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The Reactionary Conspiracy 13. The plot’s theology.

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posted on Feb, 7 2023 @ 06:28 PM

5) The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in October 1582 by Pope Gregory XIII. It was a way of showing the World that the Catholic Church had (and most probably have) better scientific knowledge and technology than the rest of the planet.

Amadeus of Portugal (1420-1482) was a Portuguese friar who wrote a book titled “Apocalypsis Nova”, which contains a commentary about the Book of Revelation/Apocalypse of Saint John. This book “contained prophecies of a pope, the "Angelic Pastor", who would work with an emperor to restore harmony in the church and the world”, a concept that resembles a lot the interaction between the two main protagonists (Isa/Jesus and the Mahdi) from Islamic eschatology.

According to the Wikipedia articles in Spanish and Italian languages, he was born in Ceuta, a North African city then belonging to Portugal and now to Spain.

Apparently he also had visions about the Seven Archangels, like the above-mentioned Antonio del Duca.

This Amadeus visions about the Archangels inspired Leonardo Da Vinci into painting the Virgin of the Rocks, according to the Spanish Wikipedia.

The Gregorian Calendar was introduced in 1582, exactly 100 years after the passing of Amadeus. This calendar has the following rule for leap years:

Every year that is exactly divisible by four is a leap year, except for years that are exactly divisible by 100, but these centurial years are leap years if they are exactly divisible by 400. For example, the years 1700, 1800, and 1900 are not leap years, but the year 2000 is.

The 100 is a reference to the Amadeus demise, which took place a hundred years earlier, in 1482.

The 400 is a reference to an event that took place four hundred years later, in 1982, when a Spanish far-right priest tried to kill Pope John Paul II on 12 May 1982 in Fátima, Portugal. In turn, this incident is connected to another two previous episodes:

1) The attempted assassination of Ronald Reagan on 30 March 1981 in Washington D.C.

2) The attempted assassination on 13 May 1981 in the Vatican City. In fact, the Pope was performing a pilgrimage to Fátima in 1982 to thank for having survived this attack when he suffered the other above-mentioned attempt.

Clues to solve this part of the puzzle:

• The 1982 assassination attempt connected to the another two ones one year earlier, in 1981, would be a symbolic reference to the prophetic character of the book “Apocalypsis Nova”.

• These two personalities (John Paul II and Ronald Reagan) are a reference to the two characters (The Pope and the Emperor) from the Amadeus book.

• The man who tried to kill Pope John Paul II in 1981 was a member of a Turkish extreme-right group.

• The man who tried to kill President Reagan in 1981 was born in Oklahoma, which is the 46th state admitted to the United States of America.

• Fátima is located in Portugal, the country of Amadeus.

• The Sanctuary of Fátima was build based on Marian apparitions that took place on 1917, four hundred years after the conventional beginning of the Protestan Reformation in 1517.

• Fatima is an Arabic female given name, and the name of the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad that married Ali, the first Shia Imam.

In conclusion, all these interconnected facts indicate us that our previous assumption was correct, and the reactionary conspiracy was indeed designed in the XVI Century, and that Spain and Portugal are in the nucleus of this scheme and also are the key to get the American continent, the bridge to go there.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 02:42 PM

• The man who tried to kill President Reagan in 1981 was born in Oklahoma, which is the 46th state admitted to the United States of America.

• Fatima is an Arabic female given name, and the name of the daughter of the Islamic prophet Muhammad that married Ali, the first Shia Imam.

• Muhammad is called Mahoma in Spanish.

posted on Feb, 8 2023 @ 05:57 PM
The painting Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) attributed in whole or in part to Leonardo da Vinci, and dated to circa 1499-1510, was auctioned on 15 November 2017 for 450.3 million USD, becoming the most expensive painting ever sold. The buyer was the Saudi monarchy using a department of the United Arab Emirates.

It is this one:

Findings from this deed:

• The auction took place exactly 500 years and 15 days after the publication on 31 October 1517 of the “Ninety-five Theses” of Martin Luther, the starting point of the Protestant Reformation. 15 = AE = Arriba España (Up with Spain, a Francoist motto).

• It also took place 100 years and 8 days after the beginning of the Bolshevik Revolution on 7 November 1917. 8 = H = Hitler.

