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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:36 PM
We have some real serious issues here.
Circling back to the AMA guidance about jab coding in November and December 2020.
They set up a Q appendix with the details.

In November 2020 the AMA established specific codes for Pfizer and Moderna jabs. They also indicated that the purpose was for tracking, reporting outcomes and efficacy.

Compare this to December Q appendix they make a correction! Ooops they were not supposed to reveal either Moderna or Pfizer's identity.
Stating the obvious "When patients receive their first dose of a vaccine they must also receive the second dose of the same product."

That was until the CDC decided there was much too much accurate tracking and data incoming. The CDC shortly after revised the jab recommendation that the mix and match approach was the thing to do.
AMA Covid-19 Vaccination Codes

Moving forward when people start to have some serious issues which jab is responsible for it, Moderna, Pfizer, J&J ect?
What about if medical staff giving the jabs had concerns over the Pfizer jab and wanted to avoid giving it?
Anyway the lack of transparency started right from the beginning, before the first jab. So that leads us to what did they know and when.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:37 PM
a reply to: RookQueen

I think part of the loss of sales is their reputation but I also think that the retail side of things had to take a major hit. Without looking at statistics I would have to imagine that most of their stores were in malls. We all know the struggle malls had to stay open.

Also, I haven't shopped there in many many years but a staple in junk mail was always the VS Catalog. I cannot remember the last time I saw a VS Catalog.

What I find most interesting is one of their big models was Giselle and now with her and Tom losing tons of money in FTX I am wondering what other schemes she and Tom were involved in. I wouldn't consider their track record of picking business ventures to be stellar in terms of he business reputation. When Q said everything is connected I am not sure if we fully grasp how connected things are yet.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:40 PM
Gaetz again votes DJT in the 8th round of speaker votes. McCarthy again does not have the votes.
Round 9 coming soon

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:51 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
The CDC has been busy again.
This is just flat out stupid.
The TSA has made an emergency amendment very discreetly that requires proof of being fully jabbed to travel to the U.S.. Effective January 9,2023 to April 10,2023.
Emergency Amendment TSA

Why just target foreign airlines? Why not U.S. airlines as well that travel internationally?
Note this was signed on December 30, 2022. # of weeks between December 30, 2022- April 10, 2023 = 14 weeks 3 days

Well if you want to come to this countryunvacxed you will have to fly toMexico and drive or walk in

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:16 PM
a reply to: Caled
I'm enjoying this McCarthy thing way too much! Last night on twitter "we the people" handed Mike Huckabee and Sean Hannity there azzes for chastising us over not supporting him and for the way Hannity spoke to Boebart on his program.
Both Hannity and Huck were reminded that elected officials work for us and not the other way around and many, many people stated they didn't care if Trump wanted him or not!

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:23 PM
a reply to: Charliebrowndog
Now I do agree with you on the stores being located in the malls hurting their business however, going by the malls in my area things have been bad for many years prior to 2017. That is what I found most interesting.........

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:40 PM
a reply to: PeteMitchell

Do you think it gets settled on round 17?

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:49 PM
These dimwits are really trying hard to destroy this nonsense system of monarchy, they really are. The problem is we are so mind controlled as a collective everything is governed by the Streisand Effect Inversion.

Harry reveals he killed 25 Taliban fighters: Prince's astonishing revelation as he describes how – during his second tour of duty in Afghanistan – he took out insurgents but saw them as 'chess pieces taken off the board', not 'people'

In Spare, the Prince said that he flew on six missions that resulted in the 'taking of human lives' in his leaked autobiography.

While many soldiers do not know how many enemies they have killed in combat, the Duke wrote that 'in the era of Apaches and laptops' he was able to say 'with exactness' the number of insurgents he killed.

His dimwit dad with some medals.

Some contrast...

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:53 PM

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
Gaetz again votes DJT in the 8th round of speaker votes. McCarthy again does not have the votes.
Round 9 coming soon

Most of the country seeing a world without the UniParty for the first time and actual Representative Republic in action...

FFS, showing them is getting exhausting.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 02:54 PM
Ponder this.....

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:21 PM
a reply to: SMOKINGGUN2012

Not a bad analogy.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:23 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: PeteMitchell
Gaetz again votes DJT in the 8th round of speaker votes. McCarthy again does not have the votes.
Round 9 coming soon

Most of the country seeing a world without the UniParty for the first time and actual Representative Republic in action...

FFS, showing them is getting exhausting.

PM for you.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:30 PM
a reply to: GAPeach3
Thanks for pointing me in the direction of Mulnupiravir because we have something really, really weird going on.

The only drug that is currently "effective"
at treating the dominant Omicron Variant is Sotrovimab.
Can you imagine the cost of treatment is $2100 per course.
Cost of Treatments for Covdi-19

I've been waiting for VIR Biotechnology to rear its head.
This company is directly connected to Bill Gates.
Stealthy Vir Start Up
Launched pre plandemic 2017 with funding from B&M Gates Foundation and Arch Venture Partners with a $150 million investment.
VIR has connections to Stanford [Gates connection] and Harvard. Quite something for a start up.
"As for VIR's partnership with Vistera it covers the development of 6 antibodies, including the option to acquire part of the 2b compound VIS410 to treat influenza.

Gates loves, just loves this company even highlighting it in one of his tweets. There has been consistent support of funding from the Gates Foundation but just look at this...
"This company has been selected by BARDA to partner broadly on PANDEMIC PREPAREDNESS and to have their immediate support of our groundbreaking Phase 2 trial for the PREVENTION OF INFLUENZA A which we started in October."!!!
Here governments are directly funding VIR and working hand in hand with BARDA.

