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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 07:09 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Sorry link did not work?

Ocular Surface Erosion after Suspected Exposure to Evaporated COVID-19 Vaccine

nfographic of clinical courses of the personnel and a map of the vaccination rooms. Top, the infographic of cases suspected of exposure to evaporated CoronaVac and their clinical courses. A total of 15 personnel were assigned to work in each of the rooms 1–6 as indicated in the figure (persons A to O). There were 4 additional personnel who moved through all 6 rooms during the vaccination (persons P to T). Bottom, the vaccination rooms of 11.04 × 5.96 m and 2.6 m tall, divided into 6 small rooms of 2.5 × 1.84 m. The front and back hallway was 11.04 × 1.67 and 11.04 × 1.79 m, respectively. A washing area of 11.04 × 0.6 m was in the back hallway. There was an open-air space of 0.6 m from the top of each wall. The red splash indicates where the vaccine was accidentally dropped
Say zombie apocalypse without saying

edit on 2023/2/8 by CrazyFox because: Pine tar is recommended to hold water when added to baskets

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 08:34 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
a reply to: FlyingFox

In terms of ENJOY THE SHOW, I have a more interesting option... with Q post evidence to back it up!

1) I posted yesterday Biden's speech and cookies tweet: "My fellow American's".
He followed this up with a tweet 11:49pm utc, with a video showing "MY FELLOW AMERICANS" as the first frame,

I decided to check DELTA posts for today, Feb 7th:

2) 3 yr DETA... #3840:

Q !!Hs1Jq13jV6 ID: 82fedb No.8061713 📁
Feb 7 2020 12:00:26 (EST) StormIsUponUs /status/1225492843789242369📁

What are the odds!

3) 5 yr DELTAS:
#677 Heart attacks can be deadly


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 647c68 No.297686 📁
Feb 7 2018 18:55:33 (EST)
You have so much more than you know.
Future proves past.
News unlocks map.

Note the KILLBOX!


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: eb3537 No.297951 📁
Feb 7 2018 19:17:01 (EST)

Anonymous ID: 6e2676 No.297717 📁
Feb 7 2018 18:57:55 (EST)
military target square?

Kill box.

#687 Goodnight.


Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: 5aa63d No.299568 📁
Feb 7 2018 21:08:09 (EST)

Anonymous ID: a5e9c1 No.299464 📁
Feb 7 2018 21:01:41 (EST)
This has to mean China did this for/with us somehow. Q wouldn’t livestream it without some kind of permission.

People asked for arrests.
Gave one example.
Just because you can’t see doesn’t mean it’s not ongoing.
Trust the plan.



Q !UW.yye1fxo ID: f4349d No.301855 📁
Feb 7 2018 23:19:31 (EST)
Emergency messaging sys tests more frequent past month?

3) Recall that in 2018 SOTU we were searching for CAM 4 RAW footage of someone texting "JUST SHOOT HIM". This was further confirmed by CAM4 appearing in the Posts per Day Calendar.

We thought it referred to someone calling a hit on President Trump... but what if it is what's going to happen TONIGHT?

Kamala texts McCarthy during the SOTU to indicate "Shoot him with heart attack gun now", as McCarthy sits directly behind Biden...
Biden has heart attack mid speech...
Military seal the House to find the culprit...
Kamala's phone reveals the text... so she is arrested and removed from line of succession...
McCarthy is found to have heart attack gun... so he is arrested and removed from line of succession...
...enter Chuck Grassley as interim President until new elections are held...
...all in the room are arrested and go to tribunal - this includes Military top brass and Supreme Court Justices who were also in attendance!

We have to start realizing that none of this is ever going to happen. No way they do any of that publicly.

As much as everyone bere wants it, It’s just not going to happen fam.
edit on 8-2-2023 by PurpleFox because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 08:40 AM
QTSR Feb 08:

Trump Comments on Picture Accusing DeSantis of ‘Grooming High School Girls With Alcohol as a Teacher’

edit on 2/8/2023 by OveRcuRrEnteD because: * the opinions expressed in the quotes of this post do not necessarily reflect the opinions of the poster.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 09:02 AM
a reply to: OveRcuRrEnteD

Well I think Trump trump carded himself here.

If Trump has the goods then STFU and post it. IMO this looks bad on trump either way it goes now.

In the Scenario that Desantis is really a pedo then either way trumps looks bad since Trump is pretty much protecting a possible pedo until it is not to trumps benefit. So I say Fk trump for that and once again claiming to drain the swamp.

