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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 07:43 AM
a reply to: daskakik

An interesting idea that I had heard, and I cannot remember where but it was brought up that what we are seeing is not necessarily clones but actual "copies" from other timelines. That would explain why it has been reported that certain individuals are no longer with us but we see them the next day and vary slightly.

I wish I could remember the interview I heard them talking about this on but it talked about the process that is supposedly being used to jump back and forth from timelines or bring others in. Who knows if it is true but it is an interesting theory.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 08:54 AM

originally posted by: crankyoldman
In the world of insta-immediate-now-gratification destruction,,, is much more supportive of a "feeling" over creating something. Creating takes time, leads one to possible failure along the way, but smashing stuff is pretty much it.

The Alinsky Rules are smashing, destroying, causing pain, making people angry etc. which has the immediate, opiate effect on people. A ton of folks, including the unseen, feed off of the energetic results of the destruction and clearly the eneMedia are fueled by it.

Watch any BLM riot and see how destruction fulfills the animal brain due to the immediate impact - cause and effect right there. If building something, the cause and effect may never be realized. After the destruction the hardest part begins,

I guess the point is it is far easier to get folks to destroy than to build at this point...
There is a caution there for us as well.

As we are “shown” all the corruption and little seems to be done to rectify it, tremendous anger is being bottled up. Covid, the vax, election fraud, financial crimes, human trafficking, absurd wokism…
it’s all entering into our consciousness, but on an individual basis we are powerless to fight it.

Should the opportunity arise, it would be easy for that repressed anger to be released in pitchforks and torches. “They won’t be safe to walk down the street” speaks to awareness, but it has its darker side too.

So much easier to destroy than create. But if the evil people and institutions are ever removed, what will take their place to allow the intentionally divided people to build a positive future together?

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 10:47 AM
Because, the education. I can easily see why dumbing and numbing people is working and among the very educated we have shills. I am not working with any, at this point. I do run into them and politely get them to admit a lot of the stuff is indeed Bull snip to get things done. To hell with that.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Not really about the education situation, more about the buzzword.

I am not Cry%talM@th hesitant.
Not Chocolate Cookie hesitant.
Not voting hesitant.
Not job hesitant.

Def: slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness)... Slow to act, not "refusing to act."

See how that works, "deniers" "hesitant" etc.?

Not once did I "hesitate", thereby leaving the opportunity to move forward, the hesitant will move forward, eventually. The poll itself is a mind control effort.

Is there a buzzword for "just not interested, doesn't not relate to my personal path?" Yes there is, "denier" "grandma killer" blah blah blah.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Posting ahead of all the reading but President Trump tweeted that he should tweet right before the SOTU
"My Fellow Americans,
President Trump tweet

Look to Twitter.
Exactly this "My fellow Americans, the Storm is upon us.......
God Bless.

Rel there are 7 dots after "the storm is upon us". The State of the Union Speech is on February 7th!
Meanwhile they have put up the fence again!

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 10:49 AM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
That sounds more like the Madonna part of Guyfriday's original post but the genetic part was "...Epstein and friends were trying to genetically create a perfect human or god head to use as a puppet to control humanity"

So, what they were spitballing about why they might need for a perfect human.

Honestly, to me, it would seem like genetics is the next big money maker in medicine and that is enough for these people to invest in it. No need for some dark, evil reason.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 10:53 AM
a reply to: daskakik

For sure it is, because its just a spin off of big pharma. They create the problem and then you can come visit us to get genetically modified or have organs created to rid you of the problem they gave you in the first place.

By nudging us ion that direction it wouldn't take long before many are getting these procedures as preventative before anything is even wrong. Its just like everything where it will start with the elite to "normalize" it and show how great it is and then roll it out to the slaves.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 11:19 AM
a reply to: brewtiger

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 11:25 AM
There are still a lot of folks with PhD's who did not "hesitate" to get vaccinated. I would like to drill down and see the "field of study" breakdown on those with PhD's. It's still interesting nonetheless.

originally posted by: crankyoldman

Not really about the education situation, more about the buzzword.

I am not Cry%talM@th hesitant.
Not Chocolate Cookie hesitant.
Not voting hesitant.
Not job hesitant.

