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They are Starting to Turn on Each Other

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posted on Oct, 25 2022 @ 10:14 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone

On the other hand, sometimes I feel that the young people today (the 'quiet quitters') just refuse to follow the hard life that society and government has set before them - just because 'that's how it's always been done'. And it's getting harder and harder as time goes on and nothing is changing. Maybe the younger generation is justified in their disgust and anger with the status quo.

What is harder? It all depends on what do you see as your quality of living. If living a minimalist lifestyle is fine with you then have at it. We are well past the old model that you either work or die, so people today have a lot of options. If one of those options is to live a consumer lifestyle well good luck with that if you decide you don't need to work. BTW it wasn't that long ago people worked pretty much all their waking hours to survive, so please define harder and harder?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:49 AM
a reply to: Xtrozero

If you analyze your personal lifestyle, the hours you work, and for what. It all comes down to land. If you have enough you can grow enough to feed yourself and trade the excess at a market. Luxuries like tobacco, and booze, can be produced on the same property. So what else do you need? we are essentially talking about ten hours of labor a week to provide these necessities, five 100-watt solar panels, and four 100-amp-hour batteries are all you need for power.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 10:44 AM
a reply to: ancientlight

Yea, that's sort of the way collectivist societies go. See, Venezuela.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 11:54 AM

originally posted by: anonentity

If you analyze your personal lifestyle, the hours you work, and for what. It all comes down to land. If you have enough you can grow enough to feed yourself and trade the excess at a market. Luxuries like tobacco, and booze, can be produced on the same property. So what else do you need? we are essentially talking about ten hours of labor a week to provide these necessities, five 100-watt solar panels, and four 100-amp-hour batteries are all you need for power.

You are talking a very minimalist lifestyle. Is that what you like? It sure isn't what I like or want... How many true hours do I really slave at working per week? Maybe 20...

If we look at people today, they work the least number of hours in the history of the human race, man we have a ton of free time. I really think if you analyzed all aspects of what you suggest above it would be a hell of a lot more work than you work today. All the convivences we take for granted is because people are working in the background at many levels to make them happen. When you go into a store and see a bag of potatoes think about how many people were involved to get them to you, and all you need to do is buy them, go home and in 45 mins or less you are eating them. You start to replace that work to get you the bag of potatoes with your own and everything will take a good amount of time over months for you to do it.

The other side to all this is the massive choices you have in EVERYTHING year round, HOLY CRAP! Take your booze example, I can work like 1 hour and get a 1/2 gallon of Booze from a selection of 1000s and I don't need to drink your crappy mud water that I traded 12 hours of labor to get.

We are the freest today to do whatever we want in the last 2 million years....

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 12:38 PM
Who cares?

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 01:00 PM
Hate. The last 20 years people and children alike have been taught hate.

The 80's were Benetton era and everyone living together. Did not matter who you were. Black.White. Chinese. Gay. Dog. Did not matter....there was no hate. There was bigotry but for the most part, hate and racism were waning. That was unacceptable to some.

Those who accused others of being entitled became the entitled themselves. When I see a POC in a college that costs 45k a year yelling at some white kid who is probably there on scholarship about oppression it lets me know they succeeded to a point...but the majority is getting sick of it and we are entering the next 20 year cycle.

Oppressed? When I see illegals coming across the border with nicer shoes than mine I know it is all a farce.

The OP. I cannot go on Twit anymore even to catch up on current events from some people I follow because all you see is HATE and BLAME. Like this. Taylor Swift released a song and video and in it she had the word FAT. People freaked out. Talked about how insensitive and she should change the video.These people are taking away self expression and free speech...with hate.

posted on Oct, 26 2022 @ 03:37 PM
a reply to: matafuchs
Don't forget about fanny pack wearers. They had a really hard time.

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 08:16 AM
a reply to: JAGStorm

what is more privileged waking up in a garden to drink coffee with your partner and sharing it with the world
or having a computer and access to the internet to complain about it

these people are just as privileged some people dont have access to computers or the internet

an estimated 2.9 billion people or 37% of the worlds population dont have a computer and have never used the internet

they can take their opinions and stick them richt whaur the sun disnae shine
so their goal is for others not to have joy
and we must all suffer equally

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 12:02 PM
a reply to: Mantiss2021

Let me tell you, since the end of the world as we know it began in 2020, my life has been great!

I get to work from home! So does my spouse!

I hated my life when I worked in a stupid office. I spent most of my day staring at a computer screen pretending to be busy, and listening to the hateful and snide gossip of colleagues.

This summer we rented a house with a beautiful but neglected back yard. I have tilled this great patch of land, and dug steps into the hilly part. The soil looks great. I can't wait to plant a bunch of crops this spring. Hopefully our lives don't ever return to the way it was.

Things seem to be going great for us. And we owe a big thank you to the end of the world as we know it!

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 02:30 PM
a reply to: JAGStorm

People who do stupid things like that are going to be attacked. Someone will be jealous, angry, or not care. I would never post anything personal like that online, you're either flaunting what you buy or asking for it. It's no one's business what is in anyone's bank account. Basically, she got what she deserved. 🤷‍♀️

posted on Oct, 27 2022 @ 09:29 PM
You know it's getting bad, when the lower middle class is getting resentment.
If people are starting to resent those that have an average house, with an average car, in an average city, all supported by an average job that just barely pays for it all.
edit on 27-10-2022 by Blue_Jay33 because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 01:46 AM
How sad for the complainers in this one. What better thing can one have then to take time with your beloved companion and have a nice coffee in a garden. To me, that is as idyllic as it gets. But then, I have that moon in cancer thing anyway.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:15 PM
I came in late to the thread, but I thought it worth mentioning that I would wager some of the apparent 'knee-jerk' hateful comments are in fact bots.