That hasn't been trumps first time making such wild claims either without exposing the person and in essence protecting them . So he is no better than the existing comprised system besides being a different player. Explains why the idiot stacked his cabinet with swamp creatures and was shocked with the outcome.

So I say Fck Trump and BS storm Q wannabe arse rider once again when the so called proof never comes out since they are full of Sh1t or they are willing to protect pedo and corrupted swamp creatures.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 09:29 AM

originally posted by: Justoneman
Do they say they are going to reduce the worlds population?

yes or a no?

They say it is a good idea to stop it from growing and keep it at a certain level and it is always presented as something that includes everyone's participation.

So the answer is both yes and no.

They will continue with the concepts of totalitarianism unless we stop them. Are you ready to let them run all over you? I am not ready to let them run all over you or myself. I am ready to see their deeds called out for what they are, genocide.

Meanwhile, there are a many countries experiencing negative population growth without experiencing actual genocide.

Makes no difference what individuals are or are not ready for. The future will bring change and some will embrace it, others will appose it and some won't care, and life goes on.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 09:58 AM
a reply to: interupt42

for your passion. I don't disagree with most of your post fwiw

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 10:29 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Thanks. Your post yesterday had made me wander around a bit and I found what I was looking for.
Stepahne Bancel, CEO of Moderna had a nice chat at the 2023 WEF.
Stephane Bancel@ 2023 WEF

I couldn't believe my ears. Starting at the 10.32 mark
In 2019 Moderna had only earned $100K for the entire year.
Quote from Bancel "and I remember walking into the office of the other manufacturing and asked how about we make 1 billion dollars next year? And they look at me a bit funny and say What? I said yea, we need to make a billion dollars because there is going to be a pandemic!"

I wonder what those employees thought when the plandemic really did happen as predicted by the boss man. Through this entire mess I wonder if potential whistle blowers didn't know who to trust or where to go. Some of them must have been really freaked out.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi

I’m a recently-retired fed.

The lapel pin is USSS.

The green card is not to be confused with a PIV card, which is person-specific. The green card would be issued to someone who doesn’t normally work in the facility when they arrive to visit for work. It will show others at a glance that the person can open certain doors and move around the premises without an escort.

There are different cards for different purposes, issued upon the person’s arrival, such as visitor requiring an escort through secure doors (such as a plumber or electrician), visitor without an escort but only for conference room access, etc.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 10:42 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel this is the first time that one of your ku links has been blocked. Maybe it is just me but I always check all your links.

#677 Heart attacks can be deadly.

Perhaps this is just a coincidence but a new study has just been published about this very issue.
Study: COVID Vaccines Are Causing 'Hyper- Accelerated Aging' in Humans

"The wizard in indeed behind the curtain. We are seeing a 26-year old die. But that 26- year old has the organs of a 96 year old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death- for a 96 year old."

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 11:07 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Looking at the link - it isn't correct - THUS - wouldn't work for anyone

for your ref ... Qpost 677

edit on 282023 by MetalThunder because: carpe diem

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 11:25 AM
a reply to: Caled
Ha. Ha. Ha.
I found another legal for you.
This involves whistleblower Brook Jackson vs Pfizer which is to be heard March 15, 2023.
Recap of Jackson vs Pfizer Whistleblower Case.

What do you think?
Just to highlight one point around the issue of infiltration.
"I think the U.S. government officials and Pfizer contractors running the bioterrorism program knew then- and still know now- that the FDA- regulated "clinical trials" and data were fraudulent; that the 'prototypes' under production were and still are a class of bioweapons intended to harm and kill targets, and that clinical trial evidence of safety and efficacy was not then, and is not now, material or necessary to FDA's sham review process or to the U.S. governments decision to pay Pfizer for goods and services rendered and deploy the weapons on target populations."
Those are fighting words.

Can the government switch sides in this case? When I first started following this it was really odd how long the government sat on the case doing nothing. Then they decided to not support her whistleblower claim. Now they come back and have joined Pfizer's side?
Talk about David vs Goliath.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 11:30 AM
a reply to: MetalThunder
Well that's a relief. I was getting a bit freaked out. I was reading that newly released research about aging and the heart and I guess at this point nothing would surprise me.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 11:39 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Hey Thoughtful1 I wonder if today will be "Crazy 8" day or "Infinity Day"
since you were recently doing 8s.


posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 11:59 AM

originally posted by: F2d5thCavv2

Elon Musk
Actual base level of Maslow’s hierarchy is lack of wifi

Oh Elon.

Practically no one knows who Maslow was anymore.



save space...

