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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 11:04 AM
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

These keep going around, but they are doctored pictures. I know that there's all the hype with these pictures and the creases in her dresses that resemble "manhood", but the old pictures of Barry and Big Mike are doctored.
For some reason the picture upload isn't working, so:

I know, liberal Snopes - but in this case they're correct.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 11:41 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I have for ages wondered about looP_rM311_7211 and this is going to sound strange but this ties in to a number of ku posts.

Following resignations- Christi Shaw, cell therapy head of Kite is leaving at the end of March.
Fierce Pharma Tweet Christie Shaw Leaving Kite

No reason sited. I decided to look more closely at Kite. BioNTech announced the purchase of Kite 7/21/21.
BioNTech Announces Purchase of Kite
Why would they do this? Kite is all about CAR-T cell therapies.
"The new U.S. capability will support the development of BioNTech's expanding pipeline of novel cell therapies including CANCER PRODUCT CANDIDATES BASED ON ITS' CAR-T CELL AMPLIFYING mRNA VACCINE [CARVAC AND NEOSTIM PLATFORM].

Prm= Prime phonetically. BioNTech just happens to have Prime designation for BNT 311. Loop Prm 311.

BioNTech's Priority is BNT 311, which happens to be about treating solid tumors, cancer related. The PLAN IS TO COMBINE THE TWO, mRNA WITH CAR-T!

This is creepy. At first I couldn't connect the 7211 but look at the date of acquisition> 721!
I seem to recall Loop had an image of a kite. Was there one?

BioNTech JP Morgan Health Conference

Scrolling through there is a treasure trove of details over their upcoming plans. Page 16 reveals InstaDeep's DeepChain.
BioNTech intends to own InstaDeep in Q1/23.
They have a "successful research collaboration with DEEPMIND, GOOGLE RESEARCH, GOOGLE CLOUD AND NVIDEA!

This may connect to
GOOG whistleblower
Project DeepMind?
"AI Manhatten Project."
[Feb 18 2018]
"Project DeepDream v2[A]?"-Q
Do you believe in coincidences?

Deep Dream v2... DeepMind would be part 2. I would imagine setting up planetary surveillance right before the launch of Covid19 could not be considered a coincidence and now we have DeepMind?

BioNTech is very dangerous. They plan to combine mRNA with CA
R-T and then planning "manufacturing and automation" towards a vertically integrated AI-driven AUTOMATED LAB combined with INSTADEEP'S DEEPCHAIN protein design platform.

Just speculating but maybe the intention is to destroy the potential of CAR-T because to combine them makes zero sense. BioNTech can claim the mRNA is being used to amplify CAR-T but mRNA is what is causing the turbo cancer in the first place.

We are saving Israel for last.
Very specific reason not mentioned a single time.

Reading through BioNTech's presentation to JP Morgan Israel is going to be their center for Pandemic preparedness and development of innovative medicines.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 12:05 PM
I had a very similar experience except my mother was lucid.
I had to respect her decisions after watching her suffer for many years at the hands of Dr's
misdiagnoses and cancer treatments.
She chose hospice after she had given up. It began my personal health and wellness journey.
Hospice care people were very courteous and in their ways very helpful.
I was there for 1 purpose. To care and comfort my mother.
My opinions of hospice is mostly in retrospect based upon experiencing it and contemplating upon it.
I overheard a nurse on the phone with the Dr. expressing her amazement that she was still alive based upon the amounts of morphine she was receiving the last 2 weeks.

In the end it was relief but if I could change things based on what I know now I would change how I did things more that blame anyone else.
This group simply took advantage of those that give up on living.
I would have spent more time inspiring hope and a will to live as my desire now.
Focus on life.
It makes no sense to focus on dying.
I have suffered physically myself for years at different times throughout my difficult life.

I never want to suffer so much where I give up as my mother did.
And hospice has only one focus.
Death management.

originally posted by: tallcool1

originally posted by: carewemust

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Hospice is when you give up on trying to live and succomb to death.
Hospice care is death care only.They do zero, nothing, nada to try and restore health.
They administer morphine.They supply zero nourishment.
They are a death cult.
a reply to: Guyfriday

Like former President Carter, my Dad passed while receiving hospice "care", though he was in a building composed solely of hospice rooms. Food at first, but his appetite left and he died 3 weeks later, receiving nothing but pain medication for the cancer.

It's not how I want to go, but "hospice care" is a very peaceful, humane way to transition to the next life when you're terminally ill.

