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-@TH3WH17ERABB17- -Q- Questions ---WHO WILL PUT AN END TO THE ENDLESS?--- -Part- --42--

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posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:01 AM
Like the naked pics that are Uber boyish?
I place that right along the planned speech Melania gave where she plagiarized word for word Michael Obama's speech just a few years before.
If they can supply a false history of Michelle then why not for witness protection for State lvl actors.

I personally had to backtrack from the pics that alluded to Melania being born male as I worked through all the scenarios.

What I can say now for certain is Melania's history is contrived.
I am in the boat that Melania is key to uniting Eastern Europe when she is exposed as being a Romanov and rightful queen.
I am not into the Royalty thing but here it comes none-the-less.

Imagine, seriously just imagine if Melania is related to Putin.

originally posted by: daskakik
a reply to: Justoneman
Probably not even worth bookmarking, not that we won't.

I'm not even sure what pheonix means by "came on the scene". Seems there are pics of her in the public domain from back in the 80's and 90's, before Princess Di died.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:09 AM
October means 8
November=9 and December =10.

In the ancient Roman calendar March is the 1st month of the year.

When they say "ancient roman" I believe they are alluding to the Enochian calendar.
Which is the ONLY accurate calendar man has ever used and is based upon lunar monthsa reply to: Guyfriday

Probably intended to obscure the true Yah given holy days and festivals.
Notice the leap years are calculated in February. The last month in the ancient roman calendar
edit on 5-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:31 AM
Some very uncomfortable truths.
On the 66th floor of Trump tower I believe DJT has an entire floor/room decked completely in gold and all about Appolo enshrined.
Son of Zeus.
The Greeks recognize Appolo as being both male and female and desired by Zeus.
Appolo had a female personality espoused as the goddess Aphrodite.
(Notice she never conceived a child by any god).
Aphrodite and Hermes(Appolo) are the same being.
Hermes/Aphrodite = hermaphrodite.

Add to this a little caveat.
Every 1st lady since at least Rosalyn Carter has been a man dressed as a woman.
Diana is another name for Aphrodite.
"They're back!".

edit on 5-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

I believe when the Son of Yah, cloaked in a flesh body, walked among us Zeus/Molech also sent his son into the world.
His name was Appolonius of Tyana.
He spent 5 years in the temple of Zeus.
He is the poser christ that the world was tricked into accepting as history was obscured by the Jesuits.
As did Yahshua come in His Father's name so did Appolonius.
Hail Zeus.
The name Jesus from the Greek is spelled XES. And pronounced as he(y) sus, or he-sus and means, hail Zeus.
Read backwards and you get the sin that damned them as they gave up their 1st estate and bore children with the daughters of men.
X= pronounced Che as in xylophone, Sus as in Zeus.
edit on 5-1-2023 by Nevercompromise because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:44 AM

UPDATE FULL VIDEO ADDITION: Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal

Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveal her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.

In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.

911 call transcript, body cam videos, and police report were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.

Ruby Freeman’s lawyer since January 2021 is Michael Gottlieb who also was lawyer and fixer for Hunter Biden and Aaron Rich, brother to Seth Rich.

a reply to: crankyoldman

edit on 0AMJanCSTAMCST by IAMTAT because: (no reason given)

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 10:51 AM
As I stated in another thread.
There is no way she is not dead if not under protection.
This is proof to me we are witnessing white hat exposure and control.
2020 is now officially being revisited.a reply to: IAMTAT

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:08 AM

originally posted by: RelSciHistItSufi
Regarding Les Wexner who, I presume still owns Victoria's Secret, comes this tweet from CBS - link at 6:30am GMT (best time to hide news)

Victoria's Secret brand CEO Amy Hauk has announced her resignation after less than a year at the helm of the women's lingerie company.

Jumping out before embroiled, or before scape-goated?

Hi Rel. Hi ATS.

Weird how some of these evil-doers have names that are anagrams/acronyms of/translate to fakeness & deceit . ..

Victoria's Secret - secret victor
Wexner (anagram) = new rex = new king. Les Wexner - the new king.
Amy Hauk, (pronounced 'hoke'?) - hoke is another word for 'act', or insincere, fake.

More examples . ..

Clinton Global Initiative = CGI = Not real. Fake. Illusion.
The World Economic Forum = The WEF, reversed The FEW.
United States = US - us
Middle East = ME - me
European Union = EU - 'you'.

Someone in US political ranks is married to a Chinese lady with the surname Chao, whose family are the Chaos = CHAOS.
Fauci - faux chi = fake life-force.
Rothschild - wrath's child.
Gates - Stage.

Moderna - Mode-rna.

The Light also does the same . ..
The Holy Spirit Of God - THSOG acronym/anag = GHOST
The Great Awakening of Mankind on Earth - The GAME.

Many will say all this is reaching a bit, it's too simple and obvious to be real, too 'under our noses' so to speak, or that it's easy to make words out of other words and yes I agree it is easy, but this is part of how they have confused language and how they communicate who/what they are. They get away with it because it IS too obvious, or too daft to be believable.