VIR Expands Partnership With the Gates Foundation

As noted by the company, "The Gates Foundation has been an essential part of our company history beginning with our T-cell vaccine program targeting HIV and TB."
They are targeting an innovative vaccine antibody concept. Can't wait.

Gates is funding this through his special Strategic Investment Fund which works with corporate partners. After all he haws to make a profit on investment.

Gematria...First hit 666! Gem Vir Biotechnologies
Also another link for anyone interested wrt mulnupiravir.
The Great Mulnupiravir Swindle Podcast
She covers a lot in a very condensed manner but the points are valid. This drug which hasn't had any use for 20 years just got dusted off by Merck and redeployed for the Covid opportunity.
The TGA [Australia] just gave EUA based on Merck's say so. She confirms the reproductive and cancer concerns along with increased mutations. One would have to question at this point why this drug is even being used when it is not effective against the predominate Omicron variant.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:48 PM

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Like the naked pics that are Uber boyish?

No, I'm talking about other pics of her, like at dinners, parties and even in magazines, dated before Di's death, that show her looking like Melania and not Princess Di.

It really doesn't matter if she is or isn't worthy of witness protection measures or if she is or isn't a queen, romanov or any other. The post in question was proposing that she is Princess Di.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:59 PM

originally posted by: daskakik

originally posted by: Nevercompromise
Like the naked pics that are Uber boyish?

No, I'm talking about other pics of her, like at dinners, parties and even in magazines, dated before Di's death, that show her looking like Melania and not Princess Di.

It really doesn't matter if she is or isn't worthy of witness protection measures or if she is or isn't a queen, romanov or any other. The post in question was proposing that she is Princess Di.

Yes, I remember those too. That doesn't say those weren't faked and put in the memory as a thing of the past but it was recently created. Just to give the illusion. Therefore, it is on the table until we can more conclusive see those pics as real or ancient that prove you are right. No need to post a disagreement on this I do expect you to understand it is just on the table for now.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 03:59 PM
Okay, I have said it before and nothing has come of it but I am still here kicking. I feel the need to share, I will keep it short and simple.
The House of Representatives is at a standstill.
Biden is an empty soul calling Kamala president yet again.
Then, the 3rd branch, the SCOTUS is set to hear the best shot at saving our nd-asks-for-their-removal-from-office-kamala-harris-mike-pence-were-among-those-n/
Could we finally be witnessing The Storm.
The Perfect Storm?

I will say a prayer, our constitution was divinely inspired and the constitution recognizes Jesus as our Lord. Those are just the facts, I did not write the constitution or founded this country but those who did found it on Christianity and stated the constitution was a divinely inspired document and used the tenets of Christianity as their guide.

originally posted by: SMOKINGGUN2012
Ponder this.....

edit on 5-1-2023 by fringeofthefringe because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 04:01 PM
a reply to: fringeofthefringe


(post by SMOKINGGUN2012 removed for political trolling and baiting)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 04:32 PM
Add to that in even I had to wince once I admitted to myself that all the models are men.
Every VS model.
Eventually we all have to admit it, men are prettier than women 😝 😝

But yeah.

Soooooooo, it looks like twitter opened the way for pizzagate to be revisited and hopefully finished.
Isaac Kappy for instance.
I want to ask everyone about where this is going.
It looks to me like we are now talking pizza again but now it feels like the rules have changed.
We get to talk freely now?
IMO when SCJ Scalia got murdered that was the beginning of the SC changes towards Uber conservative.
Scalia was implicated deeply with pizza.
The bust in Utah by the repentant Mormon blew everything open.
I will look for the guys name.

But this is what I am interested in.
In all my diggings I found one name that I was never disappointed in because I caught him lying.
That man is Field McConnel.
I have listened to him since the days he posted at

I never felt he wasn't telling the truth.
And it is his sister that started and organized the SES(senior executive services)
If Field said it, I believe it.
I can say that of no other.
Which leads me to Timothy Charles Holmseth.
Isaac Kappy was in direct communication with I Kappy just days before he was murdered, or disappeared.
And this is important.
So much out there with Timothy going obscure and in the shadows the last few years.
His investigations ties Broward County and is the source, through whistleblower, that claims Pence strangled children to death while raping them.

He ties Broward County to Ukraine in human trafficking exposing Wasserman Shultz.

Timothy Holmseth fully exposed Whitney Cummings murder and Casey Anthony.

So, what say you on TCH and Field McConnell?
Friends or does?
I am leaning towards heros

originally posted by: RookQueen
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hey Rel. I saw this last night and the article I read said V.S. is in BAD financial shape from loss of sales. Of course they blamed it on the younger generation not purchasing as much as they used to or something to that effect, however I was delighted to see that their sales started plummeting in 2017.......It could possibly be because so many anons dropped truth bombs about Wexner and the company!!!!!!

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 04:41 PM
a reply to: Justoneman
You are free to keep whatever you want on your table but I'm not the one who made the original claim, so, I'm not the one that has to be proven right.

As usual it is a game of let's wait and see but I have certainly noticed that in this game there exists the overused move of indictments/arrests/suicide week or weekend/disclosure/assentation/etc. are just around the corner.

We have waited over 5 years and I have heard "let's wait and see" over and over. At what point can we say "we waited and saw that it didn't happen"?

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