My mom did hospice at home after years of Alzheimer's, and we lost her 4 weeks ago today. My stepfather thought about having her put in a facility, but that would have been around $600.00 per day for them to not watch her as much as he could at home. He ended up putting a hospital bed next to their bed in their bedroom and hospice (as well as a regular nurse) came daily until the end. With Alzheimer's you not only forget people and events, but your body forgets how to walk and do other normal daily functions, and toward the end you're not able to swallow without aspirating. So my mother ended up not eating or drinking anything at all for 9 days (other than oral morphine every 4 hours - like Never pointed out). While I can certainly see how hospice is a "death cult", but they really did provide a service and were very helpful and informative. Alzheimer's is sad to see, as most of us have seen a grandparent going through it, but it feels much more personal to watch your own parent slowly disappear over the course of a few years until they're pretty much comatose for the last few weeks. Geez - I'm tearing up writing this - you think you have all this time to prepare for the inevitable and it's still a gut punch. I'm very happy that she's escaped her bodily prison and is free, but I miss her so much...

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 12:12 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
We have something very strange with the Pope.
"It's true that I wrote my resignation [letter] two months after I was elected and delivered this letter to Cardinal Bertone. I don't know where this letter is."

This seems very suspicious that Pope Francis is bringing up the issue of this letter. Why would he do that unless someone was asking about it or threatening to use it against him.
If he gave it to Cardinal Bertone then I would assume that he still has the letter but he then is no longer at the Vatican.
Pope Francis Resignation Letter
Cardinal Bertone was at the center of some serious financial misdeeds such as misappropriating $20 million from the Vatican Bank.
Cardinal Bertone Wiki
Maybe he has sold the letter? Or maybe he has given it to another player in the Vatican that is using it for blackmail?
Anyway I thought it was very odd for this letter to suddenly coming to light.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 12:16 PM
This is the worse debunking I have ever witnessed in this thread.

You lose your CT card on this one.

Start with the fact this is the first time I have seen the "fake" photo on the super Uber fake as .... Snopes faux pretend never tr by anyone website.

You fell for easy tricks.

In fact the snopes photo showing the real photo to me is proof she is a man baby.
That's a man.
You crack me up.

There are very few things I am more sure of in life than the fact that Michelle is a Michael

originally posted by: tallcool1
a reply to: NorthOfStuff

These keep going around, but they are doctored pictures. I know that there's all the hype with these pictures and the creases in her dresses that resemble "manhood", but the old pictures of Barry and Big Mike are doctored.
For some reason the picture upload isn't working, so:

I know, liberal Snopes - but in this case they're correct.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 12:38 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
We have something very strange with the Pope.
"It's true that I wrote my resignation [letter] two months after I was elected and delivered this letter to Cardinal Bertone. I don't know where this letter is."

This seems very suspicious that Pope Francis is bringing up the issue of this letter. Why would he do that unless someone was asking about it or threatening to use it against him.
If he gave it to Cardinal Bertone then I would assume that he still has the letter but he then is no longer at the Vatican.
Pope Francis Resignation Letter
Cardinal Bertone was at the center of some serious financial misdeeds such as misappropriating $20 million from the Vatican Bank.
Cardinal Bertone Wiki
Maybe he has sold the letter? Or maybe he has given it to another player in the Vatican that is using it for blackmail?
Anyway I thought it was very odd for this letter to suddenly coming to light.

Because of my take on Vatican activities I read that as claiming that someone else made him do it.
Proof he was never the pope when Benedict XVI was alive.
That there is no papal authority.
And if the Cardinals were arrested a few years ago as what at the time was proposed then they couldn't have voted for new pope and the last few years are all fraud

Anyone else read it like this?

This is mind blowing info IMO
These are just my initial thoughts.

This to me validates the gold clawback as being true.

Wow this going to be wild
edit on 19-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 01:04 PM
I really felt compelled to share this, just learned it today and posted in another thread. For me it took some time for it to settle in, this is not only related to the covid-19 vaccine but many other things. I found that learning the difference between Absolute risk reduction & Relative risk reduction is valuable knowledge and can be applied to many other instances, it's a tool for manipulation. Fauci must love this statistical tool.

When we were told(lied to) about the 95% vaccine efficacy early on it certainly sounded like it would probably be a good idea to get the vaccine for COVID-19. But how do they calculate such a % of efficacy? Well anyway it explains why you need to keep getting boosters from the covid-19 "vaccine".

Although i like the video example, here a couple of written examples;

Say the absolute risk of developing a disease is 4 in 100 in non-smokers. Say the relative risk of the disease is increased by 50% in smokers. The 50% relates to the 4 - so the absolute increase in the risk is 50% of 4, which is 2. So, the absolute risk of smokers developing this disease is 6 in 100.

Say men have a 2 in 20 risk of developing a certain disease by the time they reach the age of 60. Then, say research shows that a new treatment reduces the relative risk of getting this disease by 50%. The 50% is the relative risk reduction, and is referring to the effect on the 2. 50% of 2 is 1. So this means that the absolute risk is reduced from from 2 in 20, to 1 in 20.

edit on 19-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

edit on 19-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:02 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:03 PM
a reply to: Nevercompromise

Thanks NC, I found that post very stimulating.

