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They are Starting to Turn on Each Other

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posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:50 PM
I think people equate any time they are not doing what they themselves are passionate about as to hard.

I am at work 40 hours a week, I might have to actually work hard about 10 hours a week, I work harder at home with the wife and kid than at work.

I dont slave I have done work since becoming an adult that I enjoyed, I make enough to pay my bills and get some vacation time.

I have been supported for 4 years before living in germany, It sucked I would much rather work support my family and have some fun when I am off work.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 07:37 PM

originally posted by: Maxmars
a reply to: Bloodworth

I imagine that you'll see more of this because it appears that millions of people discovered that they can be comfortable not working anymore... unless the stats I heard of were cooked to make a political point (which is always possible.)

But resentment about others is hardly a productive pathway for dealing with the disparity. I wish I had the wisdom to offer you that might lessen the way what your observing is unsettling to you in particular. Clearly you are not alone in what you are seeing, and people who are suffering can sometimes hardly avoid becoming bitter about their lot when they witness so many who are not.

You have given me a lot to think about. I will.

The grass is always greener........many have it much easier and many have it much harder....I guess it how you look at it.
I'm always thankful

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