We already know this is being done in social media... whether for "research" purposes, or as an algorithmic 'exercise'. I seem to recall that Facebook fielded this kind of 'user' feedback management - it was cited in their own research publications... maybe someone can back me up? I don't have access to the original material.

Why would someone do this? What could they possibly benefit from having an automated bot spew mean-spirited responses... I don't pretend to know... only that it has been done before.

posted on Oct, 28 2022 @ 05:30 PM

originally posted by: quintessentone
a reply to: JAGStorm

We all need a crash course in handling this new type of trolling because ignoring it will just make it worse and might start up the 'group trolling' which is a bunch of trolls who will pile on a victim because there is safety in numbers.

Yeah, but they're retards who geolocate their stupid asses, link all their public acounts, AND tell you who they work for openly nowadays.

Or rather, worked for. Because employment is never guaranteed anymore, amirite folks?

Pigeonholing goes both ways. It's an icky pill, in that backlash context (as unlikely as it is) Thus they better make sure they like the flavor.

A lot.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:33 AM
I don't know,,,seems like a lot of people by me get to live this slow life and have so much free time

Either they are sitting on a boat load of money or they get income coming in from werid ways

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 06:01 AM
a reply to: Bloodworth

I imagine that you'll see more of this because it appears that millions of people discovered that they can be comfortable not working anymore... unless the stats I heard of were cooked to make a political point (which is always possible.)

But resentment about others is hardly a productive pathway for dealing with the disparity. I wish I had the wisdom to offer you that might lessen the way what your observing is unsettling to you in particular. Clearly you are not alone in what you are seeing, and people who are suffering can sometimes hardly avoid becoming bitter about their lot when they witness so many who are not.

You have given me a lot to think about. I will.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:08 AM

originally posted by: Xtrozero
If we look at people today, they work the least number of hours in the history of the human race, man we have a ton of free time. I really think if you analyzed all aspects of what you suggest above it would be a hell of a lot more work than you work today.

Just curious, where do you get your numbers from? I'm thinking you assumed this. I don't have the cites right now but back before the industrial revolution, I think I read it was something like six hours of work a day. Of course, once factories started, work hours shot-up.

Since the 50's it has been going down a little but you have to consider free time. In the 1950's, in most households, one person worked and the other stayed home. Now, it's unusual for one person to devout all their time to care taking. All of that cleaning, cooking, washing has to be done on your "free time". Don't forget pre-covid many people had insane commute times which were not counted as working hours but took from their free time.

So I bet if you factored in household work and commuting, you would find free time is almost non-existent.

People don't need as much as they think - having multiple generations live together reduces expenses in almost half. Rent/mortgage is cheaper, utilities, food costs, cooking/cleaning and yard work is shared. A $50 Android phone works as well as a $500 Apple, a $3 Goodwill shirt isn't that much different than a $30 shirt, no commute means you can keep your old car.

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 09:23 AM
a reply to: Daughter2

"Free time" is a difficult thing to define comfortably. It might be said that my making this post is free time... but then again it might not necessarily be so.

I heard it argued that 15 minutes a day is like 90 hours a year; and by that scale (around a whole week each year) it seems somehow more significant. Think about something you do for 15 minutes a day in your free time and note that you spent a whole week doing just that one thing last year.

Then there's the difficulty in making a judgement on activities which were honestly "free time" as opposed to survival-driven essential activities. I was pondering "naps" (which are commonly considered to be use of such free time) ... except some folks actually "need" those naps. Are those still considered "free?"

You are correct though - many people we know around me have begun to learn or are beginning to learn that they were spending far too much on things and activities they previously thought were essential - which turned out to be untrue...

edit on 10/29/2022 by Maxmars because: gammar

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:04 PM

originally posted by: Daughter2

People don't need as much as they think - having multiple generations live together reduces expenses in almost half. Rent/mortgage is cheaper, utilities, food costs, cooking/cleaning and yard work is shared. A $50 Android phone works as well as a $500 Apple, a $3 Goodwill shirt isn't that much different than a $30 shirt, no commute means you can keep your old car.

I agree 100%... I have debated about just what does the "living" part of a living wage really means. I also think single living is a luxury and not some right, so yes people can and do live on less than 2000 per month, but the problem is that the ones that complain about a "living wage" they do that because they want a lifestyle well above their skills and effort to get there.

In the 50s an average work week was 48 hours, today it is 37. In the early 1800s some pushed to lower the working hours per day to 10 and that was a big reduction. later in the 1800s it was pushed to 8 hours per day and Ford in 1914 invented the "only" 40 hours per week work week we see to day.

Today the average is a around 1700 to 1800 hours per year. Some EU countries are in the low 30s per week with a good amount of time off to around 1400 hours per year. Prior to the industrial revolution people worked about 1500 hours per year, but that was all done in 6 months then they huddled for 6 months almost hibernating through the winter. That put them at 58 hours per week for 6 months.

When I talk free time that is time where you are not working both external at a job and internal as in your house chores/eating/hygiene etc. I'm talking pure free time to do whatever you want. It is a huge amount for most per week.

edit on 29-10-2022 by Xtrozero because: (no reason given)

posted on Oct, 29 2022 @ 01:43 PM
a reply to: Maxmars

Just IMO, but in my personal view, "free time" is exactly that -- time periods in your day, not bound by obligatory income stream-maintenance tasks/work-for-recompense barter (in other words, a job) or personal life & lifestyle maintenance tasks (meal cooking, dwelling care/cleaning, animal care, property care, etc)

True free time not associated with either category is very scarce, if we're honest with ourselves. Seldom does someone have enough open free time post-tasks to have the world be their proverbial - albeit brief - oyster on any given day of the week.

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