To save space:

Is anyone else noticing paradigm shifts in their social circles today?

Today I've had:
a) An old friend in 40s, from my party days, has died from a heart attack. Loveliest bloke you could ever wish to meet; Adonis-like and lit up every room he entered!
b) In my absence, my karaoke social group has splintered into pieces last night, following an argument in a pub about who had reserved a table - petty!
c) Went to kiss mother goodbye last night and she clung to me like she was scared she'd never see me again.

It feels like timeline movements and events are speeding up?

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:22 PM
QTSR Feb 19:

edit on 2/19/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:26 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
We have something very strange with the Pope.
"It's true that I wrote my resignation [letter] two months after I was elected and delivered this letter to Cardinal Bertone. I don't know where this letter is."

This seems very suspicious that Pope Francis is bringing up the issue of this letter. Why would he do that unless someone was asking about it or threatening to use it against him.
If he gave it to Cardinal Bertone then I would assume that he still has the letter but he then is no longer at the Vatican.
Pope Francis Resignation Letter
Cardinal Bertone was at the center of some serious financial misdeeds such as misappropriating $20 million from the Vatican Bank.
Cardinal Bertone Wiki
Maybe he has sold the letter? Or maybe he has given it to another player in the Vatican that is using it for blackmail?
Anyway I thought it was very odd for this letter to suddenly coming to light.
Because of my take on Vatican activities I read that as claiming that someone else made him do it.
Proof he was never the pope when Benedict XVI was alive.
That there is no papal authority.
And if the Cardinals were arrested a few years ago as what at the time was proposed then they couldn't have voted for new pope and the last few years are all fraud

Just a passing thought, but if that is true do we have a situation where:

There is no legitimate Pope
There is no legitimate Monarch of the UK until Charles’ coronation
There is no legitimate President of the US if Biden was elected fraudulently

Aren’t these the heads of the three independent city-states, Rome, London, and Washington DC…

Interesting to see that much of the old power structure in limbo at the same time.
edit on 2/19/2023 by cimmerius because: Tweak

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 02:33 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I thought there was a KITE Pool post too - but can't find it in my Pool folders!

Noice linkage of the vaccines to DeepMind AI!

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 03:47 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I'm glad you brought up farming.
I'm trying to pull some connections together. Circling from the present to the past...

June 23, 2017 the EPA did something very strange. They approved genetically engineered corn with DvSnf7 insecticide to combat the Western corn-rootworm.
There were sooo many red flags that point out that these agencies had been captured.
Caught off guard "The EPA only allowed 15 days of public comment, and the agency did not post its proposed decision in the Federal Registrar."
All three agencies signed off on it- FDA, USDA and the EPA. < We couldn't have better evidence.
The FDA didn't even require labeling or testing and had no idea if the corn would be safe for consumption or what future health issues would crop up.
From the Atlantic Lol.

Center For food Safety

Now we have Billy the Farmer buying up farmland and the top three crops are potatoes, corn and carrots and he has deep connections with Monsanto. Another red flag.
Was the corn ripe for harvesting?
It is now.

July 22, 2021 Professor Chuan He along with some other researchers inserted an animal FTO gene into two plants, potatoes and rice using CRISPR editing along with GMO. The result was a 50% increase in crop yield.

"It worked with almost every type of plant we tried it with so far, and it's a very simple modification to make."
Loop connection> Flip the Switch. He states that by inserting this gene it is like flipping the switch for plant growth.

A very simple question...Will this make people who eat these modified crops and food products also gain weight/grow?
What about the medicines manufactured from the plants? What about natural supplements?

Potatoes and Rice Increase yield by 50%
Future. They hope to implement this by 2030.

It is disturbing that all the funding is coming from Chinese sources. But there is also a Biotech sited, EpiPlanta BioTech.
Searching for EpiPlanta pulls up patents, nothing much about this company.

Weirdly another ku connection.

Patent dk 18186003.2T
"Abstract- Engineered DNA or RNA-targeting systems comprising a novel DNA or RNA targeting CRSPR. Introduction of foreign genetic material using processes not otherwise provided for by cloning, micro injections and co-transformation."
dk 18186003.2T

It is also linking to this >More Patents
This looks like a nightmare. Just look at AT141646T Genzyme Corp. "Genetically transformed animals secreting a desired protein in milk."

Again past proves future.
Watch the water. Whatever did happen with the Gold King Mine blow out in Colorado that was bungled by the EPA? Their actions caused the accident and made the situation worse just like in E. Palestine.
Same thing, uncertainty, limited information. Gina McCarthy was beyond arrogant and she was required to appear before a committee but when documents were released, surprise, almost all of it was redacted.
EPA Knew About the Risks

You are missing the connections.
Continue to build the MAP.
MAP provides the KEY.
KEY spreads the TRUTH.
TRUTH shines the LIGHT.
Future proves past.
Trust the plan.