Changing the subject - I noticed on Twit lots of people unhappy that President Trump backed McCarthy for Speaker and struggling to understand why.
We can't follow DJT forever, we have to think for ourselves and he's brought us all this far and now it's time for us to fly on our own. He knows we all hang on to his words, wait for him patiently, and he knows we can't do that forever.
Perhaps he's making people question what he says by saying things that will stop us in our tracks and wonder what's going on, stop and think, instead of following blindly. Because that's what we're going to have to do when he's no longer around.

He's given us our wings. So let's do him proud and stretch them. Let's fly.

Happy New Year friends.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 11:56 AM
Jikkyleaks the whistleblowing lab mouse has a new breaking cheese.

Being the leader of the mouse army more intel about the mRNA Covid-19 jabs.

This is not looking good.
Speaking of humps "My guess is that the EMA [Australia] and the Swedish Medicine Agency know that there is something else in that product and it isn't degraded spike."
In other words there is something else in that jab but what exactly? The contamination was discovered early, in fact two weeks before the EMA approval.

This may lead us, hopefully not into a mouse trap, to the fibrous clots.
Daenarya tweet "Could explain the fibrous clots being found by medical examiners some protein is being made that doesn't have full instructions, and therefore doesn't know how to fold properly ie folds into this fibroid material?"

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:00 PM
First things first, WTF a DoobyDoll sighting???

sometimes the symbols are subtle.

Fun fact, when I arrived a the CrankyCompound I needed a curtain, figured I'd go to the local BuildBackBetter store because my mind was stuck in the past. It was beyond depressing, even worse, with a few minutes the chemicals from "scents" had caused my mind to be fried. What killed BBB, mind control scents run amok.

I really hope the TwitterFiles has shown that AI will destroy everything, and I mean quite literally everything, especially those things of a spiritual/personal nature. If the TwitterFiles shows us anything, Millennial programmers with an agenda are not only destructive, they are so stupid their agenda is simply napalm used indiscriminately.


If left unchecked, meaning not destroyed, within 5 years most if not all MSM "stories" will be written by AI. Most pop music will be written by AI. Most, if not all, healthcare will be fully controlled by AI in conjunction with DNA/DATA.

All decisions by the AI will be made based on "there isn't enough to go around." Read that again, the foundation of ALL AI will be scarcity, rationing, never enough, including AIR. Think I'm wrong, Goog "climate change oxygen levels."

What folks simply do not get, is that the AI is a reflection of the programmers, who, by and large, are 40 on down with ZERO, ZERO connection to the greater whole, no spiritual sense, no deeper intellectual sense and very little ability to do anything of substance.

The current generation is the first to be raised entirely by the STATE and reruns of Jackass+youtube challenges, and, it shows. As such, the algos will be without the spiritual component. Fact: Climate goons see the Earth as some separate from them, a thing, and object, that needs to be saved by having all humans suicide themselves. The two are not separate, Native Americans knew this, as such, they had to go = plans are hundreds of years long in some cases.

Sadly, many now argue with bots online and don't know it, many say "thank you" to the customer service phone bot, many are in the destructive loop created by AI Darpa programs through social media etc.

No AI is better than any AI, facts. Simply because those programming it, and those being controlled by it, are not sophisticated enough to hold matches and gasoline at the same time.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:04 PM

originally posted by: IAMTAT

UPDATE FULL VIDEO ADDITION: Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal

Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveal her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.

In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.

911 call transcript, body cam videos, and police report were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.

Ruby Freeman’s lawyer since January 2021 is Michael Gottlieb who also was lawyer and fixer for Hunter Biden and Aaron Rich, brother to Seth Rich.

a reply to: crankyoldman

Lemme get this straight, Ruby, who is kind of ignorant if we're honest, just looked up "Lawyers" on the internet and just happened to get Gottlieb? And Ruby, who is a pewblick servant of sorts, can pay Mikey the 600+ dollars and hour fee?

Pretty remarkable how the same names, same firms, keep showing up all over the country in controversial events as if there is a small club and we're not in it. Betcha I couldn't hire Mikey for some Pro Bono work.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:09 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I always feel slightly ill in furniture stores because of the "new furniture smell". Bad air in those places.


posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:16 PM

originally posted by: crankyoldman

originally posted by: IAMTAT

UPDATE FULL VIDEO ADDITION: Ruby Freeman Body Cam Admissions Revealed In The Georgia Ballot Scanning Scandal

Newly uncovered police body cam footage of Ruby Freeman reveal her stunning admissions that directly contradict allegations made under oath by January 6th Committee witnesses, by certain reporters and show hosts, by members of Congress, and by lawyers in sworn statements to Federal Court. Freeman volunteers to blow the whistle on election fraud.

In the body cam, Ruby Freeman alleges a coverup by the Georgia Secretary of State, the DOJ/FBI, the GBI, and the Fulton County DA.

911 call transcript, body cam videos, and police report were obtained by Open Record Requests. From that information investigators have learned that the police report was supplemented in contradiction of the facts.