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 12:01 PM
This is a "time will tell" thing. You have to think, at this point everyone has had COVID. So, is it the COVID, or is it the vaccine? I think a lot of people are prematurely making a lot of assumptions.

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel this is the first time that one of your ku links has been blocked. Maybe it is just me but I always check all your links.

#677 Heart attacks can be deadly.

Perhaps this is just a coincidence but a new study has just been published about this very issue.
Study: COVID Vaccines Are Causing 'Hyper- Accelerated Aging' in Humans

"The wizard in indeed behind the curtain. We are seeing a 26-year old die. But that 26- year old has the organs of a 96 year old. No surprise in rapid cancers, neurodegeneration or sudden cardiac death- for a 96 year old."

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 12:11 PM

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 12:25 PM

RothBOT doesn't do much blinking - as if it has to remember to do so, seems to be graying fast.

GeddeBOT has his face in perpetual empty mode, funny how the righteousness is gone from both bots.

This is theater of course, has the feel of a postmortem, more than a foundation for change.

Dem response "it's a nothingburger, why don't Repubs stop trying to cut social security and medicare?"

Those are 30 year old talking points, with the medicare one being very effing odd since ObamaCare is healthcare for all, and it's free, so "cutting" medicare would mean nothing at all. They are so dumb, they can't drop the five talking points even if they change the structure around them. Idiots all.

Assault weapons.
Voting rights.

60+ years of those talking points. 60+.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 12:35 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
We have something seriously weird here.
Pfizer legal has taken on Regor Pharmaceuticals over a Trade Secrets dispute. Normally one would just oh well here they go again.
The two ex Pfizer research scientists Min Zchong and Xiayand Qiu left Pfizer in 2018 [preplandemic] to establish Regor Pharmaceuticals which has focused on innovative medicines to treat cancer, immune disorders and metabolic diseases. Just a little paranoid that these are the conditions cropping up from the mRNA jabs.

The judge in the case, Thomas Farrish has ordered Pfizer to fork over 35 E-MAILS AND TEXT MESSAGES WITH THE FBI RELATED TO THE DEFENDENTS by Feb. 17th.
"Pfizer has claimed each of the 35 documents s/b kept under lock and key thanks to product doctrine as well as protection under attorney-client privilege in the case of 31 communications."

What has the FBI got to do with Pfizer and Trade Secrets??? Pfizer legal is very, very unhappy about this.
Could the Trade Secrets revolve around Cancer, immune disorders caused by the bioweapons and potential therapeutics? These two scientists may have gained access to information on what health conditions would become turbo charged and then they decided to capitalize on this and formed their own company.

It would be really interesting to see what are in these e-mails.
Regor gets permission to glimpse Pfizer's FBI communique in GLP-1 trade secret dispute

Some info about Regor>Regor Pharmaceuticals Announces Completion of $90 Million Series B

Regor Countersuit

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 01:21 PM
a reply to: angelchemuel
You may find this paper of interest. This fits in with what you stated right from the start about the HIV link and Covid.
To think that this was published January 31, 2020! Right at the very start they knew and then withdrew the paper! Not peer reviewed, Ha, who cares.
I wonder who withdrew it because I doubt the authors did. This is a smoking gun of evidence that the virus was manipulated. Unconventional evolution...
Uncanny Similarities of unique inserts in the 2019-nCov Spike Protein

"However, it is unlikely that all 4 inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein fortuitously match 2 key structural proteins of an unrelated virus [HIV-1]."

Conclusion "Our analysis of the spike glycoprotein of 2019-nCoV revealed several interesting findings:
First we identified 4 unique inserts in the 2019-nCoV spike glycoprotein that are not present in any other coronavirus till date.
This uncanny similarity of novel insert in the 2019-nCoV spike protein to HIV-1 gp120 and Gay is unlikely to be fortuitous. Note> Facilitate virus-host interactions."

Right from the start I thought that this was a multi stage bioweapons attack. Covid and then the mRNA jabs. What happens now? I have hoped that the virus would mutate and by doing so the HIV element would be reduced as well. Would that be possible?
I've spent ages wandering around the NIH library seeing papers with delayed publications, papers withdrawn, and now more recently abbreviated shortened papers with little detailed data disclosed along with the blurring of contents. It is more than obvious every attempt has been made and continues to be made to block information from the public.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 01:28 PM
a reply to: interupt42
Absolutely agree with every word.
DeSantis of course can now sue Trump for defamation of character or whatever it is over your side of the Pond.
A saying along the lines of "Watch the b*****d deny it" comes to mind.

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