• From the amount 450.3, 45 would be a reference to 1945, the year in which the Second World War ended and Adolf Hitler disappeared.

• The painting was bought supposedly for the Louvre Abu Dhabi. “Louvre Abu Dhabi” is an anagram of “The man [Adolf Hitler] in Bhutan lives”. Explanation:

Louvre = L’home = The man ( in Catalan).

a = in (in Catalan).

bu Dha = Bhutan.

bi = viu = He lives (in Catalan).

• The painting itself contains a numeric code:

The fingers crossed from his right hand mean X.

The two straps crossing on his chest mean X.

The three white dots from the crystal orb mean III.

So the overall meaning would be XXIII = 23, an allusion to 2023, the starting year of 5th phase, and to the real meaning of the “Prophecy of the Popes”(That is, the existence of both Pope John XXIII and Antipope John XXIII) already discussed in the first page of this thread. So this would be another proof the reactionary conspiracy was designed in the 16th Century.
edit on 8 2 2023 by MarxistDebunker because: (no reason given)

posted on Feb, 11 2023 @ 01:12 PM
There are two films in which gigantic hands can be seen:

The Fall of the Roman Empire, a film released on 24 March 1964 in the UK and on 26 March 1964 in the USA. It is set during the end of the reign of emperor Marcus Aurelius in the year 180 CE.

Images from this film:

Then a group of men are briefly showed flogging themselves, a practice more associated to some extremist forms of Christianism rather than to a polytheistic society like the Roman one from the year 180 CE.

Finally we can see the palm of the hand:

Logan’s Run, a science fiction film released on 23 June 1976.

Images from this movie:

posted on Feb, 15 2023 @ 03:50 PM
Centurion, a historical film released on 23 April 2010 and set in Roman Britain during the year 117 CE.

In it we can see a hand as an emblem of the Ninth Legio:

Same still from another company (YouTube, the above one is from HBO):

Given that they can be seen at slightly different times, it appears the duration and/or pace of the films is not the same in all providers.

A clearer view:

Interesting enough, the 9th Legion was called Hispana (Spanish) and it’s nicknamed The Lost Legion because it disappeared from surviving Roman records around 120 CE.

Regarding this last fact, I have found three works connected to it:

Legion, an apocalyptic film released on 22 January 2010.

• The television series Lost ended on 23 May 2010.

• A debut extended play titled The… from the South Korean boyband JYJ. It was released on 8 September 2010 in Japan, but the rental CD was available, also in Japan, on 25 September 2010.

The DVD of this work has a duration of 25 minutes, and the letter in the middle of the group’s name is Y, which is equivalent to twenty-five.

In turn, these three seem to be linked to another two:

The Eagle, a historic film with a thematic similar to the above mentioned “Centurion”, in which the Ninth Legion also appears. It was released on 11 February 2011 in the UK and on 25 March 2011 in the USA.

• The song T.H.E. (The Hardest Ever), which was released on 20 November 2011, exactly 36 years after the passing of Francisco Franco (20 November 1975). This song has the vocals of three interpreters, while the group JYJ was formed by three performers.

In conclusion, the symbol of the hand appears to be a reference to Spain, to the Roman Catholic Church or to both.

posted on Feb, 16 2023 @ 01:46 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

The 1527 Sack of Rome took place after the capture of the city on 6 May 1527. It was carried out by mutinous troops of the King of Spain Charles I (who was then also the Holy Roman Emperor, using the name Charles V).

This event could have played a role in the developing of the reactionary conspiracy due to the following facts:

• More than half of the troops were Germans, a number of them being Lutherans. This sack exacerbated the hatred between Catholics and Lutherans and probably made reconciliation impossible. The reactionaries need confrontation between the working class, the more the better, so this would had served their plans.

• Pope Clement VII escaped thanks to the Passetto di Borgo, which was a secure elevated passage that connects the Vatican City to Castel Sant'Angelo.

• It’s very strange a monarch so Catholic like the King of Spain didn’t pay his soldiers precisely when they were fighting in Italy.

• Even though this sack was against the wishes of Charles I, the Pope surrendered one month later (on 6 June 1527) and had to pay a ransom of 400,000 ducati and ceded at least one territory (Modena) to the Holy Roman Empire.