Ruby Freeman’s lawyer since January 2021 is Michael Gottlieb who also was lawyer and fixer for Hunter Biden and Aaron Rich, brother to Seth Rich.

a reply to: crankyoldman

Lemme get this straight, Ruby, who is kind of ignorant if we're honest, just looked up "Lawyers" on the internet and just happened to get Gottlieb? And Ruby, who is a pewblick servant of sorts, can pay Mikey the 600+ dollars and hour fee?

Pretty remarkable how the same names, same firms, keep showing up all over the country in controversial events as if there is a small club and we're not in it. Betcha I couldn't hire Mikey for some Pro Bono work.

She must've seen one of Gottlieb's billboards..."CALL 1-800-COVERUP"

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:20 PM
Now we're cooking:

"To the surprise of no one, Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the votes to become Speaker of the House as the 7th round of voting comes to a close.

Hilariously, Rep. Matt Gaetz voted for Donald Trump for Speaker."

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:22 PM
"Will" and "When." CLIP

I don't think people understand what is being done here. DJT is squatting on the polarity, as he always does, making it utterly impossible for the opposite "side" to respond, as "we're letting drugs in because my body my choice" isn't acceptable. Joe is saying stuff like this and requires idiots to fact check what he said to prove he said something at all.

Oy, this one is being trotted out for contrast and is too stupid to realize it.

Me Yesterday Matt G today...

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:24 PM

originally posted by: Caled
Now we're cooking:

"To the surprise of no one, Kevin McCarthy doesn't have the votes to become Speaker of the House as the 7th round of voting comes to a close.

Hilariously, Rep. Matt Gaetz voted for Donald Trump for Speaker."

If the number voting for Trump goes up in the next vote, watch out.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:34 PM
a reply to: crankyoldman

I've been saying that for a while now, so have many others. The southern border/Cartels should be the sole focus of our military right now.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:37 PM
a reply to: doobydoll

Thought provoking doobydoll!

Happy New Year!!!

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 12:49 PM
a reply to: CrazyFox
I found an interesting link "The Strange Tale of Hydroxychloroquine by Robyn Chuter.
We have covered most of this already but some new detials.
Apparently Tom Hanks and his wife were treated with hydroxychloroquine when they came down with Covid in Australia, but of course it was removed for the public's own good.
I like the wording here. "The trial [for use of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid] was not just set up to fail, it was arguably designed to kill the patients." Of course Bill and Melinda Gates funded the clinical trials along with Wellcome Trust, also funded by Gates.

Tom Hanks is having issues today. This Youtube is popping up all over Twitter.
Toddlers and Tiara's With Tom Hanks and Daughter Sophi

Makes me think about some fear of walking down the streets.
From dark to light now comes Issac Kappy...Epstein!
Issac Kappy Epstein Connection

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:11 PM
The CDC has been busy again.
This is just flat out stupid.
The TSA has made an emergency amendment very discreetly that requires proof of being fully jabbed to travel to the U.S.. Effective January 9,2023 to April 10,2023.
Emergency Amendment TSA

Why just target foreign airlines? Why not U.S. airlines as well that travel internationally?
Note this was signed on December 30, 2022. # of weeks between December 30, 2022- April 10, 2023 = 14 weeks 3 days

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:14 PM

originally posted by: Thoughtful1
a reply to: CrazyFox
I found an interesting link "The Strange Tale of Hydroxychloroquine by Robyn Chuter.
We have covered most of this already but some new detials.
Apparently Tom Hanks and his wife were treated with hydroxychloroquine when they came down with Covid in Australia, but of course it was removed for the public's own good.
I like the wording here. "The trial [for use of Hydroxychloroquine as a treatment for Covid] was not just set up to fail, it was arguably designed to kill the patients." Of course Bill and Melinda Gates funded the clinical trials along with Wellcome Trust, also funded by Gates.

Tom Hanks is having issues today. This Youtube is popping up all over Twitter.
Toddlers and Tiara's With Tom Hanks and Daughter Sophi

Makes me think about some fear of walking down the streets.
From dark to light now comes Issac Kappy...Epstein!
Issac Kappy Epstein Connection

More your area than mine.

CDC Finally Released Its VAERS Safety Monitoring Analyses for COVID Vaccines via FOIA

There were 770 different types of adverse events that showed safety signals in ages 18+, of which over 500 (or 2/3) had a larger safety signal than myocarditis/pericarditis.

With regard to this ^^^, that's exactly the problem. If it was only frozen face, folks would get it. The fact that it is 700+ means that the goons and ghouls get to say "prove it..." and that's enough to stop the conversation, as it would take decades to draw a connection (even with some funding) but it only took 1 hour to make the jab and prove it was safe.

posted on Jan, 5 2023 @ 01:15 PM
a reply to: RelSciHistItSufi
Hey Rel. I saw this last night and the article I read said V.S. is in BAD financial shape from loss of sales. Of course they blamed it on the younger generation not purchasing as much as they used to or something to that effect, however I was delighted to see that their sales started plummeting in 2017.......It could possibly be because so many anons dropped truth bombs about Wexner and the company!!!!!!

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