Def: slow to act or proceed (as from fear, indecision, or unwillingness)... Slow to act, not "refusing to act."

See how that works, "deniers" "hesitant" etc.?

Not once did I "hesitate", thereby leaving the opportunity to move forward, the hesitant will move forward, eventually. The poll itself is a mind control effort.

Is there a buzzword for "just not interested, doesn't not relate to my personal path?" Yes there is, "denier" "grandma killer" blah blah blah.

edit on 7-2-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 11:26 AM
a reply to: CrazyFox
Your link seems to be broken but I believe that Stephane Bancel and Albert Bourla knew that this plandemic was headed our way.
And today we have proof.
The Next Big Patent Cliff
This leads me to
Important to understand.
ONLY AT THE PRECIPICE [moment of destruction]WILL

Big Pharma was heading towards a serious situation where many of their patents were expiring. At the same time their research budget was exploding. Trying to avert the crisis Pfizer, as an example, has ramped up purchases of other biotech companies to try and prop up their revenue stream.

By introducing a new platform mRNA technology that would basically restart the clock and buy them many more years of lucrative profit making. The business model was broken from the start.

P fizer buys Array July 2019
Just another dot to connect. Pfizer knew that their super jab would cause all kinds of medical issues such as cancer. They bought Array right before the plandemic launch July 2019 and what do they specialize in? Cancer.

I thought the arrangement of the wording of #4407 interesting.
WILL is on the same line as the moment of destruction when it could have fit on the next line.
Maybe WILL= just that, a will which is made prior to death.

Just to tie this together...
I'll break this out.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 11:54 AM
a reply to: Thoughtful1
Replying to self.
Pfizer's Susan Rienow: from Covid to fighting the 'Silent pandemic'

Susan Rienow is Pfizer President of the U.K. Her marching orders have been given- divert attention away from the jab to something else, as in anything else.

Aside from the Pfizer executives, Lol, moral clarity suddenly Pfizer has become altruistic? Those two words don't belong in the same sentence.

Damage Control..."Pfizer will be paid an annual subscription for antibiotics rather than by volume used in the Health Services."

What are the chances that this antibiotic is going off patent? Nothing better than to lock in an annual revenue stream while the NHS switches over to a lower cost generic. Meanwhile use this to generate some, as in any type of positive marketing and at the same time maintain the revenue flow. But as the article states 'She is a Lifer."
After all Pfizer =$.

This may be something or maybe not but Pool had a number of pictures with a palm tree. In the article " "The Palm'
is a spacious grassed area where rabbits appear..."

Palm trees are planted under the Pfizer Logo at the Israeli HQ in Herizliya.
Palm Trees Pfizer HQ in Israel
Anyway I just thought it was interesting.

edit on Tue Feb 7 2023 by DontTreadOnMe because: fixed tag

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 12:55 PM
This matters, it's going under the radar entirely because something something Crypto.

LBRY was sued by the SEC, for selling "securities" without registering as such,,, well sort of. LBRY went into the SEC, got "help" did what they asked, still got sued. Ask for correction measures, still got sued. The Judge in the case still isn't sure what's what, there are no victims, the SEC cannot really explain the reasoning behind any of it. But in the end, LBRY is likely out of business through brute economic force.

So what exactly was the crime? I present three parts.

From Fulford


So let us extrapolate a bit here...

Musk's takeover of Twitter will breed hate, racism, and be a threat to our democracy. Hmm, oddly, TwitterFiles suggests the opposite. Inversion.

Two recent posts from the Muskinator ACCOUNT

Humans As Currency.

We are in a war, to deny it is to not understand it. This war is obviously not kinetic, but one of information and to an extent the spiritual war. In order to win in an information war one has to, you know, control information. It's pretty much the fundamental principal after all.

Hearts and Minds. They told us years ago,Hearts and Minds. "Ah, BS cranky, that only applied to Iraq.." mmmmmkay.

As with everything, we are in the middle, there is not a beginning, never an end, only the middle. Sadly, films, books, plays etc., give us the impression that all things end with a resolution. Not the case, so in order to understand we must extend the POV to encompass, 100 years in either direction to understand.