Hopefully we are pulling together the connections. Captured agencies that have demonstrated that they do not work for and are not accountable to "We the People". They do the bidding of large corporations and Big Pharma and now China. They receive $ from them and there is no penalty for bad decisions or corruption.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 04:08 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Cranky mentioned that 2023 would be the year of consequences for those taking the jabs. Within my own family circle four have passed away unexpectedly since December, all heart/cancer related. All were multi jabbed.

Another family member has suddenly developed aggressive cancer.
A neighborhood friend has been to eleven funerals and told me that there is a delay at getting death certificates because of the volume of deaths. Instead of parties and fun social get togethers she is on the death social circle.

I worry about the Alzheimer's shoe to drop. A number of neighbors have suddenly developed it but it appears to also be turbo charged. It may be just a coincidence but I have never seen this rapid onset and decline like this before.
The really tough part is watching all of this happening and no one linking it to the jabs.

I agree with you that Loop did post a kite picture or at least something I connected to a kite. As soon as I saw the name of the company it triggered a Loop memory.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:07 PM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: Thoughtful1

I thought there was a KITE Pool post too - but can't find it in my Pool folders!

Noice linkage of the vaccines to DeepMind AI!

Forgive me, momentarily,
I'm getting over a family induced PTSD episode
But I recall that also
for what that's worth....

edit on 2192023 by MetalThunder because: carpe F'N diem

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 05:27 PM
Why the heck did I not see that tie into all the 3 city states being headless now.
How did I not see this?
Well done my friend.

originally posted by: cimmerius

originally posted by: Nevercompromise

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
We have something very strange with the Pope.
"It's true that I wrote my resignation [letter] two months after I was elected and delivered this letter to Cardinal Bertone. I don't know where this letter is."

This seems very suspicious that Pope Francis is bringing up the issue of this letter. Why would he do that unless someone was asking about it or threatening to use it against him.
If he gave it to Cardinal Bertone then I would assume that he still has the letter but he then is no longer at the Vatican.
Pope Francis Resignation Letter
Cardinal Bertone was at the center of some serious financial misdeeds such as misappropriating $20 million from the Vatican Bank.
Cardinal Bertone Wiki
Maybe he has sold the letter? Or maybe he has given it to another player in the Vatican that is using it for blackmail?
Anyway I thought it was very odd for this letter to suddenly coming to light.
Because of my take on Vatican activities I read that as claiming that someone else made him do it.
Proof he was never the pope when Benedict XVI was alive.
That there is no papal authority.
And if the Cardinals were arrested a few years ago as what at the time was proposed then they couldn't have voted for new pope and the last few years are all fraud

Just a passing thought, but if that is true do we have a situation where:

There is no legitimate Pope
There is no legitimate Monarch of the UK until Charles’ coronation
There is no legitimate President of the US if Biden was elected fraudulently

Aren’t these the heads of the three independent city-states, Rome, London, and Washington DC…

Interesting to see that much of the old power structure in limbo at the same time.

I will bet a dollar to a dime Charles is never coronated King.
Maybe privately like they are talking of doing with the Rothschild's bank, which I still cannot grasp how that is supposed to work.
edit on 19-2-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 06:10 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

One of my Law Enforcement friends told me that they are beginning to hate their days off. They feel that somethings going to happen when they are alone, and they want to hang out with others because of it. While when they're on duty, they can focus on their job, but they also have to interact with others as part of their duties.

Even my Rabbi friend has been telling the people at the temple that if they can't sleep that they can just go to his house at any time. I joked about what if it's two in the morning, he looked at me and said, "any time". He noticed that people are feeling antsy about something, but it's so across the board that his personal uneasiness got him thinking that people should be together at this time in our lives.

I'm not Jewish by the way, I just have a lot of different friends, and amongst them, most have that "Something bad is happening" feeling. I don't think something bad is going to happen, just something big. I keep telling them that, but fear of change is a pretty big fear for most people. Only a few of my friends are thinking along the same line as me about it being big and not bad.

And while I'm not glad to hear that this feeling is affecting people that I don't personally interact with, I am glad to know that it isn't just people around here that are feeling this.

posted on Feb, 19 2023 @ 07:08 PM
a reply to: MetalThunder

"The celebrated Mr. "K" performs his feat on Saturday, at BISHOPSGATE"

There was a Merlin video of him walking down BISHOPSGATE past DeutscheBank Wealth Management towards RBS Headquarters!

Hoping the PTSD subsides soon brother!
edit on 19-2-2023 by RelSciHistItSufi because: (no reason given)

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