In my opinion this sack was planned by the reactionary conspiracy and made by soldiers who knew nothing about it.The Passetto di Borgo is connected to the fictional Borg, already mentioned in the 1st page of this thread. The amount of ransom the Pope had to pay would be a reference to the number of inhabitants the Earth would have after the 5th phase (2023-2033): From a previous population of 8,000 million, the conspirators are going to try to kill 95% of it (7,600 million) and end up with 400 million.

posted on Apr, 19 2023 @ 03:56 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

The remake of Resident Evil 4 was released on 24 March 2023, exactly 59 years after the film “The Fall of the Roman Empire” was released.

Images of this Japanese video game, which is set in Spain, with two gigantic hands appearing in a religious environment:

To resolve this puzzle one has to find two stone heads (Apostate’s Head and Blasphemer’s Head) and put them on the hands (one per hand).

Please, observe how they are using here the same language (Apostate, blasphemer) that the jihadists use in their media. The fact that they are heads and not other thing seems to be an allusion to the beheading murders for which the ISIS/DAESH is known for.

The following are the inventory descriptions of these two items (from the website

posted on Apr, 22 2023 @ 09:56 AM
In this same video game (RE 4 remake) we can find a treasure called “Justitia Statue” (Statue of Justice). In it we can see she is stepping a snake. This an example of reactionary subliminal propaganda by means of mixing the Goddess of Justice (being blindfolded and holding a balance) with an attribute of a Christian/Catholic Saint (Stepping on a snake).

posted on Apr, 24 2023 @ 01:18 AM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker
+1 only symbolizes that the global phone system started here. To this day the phone systems of the US and Canada are very closely linked.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:25 AM
Thirteen threads trying to explain the reactionary conspiracy the best I can, and not a single user of ATS has ever entered in one of them to simply ask questions about it or to engage in a constructive dialogue. Only accounts leaving passive-aggressive comments or other type of misleading content, the vast majority of them (if not all) being controlled by the same conspiracy I’m exposing here.

Please, and this is very important, if anyone not belonging to the conspiracy is reading this, please I beg you all to enter any of my threads and ask questions about this complot.

These threads are not entertainment, this conspiracy is real, it has already killed hundreds of millions of human beings and they are plotting to kill 95% of the current world population during the 5th phase (2023-2033) of their main plan.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 10:35 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Thirteen threads trying to explain the reactionary conspiracy the best I can […]

Actually they are fourteen threads in the main series because I decided to number one of them “2.1”.

Apart from these fourteen, I have written several others with introductory or additional information.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 11:20 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker
Thirteen threads trying to explain the reactionary conspiracy the best I can, and not a single user of ATS has ever entered in one of them to simply ask questions about it or to engage in a constructive dialogue. Only accounts leaving passive-aggressive comments or other type of misleading content, the vast majority of them (if not all) being controlled by the same conspiracy I’m exposing here.

Please, and this is very important, if anyone not belonging to the conspiracy is reading this, please I beg you all to enter any of my threads and ask questions about this complot.

These threads are not entertainment, this conspiracy is real, it has already killed hundreds of millions of human beings and they are plotting to kill 95% of the current world population during the 5th phase (2023-2033) of their main plan.

Formulating/perceiving the machinations of HOW things come about is much easier than deciphering WHY things are designed to cause such widespread confusion.
Dominance is the why.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 12:11 PM
a reply to: MarxistDebunker

In the message I’m replying to I wrote this paragraph:

In conclusion, I have to change again my previous statement about the beginning of the Reactionary Conspiracy by this new one: Based on my current knowledge of the Conspiracy, it is my opinion that it was designed mainly in the XVI Century, probably between the 1530s and the 1580s.

Regarding the beginning of the conspiracy I have found a date (in Roman numerals) that could be the starting point of the reactionary conspiracy. It can be seen towards the end of the remake of the video game Resident Evil 4, in the rear side of a monument called “Monolito del origen” (named Provenance Monolith in the English version).

MDLIV is 1554.

For adding context, this is the front side of this monument:

A more panoramic view of this place:

In conclusion, I believe the reactionary conspirators used this video game to announce/confess that 1554 is the year the conspiracy started. Maybe (most probably) it was thought and designed in the two or three decades prior to this year, but it started to develop in the real world on this date.