I digress here... Why does it not feel like there is supposed to be an end? Fun Fact: Prior to the 2000's, we had definitive decade markers. The 50's, 60's, 70's, and so on. In fact, looking at those markers we can see where things changed at the end/beginning: Music, Film, Art, Fashion, Cars etc. as if on Q... Rock was over and New Wave was born, as if BellBottoms were out and Parachutes were in. Since 2000, we've had no end, just one continuous decade of sorts. We're in the third, the same as being from 1960-1983, imagine the differences from those dates, and see how now is different.

Back to the topic.

This of course is where m.A.L.I.C.E.'s minions fall to pieces with their predictable garbage. They are not being thick, they are just too stupid to think past the "if it don't effect me none it ain't a thing" POV. They are also not really a part of the spiritual war aspect, as to be a part they have to have, you know, a Soul. They fail to see the control of information now, plus Hearts and Minds, is the middle of the plan, this is where we are now.

So, the 100+ future POV on the Humans As Currency, Information War, the BorgVerse...


posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 01:39 PM
This is probably going to sound just really strange to everyone. Painting a picture.
For ages now I have wondered why President Trump was referred to as Orange Man Bad. People kept saying it was from tanning products.
Why Is President Trump Orange?
"When I saw U.S. President Donald Trump debate Joe Biden, looming over his podium and looking, frankly like a dark orange cloud."

Roger that...

That led me to One Shouldn't Judge a Book By its' Cover. There happens to be an Orange Book.

FDA Orange Book

Our attack on big pharma came/w a warning letter today.
Message received.
Response forthcoming.

That color orange was very, very significant. It was done deliberately.
This Orange Book is a list of all therapeutics that have been approved by the FDA but also provides PATENT INFORMATION.
Orange Book

September 24, 1984 The President signed into law The Drug Price and Competiton and Patent Term Restoration Act of 1984.
The Hatch-Waxman Amendments "The Addition to this publication identifies drugs that have qualified under the FD&C Act provides for periods of exclusivity and provides patent information for the approved drug products in the Orange Book."

And here we have Pfizer in crisis mode. Patents are expiring and they are facing a huge, huge drop in revenue. Hence the introduction of the bioweapon. A new platform to extend patent protection. I consider that motive.

Knowledge is power.

Ivermectin would be in the Orange Book.
Ivermectin in the Orange Book

Hydroxychloroquine would have been in the Orange Book.
Treatment of Covid with Hydroxychloroquine

There was another book that was written in 1984. Nineteen Eighty Four
Dystopian enough for us yet?
I know this is the art section so please bear with me.
President Trump was not always the same shade of orange.
Shades of Orange
The complementary color of orange is Azure.

Where have I heard that before? Microsoft Azure >Microsoft Azure
Probably just a coincidence "Chris McMaster, Chief Information Officer, City of Corona, CA- If we wanted to put the whole city in the cloud, we needed Azure."
Azure has now incorporated AI.>Azure AI

Corona Satellite Wiki < Just a little icing on the cake.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 01:56 PM
a reply to: MountainLaurel

Clif share >

How fast is we, all, gonna move now past, now past, ?, while creating we, the, our, my illusional future ?, twist away.

Bees are adjusting universal hum faster now, unision.

This a nice reminder > cannot get it to Yt >

Imo our backdoor as such has, is being opened, many will begin forgetting somewhat , past truama ( transmuted ( love ))

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 02:03 PM
MOON coms again?

7-20-1969 landing.
March 31 1969 Johnson announces will not run or seek reelection,,, FWIW.
Q Shot

Rare glimpse of Team Joe's Twitter Head...

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 02:10 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
And my point is that, while all that is true, that is more than enough reason.

It doesn't need to be part of some hidden spiritual war, trying to genetically create the antichrist or some satanic ritual.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 02:45 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Rel I was looking over
Why is big pharma essential?
Expand your thinking past cures.
Think Google [new Pixel phone]
Think Apple [vs Samsung]
Why was Blackberry destroyed?
We can guide you but you must organically uncover the TRUTH.
THEY are watching.

The one thing that comes to mind is that because of this plandemic, curtesy of big pharma/DOD, the health apps are in greater demand now and are more easily introduced to the platform of services. People are concerned, regardless of whether they have had Covid or the jabs.

Problem- Reaction- Solution.

