Commercial
They have the audacity to say they want to cure people.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
I went through all your posts last night and meant to comment but fell asleep. I do agree with you on the symbolism and the reflection in that piano is wild! I think it looks like LSJ as well. These people with their obsession with fertilization etc. is sick.....but we know they are sickos! Thank you for the links and info!

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:05 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2
Woofmelbs tweet my heart hurt. I hope everyone takes the time to look at this and absorb what these crazies are trying to do!!!!!!!!!! (my exclamation points represent my disgust. I'm not

edit on R20232023kQ000000America/ChicagoAmerica/Chicago3 by RookQueen because: spelling

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:09 PM
a reply to: hangedman13
I am so sorry about you dad getting sick.......I sent prayers last night to ya. On the smoking I think that is why you haven't got the covid. Just my Opinion.

Hang in there.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: FlyingFox
Did you see where only 2 of the arrested were from Atlanta?

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:24 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

Thank you for the prayers. I too am of the mind one of my smoking habits helped prevent me from catching it. Cannot say which for sure.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:38 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful2

This is exactly why I stress the point that:

So as a tool they can be useful, but verifying the data is important.

AI shouldn't be used for important decisions, it can be used for making generic decisions, but that's about it. At best AI is an outline for something, like writing a report. The details within that report need to be researched for accuracy and readability by the person using the AI.

It's when people start to use an AI for complex decision making, or life endangering issues that is when the use shouldn't be made. AI is a tool, and just like a hammer, the person using this tool needs to know when to use it and when to use a different tool. You don't use a hammer to cut a piece of wood, measure a window opening, or bandage up a cut. So why are these people using AIs to basically do that same thing?

When I post something the I submit to an AI for answering it's not so that I can learn something, it's so that I can either provide some insight into what the AI says, or in a few cases it's to cut down on research time for little/non important issues. I use it as a tool.

Some fun thoughts on this, near the beginning of these -Q- threads, it was speculated that -Q- itself was nothing but an AI. If I remember correctly, that's never been disproven.

posted on Mar, 7 2023 @ 02:40 PM

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: FlyingFox
Did you see where only 2 of the arrested were from Atlanta?

Remember the St. Louis riots? Most of the rioters were bussed in from Chicago.

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