I have found that Queen Mary I of England and Philip II of Spain married on 23-25 July 1554, so this three days ceremony seems to be the way the leadership of the conspiracy (The Roman Catholic Church) used for announcing in the real world the beginning of their plot, that is what I call the reactionary conspiracy.

Let’s remember that Queen Elizabeth I tried to reinstate Catholicism in England. Also the three days chosen for the wedding (23, 24 and 25) are clearly a reference to the years 2023, 2024 and 2025, which are the key years of the 5th phase, since they are the beginning of this phase and 2025 is the year of the planned return of Adolf Hitler.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 02:51 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

Let’s remember that Queen Elizabeth I tried to reinstate Catholicism in England.

I made a mistake here. It was Queen Mary I (not Elizabeth I) who tried to reinstate Catholicism in England during her reign that spanned from 1553 until her demise in 1558, when she was only 42 years old.

Concretely she reigned from July 1553 through 17 November 1558, so this would give us a reign of five years and four months, this 54 could be a reference/confirmation of the year 1554 as being the starting point of the reactionary conspiracy. What I mean which this is that the conspirators made Queen Mary I die (with her consent or not) precisely on the date she died to form this aforementioned fifty-four with her reign time.

posted on Apr, 26 2023 @ 05:23 PM

originally posted by: loveguy

Formulating/perceiving the machinations of HOW things come about is much easier than deciphering WHY things are designed to cause such widespread confusion.
Dominance is the why.

Can you be more specific? What do you mean exactly?

posted on Apr, 27 2023 @ 02:44 PM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

The painting Salvator Mundi (Savior of the World) attributed in whole or in part to Leonardo da Vinci, and dated to circa 1499-1510, was auctioned on 15 November 2017 for 450.3 million USD, becoming the most expensive painting ever sold. The buyer was the Saudi monarchy using a department of the United Arab Emirates.

It is this one:


In Resident Evil 4 (remake), near the Monolito del origen/Provenance Monolith, we can find this inscription:

OSMUND is an anagram of “Salvator Mundi”.

XV = 15. This would be an allusion to the day (15) this painting was auctioned.

Therefore, OSMUND XV is referencing the fact that the picture Salvator Mundi was selled through auction on 15 November 2017.

So this inscription works as a confirmation/validation (akin to a check digit but instead of using a number or set of numbers, it uses a real event) that tells us our previous assumption about the overall meaning of the Provenance Monolith (That is, the year 1554 being the starting point of the conspiracy) is correct.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 02:01 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

OSMUND is an anagram of “Salvator Mundi”.

No, it is NOT! Perhaps you are using the wrong English word. Your English is otherwise excellent but an anagram is something you get when you rearrange the letters of a word or phrase and use all of them. You don't get to add or remove letters and call it an anagram!

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 09:15 AM

originally posted by: MarxistDebunker

originally posted by: loveguy

Formulating/perceiving the machinations of HOW things come about is much easier than deciphering WHY things are designed to cause such widespread confusion.
Dominance is the why.

Can you be more specific? What do you mean exactly?

Let's nickname the them/they that influence us in our everyday decision making: influencers. Personally, I call them the blue in the face mfers because everything they advocate for is the antithesis of living healthy and happy. "Be good to one another."
Because we are malleable and so easy to manipulate with one line news bit headlines. We imitate headless chickens unfit for consumption from day to day. Never anything to behold and celebrate. Always something to trigger fear/anger.

It's a mechanism that could also result in happy healthy living if the appropriate trigger words phrases used to influence our malleable minds.

They don't want happy healthy for us so we should just take that away from them.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 10:04 AM
a reply to: loveguy

If the working-class of the world wanted to be happy and healthy they should have totally destroyed the reactionary conspiracy in the Second World War instead of allowing two fascist states, Spain and Portugal, to survive this war.

Now they are going to have to do the same (totally destroying the reactionary conspiracy) if they just want to be alive.

posted on Apr, 28 2023 @ 10:28 AM
a reply to: skeptical808

Just replace the word “anagram” by reference/hint/allusion or something like that. It’s not that important and I’m not even going to edit my posts because intelligent people know how to read between lines.

To anyone who may be interested:

I’m very busy trying to decode this plot as fast as I can, given the fact that I am doing it completely alone while living with two relatives that are members of the conspiracy, so please: ask specific questions related to the conspiracy or its investigation if you have any or go somewhere else.

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