There are going to be an array of health issues from these jabs and Google and Apple will continue to roll out additional health apps going forward. They will then have this very personal data which they then can sell back to big pharma, life and health insurance companies and the government.
Case in point> Use the Health App on Your iphone or Ipad
Just look at all the new features that have been introduced. Everything from tracking sleep, medical ID, health records and not only that but it is able to track changes in someone's health over time.

Because of the plandemic, the lockdowns, telehealth, remote Dr. appointments, testing with results sent to the cell phones- this allowed Apple and Google to accelerate the development and introduction of these health apps under the radar, which under normal circumstances would have faced serious scrutiny.
Big Pharma played an essential role.
Under normal circumstances there would have been huge pushback about so much confidential information being held on a device that can be accessed. But with the plandemic these checks were waived, which allowed them to move forward unobstructed. In fact it is now under a halo for the public good.

Google is moving beyond the Pixel "We're developing technology solutions to enable care teams to deliver more connected care. And we are exploring the use of artificial intelligence to assist in diagnosing cancer, preventing blindness and much more."
What is Google Health?

What are the chances that there are some in the know that a surge in cancer is going to happen? They needed big pharma so that they could develop a new internet service that consumers, Drs., researchers ect would all want to use.
Dystopian isn't it? Cue the music...Stuck in the Middle With You.
Youtube Stuck in the Middle With You.
Big Pharma on one side, big Tech on the other and here we are stuck in the middle.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 03:58 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman
I circled back to Biden's Cancer Moonshot report to Obama.
It just happened to be delivered on October 17, 2017 and is 17 pages long.
The SOTU is being given tonight when the moon will be 17 days old and is in the waning gibbeous phase.
Phase of the Moon February 7, 2023
Biden's report to Obama link.
Biden's Report to Obama

As usual it always starts off sounding great but there a few items slipped in under the radar.

"CDC advancing efforts to promote a cancer vaccine as a safe and effective strategy for combating various types of cancer."
No doubt using mRNA technology.

The NIH was given a big role "they launched a new partnership, to bring together drug companies, major cancer research centers, foundations and philanthropies to collaborate on early research- in the basic biology of cancer- and to share the data with everyone."
This is giving me an uneasy feeling. All together as one happy family sharing information, data and formulating a plan all under the guise of this Moon shot. I guess it doesn't hurt to make lots of $ in the process.

This drew my attention, Biden wanted to make progress within 5 years- that brings us to 2022 when the uptick in cancer began to crop up and receive attention.

I have no idea how Brain Research, and neurotechnologies fit under this Moonshot but there it is.

Thinking back to Albert Bourla's book "Moonshot"- A shot to give cancer?
Gem "Cancer Moon Shot" has some interesting connects- Make America Great Again, Barrack Hussein Obama, Treason is a b****, Alice in Wonderland, Jeffrey Epstein.
Gem Cancer Moon Shot

What has been circling around in my mind is the mentally challenged man in the Stand spelling Moon. M-o-o-n. Lots of coincidences. The Stand was the first movie I watched when the plandemic started. I'm not certain why I felt it was so connected but I wen to a lot of effort to watch it because it ws in VHS format.
The Stand MOON

Cranky could this really connect? The Stand- virus escapes a lab, kills almost everyone? Good vs evil and then we have someone spelling out the word Moon.
A mini series of The Stand was launched December 17, 2020.
The Stand Mini Series
These people are just sick. sick.
This all fits together.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Yes, T1, I think you are right there! Spy balloon referred to as flying object in posts.

posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 04:14 PM
a reply to: Thoughtful1

Your intrigue is thoughtful (no pun intended), but does anyone take Q's post seriously at this point? Q didn't really say much at all with that point, other than to look at big pharma and growing phone technologies - which everyone already is...

In my opinion, it feels like Q has nothing of real value to say - so speaking cryptically keeps people guessing and tricking his audience into thinking there is something deeper.

"we can guide you but you must organically uncover the truth" - what kind of guidance is that?? Just pointing a finger at big pharma and tech isn't much guidance at all. Everyone already knows they are probably up to no good.

I just don't understand why people still follow Q after all the lies and failed predictions. Seems more like a psyop to divide conspiracy theorists into political division.

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